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GSA OIG Contractor Reporting

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The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) have agreed on a final rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to amplify the requirements for a contractor code of business ethics and conduct, an internal control system, and disclosure to the Government of certain violations of criminal law, violations of the civil False Claims Act, or significant overpayments. This final rule implements Pub. L. 110–252, Title VI, Chapter 1.

Effective Date: December 12, 2008.

Under the rule, a contractor must timely disclose to the relevant agency’s Office of Inspector General, in connection with the award, performance, or closeout of a Government contract performed by the contractor or a subcontract awarded thereunder, credible evidence of a violation of Federal criminal law involving fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, or gratuity violations found in Title 18 of the United States Code or a violation of the civil False Claims Act.

Source: 73 Fed. Reg. 67064, 67064, 67090 (Nov. 12, 2008).

Make a Report

Once you have submitted your report, we will automatically send you a copy of the information you submitted as confirmation for your records.

This form is provided as a convenience to allow contractors to comply with the reporting requirements in the December 12, 2008, FAR amendment, 73 Fed. Reg. 67064. Specifically, contractors may use this form to satisfy the requirement that they notify, in writing, the agency (GSA) Office of the Inspector General, whenever the contractor has credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, or subcontractor of the Contractor has committed a violation of the civil False Claims Act or a violation of Federal criminal law involving fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, or gratuity violations in connection with the award, performance, or closeout of a contract or any related subcontract. The individual completing this form must be an authorized representative empowered to speak for the company. When you submit this electronic form an email will automatically be generated to send you a tracking number and a copy of what you have submitted. The information you are providing is not deemed to be submitted until you have received that confirmation email. If you wish to provide information that does not fall within these guidelines, please visit the Inspector General Hotline.

GSA OIG Contractor Reporting Form


If you are unsure if this form applies or you have any questions, please contact Counsel to the Inspector General at or (202) 501-1932.

GSA Office of Inspector General

Attn: FAR Contractor Reporting

Office of Audits (JA)

1800 F Street NW, Room 5318

Washington, DC 20405


Begin Report


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Last updated: 10/23/2015