Facing Forward: When Someone You Love Has Completed Cancer Treatment

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When Someone You Love Has Completed Cancer Treatment is for friends and family members of a person who has finished cancer treatment. Until now, many caregivers have focused on getting the patient through treatment. But once treatment is over, many changes and shifts take place for everyone.

This booklet covers:

  • Adjusting to a new normal as your loved one still deals with the effects of treatment and changes
  • Your emotions as you shift your focus away from treatment
  • Tips on caring for both your physical and emotional self
  • Helping your loved one with follow-up medical care
  • Talking with your partner about this new transition in care
  • Talking with your children and other family members about post-treatment issues
  • Life planning issues

Once treatment ends, many caregivers aren't sure what to do next. It can be a time of mixed emotions where the full impact of what they’ve gone through with their loved one may start to hit. This booklet offers tips and strategies to cope with these transitions.

The information in this booklet was last updated in September 2014.