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115th Congress    }                                {   Rept. 115-480
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session      }                                {           Part 1



 December 21, 2017.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on 
            the State of the Union and ordered to be printed


Mr. Brady of Texas, from the Committee on Ways and Means, submitted the 

                              R E P O R T

                        [To accompany H.R. 3727]

      [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]

    The Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was referred the 
bill (H.R. 3727) to amend title XVIII of the Social Security 
Act to include additional telehealth services for purposes of 
MA organization bids, and for other purposes, having considered 
the same, report favorably thereon with an amendment and 
recommend that the bill as amended do pass.


  I. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND...........................................3
          A. Purpose and Summary.................................     3
          B. Background and Need for Legislation.................     3
          C. Legislative History.................................     4
 II. EXPLANATION OF THE BILL..........................................4
          A. The Increasing Telehealth Access in Medicare Act....     4
III. VOTES OF THE COMMITTEE...........................................5
 IV. BUDGET EFFECTS OF THE BILL.......................................5
          A. Committee Estimate of Budgetary Effects.............     5
          B. Statement Regarding New Budget Authority and Tax 
              Expenditures Budget Authority......................     6
          C. Cost Estimate Prepared by the Congressional Budget 
              Office.............................................     6
          A. Committee Oversight Findings and Recommendations....     8
          B. Statement of General Performance Goals and 
              Objectives.........................................     8
          C. Information Relating to Unfunded Mandates...........     8
          D. Congressional Earmarks, Limited Tax Benefits, and 
              Limited Tariff Benefits............................     9
          E. Duplication of Federal Programs.....................     9
          F. Disclosure of Directed Rule Makings.................     9

    The amendment is as follows:
  Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the 


  This Act may be cited as the ``Increasing Telehealth Access in 
Medicare Act'' or the ``ITAM Act''.


  (a) In General.--Section 1852 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
1395w-22) is amended--
          (1) in subsection (a)(1)(B)(i), by adding at the end the 
        following new sentence: ``For plan year 2020 and each 
        subsequent plan year, for purposes of subsection (m) and 
        section 1854, in the case that an MA plan makes an election 
        described in subsection (m)(1) with respect to such plan year, 
        additional telehealth services shall be treated as a benefit 
        under the original medicare fee-for-service program option with 
        respect to such plan and plan year.''; and
          (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
  ``(m) Provision of Additional Telehealth Services.--
          ``(1) MA plan option.--For purposes of subsection 
        (a)(1)(B)(i), an election described in this paragraph, with 
        respect to an MA plan and plan year, is an election by the 
        sponsor of such plan to provide under the plan for such plan 
        year, in accordance with the subsequent provisions of this 
        subsection, additional telehealth services (as defined in 
        paragraph (2)) as a benefit under the original medicare fee-
        for-service program option. Such additional telehealth 
        services, with respect to a plan year, shall be in addition to 
        benefits included under the original medicare fee-for-service 
        program option for such year.
          ``(2) Additional telehealth services defined.--
                  ``(A) In general.--For purposes of this subsection 
                and section 1854, the term `additional telehealth 
                services' means, subject to subparagraph (C), services, 
                with respect to a year--
                          ``(i) for which payment may be made under 
                        part B (without regard to application of 
                        section 1834(m));
                          ``(ii) that, if furnished via a 
                        telecommunications system, would not be payable 
                        under section 1834(m);
                          ``(iii) furnished using electronic 
                        information and telecommunications technology;
                          ``(iv) furnished in accordance with such 
                        requirements as the Secretary specifies 
                        pursuant to paragraph (3); and
                          ``(v) which are identified for such year by 
                        the Secretary as appropriate to furnish using 
                        electronic information and telecommunications 
                        technology where a physician (as defined in 
                        section 1861(r)) or practitioner (described in 
                        section 1842(b)(18)(C)) furnishing the service 
                        is not at the same location as the plan 
                  ``(B) Flexibility for phasing in identifications.--In 
                making identifications under subparagraph (A)(v), the 
                Secretary shall make such identifications annually and 
                may make such identifications in a manner that results 
                in additional telehealth services being phased in, as 
                determined appropriate by the Secretary.
                  ``(C) Exclusion of capital and infrastructure costs 
                and investments.--For purposes of this subsection and 
                section 1854, the term `additional telehealth services' 
                does not include capital and infrastructure costs and 
                investments relating to such benefits provided pursuant 
                to this subsection.
          ``(3) Requirements for additional telehealth services.--The 
        Secretary shall specify requirements for the provision of 
        additional telehealth services with respect to--
                  ``(A) qualifications (other than licensure) of 
                physicians and practitioners who furnish such services;
                  ``(B) the technology used in furnishing such 
                  ``(C) factors necessary for coordination of 
                additional telehealth services with other services; and
                  ``(D) such other criteria (such as clinical criteria) 
                as determined by the Secretary.
          ``(4) Enrollee choice.--An MA plan that provides a service as 
        an additional telehealth service may not, when furnished 
        without use of electronic information and telecommunications 
        technology, deny access to the equivalent in-person service.
          ``(5) Construction.--
                  ``(A) In general.--In determining if an MA 
                organization or MA plan, as applicable, is in 
                compliance with each requirement specified in 
                subparagraph (B), such determination shall be made 
                without regard to any additional telehealth services 
                covered by the plan offered by such organization or 
                plan pursuant to this subsection.
                  ``(B) Requirements specified.--The requirements 
                specified in this subparagraph are the following:
                          ``(i) The requirements under subsection (d).
                          ``(ii) The requirement under subsection 
                        (a)(1) with respect to covering benefits under 
                        the original medicare fee-for-service program 
                        option, as defined in the first sentence of 
                        paragraph (B)(i) of such subsection.''.
  (b) Inclusion of Additional Telehealth Services in MA Organization 
Bid Amount.--Section 1854(a)(6)(A)(ii)(I) of the Social Security Act 
(42 U.S.C. 1395w-24(a)(6)(A)(ii)(I)) is amended by inserting ``, 
including, for plan year 2020 and subsequent plan years, the provision 
of such benefits through the use of additional telehealth services 
under section 1852(m)'' before the semicolon at the end.

                    MANAGEMENT SERVICES.

  Section 1848(b)(8) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395(b)(8)) 
is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:
                  ``(C) Clarification.--In carrying out this paragraph, 
                with respect to chronic care management services, the 
                Secretary may, subject to subparagraph (B), make 
                payment for such services furnished through the use of 
                secure messaging, Internet, store and forward 
                technologies, or other non-face-to-face communication 
                methods determined appropriate by the Secretary.''.


  It is the sense of Congress that there should be--
          (1) parity, with respect to access to telehealth, between the 
        original medicare fee-for-service program under parts A and B 
        of title XVIII of the Social Security Act and the Medicare 
        Advantage program under part C of such title; and
          (2) access to medically appropriate, quality telehealth for 
        all Medicare beneficiaries.


  Section 1898(b)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 
1395iii(b)(1)) is amended by striking ``during and after fiscal year 
2021, $270,000,000'' and inserting ``during and after fiscal year 2021, 

                       I. SUMMARY AND BACKGROUND

                         A. Purpose and Summary

    The bill, H.R. 3727, the ``Increasing Telehealth Access in 
Medicare (``ITAM'') Act,'' as ordered reported by the Committee 
on Ways and Means on September 13, 2017, amends title XVIII of 
the Social Security Act to include additional telehealth 
services for purposes of Medicare Advantage (``MA'') 
organizations bids.

                 B. Background and Need for Legislation

    On September 11, 2017, Representative Black (R-TN) and 
Representative Thompson (D-CA) introduced H.R. 3727, 
legislation to expand the use of telehealth services in MA by 
allowing these services to be included as a basic benefit, 
rather than a supplemental benefit, which is current practice.

                         C. Legislative History


    H.R. 3727 was introduced on September 11, 2017, and was 
referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and additionally to 
the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Committee hearings

    On June 8, 2017, the Committee held a hearing on The 
Department of Health and Human Services' Fiscal Year 2018 
Budget Request, in which increasing Medicare access to 
telehealth was discussed.
    On September 14, 2016, the Subcommittee on Health held a 
Hearing on Exploring the Use of Technology and Innovation to 
Create Efficiencies and Higher Quality in Health Care, in which 
telehealth was a focus.
    On June 8, 2016, the Subcommittee on Health held a Member 
Day hearing on various proposals to make improvements to 
Medicare, including expanded delivery of telehealth services.

Committee action

    The Committee on Ways and Means marked up H.R. 3727, the 
Increasing Telehealth Access in Medicare (``ITAM'') Act, on 
September 13, 2017, and ordered the bill, as amended, favorably 
reported (with a quorum being present).

                      II. EXPLANATION OF THE BILL

          A. The Increasing Telehealth Access in Medicare Act

                              PRESENT LAW

    Under current law, MA plans annually submit bids to the 
Secretary of Health and Human Services (``HHS'') detailing the 
estimated cost of providing healthcare services to Medicare 
beneficiaries. At present, certain telehealth services cannot 
be included as part of the plan's bid. Those that are not 
included under the bid may only be provided as a supplemental 
benefit if approved by the Secretary. Supplemental benefits may 
be paid for by the difference between the bid and the Medicare-
established benchmark but MA plans may also charge additional 
premiums to offer a greater number of supplemental benefits.

                           REASONS FOR CHANGE

    Medicare beneficiaries are currently limited in their 
ability to utilize telehealth services outside of certain 
allowable services, particularly in rural areas. This 
legislation would allow for greater access to telehealth 
services that could replace certain face-to-face services (e.g. 
remote monitoring following certain medical episodes rather 
than coming back to a provider office repeatedly). This change 
offers convenience and access to the beneficiary, increases 
efficiencies for providers and the Medicare program, while 
preserving quality of care.

                       EXPLANATION OF PROVISIONS

    Section 2 of H.R. 3727 allows organizations to include 
additional telehealth services as part of their annual bid as 
opposed to a supplemental benefit, which is current practice. 
Additional telehealth services are defined under this section 
as services furnished using electronic information and 
telecommunications technology when a physician or practitioner 
providing the services is not in the same location as the 
beneficiary. The Secretary is required to specify the 
requirements for the technology used to furnish the additional 
telehealth services, as well as the training or qualifications 
of the physician or practitioner, and factors necessary for the 
coordination of care. Additional telehealth services are not to 
be used to meet access to care requirements under Section 
1852(d) and plans are prohibited from restricting beneficiary 
access to the equivalent in-person service.
    Section 3 of H.R. 3727 clarifies that services provided 
under the chronic care management code in the physician fee 
schedule can be provided through telehealth as well as face-to-
face visitation.
    Section 4 of H.R. 3727 provides a sense of Congress that 
there should be parity between Medicare fee-for-service and 
Medicare Advantage with regard to delivery of the Medicare 
benefit through telehealth. The sense of Congress further 
expresses support for medically appropriate use of telehealth 
services in the Medicare program, regardless of model of care.
    Section 5 of H.R. 3727 increases the amount of funding in 
the Medicare Improvement Fund (``MIF'') available to the 
Department of HHS through depositing the savings from the 
policies contained in the legislation.

                             EFFECTIVE DATE

    The legislation becomes effective beginning in plan year 
2020 and subsequent plan years.

                      III. VOTES OF THE COMMITTEE

    In compliance with clause 3(b) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the following statement is made 
concerning the vote of the Committee on Ways and Means in its 
consideration of H.R. 3727, the Increasing Telehealth Access in 
Medicare Act, on September 13, 2017.
    The Chairman's amendment in the nature of a substitute was 
adopted by a voice vote (with a quorum being present).
    The bill, H.R. 3727, was ordered favorably reported as 
amended by voice vote (with a quorum being present).

                     IV. BUDGET EFFECTS OF THE BILL

               A. Committee Estimate of Budgetary Effects

    In compliance with clause 3(d) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the following statement is made 
concerning the effects on the budget of the bill, H.R. 3727, as 
reported. The Committee agrees with the estimate prepared by 
the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which is included below.

B. Statement Regarding New Budget Authority and Tax Expenditures Budget 

    In compliance with clause 3(c)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, the Committee states that the 
bill involves no new or increased budget authority. The 
Committee states further that the bill involves no new or 
increased tax expenditures.

      C. Cost Estimate Prepared by the Congressional Budget Office

    In compliance with clause 3(c)(3) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, requiring a cost estimate 
prepared by the CBO, the following statement by CBO is 

                                     U.S. Congress,
                               Congressional Budget Office,
                                Washington, DC, September 22, 2017.
Hon. Kevin Brady,
Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means,
House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
    Dear Mr. Chairman: The Congressional Budget Office has 
prepared the enclosed cost estimate for H.R. 3727, the 
Increasing Telehealth Access in Medicare Act.
    If you wish further details on this estimate, we will be 
pleased to provide them. The CBO staff contact is Lori Housman.
                                                Keith Hall,

H.R. 3727--Increasing Telehealth Access in Medicare Act

    Summary: H.R. 3727 would allow Medicare Advantage (MA) 
plans to include the cost of providing telehealth services in 
their bids and increase funding in the Medicare Improvement 
Fund. CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 3727 would increase 
direct spending by $46 million over the 2018-2022 period and 
decrease direct spending by $4 million over the 2018-2027 
period. Pay-as-you-go procedures apply because enacting H.R. 
3727 would affect direct spending. Enacting the bill would not 
affect revenues.
    CBO estimates that enacting the legislation would not 
increase net direct spending or on-budget deficits by more than 
$5 billion in any of the four consecutive 10-year periods 
beginning in 2028. The bill contains no intergovernmental or 
private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates 
Reform Act (UMRA).
    Estimated cost to the Federal Government: The estimated 
budgetary effect of H.R. 3727 is shown in the following table. 
The effects of this legislation fall within budget function 570 

                                                                                By fiscal year, in millions of dollars--
                                                2017   2018   2019   2020    2021    2022    2023    2024    2025    2026    2027   2017-2022  2017-2027
                                                  INCREASES OR DECREASES (-) IN DIRECT SPENDING OUTLAYS
Telehealth Costs in Medicare Advantage Bids..      0      0      0     -10     -10     -10     -10     -10     -10     -10     -10       -30        -80
Medicare Improvement Fund....................      0      0      0       0      48      28       0       0       0       0       0        76         76
    Total Changes............................      0      0      0     -10      38      18     -10     -10     -10     -10     -10        46         -4
Note: Budget authority is equal to outlays.

    Basis of estimate: Telehealth costs in Medicare Advantage 
bids: Under current law, MA plans may provide some telehealth 
services as part of the standard benefit, mirroring what is 
covered for beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare's fee-for-
service (FFS) program. However, if an MA plan wants to provide 
telehealth services that go beyond what is covered in the FFS 
program, the plan must receive approval to provide those 
services as supplemental benefits and use its ``rebate'' to pay 
for those services.\1\ H.R. 3727 would allow MA plans to 
include the cost of additional telehealth services in their 
bids for contracts that cover 2020 or subsequent years. The 
costs included in the bid would not include capital or 
infrastructure expenses. Telehealth services would not count 
toward meeting network-adequacy requirements, and plans could 
not use the availability of telehealth services to limit access 
to in-person services.
    \1\The rebate is a portion of the amount by which the ``benchmark'' 
amount for the geographic area covered by the plan exceeds the MA 
plan's bid for services it is required to cover. The benchmark is based 
on estimated spending per beneficiary in the fee-for-service sector in 
that geographic area. The rebate portion is between 50 percent and 70 
percent, based on the plan's score on certain measures of quality of 
care. MA plans are required to use the rebate to pay for benefits not 
covered in the fee-for-service sector.
    Based on a review of the literature and discussions with 
experts, CBO concluded that coverage of telehealth services by 
private payers sometimes results in higher spending and 
sometimes results in savings; in either case, the effects on 
spending tend to be small. For MA plans that offer telehealth 
services as supplemental benefits, this provision would 
increase spending, because Medicare's payment would reflect the 
full cost of those benefits instead of the 50 percent to 70 
percent of the cost that is covered by the rebate. (The other 
30 percent to 50 percent is covered by displacing other 
supplemental benefits that would be attractive to potential 
    In general, CBO expects that an MA plan that begins or 
expands coverage of telehealth benefits under H.R. 3727 would 
do so based on the plan's expectation that it could manage 
telehealth services in a manner that would enable it to lower 
its bid. Because coverage of telehealth benefits as a 
supplemental benefit is very limited, CBO estimates that the 
savings from plans that begin or expand telehealth services 
would slightly exceed the increased cost for plans that already 
offer telehealth services as a supplemental benefit. On net, 
CBO estimates that enactment of this provision would reduce 
direct spending by $80 million over the 2018-2027 period. CBO 
assumes that H.R. 3727 will be enacted near the end of fiscal 
year 2017.
    Medicare Improvement Fund: H.R. 3727 would increase amounts 
earmarked for making improvements to the Medicare fee-for-
service program during fiscal year 2021 by $76 million.
    Pay-As-You-Go considerations: The Statutory Pay-As-You-Go 
Act of 2010 establishes budget-reporting and enforcement 
procedures for legislation affecting direct spending or 
revenues. The net changes in outlays that are subject to those 
pay-as-you-go procedures are shown in the following table.

                                                                                By fiscal year, in millions of dollars--
                                                2017   2018   2019   2020    2021    2022    2023    2024    2025    2026    2027   2017-2022  2017-2027
                                                       NET INCREASE OR DECREASE (-) IN THE DEFICIT
Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Impact...............      0      0      0     -10      38      18     -10     -10     -10     -10     -10        46         -4

    Increase in long-term direct spending and deficits: CBO 
estimates that enacting the legislation would not increase net 
direct spending or on-budget deficits by more than $5 billion 
in any of the four consecutive 10-year periods beginning in 
    Intergovernmental and private-sector impact: H.R. 3727 
contains no intergovernmental or private-sector mandates as 
defined in UMRA.
    Previous CBO estimate: On August 1, 2017, CBO transmitted 
an estimate for the S. 870, Creating High-Quality Results and 
Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act of 
2017. The telehealth provision of H.R. 3727 is similar to 
section 303 of S. 870, and the estimates for those provisions 
are identical.
    Estimate prepared by: Federal Costs: Lori Housman; Impact 
on state, local, and tribal governments: Zachary Byrum; Impact 
on the private sector: Amy Petz.
    Estimate approved by: Theresa Gullo, Assistant Director for 
Budget Analysis.


          A. Committee Oversight Findings and Recommendations

    With respect to clause 3(c)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the Committee made findings and 
recommendations that are reflected in this report.

        B. Statement of General Performance Goals and Objectives

    With respect to clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the Committee advises that the 
bill does not authorize funding, so no statement of general 
performance goals and objectives is required.

              C. Information Relating to Unfunded Mandates

    This information is provided in accordance with section 423 
of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. No. 104-
    The Committee has determined that the bill does not contain 
Federal mandates on the private sector. The Committee has 
determined that the bill does not impose a Federal 
intergovernmental mandate on State, local, or tribal 

  D. Congressional Earmarks, Limited Tax Benefits, and Limited Tariff 

    With respect to clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the Committee has carefully reviewed 
the provisions of the bill, and states that the provisions of 
the bill do not contain any congressional earmarks, limited tax 
benefits, or limited tariff benefits within the meaning of the 

                   E. Duplication of Federal Programs

    In compliance with clause 3(c)(5) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, the Committee states that no 
provision of the bill establishes or reauthorizes: (1) a 
program of the Federal Government known to be duplicative of 
another Federal program; (2) a program included in any report 
from the Government Accountability Office to Congress pursuant 
to section 21 of Public Law 111-139; or (3) a program related 
to a program identified in the most recent Catalog of Federal 
Domestic Assistance, published pursuant to the Federal Program 
Information Act (Pub. L. No. 95-220, as amended by Pub. L. No. 

                 F. Disclosure of Directed Rule Makings

    In compliance with Sec. 3(i) of H. Res. 5 (115th Congress), 
the following statement is made concerning directed rule 
    The Committee advises that the bill requires no directed 
rulemakings within the meaning of such section.


    In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by 
the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law 
proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new 
matter is printed in italic, and existing law in which no 
change is proposed is show in roman):

         Changes in Existing Law Made by the Bill, as Reported

  In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by 
the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law 
proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new 
matter is printed in italic, and existing law in which no 
change is proposed is shown in roman):

                          SOCIAL SECURITY ACT

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

   Part B--Supplementary Medical Insurance Benefits for the Aged and 

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  Sec. 1848. (a) Payment Based on Fee Schedule.--
          (1) In general.--Effective for all physicians' 
        services (as defined in subsection (j)(3)) furnished 
        under this part during a year (beginning with 1992) for 
        which payment is otherwise made on the basis of a 
        reasonable charge or on the basis of a fee schedule 
        under section 1834(b), payment under this part shall 
        instead be based on the lesser of--
                  (A) the actual charge for the service, or
                  (B) subject to the succeeding provisions of 
                this subsection, the amount determined under 
                the fee schedule established under subsection 
                (b) for services furnished during that year (in 
                this subsection referred to as the ``fee 
                schedule amount'').
          (2) Transition to full fee schedule.--
                  (A) Limiting reductions and increases to 15 
                percent in 1992.--
                          (i) Limit on increase.--In the case 
                        of a service in a fee schedule area (as 
                        defined in subsection (j)(2)) for which 
                        the adjusted historical payment basis 
                        (as defined in subparagraph (D)) is 
                        less than 85 percent of the fee 
                        schedule amount for services furnished 
                        in 1992, there shall be substituted for 
                        the fee schedule amount an amount equal 
                        to the adjusted historical payment 
                        basis plus 15 percent of the fee 
                        schedule amount otherwise established 
                        (without regard to this paragraph).
                          (ii) Limit in reduction.--In the case 
                        of a service in a fee schedule area for 
                        which the adjusted historical payment 
                        basis exceeds 115 percent of the fee 
                        schedule amount for services furnished 
                        in 1992, there shall be substituted for 
                        the fee schedule amount an amount equal 
                        to the adjusted historical payment 
                        basis minus 15 percent of the fee 
                        schedule amount otherwise established 
                        (without regard to this paragraph).
                  (B) Special rule for 1993, 1994, and 1995.--
                If a physicians' service in a fee schedule area 
                is subject to the provisions of subparagraph 
                (A) in 1992, for physicians' services furnished 
                in the area--
                          (i) during 1993, there shall be 
                        substituted for the fee schedule amount 
                        an amount equal to the sum of--
                                  (I) 75 percent of the fee 
                                schedule amount determined 
                                under subparagraph (A), 
                                adjusted by the update 
                                established under subsection 
                                (d)(3) for 1993, and
                                  (II) 25 percent of the fee 
                                schedule amount determined 
                                under paragraph (1) for 1993 
                                without regard to this 
                          (ii) during 1994, there shall be 
                        substituted for the fee schedule amount 
                        an amount equal to the sum of--
                                  (I) 67 percent of the fee 
                                schedule amount determined 
                                under clause (i), adjusted by 
                                the update established under 
                                subsection (d)(3) for 1994 and 
                                as adjusted under subsection 
                                (c)(2)(F)(ii) and under section 
                                13515(b) of the Omnibus Budget 
                                Reconciliation Act of 1993, and
                                  (II) 33 percent of the fee 
                                schedule amount determined 
                                under paragraph (1) for 1994 
                                without regard to this 
                                paragraph; and
                          (iii) during 1995, there shall be 
                        substituted for the fee schedule amount 
                        an amount equal to the sum of--
                                  (I) 50 percent of the fee 
                                schedule amount determined 
                                under clause (ii) adjusted by 
                                the update established under 
                                subsection (d)(3) for 1995, and
                                  (II) 50 percent of the fee 
                                schedule amount determined 
                                under paragraph (1) for 1995 
                                without regard to this 
                  (C) Special rule for anesthesia and radiology 
                services.--With respect to physicians' services 
                which are anesthesia services, the Secretary 
                shall provide for a transition in the same 
                manner as a transition is provided for other 
                services under subparagraph (B). With respect 
                to radiology services, ``109 percent'' and ``9 
                percent'' shall be substituted for ``115 
                percent'' and ``15 percent'', respectively, in 
                subparagraph (A)(ii).
                  (D) Adjusted historical payment basis 
                          (i) In general.--In this paragraph, 
                        the term ``adjusted historical payment 
                        basis'' means, with respect to a 
                        physicians' service furnished in a fee 
                        schedule area, the weighted average 
                        prevailing charge applied in the area 
                        for the service in 1991 (as determined 
                        by the Secretary without regard to 
                        physician specialty and as adjusted to 
                        reflect payments for services with 
                        customary charges below the prevailing 
                        charge or other payment limitations 
                        imposed by law or regulation) adjusted 
                        by the update established under 
                        subsection (d)(3) for 1992.
                          (ii) Application to radiology 
                        services.--In applying clause (i) in 
                        the case of physicians' services which 
                        are radiology services (including 
                        radiologist services, as defined in 
                        section 1834(b)(6)), but excluding 
                        nuclear medicine services that are 
                        subject to section 6105(b) of the 
                        Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 
                        1989, there shall be substituted for 
                        the weighted average prevailing charge 
                        the amount provided under the fee 
                        schedule established for the service 
                        for the fee schedule area under section 
                          (iii) Nuclear medicine services.--In 
                        applying clause (i) in the case of 
                        physicians' services which are nuclear 
                        medicine services, there shall be 
                        substituted for the weighted average 
                        prevailing charge the amount provided 
                        under section 6105(b) of the Omnibus 
                        Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989.
          (3) Incentives for participating physicians and 
        suppliers.--In applying paragraph (1)(B) in the case of 
        a nonparticipating physician or a nonparticipating 
        supplier or other person, the fee schedule amount shall 
        be 95 percent of such amount otherwise applied under 
        this subsection (without regard to this paragraph). In 
        the case of physicians' services (including services 
        which the Secretary excludes pursuant to subsection 
        (j)(3)) of a nonparticipating physician, supplier, or 
        other person for which payment is made under this part 
        on a basis other than the fee schedule amount, the 
        payment shall be based on 95 percent of the payment 
        basis for such services furnished by a participating 
        physician, supplier, or other person.
          (4) Special rule for medical direction.--
                  (A) In general.--With respect to physicians' 
                services furnished on or after January 1, 1994, 
                and consisting of medical direction of two, 
                three, or four concurrent anesthesia cases, 
                except as provided in paragraph (5), the fee 
                schedule amount to be applied shall be equal to 
                one-half of the amount described in 
                subparagraph (B).
                  (B) Amount.--The amount described in this 
                subparagraph, for a physician's medical 
                direction of the performance of anesthesia 
                services, is the following percentage of the 
                fee schedule amount otherwise applicable under 
                this section if the anesthesia services were 
                personally performed by the physician alone:
                          (i) For services furnished during 
                        1994, 120 percent.
                          (ii) For services furnished during 
                        1995, 115 percent.
                          (iii) For services furnished during 
                        1996, 110 percent.
                          (iv) For services furnished during 
                        1997, 105 percent.
                          (v) For services furnished after 
                        1997, 100 percent.
          (5) Incentives for electronic prescribing.--
                  (A) Adjustment.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to 
                        subparagraph (B) and subsection 
                        (m)(2)(B), with respect to covered 
                        professional services furnished by an 
                        eligible professional during 2012, 2013 
                        or 2014, if the eligible professional 
                        is not a successful electronic 
                        prescriber for the reporting period for 
                        the year (as determined under 
                        subsection (m)(3)(B)), the fee schedule 
                        amount for such services furnished by 
                        such professional during the year 
                        (including the fee schedule amount for 
                        purposes of determining a payment based 
                        on such amount) shall be equal to the 
                        applicable percent of the fee schedule 
                        amount that would otherwise apply to 
                        such services under this subsection 
                        (determined after application of 
                        paragraph (3) but without regard to 
                        this paragraph).
                          (ii) Applicable percent.--For 
                        purposes of clause (i), the term 
                        ``applicable percent'' means--
                                  (I) for 2012, 99 percent;
                                  (II) for 2013, 98.5 percent; 
                                  (III) for 2014, 98 percent.
                  (B) Significant hardship exception.--The 
                Secretary may, on a case-by-case basis, exempt 
                an eligible professional from the application 
                of the payment adjustment under subparagraph 
                (A) if the Secretary determines, subject to 
                annual renewal, that compliance with the 
                requirement for being a successful electronic 
                prescriber would result in a significant 
                hardship, such as in the case of an eligible 
                professional who practices in a rural area 
                without sufficient Internet access.
                  (C) Application.--
                          (i) Physician reporting system 
                        rules.--Paragraphs (5), (6), and (8) of 
                        subsection (k) shall apply for purposes 
                        of this paragraph in the same manner as 
                        they apply for purposes of such 
                          (ii) Incentive payment validation 
                        rules.--Clauses (ii) and (iii) of 
                        subsection (m)(5)(D) shall apply for 
                        purposes of this paragraph in a similar 
                        manner as they apply for purposes of 
                        such subsection.
                  (D) Definitions.--For purposes of this 
                          (i) Eligible professional; covered 
                        professional services.--The terms 
                        ``eligible professional'' and ``covered 
                        professional services'' have the 
                        meanings given such terms in subsection 
                          (ii) Physician reporting system.--The 
                        term ``physician reporting system'' 
                        means the system established under 
                        subsection (k).
                          (iii) Reporting period.--The term 
                        ``reporting period'' means, with 
                        respect to a year, a period specified 
                        by the Secretary.
          (6) Special rule for teaching anesthesiologists.--
        With respect to physicians' services furnished on or 
        after January 1, 2010, in the case of teaching 
        anesthesiologists involved in the training of physician 
        residents in a single anesthesia case or two concurrent 
        anesthesia cases, the fee schedule amount to be applied 
        shall be 100 percent of the fee schedule amount 
        otherwise applicable under this section if the 
        anesthesia services were personally performed by the 
        teaching anesthesiologist alone and paragraph (4) shall 
        not apply if--
                  (A) the teaching anesthesiologist is present 
                during all critical or key portions of the 
                anesthesia service or procedure involved; and
                  (B) the teaching anesthesiologist (or another 
                anesthesiologist with whom the teaching 
                anesthesiologist has entered into an 
                arrangement) is immediately available to 
                furnish anesthesia services during the entire 
          (7) Incentives for meaningful use of certified ehr 
                  (A) Adjustment.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to 
                        subparagraphs (B) and (D), with respect 
                        to covered professional services 
                        furnished by an eligible professional 
                        during each of 2015 through 2018, if 
                        the eligible professional is not a 
                        meaningful EHR user (as determined 
                        under subsection (o)(2)) for an EHR 
                        reporting period for the year, the fee 
                        schedule amount for such services 
                        furnished by such professional during 
                        the year (including the fee schedule 
                        amount for purposes of determining a 
                        payment based on such amount) shall be 
                        equal to the applicable percent of the 
                        fee schedule amount that would 
                        otherwise apply to such services under 
                        this subsection (determined after 
                        application of paragraph (3) but 
                        without regard to this paragraph).
                          (ii) Applicable percent.--Subject to 
                        clause (iii), for purposes of clause 
                        (i), the term ``applicable percent'' 
                                  (I) for 2015, 99 percent (or, 
                                in the case of an eligible 
                                professional who was subject to 
                                the application of the payment 
                                adjustment under section 
                                1848(a)(5) for 2014, 98 
                                  (II) for 2016, 98 percent; 
                                  (III) for 2017 and 2018, 97 
                          (iii) Authority to decrease 
                        applicable percentage for 2018.--For 
                        2018, if the Secretary finds that the 
                        proportion of eligible professionals 
                        who are meaningful EHR users (as 
                        determined under subsection (o)(2)) is 
                        less than 75 percent, the applicable 
                        percent shall be decreased by 1 
                        percentage point from the applicable 
                        percent in the preceding year.
                  (B) Significant hardship exception.--The 
                Secretary may, on a case-by-case basis (and, 
                with respect to the payment adjustment under 
                subparagraph (A) for 2017, for categories of 
                eligible professionals, as established by the 
                Secretary and posted on the Internet website of 
                the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 
                prior to December 15, 2015, an application for 
                which must be submitted to the Secretary by not 
                later than March 15, 2016), exempt an eligible 
                professional from the application of the 
                payment adjustment under subparagraph (A) if 
                the Secretary determines, subject to annual 
                renewal, that compliance with the requirement 
                for being a meaningful EHR user would result in 
                a significant hardship, such as in the case of 
                an eligible professional who practices in a 
                rural area without sufficient Internet access. 
                The Secretary shall exempt an eligible 
                professional from the application of the 
                payment adjustment under subparagraph (A) with 
                respect to a year, subject to annual renewal, 
                if the Secretary determines that compliance 
                with the requirement for being a meaningful EHR 
                user is not possible because the certified EHR 
                technology used by such professional has been 
                decertified under a program kept or recognized 
                pursuant to section 3001(c)(5) of the Public 
                Health Service Act. In no case may an eligible 
                professional be granted an exemption under this 
                subparagraph for more than 5 years.
                  (C) Application of physician reporting system 
                rules.--Paragraphs (5), (6), and (8) of 
                subsection (k) shall apply for purposes of this 
                paragraph in the same manner as they apply for 
                purposes of such subsection.
                  (D) Non-application to hospital-based and 
                ambulatory surgical center-based eligible 
                          (i) Hospital-based.--No payment 
                        adjustment may be made under 
                        subparagraph (A) in the case of 
                        hospital-based eligible professionals 
                        (as defined in subsection 
                          (ii) Ambulatory surgical center-
                        based.--Subject to clause (iv), no 
                        payment adjustment may be made under 
                        subparagraph (A) for 2017 and 2018 in 
                        the case of an eligible professional 
                        with respect to whom substantially all 
                        of the covered professional services 
                        furnished by such professional are 
                        furnished in an ambulatory surgical 
                          (iii) Determination.--The 
                        determination of whether an eligible 
                        professional is an eligible 
                        professional described in clause (ii) 
                        may be made on the basis of--
                                  (I) the site of service (as 
                                defined by the Secretary); or
                                  (II) an attestation submitted 
                                by the eligible professional.
                        Determinations made under subclauses 
                        (I) and (II) shall be made without 
                        regard to any employment or billing 
                        arrangement between the eligible 
                        professional and any other supplier or 
                        provider of services.
                          (iv) Sunset.--Clause (ii) shall no 
                        longer apply as of the first year that 
                        begins more than 3 years after the date 
                        on which the Secretary determines, 
                        through notice and comment rulemaking, 
                        that certified EHR technology 
                        applicable to the ambulatory surgical 
                        center setting is available.
                  (E) Definitions.--For purposes of this 
                          (i) Covered professional services.--
                        The term ``covered professional 
                        services'' has the meaning given such 
                        term in subsection (k)(3).
                          (ii) EHR reporting period.--The term 
                        ``EHR reporting period'' means, with 
                        respect to a year, a period (or 
                        periods) specified by the Secretary.
                          (iii) Eligible professional.--The 
                        term ``eligible professional'' means a 
                        physician, as defined in section 
          (8) Incentives for quality reporting.--
                  (A) Adjustment.--
                          (i) In general.--With respect to 
                        covered professional services furnished 
                        by an eligible professional during each 
                        of 2015 through 2018, if the eligible 
                        professional does not satisfactorily 
                        submit data on quality measures for 
                        covered professional services for the 
                        quality reporting period for the year 
                        (as determined under subsection 
                        (m)(3)(A)), the fee schedule amount for 
                        such services furnished by such 
                        professional during the year (including 
                        the fee schedule amount for purposes of 
                        determining a payment based on such 
                        amount) shall be equal to the 
                        applicable percent of the fee schedule 
                        amount that would otherwise apply to 
                        such services under this subsection 
                        (determined after application of 
                        paragraphs (3), (5), and (7), but 
                        without regard to this paragraph).
                          (ii) Applicable percent.--For 
                        purposes of clause (i), the term 
                        ``applicable percent'' means--
                                  (I) for 2015, 98.5 percent; 
                                  (II) for 2016, 2017, and 
                                2018, 98 percent.
                  (B) Application.--
                          (i) Physician reporting system 
                        rules.--Paragraphs (5), (6), and (8) of 
                        subsection (k) shall apply for purposes 
                        of this paragraph in the same manner as 
                        they apply for purposes of such 
                          (ii) Incentive payment validation 
                        rules.--Clauses (ii) and (iii) of 
                        subsection (m)(5)(D) shall apply for 
                        purposes of this paragraph in a similar 
                        manner as they apply for purposes of 
                        such subsection.
                  (C) Definitions.--For purposes of this 
                          (i) Eligible professional; covered 
                        professional services.--The terms 
                        ``eligible professional'' and ``covered 
                        professional services'' have the 
                        meanings given such terms in subsection 
                          (ii) Physician reporting system.--The 
                        term ``physician reporting system'' 
                        means the system established under 
                        subsection (k).
                          (iii) Quality reporting period.--The 
                        term ``quality reporting period'' 
                        means, with respect to a year, a period 
                        specified by the Secretary.
          (9) Information reporting on services included in 
        global surgical packages.--With respect to services for 
        which a physician is required to report information in 
        accordance with subsection (c)(8)(B)(i), the Secretary 
        may through rulemaking delay payment of 5 percent of 
        the amount that would otherwise be payable under the 
        physician fee schedule under this section for such 
        services until the information so required is reported.
  (b) Establishment of Fee Schedules.--
          (1) In general.--Before November 1 of the preceding 
        year, for each year beginning with 1998, subject to 
        subsection (p), the Secretary shall establish, by 
        regulation, fee schedules that establish payment 
        amounts for all physicians' services furnished in all 
        fee schedule areas (as defined in subsection (j)(2)) 
        for the year. Except as provided in paragraph (2), each 
        such payment amount for a service shall be equal to the 
        product of--
                  (A) the relative value for the service (as 
                determined in subsection (c)(2)),
                  (B) the conversion factor (established under 
                subsection (d)) for the year, and
                  (C) the geographic adjustment factor 
                (established under subsection (e)(2)) for the 
                service for the fee schedule area.
          (2) Treatment of radiology services and anesthesia 
                  (A) Radiology services.--With respect to 
                radiology services (including radiologist 
                services, as defined in section 1834(b)(6)), 
                the Secretary shall base the relative values on 
                the relative value scale developed under 
                section 1834(b)(1)(A), with appropriate 
                modifications of the relative values to assure 
                that the relative values established for 
                radiology services which are similar or related 
                to other physicians' services are consistent 
                with the relative values established for those 
                similar or related services.
                  (B) Anesthesia services.--In establishing the 
                fee schedule for anesthesia services for which 
                a relative value guide has been established 
                under section 4048(b) of the Omnibus Budget 
                Reconciliation Act of 1987, the Secretary shall 
                use, to the extent practicable, such relative 
                value guide, with appropriate adjustment of the 
                conversion factor, in a manner to assure that 
                the fee schedule amounts for anesthesia 
                services are consistent with the fee schedule 
                amounts for other services determined by the 
                Secretary to be of comparable value. In 
                applying the previous sentence, the Secretary 
                shall adjust the conversion factor by 
                geographic adjustment factors in the same 
                manner as such adjustment is made under 
                paragraph (1)(C).
                  (C) Consultation.--The Secretary shall 
                consult with the Physician Payment Review 
                Commission and organizations representing 
                physicians or suppliers who furnish radiology 
                services and anesthesia services in applying 
                subparagraphs (A) and (B).
          (3) Treatment of interpretation of 
        electrocardiograms.--The Secretary--
                  (A) shall make separate payment under this 
                section for the interpretation of 
                electrocardiograms performed or ordered to be 
                performed as part of or in conjunction with a 
                visit to or a consultation with a physician, 
                  (B) shall adjust the relative values 
                established for visits and consultations under 
                subsection (c) so as not to include relative 
                value units for interpretations of 
                electrocardiograms in the relative value for 
                visits and consultations.
          (4) Special rule for imaging services.--
                  (A) In general.--In the case of imaging 
                services described in subparagraph (B) 
                furnished on or after January 1, 2007, if--
                          (i) the technical component 
                        (including the technical component 
                        portion of a global fee) of the service 
                        established for a year under the fee 
                        schedule described in paragraph (1) 
                        without application of the geographic 
                        adjustment factor described in 
                        paragraph (1)(C), exceeds
                          (ii) the Medicare OPD fee schedule 
                        amount established under the 
                        prospective payment system for hospital 
                        outpatient department services under 
                        paragraph (3)(D) of section 1833(t) for 
                        such service for such year, determined 
                        without regard to geographic adjustment 
                        under paragraph (2)(D) of such section,
                the Secretary shall substitute the amount 
                described in clause (ii), adjusted by the 
                geographic adjustment factor described in 
                paragraph (1)(C), for the fee schedule amount 
                for such technical component for such year.
                  (B) Imaging services described.--For purposes 
                of this paragraph, imaging services described 
                in this subparagraph are imaging and computer-
                assisted imaging services, including X-ray, 
                ultrasound (including echocardiography), 
                nuclear medicine (including positron emission 
                tomography), magnetic resonance imaging, 
                computed tomography, and fluoroscopy, but 
                excluding diagnostic and screening mammography, 
                and for 2010, 2011, and the first 2 months of 
                2012, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry services 
                (as described in paragraph (6)).
                  (C) Adjustment in imaging utilization rate.--
                With respect to fee schedules established for 
                2011, 2012, and 2013, in the methodology for 
                determining practice expense relative value 
                units for expensive diagnostic imaging 
                equipment under the final rule published by the 
                Secretary in the Federal Register on November 
                25, 2009 (42 CFR 410 et al.), the Secretary 
                shall use a 75 percent assumption instead of 
                the utilization rates otherwise established in 
                such final rule. With respect to fee schedules 
                established for 2014 and subsequent years, in 
                such methodology, the Secretary shall use a 90 
                percent utilization rate.
                  (D) Adjustment in technical component 
                discount on single-session imaging involving 
                consecutive body parts.--For services furnished 
                on or after July 1, 2010, the Secretary shall 
                increase the reduction in payments attributable 
                to the multiple procedure payment reduction 
                applicable to the technical component for 
                imaging under the final rule published by the 
                Secretary in the Federal Register on November 
                21, 2005 (part 405 of title 42, Code of Federal 
                Regulations) from 25 percent to 50 percent.
          (5) Treatment of intensive cardiac rehabilitation 
                  (A) In general.--In the case of an intensive 
                cardiac rehabilitation program described in 
                section 1861(eee)(4), the Secretary shall 
                substitute the Medicare OPD fee schedule amount 
                established under the prospective payment 
                system for hospital outpatient department 
                service under paragraph (3)(D) of section 
                1833(t) for cardiac rehabilitation (under HCPCS 
                codes 93797 and 93798 for calendar year 2007, 
                or any succeeding HCPCS codes for cardiac 
                  (B) Definition of session.--Each of the 
                services described in subparagraphs (A) through 
                (E) of section 1861(eee)(3), when furnished for 
                one hour, is a separate session of intensive 
                cardiac rehabilitation.
                  (C) Multiple sessions per day.--Payment may 
                be made for up to 6 sessions per day of the 
                series of 72 one-hour sessions of intensive 
                cardiac rehabilitation services described in 
                section 1861(eee)(4)(B).
          (6) Treatment of bone mass scans.--For dual-energy x-
        ray absorptiometry services (identified in 2006 by 
        HCPCS codes 76075 and 76077 (and any succeeding codes)) 
        furnished during 2010, 2011, and the first 2 months of 
        2012, instead of the payment amount that would 
        otherwise be determined under this section for such 
        years, the payment amount shall be equal to 70 percent 
        of the product of--
                  (A) the relative value for the service (as 
                determined in subsection (c)(2)) for 2006;
                  (B) the conversion factor (established under 
                subsection (d)) for 2006; and
                  (C) the geographic adjustment factor 
                (established under subsection (e)(2)) for the 
                service for the fee schedule area for 2010, 
                2011, and the first 2 months of 2012, 
          (7) Adjustment in discount for certain multiple 
        therapy services.--In the case of therapy services 
        furnished on or after January 1, 2011, and before April 
        1, 2013, and for which payment is made under fee 
        schedules established under this section, instead of 
        the 25 percent multiple procedure payment reduction 
        specified in the final rule published by the Secretary 
        in the Federal Register on November 29, 2010, the 
        reduction percentage shall be 20 percent. In the case 
        of such services furnished on or after April 1, 2013, 
        and for which payment is made under such fee schedules, 
        instead of the 25 percent multiple procedure payment 
        reduction specified in such final rule, the reduction 
        percentage shall be 50 percent.
          (8) Encouraging care management for individuals with 
        chronic care needs.--
                  (A) In general.--In order to encourage the 
                management of care for individuals with chronic 
                care needs the Secretary shall, subject to 
                subparagraph (B), make payment (as the 
                Secretary determines to be appropriate) under 
                this section for chronic care management 
                services furnished on or after January 1, 2015, 
                by a physician (as defined in section 
                1861(r)(1)), physician assistant or nurse 
                practitioner (as defined in section 
                1861(aa)(5)(A)), clinical nurse specialist (as 
                defined in section 1861(aa)(5)(B)), or 
                certified nurse midwife (as defined in section 
                  (B) Policies relating to payment.--In 
                carrying out this paragraph, with respect to 
                chronic care management services, the Secretary 
                          (i) make payment to only one 
                        applicable provider for such services 
                        furnished to an individual during a 
                          (ii) not make payment under 
                        subparagraph (A) if such payment would 
                        be duplicative of payment that is 
                        otherwise made under this title for 
                        such services; and
                          (iii) not require that an annual 
                        wellness visit (as defined in section 
                        1861(hhh)) or an initial preventive 
                        physical examination (as defined in 
                        section 1861(ww)) be furnished as a 
                        condition of payment for such 
                        management services.
                  (C) Clarification.--In carrying out this 
                paragraph, with respect to chronic care 
                management services, the Secretary may, subject 
                to subparagraph (B), make payment for such 
                services furnished through the use of secure 
                messaging, Internet, store and forward 
                technologies, or other non-face-to-face 
                communication methods determined appropriate by 
                the Secretary.
          (9) Special rule to incentivize transition from 
        traditional x-ray imaging to digital radiography.--
                  (A) Limitation on payment for film x-ray 
                imaging services.--In the case of an imaging 
                service (including the imaging portion of a 
                service) that is an X-ray taken using film and 
                that is furnished during 2017 or a subsequent 
                year, the payment amount for the technical 
                component (including the technical component 
                portion of a global service) of such service 
                that would otherwise be determined under this 
                section (without application of this paragraph 
                and before application of any other adjustment 
                under this section) for such year shall be 
                reduced by 20 percent.
                  (B) Phased-in limitation on payment for 
                computed radiography imaging services.--In the 
                case of an imaging service (including the 
                imaging portion of a service) that is an X-ray 
                taken using computed radiography technology--
                          (i) in the case of such a service 
                        furnished during 2018, 2019, 2020, 
                        2021, or 2022, the payment amount for 
                        the technical component (including the 
                        technical component portion of a global 
                        service) of such service that would 
                        otherwise be determined under this 
                        section (without application of this 
                        paragraph and before application of any 
                        other adjustment under this section) 
                        for such year shall be reduced by 7 
                        percent; and
                          (ii) in the case of such a service 
                        furnished during 2023 or a subsequent 
                        year, the payment amount for the 
                        technical component (including the 
                        technical component portion of a global 
                        service) of such service that would 
                        otherwise be determined under this 
                        section (without application of this 
                        paragraph and before application of any 
                        other adjustment under this section) 
                        for such year shall be reduced by 10 
                  (C) Computed radiography technology 
                defined.--For purposes of this paragraph, the 
                term ``computed radiography technology'' means 
                cassette-based imaging which utilizes an 
                imaging plate to create the image involved.
                  (D) Implementation.--In order to implement 
                this paragraph, the Secretary shall adopt 
                appropriate mechanisms which may include use of 
          (10) Reduction of discount in payment for 
        professional component of multiple imaging services.--
        In the case of the professional component of imaging 
        services furnished on or after January 1, 2017, instead 
        of the 25 percent reduction for multiple procedures 
        specified in the final rule published by the Secretary 
        in the Federal Register on November 28, 2011, as 
        amended in the final rule published by the Secretary in 
        the Federal Register on November 16, 2012, the 
        reduction percentage shall be 5 percent.
          (11) Special rule for certain radiation therapy 
        services.--The code definitions, the work relative 
        value units under subsection (c)(2)(C)(i), and the 
        direct inputs for the practice expense relative value 
        units under subsection (c)(2)(C)(ii) for radiation 
        treatment delivery and related imaging services 
        (identified in 2016 by HCPCS G-codes G6001 through 
        G6015) for the fee schedule established under this 
        subsection for services furnished in 2017 and 2018 
        shall be the same as such definitions, units, and 
        inputs for such services for the fee schedule 
        established for services furnished in 2016.
  (c) Determination of Relative Values for Physicians' 
          (1) Division of physicians' services into 
        components.--In this section, with respect to a 
        physicians' service:
                  (A) Work component defined.--The term ``work 
                component'' means the portion of the resources 
                used in furnishing the service that reflects 
                physician time and intensity in furnishing the 
                service. Such portion shall--
                          (i) include activities before and 
                        after direct patient contact, and
                          (ii) be defined, with respect to 
                        surgical procedures, to reflect a 
                        global definition including pre-
                        operative and post-operative 
                        physicians' services.
                  (B) Practice expense component defined.--The 
                term ``practice expense component'' means the 
                portion of the resources used in furnishing the 
                service that reflects the general categories of 
                expenses (such as office rent and wages of 
                personnel, but excluding malpractice expenses) 
                comprising practice expenses.
                  (C) Malpractice component defined.--The term 
                ``malpractice component'' means the portion of 
                the resources used in furnishing the service 
                that reflects malpractice expenses in 
                furnishing the service.
          (2) Determination of relative values.--
                  (A) In general.--
                          (i) Combination of units for 
                        components.--The Secretary shall 
                        develop a methodology for combining the 
                        work, practice expense, and malpractice 
                        relative value units, determined under 
                        subparagraph (C), for each service in a 
                        manner to produce a single relative 
                        value for that service. Such relative 
                        values are subject to adjustment under 
                        subparagraph (F)(i) and section 
                        13515(b) of the Omnibus Budget 
                        Reconciliation Act of 1993.
                          (ii) Extrapolation.--The Secretary 
                        may use extrapolation and other 
                        techniques to determine the number of 
                        relative value units for physicians' 
                        services for which specific data are 
                        not available and shall take into 
                        account recommendations of the 
                        Physician Payment Review Commission and 
                        the results of consultations with 
                        organizations representing physicians 
                        who provide such services.
                  (B) Periodic review and adjustments in 
                relative values.--
                          (i) Periodic review.--The Secretary, 
                        not less often than every 5 years, 
                        shall review the relative values 
                        established under this paragraph for 
                        all physicians' services.
                          (ii) Adjustments.--
                                  (I) In general.--The 
                                Secretary shall, to the extent 
                                the Secretary determines to be 
                                necessary and subject to 
                                subclause (II) and paragraph 
                                (7), adjust the number of such 
                                units to take into account 
                                changes in medical practice, 
                                coding changes, new data on 
                                relative value components, or 
                                the addition of new procedures. 
                                The Secretary shall publish an 
                                explanation of the basis for 
                                such adjustments.
                                  (II) Limitation on annual 
                                adjustments.--Subject to 
                                clauses (iv) and (v), the 
                                adjustments under subclause (I) 
                                for a year may not cause the 
                                amount of expenditures under 
                                this part for the year to 
                                differ by more than $20,000,000 
                                from the amount of expenditures 
                                under this part that would have 
                                been made if such adjustments 
                                had not been made.
                          (iii) Consultation.--The Secretary, 
                        in making adjustments under clause 
                        (ii), shall consult with the Medicare 
                        Payment Advisory Commission and 
                        organizations representing physicians.
                          (iv) Exemption of certain additional 
                        expenditures from budget neutrality.--
                        The additional expenditures 
                        attributable to--
                                  (I) subparagraph (H) shall 
                                not be taken into account in 
                                applying clause (ii)(II) for 
                                  (II) subparagraph (I) insofar 
                                as it relates to a physician 
                                fee schedule for 2005 or 2006 
                                shall not be taken into account 
                                in applying clause (ii)(II) for 
                                drug administration services 
                                under the fee schedule for such 
                                year for a specialty described 
                                in subparagraph (I)(ii)(II);
                                  (III) subparagraph (J) 
                                insofar as it relates to a 
                                physician fee schedule for 2005 
                                or 2006 shall not be taken into 
                                account in applying clause 
                                (ii)(II) for drug 
                                administration services under 
                                the fee schedule for such year; 
                                  (IV) subsection (b)(6) shall 
                                not be taken into account in 
                                applying clause (ii)(II) for 
                                2010, 2011, or the first 2 
                                months of 2012.
                          (v) Exemption of certain reduced 
                        expenditures from budget-neutrality 
                        calculation.--The following reduced 
                        expenditures, as estimated by the 
                        Secretary, shall not be taken into 
                        account in applying clause (ii)(II):
                                  (I) Reduced payment for 
                                multiple imaging procedures.--
                                Effective for fee schedules 
                                established beginning with 
                                2007, reduced expenditures 
                                attributable to the multiple 
                                procedure payment reduction for 
                                imaging under the final rule 
                                published by the Secretary in 
                                the Federal Register on 
                                November 21, 2005 (42 CFR 405, 
                                et al.) insofar as it relates 
                                to the physician fee schedules 
                                for 2006 and 2007.
                                  (II) OPD payment cap for 
                                imaging services.--Effective 
                                for fee schedules established 
                                beginning with 2007, reduced 
                                expenditures attributable to 
                                subsection (b)(4).
                                  (III) Change in utilization 
                                rate for certain imaging 
                                services.--Effective for fee 
                                schedules established beginning 
                                with 2011, reduced expenditures 
                                attributable to the changes in 
                                the utilization rate applicable 
                                to 2011 and 2014, as described 
                                in the first and second 
                                sentence, respectively, of 
                                subsection (b)(4)(C).
                                  (VI) Additional reduced 
                                payment for multiple imaging 
                                procedures.--Effective for fee 
                                schedules established beginning 
                                with 2010 (but not applied for 
                                services furnished prior to 
                                July 1, 2010), reduced 
                                expenditures attributable to 
                                the increase in the multiple 
                                procedure payment reduction 
                                from 25 to 50 percent (as 
                                described in subsection 
                                  (VII) Reduced expenditures 
                                for multiple therapy 
                                services.--Effective for fee 
                                schedules established beginning 
                                with 2011, reduced expenditures 
                                attributable to the multiple 
                                procedure payment reduction for 
                                therapy services (as described 
                                in subsection (b)(7)).
                                  (VIII) Reduced expenditures 
                                attributable to application of 
                                quality incentives for computed 
                                tomography.--Effective for fee 
                                schedules established beginning 
                                with 2016, reduced expenditures 
                                attributable to the application 
                                of the quality incentives for 
                                computed tomography under 
                                section 1834(p)
                                  (IX) Reductions for misvalued 
                                services if target not met.--
                                Effective for fee schedules 
                                beginning with 2016, reduced 
                                expenditures attributable to 
                                the application of the target 
                                recapture amount described in 
                                subparagraph (O)(iii).
                                  (X) Reduced expenditures 
                                attributable to incentives to 
                                transition to digital 
                                radiography.--Effective for fee 
                                schedules established beginning 
                                with 2017, reduced expenditures 
                                attributable to subparagraph 
                                (A) of subsection (b)(9) and 
                                effective for fee schedules 
                                established beginning with 
                                2018, reduced expenditures 
                                attributable to subparagraph 
                                (B) of such subsection.
                                  (XI) Discount in payment for 
                                professional component of 
                                imaging services.--Effective 
                                for fee schedules established 
                                beginning with 2017, reduced 
                                expenditures attributable to 
                                subsection (b)(10).
                          (vi) Alternative application of 
                        budget-neutrality adjustment.--
                        Notwithstanding subsection (d)(9)(A), 
                        effective for fee schedules established 
                        beginning with 2009, with respect to 
                        the 5-year review of work relative 
                        value units used in fee schedules for 
                        2007 and 2008, in lieu of continuing to 
                        apply budget-neutrality adjustments 
                        required under clause (ii) for 2007 and 
                        2008 to work relative value units, the 
                        Secretary shall apply such budget-
                        neutrality adjustments to the 
                        conversion factor otherwise determined 
                        for years beginning with 2009.
                  (C) Computation of relative value units for 
                components.--For purposes of this section for 
                each physicians' service--
                          (i) Work relative value units.--The 
                        Secretary shall determine a number of 
                        work relative value units for the 
                        service or group of services based on 
                        the relative resources incorporating 
                        physician time and intensity required 
                        in furnishing the service or group of 
                          (ii) Practice expense relative value 
                        units.--The Secretary shall determine a 
                        number of practice expense relative 
                        value units for the service for years 
                        before 1999 equal to the product of--
                                  (I) the base allowed charges 
                                (as defined in subparagraph 
                                (D)) for the service, and
                                  (II) the practice expense 
                                percentage for the service (as 
                                determined under paragraph 
                        and for years beginning with 1999 based 
                        on the relative practice expense 
                        resources involved in furnishing the 
                        service or group of services. For 1999, 
                        such number of units shall be 
                        determined based 75 percent on such 
                        product and based 25 percent on the 
                        relative practice expense resources 
                        involved in furnishing the service. For 
                        2000, such number of units shall be 
                        determined based 50 percent on such 
                        product and based 50 percent on such 
                        relative practice expense resources. 
                        For 2001, such number of units shall be 
                        determined based 25 percent on such 
                        product and based 75 percent on such 
                        relative practice expense resources. 
                        For a subsequent year, such number of 
                        units shall be determined based 
                        entirely on such relative practice 
                        expense resources.
                          (iii) Malpractice relative value 
                        units.--The Secretary shall determine a 
                        number of malpractice relative value 
                        units for the service or group of 
                        services for years before 2000 equal to 
                        the product of--
                                  (I) the base allowed charges 
                                (as defined in subparagraph 
                                (D)) for the service or group 
                                of services, and
                                  (II) the malpractice 
                                percentage for the service or 
                                group of services (as 
                                determined under paragraph 
                        and for years beginning with 2000 based 
                        on the malpractice expense resources 
                        involved in furnishing the service or 
                        group of services.
                  (D) Base allowed charges defined.--In this 
                paragraph, the term ``base allowed charges'' 
                means, with respect to a physician's service, 
                the national average allowed charges for the 
                service under this part for services furnished 
                during 1991, as estimated by the Secretary 
                using the most recent data available.
                  (E) Reduction in practice expense relative 
                value units for certain services.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clause 
                        (ii), the Secretary shall reduce the 
                        practice expense relative value units 
                        applied to services described in clause 
                        (iii) furnished in--
                                  (I) 1994, by 25 percent of 
                                the number by which the number 
                                of practice expense relative 
                                value units (determined for 
                                1994 without regard to this 
                                subparagraph) exceeds the 
                                number of work relative value 
                                units determined for 1994,
                                  (II) 1995, by an additional 
                                25 percent of such excess, and
                                  (III) 1996, by an additional 
                                25 percent of such excess.
                          (ii) Floor on reductions.--The 
                        practice expense relative value units 
                        for a physician's service shall not be 
                        reduced under this subparagraph to a 
                        number less than 128 percent of the 
                        number of work relative value units.
                          (iii) Services covered.--For purposes 
                        of clause (i), the services described 
                        in this clause are physicians' services 
                        that are not described in clause (iv) 
                        and for which--
                                  (I) there are work relative 
                                value units, and
                                  (II) the number of practice 
                                expense relative value units 
                                (determined for 1994) exceeds 
                                128 percent of the number of 
                                work relative value units 
                                (determined for such year).
                          (iv) Excluded services.--For purposes 
                        of clause (iii), the services described 
                        in this clause are services which the 
                        Secretary determines at least 75 
                        percent of which are provided under 
                        this title in an office setting.
                  (F) Budget neutrality adjustments.--The 
                          (i) shall reduce the relative values 
                        for all services (other than anesthesia 
                        services) established under this 
                        paragraph (and in the case of 
                        anesthesia services, the conversion 
                        factor established by the Secretary for 
                        such services) by such percentage as 
                        the Secretary determines to be 
                        necessary so that, beginning in 1996, 
                        the amendment made by section 13514(a) 
                        of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation 
                        Act of 1993 would not result in 
                        expenditures under this section that 
                        exceed the amount of such expenditures 
                        that would have been made if such 
                        amendment had not been made, and
                          (ii) shall reduce the amounts 
                        determined under subsection 
                        (a)(2)(B)(ii)(I) by such percentage as 
                        the Secretary determines to be required 
                        to assure that, taking into account the 
                        reductions made under clause (i), the 
                        amendment made by section 13514(a) of 
                        the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 
                        of 1993 would not result in 
                        expenditures under this section in 1994 
                        that exceed the amount of such 
                        expenditures that would have been made 
                        if such amendment had not been made.
                  (G) Adjustments in relative value units for 
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary 
                                  (I) subject to clauses (iv) 
                                and (v), reduce the practice 
                                expense relative value units 
                                applied to any services 
                                described in clause (ii) 
                                furnished in 1998 to a number 
                                equal to 110 percent of the 
                                number of work relative value 
                                units, and
                                  (II) increase the practice 
                                expense relative value units 
                                for office visit procedure 
                                codes during 1998 by a uniform 
                                percentage which the Secretary 
                                estimates will result in an 
                                aggregate increase in payments 
                                for such services equal to the 
                                aggregate decrease in payments 
                                by reason of subclause (I).
                          (ii) Services covered.--For purposes 
                        of clause (i), the services described 
                        in this clause are physicians' services 
                        that are not described in clause (iii) 
                        and for which--
                                  (I) there are work relative 
                                value units, and
                                  (II) the number of practice 
                                expense relative value units 
                                (determined for 1998) exceeds 
                                110 percent of the number of 
                                work relative value units 
                                (determined for such year).
                          (iii) Excluded services.--For 
                        purposes of clause (ii), the services 
                        described in this clause are services 
                        which the Secretary determines at least 
                        75 percent of which are provided under 
                        this title in an office setting.
                          (iv) Limitation on aggregate 
                        reallocation.--If the application of 
                        clause (i)(I) would result in an 
                        aggregate amount of reductions under 
                        such clause in excess of $390,000,000, 
                        such clause shall be applied by 
                        substituting for 110 percent such 
                        greater percentage as the Secretary 
                        estimates will result in the aggregate 
                        amount of such reductions equaling 
                          (v) No reduction for certain 
                        services.--Practice expense relative 
                        value units for a procedure performed 
                        in an office or in a setting out of an 
                        office shall not be reduced under 
                        clause (i) if the in-office or out-of-
                        office practice expense relative value, 
                        respectively, for the procedure would 
                        increase under the proposed rule on 
                        resource-based practice expenses issued 
                        by the Secretary on June 18, 1997 (62 
                        Federal Register 33158 et seq.).
                  (H) Adjustments in practice expense relative 
                value units for certain drug administration 
                services beginning in 2004.--
                          (i) Use of survey data.--In 
                        establishing the physician fee schedule 
                        under subsection (b) with respect to 
                        payments for services furnished on or 
                        after January 1, 2004, the Secretary 
                        shall, in determining practice expense 
                        relative value units under this 
                        subsection, utilize a survey submitted 
                        to the Secretary as of January 1, 2003, 
                        by a physician specialty organization 
                        pursuant to section 212 of the 
                        Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced 
                        Budget Refinement Act of 1999 if the 
                                  (I) covers practice expenses 
                                for oncology drug 
                                administration services; and
                                  (II) meets criteria 
                                established by the Secretary 
                                for acceptance of such surveys.
                          (ii) Pricing of clinical oncology 
                        nurses in practice expense 
                        methodology.--If the survey described 
                        in clause (i) includes data on wages, 
                        salaries, and compensation of clinical 
                        oncology nurses, the Secretary shall 
                        utilize such data in the methodology 
                        for determining practice expense 
                        relative value units under subsection 
                          (iii) Work relative value units for 
                        certain drug administration services.--
                        In establishing the relative value 
                        units under this paragraph for drug 
                        administration services described in 
                        clause (iv) furnished on or after 
                        January 1, 2004, the Secretary shall 
                        establish work relative value units 
                        equal to the work relative value units 
                        for a level 1 office medical visit for 
                        an established patient.
                          (iv) Drug administration services 
                        described.--The drug administration 
                        services described in this clause are 
                        physicians' services--
                                  (I) which are classified as 
                                of October 1, 2003, within any 
                                of the following groups of 
                                procedures: therapeutic or 
                                diagnostic infusions (excluding 
                                chemotherapy); chemotherapy 
                                administration services; and 
                                therapeutic, prophylactic, or 
                                diagnostic injections;
                                  (II) for which there are no 
                                work relative value units 
                                assigned under this subsection 
                                as of such date; and
                                  (III) for which national 
                                relative value units have been 
                                assigned under this subsection 
                                as of such date.
                  (I) Adjustments in practice expense relative 
                value units for certain drug administration 
                services beginning with 2005.--
                          (i) In general.--In establishing the 
                        physician fee schedule under subsection 
                        (b) with respect to payments for 
                        services furnished on or after January 
                        1, 2005 or 2006, the Secretary shall 
                        adjust the practice expense relative 
                        value units for such year consistent 
                        with clause (ii).
                          (ii) Use of supplemental survey 
                                  (I) In general.--Subject to 
                                subclause (II), if a specialty 
                                submits to the Secretary by not 
                                later than March 1, 2004, for 
                                2005, or March 1, 2005, for 
                                2006, data that includes 
                                expenses for the administration 
                                of drugs and biologicals for 
                                which the payment amount is 
                                determined pursuant to section 
                                1842(o), the Secretary shall 
                                use such supplemental survey 
                                data in carrying out this 
                                subparagraph for the years 
                                involved insofar as they are 
                                collected and provided by 
                                entities and organizations 
                                consistent with the criteria 
                                established by the Secretary 
                                pursuant to section 212(a) of 
                                the Medicare, Medicaid, and 
                                SCHIP Balanced Budget 
                                Refinement Act of 1999.
                                  (II) Limitation on 
                                specialty.--Subclause (I) shall 
                                apply to a specialty only 
                                insofar as not less than 40 
                                percent of payments for the 
                                specialty under this title in 
                                2002 are attributable to the 
                                administration of drugs and 
                                biologicals, as determined by 
                                the Secretary.
                                  (III) Application.--This 
                                clause shall not apply with 
                                respect to a survey to which 
                                subparagraph (H)(i) applies.
                  (J) Provisions for appropriate reporting and 
                billing for physicians' services associated 
                with the administration of covered outpatient 
                drugs and biologicals.--
                          (i) Evaluation of codes.--The 
                        Secretary shall promptly evaluate 
                        existing drug administration codes for 
                        physicians' services to ensure accurate 
                        reporting and billing for such 
                        services, taking into account levels of 
                        complexity of the administration and 
                        resource consumption.
                          (ii) Use of existing processes.--In 
                        carrying out clause (i), the Secretary 
                        shall use existing processes for the 
                        consideration of coding changes and, to 
                        the extent coding changes are made, 
                        shall use such processes in 
                        establishing relative values for such 
                          (iii) Implementation.--In carrying 
                        out clause (i), the Secretary shall 
                        consult with representatives of 
                        physician specialties affected by the 
                        implementation of section 1847A or 
                        section 1847B, and shall take such 
                        steps within the Secretary's authority 
                        to expedite such considerations under 
                        clause (ii).
                          (iv) Subsequent, budget neutral 
                        adjustments permitted.--Nothing in 
                        subparagraph (H) or (I) or this 
                        subparagraph shall be construed as 
                        preventing the Secretary from providing 
                        for adjustments in practice expense 
                        relative value units under (and 
                        consistent with) subparagraph (B) for 
                        years after 2004, 2005, or 2006, 
                  (K) Potentially misvalued codes.--
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary 
                                  (I) periodically identify 
                                services as being potentially 
                                misvalued using criteria 
                                specified in clause (ii); and
                                  (II) review and make 
                                appropriate adjustments to the 
                                relative values established 
                                under this paragraph for 
                                services identified as being 
                                potentially misvalued under 
                                subclause (I).
                          (ii) Identification of potentially 
                        misvalued codes.--For purposes of 
                        identifying potentially misvalued codes 
                        pursuant to clause (i)(I), the 
                        Secretary shall examine codes (and 
                        families of codes as appropriate) based 
                        on any or all of the following 
                                  (I) Codes that have 
                                experienced the fastest growth.
                                  (II) Codes that have 
                                experienced substantial changes 
                                in practice expenses.
                                  (III) Codes that describe new 
                                technologies or services within 
                                an appropriate time period 
                                (such as 3 years) after the 
                                relative values are initially 
                                established for such codes.
                                  (IV) Codes which are multiple 
                                codes that are frequently 
                                billed in conjunction with 
                                furnishing a single service.
                                  (V) Codes with low relative 
                                values, particularly those that 
                                are often billed multiple times 
                                for a single treatment.
                                  (VI) Codes that have not been 
                                subject to review since 
                                implementation of the fee 
                                  (VII) Codes that account for 
                                the majority of spending under 
                                the physician fee schedule.
                                  (VIII) Codes for services 
                                that have experienced a 
                                substantial change in the 
                                hospital length of stay or 
                                procedure time.
                                  (IX) Codes for which there 
                                may be a change in the typical 
                                site of service since the code 
                                was last valued.
                                  (X) Codes for which there is 
                                a significant difference in 
                                payment for the same service 
                                between different sites of 
                                  (XI) Codes for which there 
                                may be anomalies in relative 
                                values within a family of 
                                  (XII) Codes for services 
                                where there may be efficiencies 
                                when a service is furnished at 
                                the same time as other 
                                  (XIII) Codes with high intra-
                                service work per unit of time.
                                  (XIV) Codes with high 
                                practice expense relative value 
                                  (XV) Codes with high cost 
                                  (XVI) Codes as determined 
                                appropriate by the Secretary.
                          (iii) Review and adjustments.--
                                  (I) The Secretary may use 
                                existing processes to receive 
                                recommendations on the review 
                                and appropriate adjustment of 
                                potentially misvalued services 
                                described in clause (i)(II).
                                  (II) The Secretary may 
                                conduct surveys, other data 
                                collection activities, studies, 
                                or other analyses as the 
                                Secretary determines to be 
                                appropriate to facilitate the 
                                review and appropriate 
                                adjustment described in clause 
                                  (III) The Secretary may use 
                                analytic contractors to 
                                identify and analyze services 
                                identified under clause (i)(I), 
                                conduct surveys or collect 
                                data, and make recommendations 
                                on the review and appropriate 
                                adjustment of services 
                                described in clause (i)(II).
                                  (IV) The Secretary may 
                                coordinate the review and 
                                appropriate adjustment 
                                described in clause (i)(II) 
                                with the periodic review 
                                described in subparagraph (B).
                                  (V) As part of the review and 
                                adjustment described in clause 
                                (i)(II), including with respect 
                                to codes with low relative 
                                values described in clause 
                                (ii), the Secretary may make 
                                appropriate coding revisions 
                                (including using existing 
                                processes for consideration of 
                                coding changes) which may 
                                include consolidation of 
                                individual services into 
                                bundled codes for payment under 
                                the fee schedule under 
                                subsection (b).
                                  (VI) The provisions of 
                                subparagraph (B)(ii)(II) and 
                                paragraph (7) shall apply to 
                                adjustments to relative value 
                                units made pursuant to this 
                                subparagraph in the same manner 
                                as such provisions apply to 
                                adjustments under subparagraph 
                          (iv) Treatment of certain radiation 
                        therapy services.--Radiation treatment 
                        delivery and related imaging services 
                        identified under subsection (b)(11) 
                        shall not be considered as potentially 
                        misvalued services for purposes of this 
                        subparagraph and subparagraph (O) for 
                        2017 and 2018.
                  (L) Validating relative value units.--
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                        establish a process to validate 
                        relative value units under the fee 
                        schedule under subsection (b).
                          (ii) Components and elements of 
                        work.--The process described in clause 
                        (i) may include validation of work 
                        elements (such as time, mental effort 
                        and professional judgment, technical 
                        skill and physical effort, and stress 
                        due to risk) involved with furnishing a 
                        service and may include validation of 
                        the pre-, post-, and intra-service 
                        components of work.
                          (iii) Scope of codes.--The validation 
                        of work relative value units shall 
                        include a sampling of codes for 
                        services that is the same as the codes 
                        listed under subparagraph (K)(ii).
                          (iv) Methods.--The Secretary may 
                        conduct the validation under this 
                        subparagraph using methods described in 
                        subclauses (I) through (V) of 
                        subparagraph (K)(iii) as the Secretary 
                        determines to be appropriate.
                          (v) Adjustments.--The Secretary shall 
                        make appropriate adjustments to the 
                        work relative value units under the fee 
                        schedule under subsection (b). The 
                        provisions of subparagraph (B)(ii)(II) 
                        shall apply to adjustments to relative 
                        value units made pursuant to this 
                        subparagraph in the same manner as such 
                        provisions apply to adjustments under 
                        subparagraph (B)(ii)(II).
                  (M) Authority to collect and use information 
                on physicians' services in the determination of 
                relative values.--
                          (i) Collection of information.--
                        Notwithstanding any other provision of 
                        law, the Secretary may collect or 
                        obtain information on the resources 
                        directly or indirectly related to 
                        furnishing services for which payment 
                        is made under the fee schedule 
                        established under subsection (b). Such 
                        information may be collected or 
                        obtained from any eligible professional 
                        or any other source.
                          (ii) Use of information.--
                        Notwithstanding any other provision of 
                        law, subject to clause (v), the 
                        Secretary may (as the Secretary 
                        determines appropriate) use information 
                        collected or obtained pursuant to 
                        clause (i) in the determination of 
                        relative values for services under this 
                          (iii) Types of information.--The 
                        types of information described in 
                        clauses (i) and (ii) may, at the 
                        Secretary's discretion, include any or 
                        all of the following:
                                  (I) Time involved in 
                                furnishing services.
                                  (II) Amounts and types of 
                                practice expense inputs 
                                involved with furnishing 
                                  (III) Prices (net of any 
                                discounts) for practice expense 
                                inputs, which may include paid 
                                invoice prices or other 
                                documentation or records.
                                  (IV) Overhead and accounting 
                                information for practices of 
                                physicians and other suppliers.
                                  (V) Any other element that 
                                would improve the valuation of 
                                services under this section.
                          (iv) Information collection 
                        mechanisms.--Information may be 
                        collected or obtained pursuant to this 
                        subparagraph from any or all of the 
                                  (I) Surveys of physicians, 
                                other suppliers, providers of 
                                services, manufacturers, and 
                                  (II) Surgical logs, billing 
                                systems, or other practice or 
                                facility records.
                                  (III) Electronic health 
                                  (IV) Any other mechanism 
                                determined appropriate by the 
                          (v) Transparency of use of 
                                  (I) In general.--Subject to 
                                subclauses (II) and (III), if 
                                the Secretary uses information 
                                collected or obtained under 
                                this subparagraph in the 
                                determination of relative 
                                values under this subsection, 
                                the Secretary shall disclose 
                                the information source and 
                                discuss the use of such 
                                information in such 
                                determination of relative 
                                values through notice and 
                                comment rulemaking.
                                  (II) Thresholds for use.--The 
                                Secretary may establish 
                                thresholds in order to use such 
                                information, including the 
                                exclusion of information 
                                collected or obtained from 
                                eligible professionals who use 
                                very high resources (as 
                                determined by the Secretary) in 
                                furnishing a service.
                                  (III) Disclosure of 
                                information.--The Secretary 
                                shall make aggregate 
                                information available under 
                                this subparagraph but shall not 
                                disclose information in a form 
                                or manner that identifies an 
                                eligible professional or a 
                                group practice, or information 
                                collected or obtained pursuant 
                                to a nondisclosure agreement.
                          (vi) Incentive to participate.--The 
                        Secretary may provide for such payments 
                        under this part to an eligible 
                        professional that submits such 
                        solicited information under this 
                        subparagraph as the Secretary 
                        determines appropriate in order to 
                        compensate such eligible professional 
                        for such submission. Such payments 
                        shall be provided in a form and manner 
                        specified by the Secretary.
                          (vii) Administration.--Chapter 35 of 
                        title 44, United States Code, shall not 
                        apply to information collected or 
                        obtained under this subparagraph.
                          (viii) Definition of eligible 
                        professional.--In this subparagraph, 
                        the term ``eligible professional'' has 
                        the meaning given such term in 
                        subsection (k)(3)(B).
                          (ix) Funding.--For purposes of 
                        carrying out this subparagraph, in 
                        addition to funds otherwise 
                        appropriated, the Secretary shall 
                        provide for the transfer, from the 
                        Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance 
                        Trust Fund under section 1841, of 
                        $2,000,000 to the Centers for Medicare 
                        & Medicaid Services Program Management 
                        Account for each fiscal year beginning 
                        with fiscal year 2014. Amounts 
                        transferred under the preceding 
                        sentence for a fiscal year shall be 
                        available until expended.
                  (N) Authority for alternative approaches to 
                establishing practice expense relative 
                values.--The Secretary may establish or adjust 
                practice expense relative values under this 
                subsection using cost, charge, or other data 
                from suppliers or providers of services, 
                including information collected or obtained 
                under subparagraph (M).
                  (O) Target for relative value adjustments for 
                misvalued services.--With respect to fee 
                schedules established for each of 2016 through 
                2018, the following shall apply:
                          (i) Determination of net reduction in 
                        expenditures.--For each year, the 
                        Secretary shall determine the estimated 
                        net reduction in expenditures under the 
                        fee schedule under this section with 
                        respect to the year as a result of 
                        adjustments to the relative values 
                        established under this paragraph for 
                        misvalued codes.
                          (ii) Budget neutral redistribution of 
                        funds if target met and counting 
                        overages towards the target for the 
                        succeeding year.--If the estimated net 
                        reduction in expenditures determined 
                        under clause (i) for the year is equal 
                        to or greater than the target for the 
                                  (I) reduced expenditures 
                                attributable to such 
                                adjustments shall be 
                                redistributed for the year in a 
                                budget neutral manner in 
                                accordance with subparagraph 
                                (B)(ii)(II); and
                                  (II) the amount by which such 
                                reduced expenditures exceeds 
                                the target for the year shall 
                                be treated as a reduction in 
                                expenditures described in 
                                clause (i) for the succeeding 
                                year, for purposes of 
                                determining whether the target 
                                has or has not been met under 
                                this subparagraph with respect 
                                to that year.
                          (iii) Exemption from budget 
                        neutrality if target not met.--If the 
                        estimated net reduction in expenditures 
                        determined under clause (i) for the 
                        year is less than the target for the 
                        year, reduced expenditures in an amount 
                        equal to the target recapture amount 
                        shall not be taken into account in 
                        applying subparagraph (B)(ii)(II) with 
                        respect to fee schedules beginning with 
                          (iv) Target recapture amount.--For 
                        purposes of clause (iii), the target 
                        recapture amount is, with respect to a 
                        year, an amount equal to the difference 
                                  (I) the target for the year; 
                                  (II) the estimated net 
                                reduction in expenditures 
                                determined under clause (i) for 
                                the year.
                          (v) Target.--For purposes of this 
                        subparagraph, with respect to a year, 
                        the target is calculated as 0.5 percent 
                        (or, for 2016, 1.0 percent) of the 
                        estimated amount of expenditures under 
                        the fee schedule under this section for 
                        the year.
          (3) Component percentages.--For purposes of paragraph 
        (2), the Secretary shall determine a work percentage, a 
        practice expense percentage, and a malpractice 
        percentage for each physician's service as follows:
                  (A) Division of services by specialty.--For 
                each physician's service or class of 
                physicians' services, the Secretary shall 
                determine the average percentage of each such 
                service or class of services that is performed, 
                nationwide, under this part by physicians in 
                each of the different physician specialties (as 
                identified by the Secretary).
                  (B) Division of specialty by component.--The 
                Secretary shall determine the average 
                percentage division of resources, among the 
                work component, the practice expense component, 
                and the malpractice component, used by 
                physicians in each of such specialties in 
                furnishing physicians' services. Such 
                percentages shall be based on national data 
                that describe the elements of physician 
                practice costs and revenues, by physician 
                specialty. The Secretary may use extrapolation 
                and other techniques to determine practice 
                costs and revenues for specialties for which 
                adequate data are not available.
                  (C) Determination of component percentages.--
                          (i) Work percentage.--The work 
                        percentage for a service (or class of 
                        services) is equal to the sum (for all 
                        physician specialties) of--
                                  (I) the average percentage 
                                division for the work component 
                                for each physician specialty 
                                (determined under subparagraph 
                                (B)), multiplied by
                                  (II) the proportion 
                                (determined under subparagraph 
                                (A)) of such service (or 
                                services) performed by 
                                physicians in that specialty.
                          (ii) Practice expense percentage.--
                        For years before 2002, the practice 
                        expense percentage for a service (or 
                        class of services) is equal to the sum 
                        (for all physician specialties) of--
                                  (I) the average percentage 
                                division for the practice 
                                expense component for each 
                                physician specialty (determined 
                                under subparagraph (B)), 
                                multiplied by
                                  (II) the proportion 
                                (determined under subparagraph 
                                (A)) of such service (or 
                                services) performed by 
                                physicians in that specialty.
                          (iii) Malpractice percentage.--For 
                        years before 1999, the malpractice 
                        percentage for a service (or class of 
                        services) is equal to the sum (for all 
                        physician specialties) of--
                                  (I) the average percentage 
                                division for the malpractice 
                                component for each physician 
                                specialty (determined under 
                                subparagraph (B)), multiplied 
                                  (II) the proportion 
                                (determined under subparagraph 
                                (A)) of such service (or 
                                services) performed by 
                                physicians in that specialty.
                  (D) Periodic recomputation.--The Secretary 
                may, from time to time, provide for the 
                recomputation of work percentages, practice 
                expense percentages, and malpractice 
                percentages determined under this paragraph.
          (4) Ancillary policies.--The Secretary may establish 
        ancillary policies (with respect to the use of 
        modifiers, local codes, and other matters) as may be 
        necessary to implement this section.
          (5) Coding.--The Secretary shall establish a uniform 
        procedure coding system for the coding of all 
        physicians' services. The Secretary shall provide for 
        an appropriate coding structure for visits and 
        consultations. The Secretary may incorporate the use of 
        time in the coding for visits and consultations. The 
        Secretary, in establishing such coding system, shall 
        consult with the Physician Payment Review Commission 
        and other organizations representing physicians.
          (6) No variation for specialists.--The Secretary may 
        not vary the conversion factor or the number of 
        relative value units for a physicians' service based on 
        whether the physician furnishing the service is a 
        specialist or based on the type of specialty of the 
          (7) Phase-in of significant relative value unit (rvu) 
        reductions.--Effective for fee schedules established 
        beginning with 2016, for services that are not new or 
        revised codes, if the total relative value units for a 
        service for a year would otherwise be decreased by an 
        estimated amount equal to or greater than 20 percent as 
        compared to the total relative value units for the 
        previous year, the applicable adjustments in work, 
        practice expense, and malpractice relative value units 
        shall be phased-in over a 2-year period.
          (8) Global surgical packages.--
                  (A) Prohibition of implementation of rule 
                regarding global surgical packages.--
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                        not implement the policy established in 
                        the final rule published on November 
                        13, 2014 (79 Fed. Reg. 67548 et seq.), 
                        that requires the transition of all 10-
                        day and 90-day global surgery packages 
                        to 0-day global periods.
                          (ii) Construction.--Nothing in clause 
                        (i) shall be construed to prevent the 
                        Secretary from revaluing misvalued 
                        codes for specific surgical services or 
                        assigning values to new or revised 
                        codes for surgical services.
                  (B) Collection of data on services included 
                in global surgical packages.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clause 
                        (ii), the Secretary shall through 
                        rulemaking develop and implement a 
                        process to gather, from a 
                        representative sample of physicians, 
                        beginning not later than January 1, 
                        2017, information needed to value 
                        surgical services. Such information 
                        shall include the number and level of 
                        medical visits furnished during the 
                        global period and other items and 
                        services related to the surgery and 
                        furnished during the global period, as 
                        appropriate. Such information shall be 
                        reported on claims at the end of the 
                        global period or in another manner 
                        specified by the Secretary. For 
                        purposes of carrying out this paragraph 
                        (other than clause (iii)), the 
                        Secretary shall transfer from the 
                        Federal Supplemental Medical Insurance 
                        Trust Fund under section 1841 
                        $2,000,000 to the Center for Medicare & 
                        Medicaid Services Program Management 
                        Account for fiscal year 2015. Amounts 
                        transferred under the previous sentence 
                        shall remain available until expended.
                          (ii) Reassessment and potential 
                        sunset.--Every 4 years, the Secretary 
                        shall reassess the value of the 
                        information collected pursuant to 
                        clause (i). Based on such a 
                        reassessment and by regulation, the 
                        Secretary may discontinue the 
                        requirement for collection of 
                        information under such clause if the 
                        Secretary determines that the Secretary 
                        has adequate information from other 
                        sources, such as qualified clinical 
                        data registries, surgical logs, billing 
                        systems or other practice or facility 
                        records, and electronic health records, 
                        in order to accurately value global 
                        surgical services under this section.
                          (iii) Inspector general audit.--The 
                        Inspector General of the Department of 
                        Health and Human Services shall audit a 
                        sample of the information reported 
                        under clause (i) to verify the accuracy 
                        of the information so reported.
                  (C) Improving accuracy of pricing for 
                surgical services.--For years beginning with 
                2019, the Secretary shall use the information 
                reported under subparagraph (B)(i) as 
                appropriate and other available data for the 
                purpose of improving the accuracy of valuation 
                of surgical services under the physician fee 
                schedule under this section.
  (d) Conversion Factors.--
          (1) Establishment.--
                  (A) In general.--The conversion factor for 
                each year shall be the conversion factor 
                established under this subsection for the 
                previous year (or, in the case of 1992, 
                specified in subparagraph (B)) adjusted by the 
                update (established under paragraph (3)) for 
                the year involved (for years before 2001) and, 
                for years beginning with 2001 and ending with 
                2025, multiplied by the update (established 
                under paragraph (4) or a subsequent paragraph) 
                for the year involved. There shall be two 
                separate conversion factors for each year 
                beginning with 2026, one for items and services 
                furnished by a qualifying APM participant (as 
                defined in section 1833(z)(2)) (referred to in 
                this subsection as the ``qualifying APM 
                conversion factor'') and the other for other 
                items and services (referred to in this 
                subsection as the ``nonqualifying APM 
                conversion factor''), equal to the respective 
                conversion factor for the previous year (or, in 
                the case of 2026, equal to the single 
                conversion factor for 2025) multiplied by the 
                update established under paragraph (20) for 
                such respective conversion factor for such 
                  (B) Special provision for 1992.--For purposes 
                of subparagraph (A), the conversion factor 
                specified in this subparagraph is a conversion 
                factor (determined by the Secretary) which, if 
                this section were to apply during 1991 using 
                such conversion factor, would result in the 
                same aggregate amount of payments under this 
                part for physicians' services as the estimated 
                aggregate amount of the payments under this 
                part for such services in 1991.
                  (C) Special rules for 1998.--Except as 
                provided in subparagraph (D), the single 
                conversion factor for 1998 under this 
                subsection shall be the conversion factor for 
                primary care services for 1997, increased by 
                the Secretary's estimate of the weighted 
                average of the three separate updates that 
                would otherwise occur were it not for the 
                enactment of chapter 1 of subtitle F of title 
                IV of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.
                  (D) Special rules for anesthesia services.--
                The separate conversion factor for anesthesia 
                services for a year shall be equal to 46 
                percent of the single conversion factor (or, 
                beginning with 2026, applicable conversion 
                factor) established for other physicians' 
                services, except as adjusted for changes in 
                work, practice expense, or malpractice relative 
                value units.
                  (E) Publication and dissemination of 
                information.--The Secretary shall--
                          (i) cause to have published in the 
                        Federal Register not later than 
                        November 1 of each year (beginning with 
                        2000) the conversion factor which will 
                        apply to physicians' services for the 
                        succeeding year, the update determined 
                        under paragraph (4) for such succeeding 
                        year, and the allowed expenditures 
                        under such paragraph for such 
                        succeeding year; and
                          (ii) make available to the Medicare 
                        Payment Advisory Commission and the 
                        public by March 1 of each year 
                        (beginning with 2000) an estimate of 
                        the sustainable growth rate and of the 
                        conversion factor which will apply to 
                        physicians' services for the succeeding 
                        year and data used in making such 
          (3) Update for 1999 and 2000.--
                  (A) In general.--Unless otherwise provided by 
                law, subject to subparagraph (D) and the 
                budget-neutrality factor determined by the 
                Secretary under subsection (c)(2)(B)(ii), the 
                update to the single conversion factor 
                established in paragraph (1)(C) for 1999 and 
                2000 is equal to the product of--
                          (i) 1 plus the Secretary's estimate 
                        of the percentage increase in the MEI 
                        (as defined in section 1842(i)(3)) for 
                        the year (divided by 100), and
                          (ii) 1 plus the Secretary's estimate 
                        of the update adjustment factor for the 
                        year (divided by 100),
                minus 1 and multiplied by 100.
                  (B) Update adjustment factor.--For purposes 
                of subparagraph (A)(ii), the ``update 
                adjustment factor'' for a year is equal (as 
                estimated by the Secretary) to--
                          (i) the difference between (I) the 
                        sum of the allowed expenditures for 
                        physicians' services (as determined 
                        under subparagraph (C)) for the period 
                        beginning April 1, 1997, and ending on 
                        March 31 of the year involved, and (II) 
                        the amount of actual expenditures for 
                        physicians' services furnished during 
                        the period beginning April 1, 1997, and 
                        ending on March 31 of the preceding 
                        year; divided by
                          (ii) the actual expenditures for 
                        physicians' services for the 12-month 
                        period ending on March 31 of the 
                        preceding year, increased by the 
                        sustainable growth rate under 
                        subsection (f) for the fiscal year 
                        which begins during such 12-month 
                  (C) Determination of allowed expenditures.--
                For purposes of this paragraph and paragraph 
                (4), the allowed expenditures for physicians' 
                services for the 12-month period ending with 
                March 31 of--
                          (i) 1997 is equal to the actual 
                        expenditures for physicians' services 
                        furnished during such 12-month period, 
                        as estimated by the Secretary; or
                          (ii) a subsequent year is equal to 
                        the allowed expenditures for 
                        physicians' services for the previous 
                        year, increased by the sustainable 
                        growth rate under subsection (f) for 
                        the fiscal year which begins during 
                        such 12-month period.
                  (D) Restriction on variation from medicare 
                economic index.--Notwithstanding the amount of 
                the update adjustment factor determined under 
                subparagraph (B) for a year, the update in the 
                conversion factor under this paragraph for the 
                year may not be--
                          (i) greater than 100 times the 
                        following amount: (1.03 + (MEI 
                        percentage/100)) -1; or
                          (ii) less than 100 times the 
                        following amount: (0.93 + (MEI 
                        percentage/100)) -1,
                where ``MEI percentage'' means the Secretary's 
                estimate of the percentage increase in the MEI 
                (as defined in section 1842(i)(3)) for the year 
          (4) Update for years beginning with 2001 and ending 
        with 2014.--
                  (A) In general.--Unless otherwise provided by 
                law, subject to the budget-neutrality factor 
                determined by the Secretary under subsection 
                (c)(2)(B)(ii) and subject to adjustment under 
                subparagraph (F), the update to the single 
                conversion factor established in paragraph 
                (1)(C) for a year beginning with 2001 and 
                ending with 2014 is equal to the product of--
                          (i) 1 plus the Secretary's estimate 
                        of the percentage increase in the MEI 
                        (as defined in section 1842(i)(3)) for 
                        the year (divided by 100); and
                          (ii) 1 plus the Secretary's estimate 
                        of the update adjustment factor under 
                        subparagraph (B) for the year.
                  (B) Update adjustment factor.--For purposes 
                of subparagraph (A)(ii), subject to 
                subparagraph (D) and the succeeding paragraphs 
                of this subsection, the ``update adjustment 
                factor'' for a year is equal (as estimated by 
                the Secretary) to the sum of the following:
                          (i) Prior year adjustment 
                        component.--An amount determined by--
                                  (I) computing the difference 
                                (which may be positive or 
                                negative) between the amount of 
                                the allowed expenditures for 
                                physicians' services for the 
                                prior year (as determined under 
                                subparagraph (C)) and the 
                                amount of the actual 
                                expenditures for such services 
                                for that year;
                                  (II) dividing that difference 
                                by the amount of the actual 
                                expenditures for such services 
                                for that year; and
                                  (III) multiplying that 
                                quotient by 0.75.
                          (ii) Cumulative adjustment 
                        component.--An amount determined by--
                                  (I) computing the difference 
                                (which may be positive or 
                                negative) between the amount of 
                                the allowed expenditures for 
                                physicians' services (as 
                                determined under subparagraph 
                                (C)) from April 1, 1996, 
                                through the end of the prior 
                                year and the amount of the 
                                actual expenditures for such 
                                services during that period;
                                  (II) dividing that difference 
                                by actual expenditures for such 
                                services for the prior year as 
                                increased by the sustainable 
                                growth rate under subsection 
                                (f) for the year for which the 
                                update adjustment factor is to 
                                be determined; and
                                  (III) multiplying that 
                                quotient by 0.33.
                  (C) Determination of allowed expenditures.--
                For purposes of this paragraph:
                          (i) Period up to april 1, 1999.--The 
                        allowed expenditures for physicians' 
                        services for a period before April 1, 
                        1999, shall be the amount of the 
                        allowed expenditures for such period as 
                        determined under paragraph (3)(C).
                          (ii) Transition to calendar year 
                        allowed expenditures.--Subject to 
                        subparagraph (E), the allowed 
                        expenditures for--
                                  (I) the 9-month period 
                                beginning April 1, 1999, shall 
                                be the Secretary's estimate of 
                                the amount of the allowed 
                                expenditures that would be 
                                permitted under paragraph 
                                (3)(C) for such period; and
                                  (II) the year of 1999, shall 
                                be the Secretary's estimate of 
                                the amount of the allowed 
                                expenditures that would be 
                                permitted under paragraph 
                                (3)(C) for such year.
                          (iii) Years beginning with 2000.--The 
                        allowed expenditures for a year 
                        (beginning with 2000) is equal to the 
                        allowed expenditures for physicians' 
                        services for the previous year, 
                        increased by the sustainable growth 
                        rate under subsection (f) for the year 
                  (D) Restriction on update adjustment 
                factor.--The update adjustment factor 
                determined under subparagraph (B) for a year 
                may not be less than -0.07 or greater than 
                  (E) Recalculation of allowed expenditures for 
                updates beginning with 2001.--For purposes of 
                determining the update adjustment factor for a 
                year beginning with 2001, the Secretary shall 
                recompute the allowed expenditures for previous 
                periods beginning on or after April 1, 1999, 
                consistent with subsection (f)(3).
                  (F) Transitional adjustment designed to 
                provide for budget neutrality.--Under this 
                subparagraph the Secretary shall provide for an 
                adjustment to the update under subparagraph 
                          (i) for each of 2001, 2002, 2003, and 
                        2004, of -0.2 percent; and
                          (ii) for 2005 of +0.8 percent.
          (5) Update for 2004 and 2005.--The update to the 
        single conversion factor established in paragraph 
        (1)(C) for each of 2004 and 2005 shall be not less than 
        1.5 percent.
          (6) Update for 2006.--The update to the single 
        conversion factor established in paragraph (1)(C) for 
        2006 shall be 0 percent.
          (7) Conversion factor for 2007.--
                  (A) In general.--The conversion factor that 
                would otherwise be applicable under this 
                subsection for 2007 shall be the amount of such 
                conversion factor divided by the product of--
                          (i) 1 plus the Secretary's estimate 
                        of the percentage increase in the MEI 
                        (as defined in section 1842(i)(3)) for 
                        2007 (divided by 100); and
                          (ii) 1 plus the Secretary's estimate 
                        of the update adjustment factor under 
                        paragraph (4)(B) for 2007.
                  (B) No effect on computation of conversion 
                factor for 2008.--The conversion factor under 
                this subsection shall be computed under 
                paragraph (1)(A) for 2008 as if subparagraph 
                (A) had never applied.
          (8) Update for 2008.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to paragraph (7)(B), 
                in lieu of the update to the single conversion 
                factor established in paragraph (1)(C) that 
                would otherwise apply for 2008, the update to 
                the single conversion factor shall be 0.5 
                  (B) No effect on computation of conversion 
                factor for 2009.--The conversion factor under 
                this subsection shall be computed under 
                paragraph (1)(A) for 2009 and subsequent years 
                as if subparagraph (A) had never applied.
          (9) Update for 2009.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to paragraphs (7)(B) 
                and (8)(B), in lieu of the update to the single 
                conversion factor established in paragraph 
                (1)(C) that would otherwise apply for 2009, the 
                update to the single conversion factor shall be 
                1.1 percent.
                  (B) No effect on computation of conversion 
                factor for 2010 and subsequent years.--The 
                conversion factor under this subsection shall 
                be computed under paragraph (1)(A) for 2010 and 
                subsequent years as if subparagraph (A) had 
                never applied.
          (10) Update for January through may of 2010.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to paragraphs 
                (7)(B), (8)(B), and (9)(B), in lieu of the 
                update to the single conversion factor 
                established in paragraph (1)(C) that would 
                otherwise apply for 2010 for the period 
                beginning on January 1, 2010, and ending on May 
                31, 2010, the update to the single conversion 
                factor shall be 0 percent for 2010.
                  (B) No effect on computation of conversion 
                factor for remaining portion of 2010 and 
                subsequent years.--The conversion factor under 
                this subsection shall be computed under 
                paragraph (1)(A) for the period beginning on 
                June 1, 2010, and ending on December 31, 2010, 
                and for 2011 and subsequent years as if 
                subparagraph (A) had never applied.
          (11) Update for june through december of 2010.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to paragraphs 
                (7)(B), (8)(B), (9)(B), and (10)(B), in lieu of 
                the update to the single conversion factor 
                established in paragraph (1)(C) that would 
                otherwise apply for 2010 for the period 
                beginning on June 1, 2010, and ending on 
                December 31, 2010, the update to the single 
                conversion factor shall be 2.2 percent.
                  (B) No effect on computation of conversion 
                factor for 2011 and subsequent years.--The 
                conversion factor under this subsection shall 
                be computed under paragraph (1)(A) for 2011 and 
                subsequent years as if subparagraph (A) had 
                never applied.
          (12) Update for 2011.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to paragraphs 
                (7)(B), (8)(B), (9)(B), (10)(B), and (11)(B), 
                in lieu of the update to the single conversion 
                factor established in paragraph (1)(C) that 
                would otherwise apply for 2011, the update to 
                the single conversion factor shall be 0 
                  (B) No effect on computation of conversion 
                factor for 2012 and subsequent years.--The 
                conversion factor under this subsection shall 
                be computed under paragraph (1)(A) for 2012 and 
                subsequent years as if subparagraph (A) had 
                never applied.
          (13) Update for 2012.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to paragraphs 
                (7)(B), (8)(B), (9)(B), (10)(B), (11)(B), and 
                (12)(B), in lieu of the update to the single 
                conversion factor established in paragraph 
                (1)(C) that would otherwise apply for 2012, the 
                update to the single conversion factor shall be 
                zero percent.
                  (B) No effect on computation of conversion 
                factor for 2013 and subsequent years.--The 
                conversion factor under this subsection shall 
                be computed under paragraph (1)(A) for 2013 and 
                subsequent years as if subparagraph (A) had 
                never applied.
          (14) Update for 2013.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to paragraphs 
                (7)(B), (8)(B), (9)(B), (10)(B), (11)(B), 
                (12)(B), and (13)(B), in lieu of the update to 
                the single conversion factor established in 
                paragraph (1)(C) that would otherwise apply for 
                2013, the update to the single conversion 
                factor for such year shall be zero percent.
                  (B) No effect on computation of conversion 
                factor for 2014 and subsequent years.--The 
                conversion factor under this subsection shall 
                be computed under paragraph (1)(A) for 2014 and 
                subsequent years as if subparagraph (A) had 
                never applied.
          (15) Update for 2014.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to paragraphs 
                (7)(B), (8)(B), (9)(B), (10)(B), (11)(B), 
                (12)(B), (13)(B), and (14)(B), in lieu of the 
                update to the single conversion factor 
                established in paragraph (1)(C) that would 
                otherwise apply for 2014, the update to the 
                single conversion factor shall be 0.5 percent.
                  (B) No effect on computation of conversion 
                factor for subsequent years.--The conversion 
                factor under this subsection shall be computed 
                under paragraph (1)(A) for 2015 and subsequent 
                years as if subparagraph (A) had never applied.
          (16) Update for january through june of 2015.--
        Subject to paragraphs (7)(B), (8)(B), (9)(B), (10)(B), 
        (11)(B), (12)(B), (13)(B), (14)(B), and (15)(B), in 
        lieu of the update to the single conversion factor 
        established in paragraph (1)(C) that would otherwise 
        apply for 2015 for the period beginning on January 1, 
        2015, and ending on June 30, 2015, the update to the 
        single conversion factor shall be 0.0 percent.
          (17) Update for july through december of 2015.--The 
        update to the single conversion factor established in 
        paragraph (1)(C) for the period beginning on July 1, 
        2015, and ending on December 31, 2015, shall be 0.5 
          (18) Update for 2016 through 2019.--The update to the 
        single conversion factor established in paragraph 
        (1)(C) for 2016 and each subsequent year through 2019 
        shall be 0.5 percent.
          (19) Update for 2020 through 2025.--The update to the 
        single conversion factor established in paragraph 
        (1)(C) for 2020 and each subsequent year through 2025 
        shall be 0.0 percent.
          (20) Update for 2026 and subsequent years.--For 2026 
        and each subsequent year, the update to the qualifying 
        APM conversion factor established under paragraph 
        (1)(A) is 0.75 percent, and the update to the 
        nonqualifying APM conversion factor established under 
        such paragraph is 0.25 percent.
  (e) Geographic Adjustment Factors.--
          (1) Establishment of geographic indices.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to subparagraphs 
                (B), (C), (E), (G), (H), and (I), the Secretary 
                shall establish--
                          (i) an index which reflects the 
                        relative costs of the mix of goods and 
                        services comprising practice expenses 
                        (other than malpractice expenses) in 
                        the different fee schedule areas 
                        compared to the national average of 
                        such costs,
                          (ii) an index which reflects the 
                        relative costs of malpractice expenses 
                        in the different fee schedule areas 
                        compared to the national average of 
                        such costs, and
                          (iii) an index which reflects \1/4\ 
                        of the difference between the relative 
                        value of physicians' work effort in 
                        each of the different fee schedule 
                        areas and the national average of such 
                        work effort.
                  (B) Class-specific geographic cost-of-
                practice indices.--The Secretary may establish 
                more than one index under subparagraph (A)(i) 
                in the case of classes of physicians' services, 
                if, because of differences in the mix of goods 
                and services comprising practice expenses for 
                the different classes of services, the 
                application of a single index under such clause 
                to different classes of such services would be 
                substantially inequitable.
                  (C) Periodic review and adjustments in 
                geographic adjustment factors.--The Secretary, 
                not less often than every 3 years, shall, in 
                consultation with appropriate representatives 
                of physicians, review the indices established 
                under subparagraph (A) and the geographic index 
                values applied under this subsection for all 
                fee schedule areas. Based on such review, the 
                Secretary may revise such index and adjust such 
                index values, except that, if more than 1 year 
                has elapsed since the date of the last previous 
                adjustment, the adjustment to be applied in the 
                first year of the next adjustment shall be \1/
                2\ of the adjustment that otherwise would be 
                  (D) Use of recent data.--In establishing 
                indices and index values under this paragraph, 
                the Secretary shall use the most recent data 
                available relating to practice expenses, 
                malpractice expenses, and physician work effort 
                in different fee schedule areas.
                  (E) Floor at 1.0 on work geographic index.--
                After calculating the work geographic index in 
                subparagraph (A)(iii), for purposes of payment 
                for services furnished on or after January 1, 
                2004, and before January 1, 2018, the Secretary 
                shall increase the work geographic index to 
                1.00 for any locality for which such work 
                geographic index is less than 1.00.
                  (G) Floor for practice expense, malpractice, 
                and work geographic indices for services 
                furnished in alaska.--For purposes of payment 
                for services furnished in Alaska on or after 
                January 1, 2004, and before January 1, 2006, 
                after calculating the practice expense, 
                malpractice, and work geographic indices in 
                clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) of subparagraph 
                (A) and in subparagraph (B), the Secretary 
                shall increase any such index to 1.67 if such 
                index would otherwise be less than 1.67. For 
                purposes of payment for services furnished in 
                the State described in the preceding sentence 
                on or after January 1, 2009, after calculating 
                the work geographic index in subparagraph 
                (A)(iii), the Secretary shall increase the work 
                geographic index to 1.5 if such index would 
                otherwise be less than 1.5
                  (H) Practice expense geographic adjustment 
                for 2010 and subsequent years.--
                          (i) For 2010.--Subject to clause 
                        (iii), for services furnished during 
                        2010, the employee wage and rent 
                        portions of the practice expense 
                        geographic index described in 
                        subparagraph (A)(i) shall reflect \1/2\ 
                        of the difference between the relative 
                        costs of employee wages and rents in 
                        each of the different fee schedule 
                        areas and the national average of such 
                        employee wages and rents.
                          (ii) For 2011.--Subject to clause 
                        (iii), for services furnished during 
                        2011, the employee wage and rent 
                        portions of the practice expense 
                        geographic index described in 
                        subparagraph (A)(i) shall reflect \1/2\ 
                        of the difference between the relative 
                        costs of employee wages and rents in 
                        each of the different fee schedule 
                        areas and the national average of such 
                        employee wages and rents.
                          (iii) Hold harmless.--The practice 
                        expense portion of the geographic 
                        adjustment factor applied in a fee 
                        schedule area for services furnished in 
                        2010 or 2011 shall not, as a result of 
                        the application of clause (i) or (ii), 
                        be reduced below the practice expense 
                        portion of the geographic adjustment 
                        factor under subparagraph (A)(i) (as 
                        calculated prior to the application of 
                        such clause (i) or (ii), respectively) 
                        for such area for such year.
                          (iv) Analysis.--The Secretary shall 
                        analyze current methods of establishing 
                        practice expense geographic adjustments 
                        under subparagraph (A)(i) and evaluate 
                        data that fairly and reliably 
                        establishes distinctions in the costs 
                        of operating a medical practice in the 
                        different fee schedule areas. Such 
                        analysis shall include an evaluation of 
                        the following:
                                  (I) The feasibility of using 
                                actual data or reliable survey 
                                data developed by medical 
                                organizations on the costs of 
                                operating a medical practice, 
                                including office rents and non-
                                physician staff wages, in 
                                different fee schedule areas.
                                  (II) The office expense 
                                portion of the practice expense 
                                geographic adjustment described 
                                in subparagraph (A)(i), 
                                including the extent to which 
                                types of office expenses are 
                                determined in local markets 
                                instead of national markets.
                                  (III) The weights assigned to 
                                each of the categories within 
                                the practice expense geographic 
                                adjustment described in 
                                subparagraph (A)(i).
                          (v) Revision for 2012 and subsequent 
                        years.--As a result of the analysis 
                        described in clause (iv), the Secretary 
                        shall, not later than January 1, 2012, 
                        make appropriate adjustments to the 
                        practice expense geographic adjustment 
                        described in subparagraph (A)(i) to 
                        ensure accurate geographic adjustments 
                        across fee schedule areas, including--
                                  (I) basing the office rents 
                                component and its weight on 
                                office expenses that vary among 
                                fee schedule areas; and
                                  (II) considering a 
                                representative range of 
                                professional and non-
                                professional personnel employed 
                                in a medical office based on 
                                the use of the American 
                                Community Survey data or other 
                                reliable data for wage 
                        Such adjustments shall be made without 
                        regard to adjustments made pursuant to 
                        clauses (i) and (ii) and shall be made 
                        in a budget neutral manner.
                  (I) Floor for practice expense index for 
                services furnished in frontier states.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clause 
                        (ii), for purposes of payment for 
                        services furnished in a frontier State 
                        (as defined in section 
                        1886(d)(3)(E)(iii)(II)) on or after 
                        January 1, 2011, after calculating the 
                        practice expense index in subparagraph 
                        (A)(i), the Secretary shall increase 
                        any such index to 1.00 if such index 
                        would otherwise be less that 1.00. The 
                        preceding sentence shall not be applied 
                        in a budget neutral manner.
                          (ii) Limitation.--This subparagraph 
                        shall not apply to services furnished 
                        in a State that receives a non-labor 
                        related share adjustment under section 
          (2) Computation of geographic adjustment factor.--For 
        purposes of subsection (b)(1)(C), for all physicians' 
        services for each fee schedule area the Secretary shall 
        establish a geographic adjustment factor equal to the 
        sum of the geographic cost-of-practice adjustment 
        factor (specified in paragraph (3)), the geographic 
        malpractice adjustment factor (specified in paragraph 
        (4)), and the geographic physician work adjustment 
        factor (specified in paragraph (5)) for the service and 
        the area.
          (3) Geographic cost-of-practice adjustment factor.--
        For purposes of paragraph (2), the ``geographic cost-
        of-practice adjustment factor'', for a service for a 
        fee schedule area, is the product of--
                  (A) the proportion of the total relative 
                value for the service that reflects the 
                relative value units for the practice expense 
                component, and
                  (B) the geographic cost-of-practice index 
                value for the area for the service, based on 
                the index established under paragraph (1)(A)(i) 
                or (1)(B) (as the case may be).
          (4) Geographic malpractice adjustment factor.--For 
        purposes of paragraph (2), the ``geographic malpractice 
        adjustment factor'', for a service for a fee schedule 
        area, is the product of--
                  (A) the proportion of the total relative 
                value for the service that reflects the 
                relative value units for the malpractice 
                component, and
                  (B) the geographic malpractice index value 
                for the area, based on the index established 
                under paragraph (1)(A)(ii).
          (5) Geographic physician work adjustment factor.--For 
        purposes of paragraph (2), the ``geographic physician 
        work adjustment factor'', for a service for a fee 
        schedule area, is the product of--
                  (A) the proportion of the total relative 
                value for the service that reflects the 
                relative value units for the work component, 
                  (B) the geographic physician work index value 
                for the area, based on the index established 
                under paragraph (1)(A)(iii).
          (6) Use of msas as fee schedule areas in 
                  (A) In general.--Subject to the succeeding 
                provisions of this paragraph and 
                notwithstanding the previous provisions of this 
                subsection, for services furnished on or after 
                January 1, 2017, the fee schedule areas used 
                for payment under this section applicable to 
                California shall be the following:
                          (i) Each Metropolitan Statistical 
                        Area (each in this paragraph referred 
                        to as an ``MSA''), as defined by the 
                        Director of the Office of Management 
                        and Budget as of December 31 of the 
                        previous year, shall be a fee schedule 
                          (ii) All areas not included in an MSA 
                        shall be treated as a single rest-of-
                        State fee schedule area.
                  (B) Transition for msas previously in rest-
                of-state payment locality or in locality 3.--
                          (i) In general.--For services 
                        furnished in California during a year 
                        beginning with 2017 and ending with 
                        2021 in an MSA in a transition area (as 
                        defined in subparagraph (D)), subject 
                        to subparagraph (C), the geographic 
                        index values to be applied under this 
                        subsection for such year shall be equal 
                        to the sum of the following:
                                  (I) Current law component.--
                                The old weighting factor 
                                (described in clause (ii)) for 
                                such year multiplied by the 
                                geographic index values under 
                                this subsection for the fee 
                                schedule area that included 
                                such MSA that would have 
                                applied in such area (as 
                                estimated by the Secretary) if 
                                this paragraph did not apply.
                                  (II) MSA-based component.--
                                The MSA-based weighting factor 
                                (described in clause (iii)) for 
                                such year multiplied by the 
                                geographic index values 
                                computed for the fee schedule 
                                area under subparagraph (A) for 
                                the year (determined without 
                                regard to this subparagraph).
                          (ii) Old weighting factor.--The old 
                        weighting factor described in this 
                                  (I) for 2017, is \5/6\; and
                                  (II) for each succeeding 
                                year, is the old weighting 
                                factor described in this clause 
                                for the previous year minus \1/
                          (iii) MSA-based weighting factor.--
                        The MSA-based weighting factor 
                        described in this clause for a year is 
                        1 minus the old weighting factor under 
                        clause (ii) for that year.
                  (C) Hold harmless.--For services furnished in 
                a transition area in California during a year 
                beginning with 2017, the geographic index 
                values to be applied under this subsection for 
                such year shall not be less than the 
                corresponding geographic index values that 
                would have applied in such transition area (as 
                estimated by the Secretary) if this paragraph 
                did not apply.
                  (D) Transition area defined.--In this 
                paragraph, the term ``transition area'' means 
                each of the following fee schedule areas for 
                          (i) The rest-of-State payment 
                          (ii) Payment locality 3.
                  (E) References to fee schedule areas.--
                Effective for services furnished on or after 
                January 1, 2017, for California, any reference 
                in this section to a fee schedule area shall be 
                deemed a reference to a fee schedule area 
                established in accordance with this paragraph.
  (f) Sustainable Growth Rate.--
          (1) Publication.--The Secretary shall cause to have 
        published in the Federal Register not later than--
                  (A) November 1, 2000, the sustainable growth 
                rate for 2000 and 2001; and
                  (B) November 1 of each succeeding year 
                through 2014 the sustainable growth rate for 
                such succeeding year and each of the preceding 
                2 years.
          (2) Specification of growth rate.--The sustainable 
        growth rate for all physicians' services for a fiscal 
        year (beginning with fiscal year 1998 and ending with 
        fiscal year 2000) and a year beginning with 2000 and 
        ending with 2014 shall be equal to the product of--
                  (A) 1 plus the Secretary's estimate of the 
                weighted average percentage increase (divided 
                by 100) in the fees for all physicians' 
                services in the applicable period involved,
                  (B) 1 plus the Secretary's estimate of the 
                percentage change (divided by 100) in the 
                average number of individuals enrolled under 
                this part (other than Medicare+Choice plan 
                enrollees) from the previous applicable period 
                to the applicable period involved,
                  (C) 1 plus the Secretary's estimate of the 
                annual average percentage growth in real gross 
                domestic product per capita (divided by 100) 
                during the 10-year period ending with the 
                applicable period involved, and
                  (D) 1 plus the Secretary's estimate of the 
                percentage change (divided by 100) in 
                expenditures for all physicians' services in 
                the applicable period (compared with the 
                previous applicable period) which will result 
                from changes in law and regulations, determined 
                without taking into account estimated changes 
                in expenditures resulting from the update 
                adjustment factor determined under subsection 
                (d)(3)(B) or (d)(4)(B), as the case may be,
        minus 1 and multiplied by 100.
          (3) Data to be used.--For purposes of determining the 
        update adjustment factor under subsection (d)(4)(B) for 
        a year beginning with 2001, the sustainable growth 
        rates taken into consideration in the determination 
        under paragraph (2) shall be determined as follows:
                  (A) For 2001.--For purposes of such 
                calculations for 2001, the sustainable growth 
                rates for fiscal year 2000 and the years 2000 
                and 2001 shall be determined on the basis of 
                the best data available to the Secretary as of 
                September 1, 2000.
                  (B) For 2002.--For purposes of such 
                calculations for 2002, the sustainable growth 
                rates for fiscal year 2000 and for years 2000, 
                2001, and 2002 shall be determined on the basis 
                of the best data available to the Secretary as 
                of September 1, 2001.
                  (C) For 2003 and succeeding years.--For 
                purposes of such calculations for a year after 
                          (i) the sustainable growth rates for 
                        that year and the preceding 2 years 
                        shall be determined on the basis of the 
                        best data available to the Secretary as 
                        of September 1 of the year preceding 
                        the year for which the calculation is 
                        made; and
                          (ii) the sustainable growth rate for 
                        any year before a year described in 
                        clause (i) shall be the rate as most 
                        recently determined for that year under 
                        this subsection.
        Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as 
        affecting the sustainable growth rates established for 
        fiscal year 1998 or fiscal year 1999.
          (4) Definitions.--In this subsection:
                  (A) Services included in physicians' 
                services.--The term ``physicians' services'' 
                includes other items and services (such as 
                clinical diagnostic laboratory tests and 
                radiology services), specified by the 
                Secretary, that are commonly performed or 
                furnished by a physician or in a physician's 
                office, but does not include services furnished 
                to a Medicare+Choice plan enrollee.
                  (B) Medicare+choice plan enrollee.--The term 
                ``Medicare+Choice plan enrollee'' means, with 
                respect to a fiscal year, an individual 
                enrolled under this part who has elected to 
                receive benefits under this title for the 
                fiscal year through a Medicare+Choice plan 
                offered under part C, and also includes an 
                individual who is receiving benefits under this 
                part through enrollment with an eligible 
                organization with a risk-sharing contract under 
                section 1876.
                  (C) Applicable period.--The term ``applicable 
                period'' means--
                          (i) a fiscal year, in the case of 
                        fiscal year 1998, fiscal year 1999, and 
                        fiscal year 2000; or
                          (ii) a calendar year with respect to 
                        a year beginning with 2000;
                as the case may be.
  (g) Limitation on Beneficiary Liability.--
          (1) Limitation on actual charges.--
                  (A) In general.--In the case of a 
                nonparticipating physician or nonparticipating 
                supplier or other person (as defined in section 
                1842(i)(2)) who does not accept payment on an 
                assignment-related basis for a physician's 
                service furnished with respect to an individual 
                enrolled under this part, the following rules 
                          (i) Application of limiting charge.--
                        No person may bill or collect an actual 
                        charge for the service in excess of the 
                        limiting charge described in paragraph 
                        (2) for such service.
                          (ii) No liability for excess 
                        charges.--No person is liable for 
                        payment of any amounts billed for the 
                        service in excess of such limiting 
                          (iii) Correction of excess charges.--
                        If such a physician, supplier, or other 
                        person bills, but does not collect, an 
                        actual charge for a service in 
                        violation of clause (i), the physician, 
                        supplier, or other person shall reduce 
                        on a timely basis the actual charge 
                        billed for the service to an amount not 
                        to exceed the limiting charge for the 
                          (iv) Refund of excess collections.--
                        If such a physician, supplier, or other 
                        person collects an actual charge for a 
                        service in violation of clause (i), the 
                        physician, supplier, or other person 
                        shall provide on a timely basis a 
                        refund to the individual charged in the 
                        amount by which the amount collected 
                        exceeded the limiting charge for the 
                        service. The amount of such a refund 
                        shall be reduced to the extent the 
                        individual has an outstanding balance 
                        owed by the individual to the 
                  (B) Sanctions.--If a physician, supplier, or 
                other person--
                          (i) knowingly and willfully bills or 
                        collects for services in violation of 
                        subparagraph (A)(i) on a repeated 
                        basis, or
                          (ii) fails to comply with clause 
                        (iii) or (iv) of subparagraph (A) on a 
                        timely basis,
                the Secretary may apply sanctions against the 
                physician, supplier, or other person in 
                accordance with paragraph (2) of section 
                1842(j). In applying this subparagraph, 
                paragraph (4) of such section applies in the 
                same manner as such paragraph applies to such 
                section and any reference in such section to a 
                physician is deemed also to include a reference 
                to a supplier or other person under this 
                  (C) Timely basis.--For purposes of this 
                paragraph, a correction of a bill for an excess 
                charge or refund of an amount with respect to a 
                violation of subparagraph (A)(i) in the case of 
                a service is considered to be provided ``on a 
                timely basis'', if the reduction or refund is 
                made not later than 30 days after the date the 
                physician, supplier, or other person is 
                notified by the carrier under this part of such 
                violation and of the requirements of 
                subparagraph (A).
          (2) Limiting charge defined.--
                  (A) For 1991.--For physicians' services of a 
                physician furnished during 1991, other than 
                radiologist services subject to section 
                1834(b), the ``limiting charge'' shall be the 
                same percentage (or, if less, 25 percent) above 
                the recognized payment amount under this part 
                with respect to the physician (as a 
                nonparticipating physician) as the percentage 
                by which--
                          (i) the maximum allowable actual 
                        charge (as determined under section 
                        1842(j)(1)(C) as of December 31, 1990, 
                        or, if less, the maximum actual charge 
                        otherwise permitted for the service 
                        under this part as of such date) for 
                        the service of the physician, exceeds
                          (ii) the recognized payment amount 
                        for the service of the physician (as a 
                        nonparticipating physician) as of such 
In the case of evaluation and management services (as specified 
in section 1842(b)(16)(B)(ii)), the preceding sentence shall be 
applied by substituting ``40 percent'' for ``25 percent''.
                  (B) For 1992.--For physicians' services 
                furnished during 1992, other than radiologist 
                services subject to section 1834(b), the 
                ``limiting charge'' shall be the same 
                percentage (or, if less, 20 percent) above the 
                recognized payment amount under this part for 
                nonparticipating physicians as the percentage 
                by which--
                          (i) the limiting charge (as 
                        determined under subparagraph (A) as of 
                        December 31, 1991) for the service, 
                          (ii) the recognized payment amount 
                        for the service for nonparticipating 
                        physicians as of such date.
                  (C) After 1992.--For physicians' services 
                furnished in a year after 1992, the ``limiting 
                charge'' shall be 115 percent of the recognized 
                payment amount under this part for 
                nonparticipating physicians or for 
                nonparticipating suppliers or other persons.
                  (D) Recognized payment amount.--In this 
                section, the term ``recognized payment amount'' 
                means, for services furnished on or after 
                January 1, 1992, the fee schedule amount 
                determined under subsection (a) (or, if payment 
                under this part is made on a basis other than 
                the fee schedule under this section, 95 percent 
                of the other payment basis), and, for services 
                furnished during 1991, the applicable 
                percentage (as defined in section 
                1842(b)(4)(A)(iv)) of the prevailing charge (or 
                fee schedule amount) for nonparticipating 
                physicians for that year.
          (3) Limitation on charges for medicare beneficiaries 
        eligible for medicaid benefits.--
                  (A) In general.--Payment for physicians' 
                services furnished on or after April 1, 1990, 
                to an individual who is enrolled under this 
                part and eligible for any medical assistance 
                (including as a qualified medicare beneficiary, 
                as defined in section 1905(p)(1)) with respect 
                to such services under a State plan approved 
                under title XIX may only be made on an 
                assignment-related basis and the provisions of 
                section 1902(n)(3)(A) apply to further limit 
                permissible charges under this section.
                  (B) Penalty.--A person may not bill for 
                physicians' services subject to subparagraph 
                (A) other than on an assignment-related basis. 
                No person is liable for payment of any amounts 
                billed for such a service in violation of the 
                previous sentence. If a person knowingly and 
                willfully bills for physicians' services in 
                violation of the first sentence, the Secretary 
                may apply sanctions against the person in 
                accordance with section 1842(j)(2).
          (4) Physician submission of claims.--
                  (A) In general.--For services furnished on or 
                after September 1, 1990, within 1 year after 
                the date of providing a service for which 
                payment is made under this part on a reasonable 
                charge or fee schedule basis, a physician, 
                supplier, or other person (or an employer or 
                facility in the cases described in section 
                          (i) shall complete and submit a claim 
                        for such service on a standard claim 
                        form specified by the Secretary to the 
                        carrier on behalf of a beneficiary, and
                          (ii) may not impose any charge 
                        relating to completing and submitting 
                        such a form.
                  (B) Penalty.--(i) With respect to an assigned 
                claim wherever a physician, provider, supplier 
                or other person (or an employer or facility in 
                the cases described in section 1842(b)(6)(A)) 
                fails to submit such a claim as required in 
                subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall reduce by 
                10 percent the amount that would otherwise be 
                paid for such claim under this part.
                  (ii) If a physician, supplier, or other 
                person (or an employer or facility in the cases 
                described in section 1842(b)(6)(A)) fails to 
                submit a claim required to be submitted under 
                subparagraph (A) or imposes a charge in 
                violation of such subparagraph, the Secretary 
                shall apply the sanction with respect to such a 
                violation in the same manner as a sanction may 
                be imposed under section 1842(p)(3) for a 
                violation of section 1842(p)(1).
          (5) Electronic billing; direct deposit.--The 
        Secretary shall encourage and develop a system 
        providing for expedited payment for claims submitted 
        electronically. The Secretary shall also encourage and 
        provide incentives allowing for direct deposit as 
        payments for services furnished by participating 
        physicians. The Secretary shall provide physicians with 
        such technical information as necessary to enable such 
        physicians to submit claims electronically. The 
        Secretary shall submit a plan to Congress on this 
        paragraph by May 1, 1990.
          (6) Monitoring of charges.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                          (i) the actual charges of 
                        nonparticipating physicians for 
                        physicians' services furnished on or 
                        after January 1, 1991, to individuals 
                        enrolled under this part, and
                          (ii) changes (by specialty, type of 
                        service, and geographic area) in (I) 
                        the proportion of expenditures for 
                        physicians' services provided under 
                        this part by participating physicians, 
                        (II) the proportion of expenditures for 
                        such services for which payment is made 
                        under this part on an assignment-
                        related basis, and (III) the amounts 
                        charged above the recognized payment 
                        amounts under this part.
                  (B) Report.--The Secretary shall, by not 
                later than April 15 of each year (beginning in 
                1992), report to the Congress information on 
                the extent to which actual charges exceed 
                limiting charges, the number and types of 
                services involved, and the average amount of 
                excess charges and information regarding the 
                changes described in subparagraph (A)(ii).
                  (C) Plan.--If the Secretary finds that there 
                has been a significant decrease in the 
                proportions described in subclauses (I) and 
                (II) of subparagraph (A)(ii) or an increase in 
                the amounts described in subclause (III) of 
                that subparagraph, the Secretary shall develop 
                a plan to address such a problem and transmit 
                to Congress recommendations regarding the plan. 
                The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission shall 
                review the Secretary's plan and recommendations 
                and transmit to Congress its comments regarding 
                such plan and recommendations.
          (7) Monitoring of utilization and access.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                          (i) changes in the utilization of and 
                        access to services furnished under this 
                        part within geographic, population, and 
                        service related categories,
                          (ii) possible sources of 
                        inappropriate utilization of services 
                        furnished under this part which 
                        contribute to the overall level of 
                        expenditures under this part, and
                          (iii) factors underlying these 
                        changes and their interrelationships.
                  (B) Report.--The Secretary shall by not later 
                than April 15, of each year (beginning with 
                1991) report to the Congress on the changes 
                described in subparagraph (A)(i) and shall 
                include in the report an examination of the 
                factors (including factors relating to 
                different services and specific categories and 
                groups of services and geographic and 
                demographic variations in utilization) which 
                may contribute to such changes.
                  (C) Recommendations.--The Secretary shall 
                include in each annual report under 
                subparagraph (B) recommendations--
                          (i) addressing any identified 
                        patterns of inappropriate utilization,
                          (ii) on utilization review,
                          (iii) on physician education or 
                        patient education,
                          (iv) addressing any problems of 
                        beneficiary access to care made evident 
                        by the monitoring process, and
                          (v) on such other matters as the 
                        Secretary deems appropriate.
                The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission shall 
                comment on the Secretary's recommendations and 
                in developing its comments, the Commission 
                shall convene and consult a panel of physician 
                experts to evaluate the implications of medical 
                utilization patterns for the quality of and 
                access to patient care.
  (h) Sending Information to Physicians.--Before the beginning 
of each year (beginning with 1992), the Secretary shall send to 
each physician or nonparticipating supplier or other person 
furnishing physicians' services (as defined in section 
1848(j)(3)) furnishing physicians' services under this part, 
for services commonly performed by the physician, supplier, or 
other person, information on fee schedule amounts that apply 
for the year in the fee schedule area for participating and 
non-participating physicians, and the maximum amount that may 
be charged consistent with subsection (g)(2). Such information 
shall be transmitted in conjunction with notices to physicians, 
suppliers, and other persons under section 1842(h) (relating to 
the participating physician program) for a year.
  (i) Miscellaneous Provisions.--
          (1) Restriction on administrative and judicial 
        review.--There shall be no administrative or judicial 
        review under section 1869 or otherwise of--
                  (A) the determination of the adjusted 
                historical payment basis (as defined in 
                subsection (a)(2)(D)(i)),
                  (B) the determination of relative values and 
                relative value units under subsection (c), 
                including adjustments under subsections 
                (c)(2)(F), (c)(2)(H), and (c)(2)(I) and section 
                13515(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation 
                Act of 1993,
                  (C) the determination of conversion factors 
                under subsection (d), including without 
                limitation a prospective redetermination of the 
                sustainable growth rates for any or all 
                previous fiscal years,
                  (D) the establishment of geographic 
                adjustment factors under subsection (e),
                  (E) the establishment of the system for the 
                coding of physicians' services under this 
                section, and
                  (F) the collection and use of information in 
                the determination of relative values under 
                subsection (c)(2)(M).
          (2) Assistants-at-surgery.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), 
                in the case of a surgical service furnished by 
                a physician, if payment is made separately 
                under this part for the services of a physician 
                serving as an assistant-at-surgery, the fee 
                schedule amount shall not exceed 16 percent of 
                the fee schedule amount otherwise determined 
                under this section for the global surgical 
                service involved.
                  (B) Denial of payment in certain cases.--If 
                the Secretary determines, based on the most 
                recent data available, that for a surgical 
                procedure (or class of surgical procedures) the 
                national average percentage of such procedure 
                performed under this part which involve the use 
                of a physician as an assistant at surgery is 
                less than 5 percent, no payment may be made 
                under this part for services of an assistant at 
                surgery involved in the procedure.
          (3) No comparability adjustment.--For physicians' 
        services for which payment under this part is 
        determined under this section--
                  (A) a carrier may not make any adjustment in 
                the payment amount under section 1842(b)(3)(B) 
                on the basis that the payment amount is higher 
                than the charge applicable, for comparable 
                services and under comparable circumstances, to 
                the policyholders and subscribers of the 
                  (B) no payment adjustment may be made under 
                section 1842(b)(8), and
                  (C) section 1842(b)(9) shall not apply.
  (j) Definitions.--In this section:
          (1) Category.--For services furnished before January 
        1, 1998, the term ``category'' means, with respect to 
        physicians' services, surgical services (as defined by 
        the Secretary and including anesthesia services), 
        primary care services (as defined in section 
        1842(i)(4)), and all other physicians' services. The 
        Secretary shall define surgical services and publish 
        such definitions in the Federal Register no later than 
        May 1, 1990, after consultation with organizations 
        representing physicians.
          (2) Fee schedule area.--Except as provided in 
        subsection (e)(6)(D), the term ``fee schedule area'' 
        means a locality used under section 1842(b) for 
        purposes of computing payment amounts for physicians' 
          (3) Physicians' services.--The term ``physicians' 
        services'' includes items and services described in 
        paragraphs (1), (2)(A), (2)(D), (2)(G), (2)(P) (with 
        respect to services described in subparagraphs (A) and 
        (C) of section 1861(oo)(2)), (2)(R) (with respect to 
        services described in suparagraphs (B), (C), and (D) of 
        section 1861(pp)(1)), (2)(S), (2)(W), (2)(AA), (2)(DD), 
        (2)(EE), (2)(FF) (including administration of the 
        health risk assessment), (3), (4), (13), (14) (with 
        respect to services described in section 1861(nn)(2)), 
        and (15) of section 1861(s) (other than clinical 
        diagnostic laboratory tests and, except for purposes of 
        subsection (a)(3), (g), and (h) such other items and 
        services as the Secretary may specify).
          (4) Practice expenses.--The term ``practice 
        expenses'' includes all expenses for furnishing 
        physicians' services, excluding malpractice expenses, 
        physician compensation, and other physician fringe 
  (k) Quality Reporting System.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall implement a 
        system for the reporting by eligible professionals of 
        data on quality measures specified under paragraph (2). 
        Such data shall be submitted in a form and manner 
        specified by the Secretary (by program instruction or 
        otherwise), which may include submission of such data 
        on claims under this part.
          (2) Use of consensus-based quality measures.--
                  (A) For 2007.--
                          (i) In general.--For purposes of 
                        applying this subsection for the 
                        reporting of data on quality measures 
                        for covered professional services 
                        furnished during the period beginning 
                        July 1, 2007, and ending December 31, 
                        2007, the quality measures specified 
                        under this paragraph are the measures 
                        identified as 2007 physician quality 
                        measures under the Physician Voluntary 
                        Reporting Program as published on the 
                        public website of the Centers for 
                        Medicare & Medicaid Services as of the 
                        date of the enactment of this 
                        subsection, except as may be changed by 
                        the Secretary based on the results of a 
                        consensus-based process in January of 
                        2007, if such change is published on 
                        such website by not later than April 1, 
                          (ii) Subsequent refinements in 
                        application permitted.--The Secretary 
                        may, from time to time (but not later 
                        than July 1, 2007), publish on such 
                        website (without notice or opportunity 
                        for public comment) modifications or 
                        refinements (such as code additions, 
                        corrections, or revisions) for the 
                        application of quality measures 
                        previously published under clause (i), 
                        but may not, under this clause, change 
                        the quality measures under the 
                        reporting system.
                          (iii) Implementation.--
                        Notwithstanding any other provision of 
                        law, the Secretary may implement by 
                        program instruction or otherwise this 
                        subsection for 2007.
                  (B) For 2008 and 2009.--
                          (i) In general.--For purposes of 
                        reporting data on quality measures for 
                        covered professional services furnished 
                        during 2008 and 2009, the quality 
                        measures specified under this paragraph 
                        for covered professional services shall 
                        be measures that have been adopted or 
                        endorsed by a consensus organization 
                        (such as the National Quality Forum or 
                        AQA), that include measures that have 
                        been submitted by a physician 
                        specialty, and that the Secretary 
                        identifies as having used a consensus-
                        based process for developing such 
                        measures. Such measures shall include 
                        structural measures, such as the use of 
                        electronic health records and 
                        electronic prescribing technology.
                          (ii) Proposed set of measures.--Not 
                        later than August 15 of each of 2007 
                        and 2008, the Secretary shall publish 
                        in the Federal Register a proposed set 
                        of quality measures that the Secretary 
                        determines are described in clause (i) 
                        and would be appropriate for eligible 
                        professionals to use to submit data to 
                        the Secretary in 2008 or 2009, as 
                        applicable. The Secretary shall provide 
                        for a period of public comment on such 
                        set of measures.
                          (iii) Final set of measures.--Not 
                        later than November 15 of each of 2007 
                        and 2008, the Secretary shall publish 
                        in the Federal Register a final set of 
                        quality measures that the Secretary 
                        determines are described in clause (i) 
                        and would be appropriate for eligible 
                        professionals to use to submit data to 
                        the Secretary in 2008 or 2009, as 
                  (C) For 2010 and subsequent years.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clause 
                        (ii), for purposes of reporting data on 
                        quality measures for covered 
                        professional services furnished during 
                        2010 and each subsequent year, subject 
                        to subsection (m)(3)(C), the quality 
                        measures (including electronic 
                        prescribing quality measures) specified 
                        under this paragraph shall be such 
                        measures selected by the Secretary from 
                        measures that have been endorsed by the 
                        entity with a contract with the 
                        Secretary under section 1890(a).
                          (ii) Exception.--In the case of a 
                        specified area or medical topic 
                        determined appropriate by the Secretary 
                        for which a feasible and practical 
                        measure has not been endorsed by the 
                        entity with a contract under section 
                        1890(a), the Secretary may specify a 
                        measure that is not so endorsed as long 
                        as due consideration is given to 
                        measures that have been endorsed or 
                        adopted by a consensus organization 
                        identified by the Secretary, such as 
                        the AQA alliance.
                  (D) Opportunity to provide input on measures 
                for 2009 and subsequent years.--For each 
                quality measure (including an electronic 
                prescribing quality measure) adopted by the 
                Secretary under subparagraph (B) (with respect 
                to 2009) or subparagraph (C), the Secretary 
                shall ensure that eligible professionals have 
                the opportunity to provide input during the 
                development, endorsement, or selection of 
                measures applicable to services they furnish.
          (3) Covered professional services and eligible 
        professionals defined.--For purposes of this 
                  (A) Covered professional services.--The term 
                ``covered professional services'' means 
                services for which payment is made under, or is 
                based on, the fee schedule established under 
                this section and which are furnished by an 
                eligible professional.
                  (B) Eligible professional.--The term 
                ``eligible professional'' means any of the 
                          (i) A physician.
                          (ii) A practitioner described in 
                        section 1842(b)(18)(C).
                          (iii) A physical or occupational 
                        therapist or a qualified speech-
                        language pathologist.
                          (iv) Beginning with 2009, a qualified 
                        audiologist (as defined in section 
          (4) Use of registry-based reporting.--As part of the 
        publication of proposed and final quality measures for 
        2008 under clauses (ii) and (iii) of paragraph (2)(B), 
        the Secretary shall address a mechanism whereby an 
        eligible professional may provide data on quality 
        measures through an appropriate medical registry (such 
        as the Society of Thoracic Surgeons National Database) 
        or through a Maintenance of Certification program 
        operated by a specialty body of the American Board of 
        Medical Specialties that meets the criteria for such a 
        registry, as identified by the Secretary.
          (5) Identification units.--For purposes of applying 
        this subsection, the Secretary may identify eligible 
        professionals through billing units, which may include 
        the use of the Provider Identification Number, the 
        unique physician identification number (described in 
        section 1833(q)(1)), the taxpayer identification 
        number, or the National Provider Identifier. For 
        purposes of applying this subsection for 2007, the 
        Secretary shall use the taxpayer identification number 
        as the billing unit.
          (6) Education and outreach.--The Secretary shall 
        provide for education and outreach to eligible 
        professionals on the operation of this subsection.
          (7) Limitations on review.--There shall be no 
        administrative or judicial review under section 1869, 
        section 1878, or otherwise, of the development and 
        implementation of the reporting system under paragraph 
        (1), including identification of quality measures under 
        paragraph (2) and the application of paragraphs (4) and 
          (8) Implementation.--The Secretary shall carry out 
        this subsection acting through the Administrator of the 
        Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
          (9) Continued application for purposes of mips and 
        for certain professionals volunteering to report.--The 
        Secretary shall, in accordance with subsection 
        (q)(1)(F), carry out the provisions of this 
                  (A) for purposes of subsection (q); and
                  (B) for eligible professionals who are not 
                MIPS eligible professionals (as defined in 
                subsection (q)(1)(C)) for the year involved.
  (l) Physician Assistance and Quality Initiative Fund.--
          (1) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish 
        under this subsection a Physician Assistance and 
        Quality Initiative Fund (in this subsection referred to 
        as the ``Fund'') which shall be available to the 
        Secretary for physician payment and quality improvement 
        initiatives, which may include application of an 
        adjustment to the update of the conversion factor under 
        subsection (d).
          (2) Funding.--
                  (A) Amount available.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clause 
                        (ii), there shall be available to the 
                        Fund the following amounts:
                                  (I) For expenditures during 
                                2008, an amount equal to 
                                  (II) For expenditures during 
                                2009, an amount equal to 
                          (ii) Limitations on expenditures.--
                                  (I) 2008.--The amount 
                                available for expenditures 
                                during 2008 shall be reduced as 
                                provided by subparagraph (A) of 
                                section 225(c)(1) and section 
                                524 of the Departments of 
                                Labor, Health and Human 
                                Services, and Education, and 
                                Related Agencies Appropriations 
                                Act, 2008 (division G of the 
                                Consolidated Appropriations 
                                Act, 2008).
                                  (II) 2009.--The amount 
                                available for expenditures 
                                during 2009 shall be reduced as 
                                provided by subparagraph (B) of 
                                such section 225(c)(1).
                  (B) Timely obligation of all available funds 
                for services.--The Secretary shall provide for 
                expenditures from the Fund in a manner designed 
                to provide (to the maximum extent feasible) for 
                the obligation of the entire amount available 
                for expenditures, after application of 
                subparagraph (A)(ii), during--
                          (i) 2008 for payment with respect to 
                        physicians' services furnished during 
                        2008; and
                          (ii) 2009 for payment with respect to 
                        physicians' services furnished during 
                  (C) Payment from trust fund.--The amount 
                specified in subparagraph (A) shall be 
                available to the Fund, as expenditures are made 
                from the Fund, from the Federal Supplementary 
                Medical Insurance Trust Fund under section 
                  (D) Funding limitation.--Amounts in the Fund 
                shall be available in advance of appropriations 
                in accordance with subparagraph (B) but only if 
                the total amount obligated from the Fund does 
                not exceed the amount available to the Fund 
                under subparagraph (A). The Secretary may 
                obligate funds from the Fund only if the 
                Secretary determines (and the Chief Actuary of 
                the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 
                and the appropriate budget officer certify) 
                that there are available in the Fund sufficient 
                amounts to cover all such obligations incurred 
                consistent with the previous sentence.
                  (E) Construction.--In the case that 
                expenditures from the Fund are applied to, or 
                otherwise affect, a conversion factor under 
                subsection (d) for a year, the conversion 
                factor under such subsection shall be computed 
                for a subsequent year as if such application or 
                effect had never occurred.
  (m) Incentive Payments for Quality Reporting.--
          (1) Incentive payments.--
                  (A) In general.--For 2007 through 2014, with 
                respect to covered professional services 
                furnished during a reporting period by an 
                eligible professional, if--
                          (i) there are any quality measures 
                        that have been established under the 
                        physician reporting system that are 
                        applicable to any such services 
                        furnished by such professional for such 
                        reporting period;
                          (ii) the eligible professional 
                        satisfactorily submits (as determined 
                        under this subsection) to the Secretary 
                        data on such quality measures in 
                        accordance with such reporting system 
                        for such reporting period,
                in addition to the amount otherwise paid under 
                this part, there also shall be paid to the 
                eligible professional (or to an employer or 
                facility in the cases described in clause (A) 
                of section 1842(b)(6)) or, in the case of a 
                group practice under paragraph (3)(C), to the 
                group practice, from the Federal Supplementary 
                Medical Insurance Trust Fund established under 
                section 1841 an amount equal to the applicable 
                quality percent of the Secretary's estimate 
                (based on claims submitted not later than 2 
                months after the end of the reporting period) 
                of the allowed charges under this part for all 
                such covered professional services furnished by 
                the eligible professional (or, in the case of a 
                group practice under paragraph (3)(C), by the 
                group practice) during the reporting period.
                  (B) Applicable quality percent.--For purposes 
                of subparagraph (A), the term ``applicable 
                quality percent'' means--
                          (i) for 2007 and 2008, 1.5 percent; 
                          (ii) for 2009 and 2010, 2.0 percent;
                          (iii) for 2011, 1.0 percent; and
                          (iv) for 2012, 2013, and 2014, 0.5 
          (2) Incentive payments for electronic prescribing.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (D), 
                for 2009 through 2013, with respect to covered 
                professional services furnished during a 
                reporting period by an eligible professional, 
                if the eligible professional is a successful 
                electronic prescriber for such reporting 
                period, in addition to the amount otherwise 
                paid under this part, there also shall be paid 
                to the eligible professional (or to an employer 
                or facility in the cases described in clause 
                (A) of section 1842(b)(6)) or, in the case of a 
                group practice under paragraph (3)(C), to the 
                group practice, from the Federal Supplementary 
                Medical Insurance Trust Fund established under 
                section 1841 an amount equal to the applicable 
                electronic prescribing percent of the 
                Secretary's estimate (based on claims submitted 
                not later than 2 months after the end of the 
                reporting period) of the allowed charges under 
                this part for all such covered professional 
                services furnished by the eligible professional 
                (or, in the case of a group practice under 
                paragraph (3)(C), by the group practice) during 
                the reporting period.
                  (B) Limitation with respect to electronic 
                prescribing quality measures.--The provisions 
                of this paragraph and subsection (a)(5) shall 
                not apply to an eligible professional (or, in 
                the case of a group practice under paragraph 
                (3)(C), to the group practice) if, for the 
                reporting period (or, for purposes of 
                subsection (a)(5), for the reporting period for 
                a year)--
                          (i) the allowed charges under this 
                        part for all covered professional 
                        services furnished by the eligible 
                        professional (or group, as applicable) 
                        for the codes to which the electronic 
                        prescribing quality measure applies (as 
                        identified by the Secretary and 
                        published on the Internet website of 
                        the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid 
                        Services as of January 1, 2008, and as 
                        subsequently modified by the Secretary) 
                        are less than 10 percent of the total 
                        of the allowed charges under this part 
                        for all such covered professional 
                        services furnished by the eligible 
                        professional (or the group, as 
                        applicable); or
                          (ii) if determined appropriate by the 
                        Secretary, the eligible professional 
                        does not submit (including both 
                        electronically and nonelectronically) a 
                        sufficient number (as determined by the 
                        Secretary) of prescriptions under part 
                If the Secretary makes the determination to 
                apply clause (ii) for a period, then clause (i) 
                shall not apply for such period.
                  (C) Applicable electronic prescribing 
                percent.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the 
                term ``applicable electronic prescribing 
                percent'' means--
                          (i) for 2009 and 2010, 2.0 percent;
                          (ii) for 2011 and 2012, 1.0 percent; 
                          (iii) for 2013, 0.5 percent.
                  (D) Limitation with respect to ehr incentive 
                payments.--The provisions of this paragraph 
                shall not apply to an eligible professional 
                (or, in the case of a group practice under 
                paragraph (3)(C), to the group practice) if, 
                for the EHR reporting period the eligible 
                professional (or group practice) receives an 
                incentive payment under subsection (o)(1)(A) 
                with respect to a certified EHR technology (as 
                defined in subsection (o)(4)) that has the 
                capability of electronic prescribing.
          (3) Satisfactory reporting and successful electronic 
        prescriber and described.--
                  (A) In general.--For purposes of paragraph 
                (1), an eligible professional shall be treated 
                as satisfactorily submitting data on quality 
                measures for covered professional services for 
                a reporting period (or, for purposes of 
                subsection (a)(8), for the quality reporting 
                period for the year) if quality measures have 
                been reported as follows:
                          (i) Three or fewer quality measures 
                        applicable.--If there are no more than 
                        3 quality measures that are provided 
                        under the physician reporting system 
                        and that are applicable to such 
                        services of such professional furnished 
                        during the period, each such quality 
                        measure has been reported under such 
                        system in at least 80 percent of the 
                        cases in which such measure is 
                        reportable under the system.
                          (ii) Four or more quality measures 
                        applicable.--If there are 4 or more 
                        quality measures that are provided 
                        under the physician reporting system 
                        and that are applicable to such 
                        services of such professional 
                        furnishedduring the period, at least 3 
                        such quality measures have been 
                        reported under such system in at least 
                        80 percent of the cases in which the 
                        respective measure is reportable under 
                        the system.
                For years after 2008, quality measures for 
                purposes of this subparagraph shall not include 
                electronic prescribing quality measures.
                  (B) Successful electronic prescriber.--
                          (i) In general.--For purposes of 
                        paragraph (2) and subsection (a)(5), an 
                        eligible professional shall be treated 
                        as a successful electronic prescriber 
                        for a reporting period (or, for 
                        purposes of subsection (a)(5), for the 
                        reporting period for a year) if the 
                        eligible professional meets the 
                        requirement described in clause (ii), 
                        or, if the Secretary determines 
                        appropriate, the requirement described 
                        in clause (iii). If the Secretary makes 
                        the determination under the preceding 
                        sentence to apply the requirement 
                        described in clause (iii) for a period, 
                        then the requirement described in 
                        clause (ii) shall not apply for such 
                          (ii) Requirement for submitting data 
                        on electronic prescribing quality 
                        measures.--The requirement described in 
                        this clause is that, with respect to 
                        covered professional services furnished 
                        by an eligible professional during a 
                        reporting period (or, for purposes of 
                        subsection (a)(5), for the reporting 
                        period for a year), if there are any 
                        electronic prescribing quality measures 
                        that have been established under the 
                        physician reporting system and are 
                        applicable to any such services 
                        furnished by such professional for the 
                        period, such professional reported each 
                        such measure under such system in at 
                        least 50 percent of the cases in which 
                        such measure is reportable by such 
                        professional under such system.
                          (iii) Requirement for electronically 
                        prescribing under part d.--The 
                        requirement described in this clause is 
                        that the eligible professional 
                        electronically submitted a sufficient 
                        number (as determined by the Secretary) 
                        of prescriptions under part D during 
                        the reporting period (or, for purposes 
                        of subsection (a)(5), for the reporting 
                        period for a year).
                          (iv) Use of part d data.--
                        Notwithstanding sections 1860D-
                        15(d)(2)(B) and 1860D-15(f)(2), the 
                        Secretary may use data regarding drug 
                        claims submitted for purposes of 
                        section 1860D-15 that are necessary for 
                        purposes of clause (iii), paragraph 
                        (2)(B)(ii), and paragraph (5)(G).
                          (v) Standards for electronic 
                        prescribing.--To the extent 
                        practicable, in determining whether 
                        eligible professionals meet the 
                        requirements under clauses (ii) and 
                        (iii) for purposes of clause (i), the 
                        Secretary shall ensure that eligible 
                        professionals utilize electronic 
                        prescribing systems in compliance with 
                        standards established for such systems 
                        pursuant to the Part D Electronic 
                        Prescribing Program under section 
                  (C) Satisfactory reporting measures for group 
                          (i) In general.--By January 1, 2010, 
                        the Secretary shall establish and have 
                        in place a process under which eligible 
                        professionals in a group practice (as 
                        defined by the Secretary) shall be 
                        treated as satisfactorily submitting 
                        data on quality measures under 
                        subparagraph (A) and as meeting the 
                        requirement described in subparagraph 
                        (B)(ii) for covered professional 
                        services for a reporting period (or, 
                        for purposes of subsection (a)(5), for 
                        a reporting period for a year, or, for 
                        purposes of subsection (a)(8), for a 
                        quality reporting period for the year) 
                        if, in lieu of reporting measures under 
                        subsection (k)(2)(C), the group 
                        practice reports measures determined 
                        appropriate by the Secretary, such as 
                        measures that target high-cost chronic 
                        conditions and preventive care, in a 
                        form and manner, and at a time, 
                        specified by the Secretary.
                          (ii) Statistical sampling model.--The 
                        process under clause (i) shall provide 
                        and, for 2016 and subsequent years, may 
                        provide for the use of a statistical 
                        sampling model to submit data on 
                        measures, such as the model used under 
                        the Physician Group Practice 
                        demonstration project under section 
                          (iii) No double payments.--Payments 
                        to a group practice under this 
                        subsection by reason of the process 
                        under clause (i) shall be in lieu of 
                        the payments that would otherwise be 
                        made under this subsection to eligible 
                        professionals in the group practice for 
                        satisfactorily submitting data on 
                        quality measures.
                  (D) Satisfactory reporting measures through 
                participation in a qualified clinical data 
                registry.--For 2014 and subsequent years, the 
                Secretary shall treat an eligible professional 
                as satisfactorily submitting data on quality 
                measures under subparagraph (A) and, for 2016 
                and subsequent years, subparagraph (A) or (C) 
                if, in lieu of reporting measures under 
                subsection (k)(2)(C), the eligible professional 
                is satisfactorily participating, as determined 
                by the Secretary, in a qualified clinical data 
                registry (as described in subparagraph (E)) for 
                the year.
                  (E) Qualified clinical data registry.--
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                        establish requirements for an entity to 
                        be considered a qualified clinical data 
                        registry. Such requirements shall 
                        include a requirement that the entity 
                        provide the Secretary with such 
                        information, at such times, and in such 
                        manner, as the Secretary determines 
                        necessary to carry out this subsection.
                          (ii) Considerations.--In establishing 
                        the requirements under clause (i), the 
                        Secretary shall consider whether an 
                                  (I) has in place mechanisms 
                                for the transparency of data 
                                elements and specifications, 
                                risk models, and measures;
                                  (II) requires the submission 
                                of data from participants with 
                                respect to multiple payers;
                                  (III) provides timely 
                                performance reports to 
                                participants at the individual 
                                participant level; and
                                  (IV) supports quality 
                                improvement initiatives for 
                          (iii) Measures.--With respect to 
                        measures used by a qualified clinical 
                        data registry--
                                  (I) sections 1890(b)(7) and 
                                1890A(a) shall not apply; and
                                  (II) measures endorsed by the 
                                entity with a contract with the 
                                Secretary under section 1890(a) 
                                may be used.
                          (iv) Consultation.--In carrying out 
                        this subparagraph, the Secretary shall 
                        consult with interested parties.
                          (v) Determination.--The Secretary 
                        shall establish a process to determine 
                        whether or not an entity meets the 
                        requirements established under clause 
                        (i). Such process may involve one or 
                        both of the following:
                                  (I) A determination by the 
                                  (II) A designation by the 
                                Secretary of one or more 
                                independent organizations to 
                                make such determination.
                  (F) Authority to revise satisfactorily 
                reporting data.--For years after 2009, the 
                Secretary, in consultation with stakeholders 
                and experts, may revise the criteria under this 
                subsection for satisfactorily submitting data 
                on quality measures under subparagraph (A) and 
                the criteria for submitting data on electronic 
                prescribing quality measures under subparagraph 
          (4) Form of payment.--The payment under this 
        subsection shall be in the form of a single 
        consolidated payment.
          (5) Application.--
                  (A) Physician reporting system rules.--
                Paragraphs (5), (6),and (8) of subsection (k) 
                shall apply for purposes of this subsection in 
                the same manner as they apply for purposes of 
                such subsection.
                  (B) Coordination with other bonus payments.--
                The provisions of this subsection shall not be 
                taken into account in applying subsections (m) 
                and (u) of section 1833 and any payment under 
                such subsections shall not be taken into 
                account in computing allowable charges under 
                this subsection.
                  (C) Implementation.--Notwithstanding any 
                other provision of law, for 2007, 2008, and 
                2009, the Secretary may implement by program 
                instruction or otherwise this subsection.
                  (D) Validation.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to the 
                        succeeding provisions of this 
                        subparagraph, for purposes of 
                        determining whether a measure is 
                        applicable to the covered professional 
                        services of an eligible professional 
                        under this subsection for 2007 and 288, 
                        the Secretary shall presume that if an 
                        eligible professional submits data for 
                        a measure, such measure is applicable 
                        to such professional.
                          (ii) Method.--The Secretary may 
                        establish procedures to validate (by 
                        sampling or other means as the 
                        Secretary determines to be appropriate) 
                        whether measures applicable to covered 
                        professional services of an eligible 
                        professional have been reported.
                          (iii) Denial of payment authority.--
                        If the Secretary determines that an 
                        eligible professional (or, in the case 
                        of a group practice under paragraph 
                        (3)(C), the group practice) has not 
                        reported measures applicable to covered 
                        professional services of such 
                        professional, the Secretary shall not 
                        pay the incentive payment under this 
                        subsection. If such payments for such 
                        period have already been made, the 
                        Secretary shall recoup such payments 
                        from the eligible professional (or the 
                        group practice).
                  (E) Limitations on review.--
                          Except as provided in subparagraph 
                        (I), there shall be no administrative 
                        or judicial review under 1869, section 
                        1878, or otherwise of
                          (i) the determination of measures 
                        applicable to services furnished by 
                        eligible professionals under this 
                          (ii) the determination of 
                        satisfactory reporting under this 
                          (iii) the determination of a 
                        successful electronic prescriber under 
                        paragraph (3), the limitation under 
                        paragraph (2)(B), and the exception 
                        under subsection (a)(5)(B); and
                          (iv) the determination of any 
                        incentive payment under this subsection 
                        and the payment adjustment under 
                        paragraphs (5)(A) and (8)(A) of 
                        subsection (a).
                  (F) Extension.--For 2008 through reporting 
                periods occurring in 2015, the Secretary shall 
                establish and, for reporting periods occurring 
                in 2016 and subsequent years, the Secretary may 
                establish alternative criteria for 
                satisfactorily reporting under this subsection 
                and alternative reporting periods under 
                paragraph (6)(C) for reporting groups of 
                measures under subsection (k)(2)(B) and for 
                reporting using the method specified in 
                subsection (k)(4).
                  (G) Posting on website.--The Secretary shall 
                post on the Internet website of the Centers for 
                Medicare & Medicaid Services, in an easily 
                understandable format, a list of the names of 
                the following:
                          (i) The eligible professionals (or, 
                        in the case of reporting under 
                        paragraph (3)(C), the group practices) 
                        who satisfactorily submitted data on 
                        quality measures under this subsection.
                          (ii) The eligible professionals (or, 
                        in the case of reporting under 
                        paragraph (3)(C), the group practices) 
                        who are successful electronic 
                  (H) Feedback.--The Secretary shall provide 
                timely feedback to eligible professionals on 
                the performance of the eligible professional 
                with respect to satisfactorily submitting data 
                on quality measures under this subsection.
                  (I) Informal appeals process.--The Secretary 
                shall, by not later than January 1, 2011, 
                establish and have in place an informal process 
                for eligible professionals to seek a review of 
                the determination that an eligible professional 
                did not satisfactorily submit data on quality 
                measures under this subsection.
          (6) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection:
                  (A) Eligible professional; covered 
                professional services.--The terms ``eligible 
                professional'' and ``covered professional 
                services'' have the meanings given such termsin 
                subsection (k)(3).
                  (B) Physician reporting system.--The term 
                ``physician reporting system'' means the system 
                established under subsection (k).
                  (C) Reporting period.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clauses 
                        (ii) and (iii), the term ``reporting 
                        period'' means--
                                  (I) for 2007, the period 
                                beginning on July 1, 2007, and 
                                ending on December 31, 2007; 
                                  (II) for 2008 and subsequent 
                                years, the entire year.
                          (ii) Authority to revise reporting 
                        period.--For years after 2009, the 
                        Secretary may revise the reporting 
                        period under clause (i) if the 
                        Secretary determines such revision is 
                        appropriate, produces valid results on 
                        measures reported, and is consistent 
                        with the goals of maximizing scientific 
                        validity and reducing administrative 
                        burden. If the Secretary revises such 
                        period pursuant to the preceding 
                        sentence, the term ``reporting period'' 
                        shall mean such revised period.
                          (iii) Reference.--Any reference in 
                        this subsection to a reporting period 
                        with respect to the application of 
                        subsection (a)(5) (a)(8) shall be 
                        deemed a reference to the reporting 
                        period under subsection (a)(5)(D)(iii) 
                        or the quality reporting period under 
                        subsection (a)(8)(D)(iii), 
          (7) Integration of physician quality reporting and 
        ehr reporting.--Not later than January 1, 2012, the 
        Secretary shall develop a plan to integrate reporting 
        on quality measures under this subsection with 
        reporting requirements under subsection (o) relating to 
        the meaningful use of electronic health records. Such 
        integration shall consist of the following:
                  (A) The selection of measures, the reporting 
                of which would both demonstrate--
                          (i) meaningful use of an electronic 
                        health record for purposes of 
                        subsection (o); and
                          (ii) quality of care furnished to an 
                  (B) Such other activities as specified by the 
          (8) Additional incentive payment.--
                  (A) In general.--For 2011 through 2014, if an 
                eligible professional meets the requirements 
                described in subparagraph (B), the applicable 
                quality percent for such year, as described in 
                clauses (iii) and (iv) of paragraph (1)(B), 
                shall be increased by 0.5 percentage points.
                  (B) Requirements described.--In order to 
                qualify for the additional incentive payment 
                described in subparagraph (A), an eligible 
                professional shall meet the following 
                          (i) The eligible professional shall--
                                  (I) satisfactorily submit 
                                data on quality measures for 
                                purposes of paragraph (1) for a 
                                year; and
                                  (II) have such data submitted 
                                on their behalf through a 
                                Maintenance of Certification 
                                Program (as defined in 
                                subparagraph (C)(i)) that 
                                          (aa) the criteria for 
                                        a registry (as 
                                        described in subsection 
                                        (k)(4)); or
                                          (bb) an alternative 
                                        form and manner 
                                        determined appropriate 
                                        by the Secretary.
                          (ii) The eligible professional, more 
                        frequently than is required to qualify 
                        for or maintain board certification 
                                  (I) participates in such a 
                                Maintenance of Certification 
                                program for a year; and
                                  (II) successfully completes a 
                                qualified Maintenance of 
                                Certification Program practice 
                                assessment (as defined in 
                                subparagraph (C)(ii)) for such 
                          (iii) A Maintenance of Certification 
                        program submits to the Secretary, on 
                        behalf of the eligible professional, 
                                  (I) in a form and manner 
                                specified by the Secretary, 
                                that the eligible professional 
                                has successfully met the 
                                requirements of clause (ii) 
                                (which may be in the form of a 
                                structural measure);
                                  (II) if requested by the 
                                Secretary, on the survey of 
                                patient experience with care 
                                (as described in subparagraph 
                                (C)(ii)(II)); and
                                  (III) as the Secretary may 
                                require, on the methods, 
                                measures, and data used under 
                                the Maintenance of 
                                Certification Program and the 
                                qualified Maintenance of 
                                Certification Program practice 
                  (C) Definitions.--For purposes of this 
                          (i) The term ``Maintenance of 
                        Certification Program'' means a 
                        continuous assessment program, such as 
                        qualified American Board of Medical 
                        Specialties Maintenance of 
                        Certification program or an equivalent 
                        program (as determined by the 
                        Secretary), that advances quality and 
                        the lifelong learning and self-
                        assessment of board certified specialty 
                        physicians by focusing on the 
                        competencies of patient care, medical 
                        knowledge, practice-based learning, 
                        interpersonal and communication skills 
                        and professionalism. Such a program 
                        shall include the following:
                                  (I) The program requires the 
                                physician to maintain a valid, 
                                unrestricted medical license in 
                                the United States.
                                  (II) The program requires a 
                                physician to participate in 
                                educational and self-assessment 
                                programs that require an 
                                assessment of what was learned.
                                  (III) The program requires a 
                                physician to demonstrate, 
                                through a formalized, secure 
                                examination, that the physician 
                                has the fundamental diagnostic 
                                skills, medical knowledge, and 
                                clinical judgment to provide 
                                quality care in their 
                                respective specialty.
                                  (IV) The program requires 
                                successful completion of a 
                                qualified Maintenance of 
                                Certification Program practice 
                                assessment as described in 
                                clause (ii).
                          (ii) The term ``qualified Maintenance 
                        of Certification Program practice 
                        assessment'' means an assessment of a 
                        physician's practice that--
                                  (I) includes an initial 
                                assessment of an eligible 
                                professional's practice that is 
                                designed to demonstrate the 
                                physician's use of evidence-
                                based medicine;
                                  (II) includes a survey of 
                                patient experience with care; 
                                  (III) requires a physician to 
                                implement a quality improvement 
                                intervention to address a 
                                practice weakness identified in 
                                the initial assessment under 
                                subclause (I) and then to 
                                remeasure to assess performance 
                                improvement after such 
          (9) Continued application for purposes of mips and 
        for certain professionals volunteering to report.--The 
        Secretary shall, in accordance with subsection 
        (q)(1)(F), carry out the processes under this 
                  (A) for purposes of subsection (q); and
                  (B) for eligible professionals who are not 
                MIPS eligible professionals (as defined in 
                subsection (q)(1)(C)) for the year involved.
  (n) Physician Feedback Program.--
          (1) Establishment.--
                  (A) In general.--
                          (i) Establishment.--The Secretary 
                        shall establish a Physician Feedback 
                        Program (in this subsection referred to 
                        as the ``Program'').
                          (ii) Reports on resources.--The 
                        Secretary shall use claims data under 
                        this title (and may use other data) to 
                        provide confidential reports to 
                        physicians (and, as determined 
                        appropriate by the Secretary, to groups 
                        of physicians) that measure the 
                        resources involved in furnishing care 
                        to individuals under this title.
                          (iii) Inclusion of certain 
                        information.--If determined appropriate 
                        by the Secretary, the Secretary may 
                        include information on the quality of 
                        care furnished to individuals under 
                        this title by the physician (or group 
                        of physicians) in such reports.
                  (B) Resource use.--The resources described in 
                subparagraph (A)(ii) may be measured--
                          (i) on an episode basis;
                          (ii) on a per capita basis; or
                          (iii) on both an episode and a per 
                        capita basis.
          (2) Implementation.--The Secretary shall implement 
        the Program by not later than January 1, 2009.
          (3) Data for reports.--To the extent practicable, 
        reports under the Program shall be based on the most 
        recent data available.
          (4) Authority to focus initial application.--The 
        Secretary may focus the initial application of the 
        Program as appropriate, such as focusing the Program 
                  (A) physician specialties that account for a 
                certain percentage of all spending for 
                physicians' services under this title;
                  (B) physicians who treat conditions that have 
                a high cost or a high volume, or both, under 
                this title;
                  (C) physicians who use a high amount of 
                resources compared to other physicians;
                  (D) physicians practicing in certain 
                geographic areas; or
                  (E) physicians who treat a minimum number of 
                individuals under this title.
          (5) Authority to exclude certain information if 
        insufficient information.--The Secretary may exclude 
        certain information regarding a service from a report 
        under the Program with respect to a physician (or group 
        of physicians) if the Secretary determines that there 
        is insufficient information relating to that service to 
        provide a valid report on that service.
          (6) Adjustment of data.--To the extent practicable, 
        the Secretary shall make appropriate adjustments to the 
        data used in preparing reports under the Program, such 
        as adjustments to take into account variations in 
        health status and other patient characteristics. For 
        adjustments for reports on utilization under paragraph 
        (9), see subparagraph (D) of such paragraph.
          (7) Education and outreach.--The Secretary shall 
        provide for education and outreach activities to 
        physicians on the operation of, and methodologies 
        employed under, the Program.
          (8) Disclosure exemption.--Reports under the Program 
        shall be exempt from disclosure under section 552 of 
        title 5, United States Code.
          (9) Reports on utilization.--
                  (A) Development of episode grouper.--
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                        develop an episode grouper that 
                        combines separate but clinically 
                        related items and services into an 
                        episode of care for an individual, as 
                          (ii) Timeline for development.--The 
                        episode grouper described in 
                        subparagraph (A) shall be developed by 
                        not later than January 1, 2012.
                          (iii) Public availability.--The 
                        Secretary shall make the details of the 
                        episode grouper described in 
                        subparagraph (A) available to the 
                          (iv) Endorsement.--The Secretary 
                        shall seek endorsement of the episode 
                        grouper described in subparagraph (A) 
                        by the entity with a contract under 
                        section 1890(a).
                  (B) Reports on utilization.--Effective 
                beginning with 2012, the Secretary shall 
                provide reports to physicians that compare, as 
                determined appropriate by the Secretary, 
                patterns of resource use of the individual 
                physician to such patterns of other physicians.
                  (C) Analysis of data.--The Secretary shall, 
                for purposes of preparing reports under this 
                paragraph, establish methodologies as 
                appropriate, such as to--
                          (i) attribute episodes of care, in 
                        whole or in part, to physicians;
                          (ii) identify appropriate physicians 
                        for purposes of comparison under 
                        subparagraph (B); and
                          (iii) aggregate episodes of care 
                        attributed to a physician under clause 
                        (i) into a composite measure per 
                  (D) Data adjustment.--In preparing reports 
                under this paragraph, the Secretary shall make 
                appropriate adjustments, including 
                          (i) to account for differences in 
                        socioeconomic and demographic 
                        characteristics, ethnicity, and health 
                        status of individuals (such as to 
                        recognize that less healthy individuals 
                        may require more intensive 
                        interventions); and
                          (ii) to eliminate the effect of 
                        geographic adjustments in payment rates 
                        (as described in subsection (e)).
                  (E) Public availability of methodology.--The 
                Secretary shall make available to the public--
                          (i) the methodologies established 
                        under subparagraph (C);
                          (ii) information regarding any 
                        adjustments made to data under 
                        subparagraph (D); and
                          (iii) aggregate reports with respect 
                        to physicians.
                  (F) Definition of physician.--In this 
                          (i) In general.--The term 
                        ``physician'' has the meaning given 
                        that term in section 1861(r)(1).
                          (ii) Treatment of groups.--Such term 
                        includes, as the Secretary determines 
                        appropriate, a group of physicians.
                  (G) Limitations on review.--There shall be no 
                administrative or judicial review under section 
                1869, section 1878, or otherwise of the 
                establishment of the methodology under 
                subparagraph (C), including the determination 
                of an episode of care under such methodology.
          (10) Coordination with other value-based purchasing 
        reforms.--The Secretary shall coordinate the Program 
        with the value-based payment modifier established under 
        subsection (p) and, as the Secretary determines 
        appropriate, other similar provisions of this title.
          (11) Reports ending with 2017.--Reports under the 
        Program shall not be provided after December 31, 2017. 
        See subsection (q)(12) for reports under the eligible 
        professionals Merit-based Incentive Payment System.
  (o) Incentives for Adoption and Meaningful Use of Certified 
EHR Technology.--
          (1) Incentive payments.--
                  (A) In general.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to the 
                        succeeding subparagraphs of this 
                        paragraph, with respect to covered 
                        professional services furnished by an 
                        eligible professional during a payment 
                        year (as defined in subparagraph (E)), 
                        if the eligible professional is a 
                        meaningful EHR user (as determined 
                        under paragraph (2)) for the EHR 
                        reporting period with respect to such 
                        year, in addition to the amount 
                        otherwise paid under this part, there 
                        also shall be paid to the eligible 
                        professional (or to an employer or 
                        facility in the cases described in 
                        clause (A) of section 1842(b)(6)), from 
                        the Federal Supplementary Medical 
                        Insurance Trust Fund established under 
                        section 1841 an amount equal to 75 
                        percent of the Secretary's estimate 
                        (based on claims submitted not later 
                        than 2 months after the end of the 
                        payment year) of the allowed charges 
                        under this part for all such covered 
                        professional services furnished by the 
                        eligible professional during such year.
                          (ii) No incentive payments with 
                        respect to years after 2016.--No 
                        incentive payments may be made under 
                        this subsection with respect to a year 
                        after 2016.
                  (B) Limitations on amounts of incentive 
                          (i) In general.--In no case shall the 
                        amount of the incentive payment 
                        provided under this paragraph for an 
                        eligible professional for a payment 
                        year exceed the applicable amount 
                        specified under this subparagraph with 
                        respect to such eligible professional 
                        and such year.
                          (ii) Amount.--Subject to clauses 
                        (iii) through (v), the applicable 
                        amount specified in this subparagraph 
                        for an eligible professional is as 
                                  (I) For the first payment 
                                year for such professional, 
                                $15,000 (or, if the first 
                                payment year for such eligible 
                                professional is 2011 or 2012, 
                                  (II) For the second payment 
                                year for such professional, 
                                  (III) For the third payment 
                                year for such professional, 
                                  (IV) For the fourth payment 
                                year for such professional, 
                                  (V) For the fifth payment 
                                year for such professional, 
                                  (VI) For any succeeding 
                                payment year for such 
                                professional, $0.
                          (iii) Phase down for eligible 
                        professionals first adopting ehr after 
                        2013.--If the first payment year for an 
                        eligible professional is after 2013, 
                        then the amount specified in this 
                        subparagraph for a payment year for 
                        such professional is the same as the 
                        amount specified in clause (ii) for 
                        such payment year for an eligible 
                        professional whose first payment year 
                        is 2013.
                          (iv) Increase for certain eligible 
                        professionals.--In the case of an 
                        eligible professional who predominantly 
                        furnishes services under this part in 
                        an area that is designated by the 
                        Secretary (under section 332(a)(1)(A) 
                        of the Public Health Service Act) as a 
                        health professional shortage area, the 
                        amount that would otherwise apply for a 
                        payment year for such professional 
                        under subclauses (I) through (V) of 
                        clause (ii) shall be increased by 10 
                        percent. In implementing the preceding 
                        sentence, the Secretary may, as 
                        determined appropriate, apply 
                        provisions of subsections (m) and (u) 
                        of section 1833 in a similar manner as 
                        such provisions apply under such 
                          (v) No incentive payment if first 
                        adopting after 2014.--If the first 
                        payment year for an eligible 
                        professional is after 2014 then the 
                        applicable amount specified in this 
                        subparagraph for such professional for 
                        such year and any subsequent year shall 
                        be $0.
                  (C) Non-application to hospital-based 
                eligible professionals.--
                          (i) In general.--No incentive payment 
                        may be made under this paragraph in the 
                        case of a hospital-based eligible 
                          (ii) Hospital-based eligible 
                        professional.--For purposes of clause 
                        (i), the term ``hospital-based eligible 
                        professional'' means, with respect to 
                        covered professional services furnished 
                        by an eligible professional during the 
                        EHR reporting period for a payment 
                        year, an eligible professional, such as 
                        a pathologist, anesthesiologist, or 
                        emergency physician, who furnishes 
                        substantially all of such services in a 
                        hospital inpatient or emergency room 
                        setting and through the use of the 
                        facilities and equipment, including 
                        qualified electronic health records, of 
                        the hospital. The determination of 
                        whether an eligible professional is a 
                        hospital-based eligible professional 
                        shall be made on the basis of the site 
                        of service (as defined by the 
                        Secretary) and without regard to any 
                        employment or billing arrangement 
                        between the eligible professional and 
                        any other provider.
                  (D) Payment.--
                          (i) Form of payment.--The payment 
                        under this paragraph may be in the form 
                        of a single consolidated payment or in 
                        the form of such periodic installments 
                        as the Secretary may specify.
                          (ii) Coordination of application of 
                        limitation for professionals in 
                        different practices.--In the case of an 
                        eligible professional furnishing 
                        covered professional services in more 
                        than one practice (as specified by the 
                        Secretary), the Secretary shall 
                        establish rules to coordinate the 
                        incentive payments, including the 
                        application of the limitation on 
                        amounts of such incentive payments 
                        under this paragraph, among such 
                          (iii) Coordination with medicaid.--
                        The Secretary shall seek, to the 
                        maximum extent practicable, to avoid 
                        duplicative requirements from Federal 
                        and State governments to demonstrate 
                        meaningful use of certified EHR 
                        technology under this title and title 
                        XIX. The Secretary may also adjust the 
                        reporting periods under such title and 
                        such subsections in order to carry out 
                        this clause.
                  (E) Payment year defined.--
                          (i) In general.--For purposes of this 
                        subsection, the term ``payment year'' 
                        means a year beginning with 2011.
                          (ii) First, second, etc. payment 
                        year.--The term ``first payment year'' 
                        means, with respect to covered 
                        professional services furnished by an 
                        eligible professional, the first year 
                        for which an incentive payment is made 
                        for such services under this 
                        subsection. The terms ``second payment 
                        year'', ``third payment year'', 
                        ``fourth payment year'', and ``fifth 
                        payment year'' mean, with respect to 
                        covered professional services furnished 
                        by such eligible professional, each 
                        successive year immediately following 
                        the first payment year for such 
          (2) Meaningful ehr user.--
                  (A) In general.--An eligible professional 
                shall be treated as a meaningful EHR user for 
                an EHR reporting period for a payment year (or, 
                for purposes of subsection (a)(7), for an EHR 
                reporting period under such subsection for a 
                year, or pursuant to subparagraph (D) for 
                purposes of subsection (q), for a performance 
                period under such subsection for a year) if 
                each of the following requirements is met:
                          (i) Meaningful use of certified ehr 
                        technology.--The eligible professional 
                        demonstrates to the satisfaction of the 
                        Secretary, in accordance with 
                        subparagraph (C)(i), that during such 
                        period the professional is using 
                        certified EHR technology in a 
                        meaningful manner, which shall include 
                        the use of electronic prescribing as 
                        determined to be appropriate by the 
                          (ii) Information exchange.--The 
                        eligible professional demonstrates to 
                        the satisfaction of the Secretary, in 
                        accordance with subparagraph (C)(i), 
                        that during such period such certified 
                        EHR technology is connected in a manner 
                        that provides, in accordance with law 
                        and standards applicable to the 
                        exchange of information, for the 
                        electronic exchange of health 
                        information to improve the quality of 
                        health care, such as promoting care 
                        coordination, and the professional 
                        demonstrates (through a process 
                        specified by the Secretary, such as the 
                        use of an attestation) that the 
                        professional has not knowingly and 
                        willfully taken action (such as to 
                        disable functionality) to limit or 
                        restrict the compatibility or 
                        interoperability of the certified EHR 
                          (iii) Reporting on measures using 
                        ehr.--Subject to subparagraph (B)(ii) 
                        and subsection (q)(5)(B)(ii)(II) and 
                        using such certified EHR technology, 
                        the eligible professional submits 
                        information for such period, in a form 
                        and manner specified by the Secretary, 
                        on such clinical quality measures and 
                        such other measures as selected by the 
                        Secretary under subparagraph (B)(i).
                The Secretary may provide for the use of 
                alternative means for meeting the requirements 
                of clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) in the case of 
                an eligible professional furnishing covered 
                professional services in a group practice (as 
                defined by the Secretary). The Secretary shall 
                seek to improve the use of electronic health 
                records and health care quality over time by 
                requiring more stringent measures of meaningful 
                use selected under this paragraph.
                  (B) Reporting on measures.--
                          (i) Selection.--The Secretary shall 
                        select measures for purposes of 
                        subparagraph (A)(iii) but only 
                        consistent with the following:
                                  (I) The Secretary shall 
                                provide preference to clinical 
                                quality measures that have been 
                                endorsed by the entity with a 
                                contract with the Secretary 
                                under section 1890(a).
                                  (II) Prior to any measure 
                                being selected under this 
                                subparagraph, the Secretary 
                                shall publish in the Federal 
                                Register such measure and 
                                provide for a period of public 
                                comment on such measure.
                          (ii) Limitation.--The Secretary may 
                        not require the electronic reporting of 
                        information on clinical quality 
                        measures under subparagraph (A)(iii) 
                        unless the Secretary has the capacity 
                        to accept the information 
                        electronically, which may be on a pilot 
                          (iii) Coordination of reporting of 
                        information.--In selecting such 
                        measures, and in establishing the form 
                        and manner for reporting measures under 
                        subparagraph (A)(iii), the Secretary 
                        shall seek to avoid redundant or 
                        duplicative reporting otherwise 
                        required, including reporting under 
                        subsection (k)(2)(C).
                  (C) Demonstration of meaningful use of 
                certified ehr technology and information 
                          (i) In general.--A professional may 
                        satisfy the demonstration requirement 
                        of clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph 
                        (A) through means specified by the 
                        Secretary, which may include--
                                  (I) an attestation;
                                  (II) the submission of claims 
                                with appropriate coding (such 
                                as a code indicating that a 
                                patient encounter was 
                                documented using certified EHR 
                                  (III) a survey response;
                                  (IV) reporting under 
                                subparagraph (A)(iii); and
                                  (V) other means specified by 
                                the Secretary.
                          (ii) Use of part d data.--
                        Notwithstanding sections 1860D-
                        15(d)(2)(B) and 1860D-15(f)(2), the 
                        Secretary may use data regarding drug 
                        claims submitted for purposes of 
                        section 1860D-15 that are necessary for 
                        purposes of subparagraph (A).
                  (D) Continued application for purposes of 
                mips.--With respect to 2019 and each subsequent 
                payment year, the Secretary shall, for purposes 
                of subsection (q) and in accordance with 
                paragraph (1)(F) of such subsection, determine 
                whether an eligible professional who is a MIPS 
                eligible professional (as defined in subsection 
                (q)(1)(C)) for such year is a meaningful EHR 
                user under this paragraph for the performance 
                period under subsection (q) for such year. The 
                provisions of subparagraphs (B) and (D) of 
                subsection (a)(7), shall apply to assessments 
                of MIPS eligible professionals under subsection 
                (q) with respect to the performance category 
                described in subsection (q)(2)(A)(iv) in an 
                appropriate manner which may be similar to the 
                manner in which such provisions apply with 
                respect to payment adjustments made under 
                subsection (a)(7)(A).
          (3) Application.--
                  (A) Physician reporting system rules.--
                Paragraphs (5), (6), and (8) of subsection (k) 
                shall apply for purposes of this subsection in 
                the same manner as they apply for purposes of 
                such subsection.
                  (B) Coordination with other payments.--The 
                provisions of this subsection shall not be 
                taken into account in applying the provisions 
                of subsection (m) of this section and of 
                section 1833(m) and any payment under such 
                provisions shall not be taken into account in 
                computing allowable charges under this 
                  (C) Limitations on review.--There shall be no 
                administrative or judicial review under section 
                1869, section 1878, or otherwise, of--
                          (i) the methodology and standards for 
                        determining payment amounts under this 
                        subsection and payment adjustments 
                        under subsection (a)(7)(A), including 
                        the limitation under paragraph (1)(B) 
                        and coordination under clauses (ii) and 
                        (iii) of paragraph (1)(D);
                          (ii) the methodology and standards 
                        for determining a meaningful EHR user 
                        under paragraph (2), including 
                        selection of measures under paragraph 
                        (2)(B), specification of the means of 
                        demonstrating meaningful EHR use under 
                        paragraph (2)(C), and the hardship 
                        exception under subsection (a)(7)(B);
                          (iii) the methodology and standards 
                        for determining a hospital-based 
                        eligible professional under paragraph 
                        (1)(C); and
                          (iv) the specification of reporting 
                        periods under paragraph (5) and the 
                        selection of the form of payment under 
                        paragraph (1)(D)(i).
                  (D) Posting on website.--The Secretary shall 
                post on the Internet website of the Centers for 
                Medicare & Medicaid Services, in an easily 
                understandable format, a list of the names, 
                business addresses, and business phone numbers 
                of the eligible professionals who are 
                meaningful EHR users and, as determined 
                appropriate by the Secretary, of group 
                practices receiving incentive payments under 
                paragraph (1).
          (4) Certified ehr technology defined.--For purposes 
        of this section, the term ``certified EHR technology'' 
        means a qualified electronic health record (as defined 
        in section 3000(13) of the Public Health Service Act) 
        that is certified pursuant to section 3001(c)(5) of 
        such Act as meeting standards adopted under section 
        3004 of such Act that are applicable to the type of 
        record involved (as determined by the Secretary, such 
        as an ambulatory electronic health record for office-
        based physicians or an inpatient hospital electronic 
        health record for hospitals).
          (5) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection:
                  (A) Covered professional services.--The term 
                ``covered professional services'' has the 
                meaning given such term in subsection (k)(3).
                  (B) EHR reporting period.--The term ``EHR 
                reporting period'' means, with respect to a 
                payment year, any period (or periods) as 
                specified by the Secretary.
                  (C) Eligible professional.--The term 
                ``eligible professional'' means a physician, as 
                defined in section 1861(r).
  (p) Establishment of Value-based Payment Modifier.--
          (1) In general.--The Secretary shall establish a 
        payment modifier that provides for differential payment 
        to a physician or a group of physicians under the fee 
        schedule established under subsection (b) based upon 
        the quality of care furnished compared to cost (as 
        determined under paragraphs (2) and (3), respectively) 
        during a performance period. Such payment modifier 
        shall be separate from the geographic adjustment 
        factors established under subsection (e).
          (2) Quality.--
                  (A) In general.--For purposes of paragraph 
                (1), quality of care shall be evaluated, to the 
                extent practicable, based on a composite of 
                measures of the quality of care furnished (as 
                established by the Secretary under subparagraph 
                  (B) Measures.--
                          (i) The Secretary shall establish 
                        appropriate measures of the quality of 
                        care furnished by a physician or group 
                        of physicians to individuals enrolled 
                        under this part, such as measures that 
                        reflect health outcomes. Such measures 
                        shall be risk adjusted as determined 
                        appropriate by the Secretary.
                          (ii) The Secretary shall seek 
                        endorsement of the measures established 
                        under this subparagraph by the entity 
                        with a contract under section 1890(a).
                  (C) Continued application for purposes of 
                mips.--The Secretary shall, in accordance with 
                subsection (q)(1)(F), carry out subparagraph 
                (B) for purposes of subsection (q).
          (3) Costs.--For purposes of paragraph (1), costs 
        shall be evaluated, to the extent practicable, based on 
        a composite of appropriate measures of costs 
        established by the Secretary (such as the composite 
        measure under the methodology established under 
        subsection (n)(9)(C)(iii)) that eliminate the effect of 
        geographic adjustments in payment rates (as described 
        in subsection (e)), and take into account risk factors 
        (such as socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, 
        ethnicity, and health status of individuals (such as to 
        recognize that less healthy individuals may require 
        more intensive interventions) and other factors 
        determined appropriate by the Secretary. With respect 
        to 2019 and each subsequent year, the Secretary shall, 
        in accordance with subsection (q)(1)(F), carry out this 
        paragraph for purposes of subsection (q).
          (4) Implementation.--
                  (A) Publication of measures, dates of 
                implementation, performance period.--Not later 
                than January 1, 2012, the Secretary shall 
                publish the following:
                          (i) The measures of quality of care 
                        and costs established under paragraphs 
                        (2) and (3), respectively.
                          (ii) The dates for implementation of 
                        the payment modifier (as determined 
                        under subparagraph (B)).
                          (iii) The initial performance period 
                        (as specified under subparagraph 
                  (B) Deadlines for implementation.--
                          (i) Initial implementation.--Subject 
                        to the preceding provisions of this 
                        subparagraph, the Secretary shall begin 
                        implementing the payment modifier 
                        established under this subsection 
                        through the rulemaking process during 
                        2013 for the physician fee schedule 
                        established under subsection (b).
                          (ii) Initial performance period.--
                                  (I) In general.--The 
                                Secretary shall specify an 
                                initial performance period for 
                                application of the payment 
                                modifier established under this 
                                subsection with respect to 
                                  (II) Provision of information 
                                during initial performance 
                                period.--During the initial 
                                performance period, the 
                                Secretary shall, to the extent 
                                practicable, provide 
                                information to physicians and 
                                groups of physicians about the 
                                quality of care furnished by 
                                the physician or group of 
                                physicians to individuals 
                                enrolled under this part 
                                compared to cost (as determined 
                                under paragraphs (2) and (3), 
                                respectively) with respect to 
                                the performance period.
                          (iii) Application.--The Secretary 
                        shall apply the payment modifier 
                        established under this subsection for 
                        items and services furnished on or 
                        after January 1, 2015, with respect to 
                        specific physicians and groups of 
                        physicians the Secretary determines 
                        appropriate, and for services furnished 
                        on or after January 1, 2017, with 
                        respect to all physicians and groups of 
                        physicians. Such payment modifier shall 
                        not be applied for items and services 
                        furnished on or after January 1, 2019.
                  (C) Budget neutrality.--The payment modifier 
                established under this subsection shall be 
                implemented in a budget neutral manner.
          (5) Systems-based care.--The Secretary shall, as 
        appropriate, apply the payment modifier established 
        under this subsection in a manner that promotes 
        systems-based care.
          (6) Consideration of special circumstances of certain 
        providers.--In applying the payment modifier under this 
        subsection, the Secretary shall, as appropriate, take 
        into account the special circumstances of physicians or 
        groups of physicians in rural areas and other 
        underserved communities.
          (7) Application.--For purposes of the initial 
        application of the payment modifier established under 
        this subsection during the period beginning on January 
        1, 2015, and ending on December 31, 2016, the term 
        ``physician'' has the meaning given such term in 
        section 1861(r). On or after January 1, 2017, the 
        Secretary may apply this subsection to eligible 
        professionals (as defined in subsection (k)(3)(B)) as 
        the Secretary determines appropriate.
          (8) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection:
                  (A) Costs.--The term ``costs'' means 
                expenditures per individual as determined 
                appropriate by the Secretary. In making the 
                determination under the preceding sentence, the 
                Secretary may take into account the amount of 
                growth in expenditures per individual for a 
                physician compared to the amount of such growth 
                for other physicians.
                  (B) Performance period.--The term 
                ``performance period'' means a period specified 
                by the Secretary.
          (9) Coordination with other value-based purchasing 
        reforms.--The Secretary shall coordinate the value-
        based payment modifier established under this 
        subsection with the Physician Feedback Program under 
        subsection (n) and, as the Secretary determines 
        appropriate, other similar provisions of this title.
          (10) Limitations on review.--There shall be no 
        administrative or judicial review under section 1869, 
        section 1878, or otherwise of--
                  (A) the establishment of the value-based 
                payment modifier under this subsection;
                  (B) the evaluation of quality of care under 
                paragraph (2), including the establishment of 
                appropriate measures of the quality of care 
                under paragraph (2)(B);
                  (C) the evaluation of costs under paragraph 
                (3), including the establishment of appropriate 
                measures of costs under such paragraph;
                  (D) the dates for implementation of the 
                value-based payment modifier;
                  (E) the specification of the initial 
                performance period and any other performance 
                period under paragraphs (4)(B)(ii) and (8)(B), 
                  (F) the application of the value-based 
                payment modifier under paragraph (7); and
                  (G) the determination of costs under 
                paragraph (8)(A).
  (q) Merit-Based Incentive Payment System.--
          (1) Establishment.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to the succeeding 
                provisions of this subsection, the Secretary 
                shall establish an eligible professional Merit-
                based Incentive Payment System (in this 
                subsection referred to as the ``MIPS'') under 
                which the Secretary shall--
                          (i) develop a methodology for 
                        assessing the total performance of each 
                        MIPS eligible professional according to 
                        performance standards under paragraph 
                        (3) for a performance period (as 
                        established under paragraph (4)) for a 
                          (ii) using such methodology, provide 
                        for a composite performance score in 
                        accordance with paragraph (5) for each 
                        such professional for each performance 
                        period; and
                          (iii) use such composite performance 
                        score of the MIPS eligible professional 
                        for a performance period for a year to 
                        determine and apply a MIPS adjustment 
                        factor (and, as applicable, an 
                        additional MIPS adjustment factor) 
                        under paragraph (6) to the professional 
                        for the year.
                Notwithstanding subparagraph (C)(ii), under the 
                MIPS, the Secretary shall permit any eligible 
                professional (as defined in subsection 
                (k)(3)(B)) to report on applicable measures and 
                activities described in paragraph (2)(B).
                  (B) Program implementation.--The MIPS shall 
                apply to payments for items and services 
                furnished on or after January 1, 2019.
                  (C) MIPS eligible professional defined.--
                          (i) In general.--For purposes of this 
                        subsection, subject to clauses (ii) and 
                        (iv), the term ``MIPS eligible 
                        professional'' means--
                                  (I) for the first and second 
                                years for which the MIPS 
                                applies to payments (and for 
                                the performance period for such 
                                first and second year), a 
                                physician (as defined in 
                                section 1861(r)), a physician 
                                assistant, nurse practitioner, 
                                and clinical nurse specialist 
                                (as such terms are defined in 
                                section 1861(aa)(5)), a 
                                certified registered nurse 
                                anesthetist (as defined in 
                                section 1861(bb)(2)), and a 
                                group that includes such 
                                professionals; and
                                  (II) for the third year for 
                                which the MIPS applies to 
                                payments (and for the 
                                performance period for such 
                                third year) and for each 
                                succeeding year (and for the 
                                performance period for each 
                                such year), the professionals 
                                described in subclause (I), 
                                such other eligible 
                                professionals (as defined in 
                                subsection (k)(3)(B)) as 
                                specified by the Secretary, and 
                                a group that includes such 
                          (ii) Exclusions.--For purposes of 
                        clause (i), the term ``MIPS eligible 
                        professional'' does not include, with 
                        respect to a year, an eligible 
                        professional (as defined in subsection 
                        (k)(3)(B)) who--
                                  (I) is a qualifying APM 
                                participant (as defined in 
                                section 1833(z)(2));
                                  (II) subject to clause (vii), 
                                is a partial qualifying APM 
                                participant (as defined in 
                                clause (iii)) for the most 
                                recent period for which data 
                                are available and who, for the 
                                performance period with respect 
                                to such year, does not report 
                                on applicable measures and 
                                activities described in 
                                paragraph (2)(B) that are 
                                required to be reported by such 
                                a professional under the MIPS; 
                                  (III) for the performance 
                                period with respect to such 
                                year, does not exceed the low-
                                volume threshold measurement 
                                selected under clause (iv).
                          (iii) Partial qualifying apm 
                        participant.--For purposes of this 
                        subparagraph, the term ``partial 
                        qualifying APM participant'' means, 
                        with respect to a year, an eligible 
                        professional for whom the Secretary 
                        determines the minimum payment 
                        percentage (or percentages), as 
                        applicable, described in paragraph (2) 
                        of section 1833(z) for such year have 
                        not been satisfied, but who would be 
                        considered a qualifying APM participant 
                        (as defined in such paragraph) for such 
                        year if--
                                  (I) with respect to 2019 and 
                                2020, the reference in 
                                subparagraph (A) of such 
                                paragraph to 25 percent was 
                                instead a reference to 20 
                                  (II) with respect to 2021 and 
                                          (aa) the reference in 
                                        subparagraph (B)(i) of 
                                        such paragraph to 50 
                                        percent was instead a 
                                        reference to 40 
                                        percent; and
                                          (bb) the references 
                                        in subparagraph (B)(ii) 
                                        of such paragraph to 50 
                                        percent and 25 percent 
                                        of such paragraph were 
                                        instead references to 
                                        40 percent and 20 
                                        percent, respectively; 
                                  (III) with respect to 2023 
                                and subsequent years--
                                          (aa) the reference in 
                                        subparagraph (C)(i) of 
                                        such paragraph to 75 
                                        percent was instead a 
                                        reference to 50 
                                        percent; and
                                          (bb) the references 
                                        in subparagraph (C)(ii) 
                                        of such paragraph to 75 
                                        percent and 25 percent 
                                        of such paragraph were 
                                        instead references to 
                                        50 percent and 20 
                                        percent, respectively.
                          (iv) Selection of low-volume 
                        threshold measurement.--The Secretary 
                        shall select a low-volume threshold to 
                        apply for purposes of clause (ii)(III), 
                        which may include one or more or a 
                        combination of the following:
                                  (I) The minimum number (as 
                                determined by the Secretary) of 
                                individuals enrolled under this 
                                part who are treated by the 
                                eligible professional for the 
                                performance period involved.
                                  (II) The minimum number (as 
                                determined by the Secretary) of 
                                items and services furnished to 
                                individuals enrolled under this 
                                part by such professional for 
                                such performance period.
                                  (III) The minimum amount (as 
                                determined by the Secretary) of 
                                allowed charges billed by such 
                                professional under this part 
                                for such performance period.
                          (v) Treatment of new medicare 
                        enrolled eligible professionals.--In 
                        the case of a professional who first 
                        becomes a Medicare enrolled eligible 
                        professional during the performance 
                        period for a year (and had not 
                        previously submitted claims under this 
                        title such as a person, an entity, or a 
                        part of a physician group or under a 
                        different billing number or tax 
                        identifier), such professional shall 
                        not be treated under this subsection as 
                        a MIPS eligible professional until the 
                        subsequent year and performance period 
                        for such subsequent year.
                          (vi) Clarification.--In the case of 
                        items and services furnished during a 
                        year by an individual who is not a MIPS 
                        eligible professional (including 
                        pursuant to clauses (ii) and (v)) with 
                        respect to a year, in no case shall a 
                        MIPS adjustment factor (or additional 
                        MIPS adjustment factor) under paragraph 
                        (6) apply to such individual for such 
                          (vii) Partial qualifying apm 
                        participant clarifications.--
                                  (I) Treatment as mips 
                                eligible professional.--In the 
                                case of an eligible 
                                professional who is a partial 
                                qualifying APM participant, 
                                with respect to a year, and 
                                who, for the performance period 
                                for such year, reports on 
                                applicable measures and 
                                activities described in 
                                paragraph (2)(B) that are 
                                required to be reported by such 
                                a professional under the MIPS, 
                                such eligible professional is 
                                considered to be a MIPS 
                                eligible professional with 
                                respect to such year.
                                  (II) Not eligible for 
                                qualifying apm participant 
                                payments.--In no case shall an 
                                eligible professional who is a 
                                partial qualifying APM 
                                participant, with respect to a 
                                year, be considered a 
                                qualifying APM participant (as 
                                defined in paragraph (2) of 
                                section 1833(z)) for such year 
                                or be eligible for the 
                                additional payment under 
                                paragraph (1) of such section 
                                for such year.
                  (D) Application to group practices.--
                          (i) In general.--Under the MIPS:
                                  (I) Quality performance 
                                category.--The Secretary shall 
                                establish and apply a process 
                                that includes features of the 
                                provisions of subsection 
                                (m)(3)(C) for MIPS eligible 
                                professionals in a group 
                                practice with respect to 
                                assessing performance of such 
                                group with respect to the 
                                performance category described 
                                in clause (i) of paragraph 
                                  (II) Other performance 
                                categories.--The Secretary may 
                                establish and apply a process 
                                that includes features of the 
                                provisions of subsection 
                                (m)(3)(C) for MIPS eligible 
                                professionals in a group 
                                practice with respect to 
                                assessing the performance of 
                                such group with respect to the 
                                performance categories 
                                described in clauses (ii) 
                                through (iv) of such paragraph.
                          (ii) Ensuring comprehensiveness of 
                        group practice assessment.--The process 
                        established under clause (i) shall to 
                        the extent practicable reflect the 
                        range of items and services furnished 
                        by the MIPS eligible professionals in 
                        the group practice involved.
                  (E) Use of registries.--Under the MIPS, the 
                Secretary shall encourage the use of qualified 
                clinical data registries pursuant to subsection 
                (m)(3)(E) in carrying out this subsection.
                  (F) Application of certain provisions.--In 
                applying a provision of subsection (k), (m), 
                (o), or (p) for purposes of this subsection, 
                the Secretary shall--
                          (i) adjust the application of such 
                        provision to ensure the provision is 
                        consistent with the provisions of this 
                        subsection; and
                          (ii) not apply such provision to the 
                        extent that the provision is 
                        duplicative with a provision of this 
                  (G) Accounting for risk factors.--
                          (i) Risk factors.--Taking into 
                        account the relevant studies conducted 
                        and recommendations made in reports 
                        under section 2(d) of the Improving 
                        Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation 
                        Act of 2014, and, as appropriate, other 
                        information, including information 
                        collected before completion of such 
                        studies and recommendations, the 
                        Secretary, on an ongoing basis, shall, 
                        as the Secretary determines appropriate 
                        and based on an individual's health 
                        status and other risk factors--
                                  (I) assess appropriate 
                                adjustments to quality 
                                measures, resource use 
                                measures, and other measures 
                                used under the MIPS; and
                                  (II) assess and implement 
                                appropriate adjustments to 
                                payment adjustments, composite 
                                performance scores, scores for 
                                performance categories, or 
                                scores for measures or 
                                activities under the MIPS.
          (2) Measures and activities under performance 
                  (A) Performance categories.--Under the MIPS, 
                the Secretary shall use the following 
                performance categories (each of which is 
                referred to in this subsection as a performance 
                category) in determining the composite 
                performance score under paragraph (5):
                          (i) Quality.
                          (ii) Resource use.
                          (iii) Clinical practice improvement 
                          (iv) Meaningful use of certified EHR 
                  (B) Measures and activities specified for 
                each category.--For purposes of paragraph 
                (3)(A) and subject to subparagraph (C), 
                measures and activities specified for a 
                performance period (as established under 
                paragraph (4)) for a year are as follows:
                          (i) Quality.--For the performance 
                        category described in subparagraph 
                        (A)(i), the quality measures included 
                        in the final measures list published 
                        under subparagraph (D)(i) for such year 
                        and the list of quality measures 
                        described in subparagraph (D)(vi) used 
                        by qualified clinical data registries 
                        under subsection (m)(3)(E).
                          (ii) Resource use.--For the 
                        performance category described in 
                        subparagraph (A)(ii), the measurement 
                        of resource use for such period under 
                        subsection (p)(3), using the 
                        methodology under subsection (r) as 
                        appropriate, and, as feasible and 
                        applicable, accounting for the cost of 
                        drugs under part D.
                          (iii) Clinical practice improvement 
                        activities.--For the performance 
                        category described in subparagraph 
                        (A)(iii), clinical practice improvement 
                        activities (as defined in subparagraph 
                        (C)(v)(III)) under subcategories 
                        specified by the Secretary for such 
                        period, which shall include at least 
                        the following:
                                  (I) The subcategory of 
                                expanded practice access, such 
                                as same day appointments for 
                                urgent needs and after hours 
                                access to clinician advice.
                                  (II) The subcategory of 
                                population management, such as 
                                monitoring health conditions of 
                                individuals to provide timely 
                                health care interventions or 
                                participation in a qualified 
                                clinical data registry.
                                  (III) The subcategory of care 
                                coordination, such as timely 
                                communication of test results, 
                                timely exchange of clinical 
                                information to patients and 
                                other providers, and use of 
                                remote monitoring or 
                                  (IV) The subcategory of 
                                beneficiary engagement, such as 
                                the establishment of care plans 
                                for individuals with complex 
                                care needs, beneficiary self-
                                management assessment and 
                                training, and using shared 
                                decision-making mechanisms.
                                  (V) The subcategory of 
                                patient safety and practice 
                                assessment, such as through use 
                                of clinical or surgical 
                                checklists and practice 
                                assessments related to 
                                maintaining certification.
                                  (VI) The subcategory of 
                                participation in an alternative 
                                payment model (as defined in 
                                section 1833(z)(3)(C)).
                        In establishing activities under this 
                        clause, the Secretary shall give 
                        consideration to the circumstances of 
                        small practices (consisting of 15 or 
                        fewer professionals) and practices 
                        located in rural areas and in health 
                        professional shortage areas (as 
                        designated under section 332(a)(1)(A) 
                        of the Public Health Service Act).
                          (iv) Meaningful ehr use.--For the 
                        performance category described in 
                        subparagraph (A)(iv), the requirements 
                        established for such period under 
                        subsection (o)(2) for determining 
                        whether an eligible professional is a 
                        meaningful EHR user.
                  (C) Additional provisions.--
                          (i) Emphasizing outcome measures 
                        under the quality performance 
                        category.--In applying subparagraph 
                        (B)(i), the Secretary shall, as 
                        feasible, emphasize the application of 
                        outcome measures.
                          (ii) Application of additional system 
                        measures.--The Secretary may use 
                        measures used for a payment system 
                        other than for physicians, such as 
                        measures for inpatient hospitals, for 
                        purposes of the performance categories 
                        described in clauses (i) and (ii) of 
                        subparagraph (A). For purposes of the 
                        previous sentence, the Secretary may 
                        not use measures for hospital 
                        outpatient departments, except in the 
                        case of items and services furnished by 
                        emergency physicians, radiologists, and 
                          (iii) Global and population-based 
                        measures.--The Secretary may use global 
                        measures, such as global outcome 
                        measures, and population-based measures 
                        for purposes of the performance 
                        category described in subparagraph 
                          (iv) Application of measures and 
                        activities to non-patient-facing 
                        professionals.--In carrying out this 
                        paragraph, with respect to measures and 
                        activities specified in subparagraph 
                        (B) for performance categories 
                        described in subparagraph (A), the 
                                  (I) shall give consideration 
                                to the circumstances of 
                                professional types (or 
                                subcategories of those types 
                                determined by practice 
                                characteristics) who typically 
                                furnish services that do not 
                                involve face-to-face 
                                interaction with a patient; and
                                  (II) may, to the extent 
                                feasible and appropriate, take 
                                into account such circumstances 
                                and apply under this subsection 
                                with respect to MIPS eligible 
                                professionals of such 
                                professional types or 
                                subcategories, alternative 
                                measures or activities that 
                                fulfill the goals of the 
                                applicable performance 
                        In carrying out the previous sentence, 
                        the Secretary shall consult with 
                        professionals of such professional 
                        types or subcategories.
                          (v) Clinical practice improvement 
                                  (I) Request for 
                                information.--In initially 
                                applying subparagraph (B)(iii), 
                                the Secretary shall use a 
                                request for information to 
                                solicit recommendations from 
                                stakeholders to identify 
                                activities described in such 
                                subparagraph and specifying 
                                criteria for such activities.
                                  (II) Contract authority for 
                                clinical practice improvement 
                                activities performance 
                                category.--In applying 
                                subparagraph (B)(iii), the 
                                Secretary may contract with 
                                entities to assist the 
                                Secretary in--
                                          (aa) identifying 
                                        activities described in 
                                        subparagraph (B)(iii);
                                          (bb) specifying 
                                        criteria for such 
                                        activities; and
                                          (cc) determining 
                                        whether a MIPS eligible 
                                        professional meets such 
                                  (III) Clinical practice 
                                improvement activities 
                                defined.--For purposes of this 
                                subsection, the term ``clinical 
                                practice improvement activity'' 
                                means an activity that relevant 
                                eligible professional 
                                organizations and other 
                                relevant stakeholders identify 
                                as improving clinical practice 
                                or care delivery and that the 
                                Secretary determines, when 
                                effectively executed, is likely 
                                to result in improved outcomes.
                  (D) Annual list of quality measures available 
                for mips assessment.--
                          (i) In general.--Under the MIPS, the 
                        Secretary, through notice and comment 
                        rulemaking and subject to the 
                        succeeding clauses of this 
                        subparagraph, shall, with respect to 
                        the performance period for a year, 
                        establish an annual final list of 
                        quality measures from which MIPS 
                        eligible professionals may choose for 
                        purposes of assessment under this 
                        subsection for such performance period. 
                        Pursuant to the previous sentence, the 
                        Secretary shall--
                                  (I) not later than November 1 
                                of the year prior to the first 
                                day of the first performance 
                                period under the MIPS, 
                                establish and publish in the 
                                Federal Register a final list 
                                of quality measures; and
                                  (II) not later than November 
                                1 of the year prior to the 
                                first day of each subsequent 
                                performance period, update the 
                                final list of quality measures 
                                from the previous year (and 
                                publish such updated final list 
                                in the Federal Register), by--
                                          (aa) removing from 
                                        such list, as 
                                        appropriate, quality 
                                        measures, which may 
                                        include the removal of 
                                        measures that are no 
                                        longer meaningful (such 
                                        as measures that are 
                                        topped out);
                                          (bb) adding to such 
                                        list, as appropriate, 
                                        new quality measures; 
                                          (cc) determining 
                                        whether or not quality 
                                        measures on such list 
                                        that have undergone 
                                        substantive changes 
                                        should be included in 
                                        the updated list.
                          (ii) Call for quality measures.--
                                  (I) In general.--Eligible 
                                professional organizations and 
                                other relevant stakeholders 
                                shall be requested to identify 
                                and submit quality measures to 
                                be considered for selection 
                                under this subparagraph in the 
                                annual list of quality measures 
                                published under clause (i) and 
                                to identify and submit updates 
                                to the measures on such list. 
                                For purposes of the previous 
                                sentence, measures may be 
                                submitted regardless of whether 
                                such measures were previously 
                                published in a proposed rule or 
                                endorsed by an entity with a 
                                contract under section 1890(a).
                                  (II) Eligible professional 
                                organization defined.--In this 
                                subparagraph, the term 
                                ``eligible professional 
                                organization'' means a 
                                professional organization as 
                                defined by nationally 
                                recognized specialty boards of 
                                certification or equivalent 
                                certification boards.
                          (iii) Requirements.--In selecting 
                        quality measures for inclusion in the 
                        annual final list under clause (i), the 
                        Secretary shall--
                                  (I) provide that, to the 
                                extent practicable, all quality 
                                domains (as defined in 
                                subsection (s)(1)(B)) are 
                                addressed by such measures; and
                                  (II) ensure that such 
                                selection is consistent with 
                                the process for selection of 
                                measures under subsections (k), 
                                (m), and (p)(2).
                          (iv) Peer review.--Before including a 
                        new measure in the final list of 
                        measures published under clause (i) for 
                        a year, the Secretary shall submit for 
                        publication in applicable specialty-
                        appropriate, peer-reviewed journals 
                        such measure and the method for 
                        developing and selecting such measure, 
                        including clinical and other data 
                        supporting such measure.
                          (v) Measures for inclusion.--The 
                        final list of quality measures 
                        published under clause (i) shall 
                        include, as applicable, measures under 
                        subsections (k), (m), and (p)(2), 
                        including quality measures from among--
                                  (I) measures endorsed by a 
                                consensus-based entity;
                                  (II) measures developed under 
                                subsection (s); and
                                  (III) measures submitted 
                                under clause (ii)(I).
                        Any measure selected for inclusion in 
                        such list that is not endorsed by a 
                        consensus-based entity shall have a 
                        focus that is evidence-based.
                          (vi) Exception for qualified clinical 
                        data registry measures.--Measures used 
                        by a qualified clinical data registry 
                        under subsection (m)(3)(E) shall not be 
                        subject to the requirements under 
                        clauses (i), (iv), and (v). The 
                        Secretary shall publish the list of 
                        measures used by such qualified 
                        clinical data registries on the 
                        Internet website of the Centers for 
                        Medicare & Medicaid Services.
                          (vii) Exception for existing quality 
                        measures.--Any quality measure 
                        specified by the Secretary under 
                        subsection (k) or (m), including under 
                        subsection (m)(3)(E), and any measure 
                        of quality of care established under 
                        subsection (p)(2) for the reporting 
                        period or performance period under the 
                        respective subsection beginning before 
                        the first performance period under the 
                                  (I) shall not be subject to 
                                the requirements under clause 
                                (i) (except under items (aa) 
                                and (cc) of subclause (II) of 
                                such clause) or to the 
                                requirement under clause (iv); 
                                  (II) shall be included in the 
                                final list of quality measures 
                                published under clause (i) 
                                unless removed under clause 
                          (viii) Consultation with relevant 
                        eligible professional organizations and 
                        other relevant stakeholders.--Relevant 
                        eligible professional organizations and 
                        other relevant stakeholders, including 
                        State and national medical societies, 
                        shall be consulted in carrying out this 
                          (ix) Optional application.--The 
                        process under section 1890A is not 
                        required to apply to the selection of 
                        measures under this subparagraph.
          (3) Performance standards.--
                  (A) Establishment.--Under the MIPS, the 
                Secretary shall establish performance standards 
                with respect to measures and activities 
                specified under paragraph (2)(B) for a 
                performance period (as established under 
                paragraph (4)) for a year.
                  (B) Considerations in establishing 
                standards.--In establishing such performance 
                standards with respect to measures and 
                activities specified under paragraph (2)(B), 
                the Secretary shall consider the following:
                          (i) Historical performance standards.
                          (ii) Improvement.
                          (iii) The opportunity for continued 
          (4) Performance period.--The Secretary shall 
        establish a performance period (or periods) for a year 
        (beginning with 2019). Such performance period (or 
        periods) shall begin and end prior to the beginning of 
        such year and be as close as possible to such year. In 
        this subsection, such performance period (or periods) 
        for a year shall be referred to as the performance 
        period for the year.
          (5) Composite performance score.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to the succeeding 
                provisions of this paragraph and taking into 
                account, as available and applicable, paragraph 
                (1)(G), the Secretary shall develop a 
                methodology for assessing the total performance 
                of each MIPS eligible professional according to 
                performance standards under paragraph (3) with 
                respect to applicable measures and activities 
                specified in paragraph (2)(B) with respect to 
                each performance category applicable to such 
                professional for a performance period (as 
                established under paragraph (4)) for a year. 
                Using such methodology, the Secretary shall 
                provide for a composite assessment (using a 
                scoring scale of 0 to 100) for each such 
                professional for the performance period for 
                such year. In this subsection such a composite 
                assessment for such a professional with respect 
                to a performance period shall be referred to as 
                the ``composite performance score'' for such 
                professional for such performance period.
                  (B) Incentive to report; encouraging use of 
                certified ehr technology for reporting quality 
                          (i) Incentive to report.--Under the 
                        methodology established under 
                        subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall 
                        provide that in the case of a MIPS 
                        eligible professional who fails to 
                        report on an applicable measure or 
                        activity that is required to be 
                        reported by the professional, the 
                        professional shall be treated as 
                        achieving the lowest potential score 
                        applicable to such measure or activity.
                          (ii) Encouraging use of certified ehr 
                        technology and qualified clinical data 
                        registries for reporting quality 
                        measures.--Under the methodology 
                        established under subparagraph (A), the 
                        Secretary shall--
                                  (I) encourage MIPS eligible 
                                professionals to report on 
                                applicable measures with 
                                respect to the performance 
                                category described in paragraph 
                                (2)(A)(i) through the use of 
                                certified EHR technology and 
                                qualified clinical data 
                                registries; and
                                  (II) with respect to a 
                                performance period, with 
                                respect to a year, for which a 
                                MIPS eligible professional 
                                reports such measures through 
                                the use of such EHR technology, 
                                treat such professional as 
                                satisfying the clinical quality 
                                measures reporting requirement 
                                described in subsection 
                                (o)(2)(A)(iii) for such year.
                  (C) Clinical practice improvement activities 
                performance score.--
                          (i) Rule for certification.--A MIPS 
                        eligible professional who is in a 
                        practice that is certified as a 
                        patient-centered medical home or 
                        comparable specialty practice, as 
                        determined by the Secretary, with 
                        respect to a performance period shall 
                        be given the highest potential score 
                        for the performance category described 
                        in paragraph (2)(A)(iii) for such 
                          (ii) APM participation.--
                        Participation by a MIPS eligible 
                        professional in an alternative payment 
                        model (as defined in section 
                        1833(z)(3)(C)) with respect to a 
                        performance period shall earn such 
                        eligible professional a minimum score 
                        of one-half of the highest potential 
                        score for the performance category 
                        described in paragraph (2)(A)(iii) for 
                        such performance period.
                          (iii) Subcategories.--A MIPS eligible 
                        professional shall not be required to 
                        perform activities in each subcategory 
                        under paragraph (2)(B)(iii) or 
                        participate in an alternative payment 
                        model in order to achieve the highest 
                        potential score for the performance 
                        category described in paragraph 
                  (D) Achievement and improvement.--
                          (i) Taking into account 
                        improvement.--Beginning with the second 
                        year to which the MIPS applies, in 
                        addition to the achievement of a MIPS 
                        eligible professional, if data 
                        sufficient to measure improvement is 
                        available, the methodology developed 
                        under subparagraph (A)--
                                  (I) in the case of the 
                                performance score for the 
                                performance category described 
                                in clauses (i) and (ii) of 
                                paragraph (2)(A), shall take 
                                into account the improvement of 
                                the professional; and
                                  (II) in the case of 
                                performance scores for other 
                                performance categories, may 
                                take into account the 
                                improvement of the 
                          (ii) Assigning higher weight for 
                        achievement.--Subject to clause (i), 
                        under the methodology developed under 
                        subparagraph (A), the Secretary may 
                        assign a higher scoring weight under 
                        subparagraph (F) with respect to the 
                        achievement of a MIPS eligible 
                        professional than with respect to any 
                        improvement of such professional 
                        applied under clause (i) with respect 
                        to a measure, activity, or category 
                        described in paragraph (2).
                  (E) Weights for the performance categories.--
                          (i) In general.--Under the 
                        methodology developed under 
                        subparagraph (A), subject to 
                        subparagraph (F)(i) and clause (ii), 
                        the composite performance score shall 
                        be determined as follows:
                                  (I) Quality.--
                                          (aa) In general.--
                                        Subject to item (bb), 
                                        thirty percent of such 
                                        score shall be based on 
                                        performance with 
                                        respect to the category 
                                        described in clause (i) 
                                        of paragraph (2)(A). In 
                                        applying the previous 
                                        sentence, the Secretary 
                                        shall, as feasible, 
                                        encourage the 
                                        application of outcome 
                                        measures within such 
                                          (bb) First 2 years.--
                                        For the first and 
                                        second years for which 
                                        the MIPS applies to 
                                        payments, the 
                                        percentage applicable 
                                        under item (aa) shall 
                                        be increased in a 
                                        manner such that the 
                                        total percentage points 
                                        of the increase under 
                                        this item for the 
                                        respective year equals 
                                        the total number of 
                                        percentage points by 
                                        which the percentage 
                                        applied under subclause 
                                        (II)(bb) for the 
                                        respective year is less 
                                        than 30 percent.
                                  (II) Resource use.--
                                          (aa) In general.--
                                        Subject to item (bb), 
                                        thirty percent of such 
                                        score shall be based on 
                                        performance with 
                                        respect to the category 
                                        described in clause 
                                        (ii) of paragraph 
                                          (bb) First 2 years.--
                                        For the first year for 
                                        which the MIPS applies 
                                        to payments, not more 
                                        than 10 percent of such 
                                        score shall be based on 
                                        performance with 
                                        respect to the category 
                                        described in clause 
                                        (ii) of paragraph 
                                        (2)(A). For the second 
                                        year for which the MIPS 
                                        applies to payments, 
                                        not more than 15 
                                        percent of such score 
                                        shall be based on 
                                        performance with 
                                        respect to the category 
                                        described in clause 
                                        (ii) of paragraph 
                                  (III) Clinical practice 
                                improvement activities.--
                                Fifteen percent of such score 
                                shall be based on performance 
                                with respect to the category 
                                described in clause (iii) of 
                                paragraph (2)(A).
                                  (IV) Meaningful use of 
                                certified ehr technology.--
                                Twenty-five percent of such 
                                score shall be based on 
                                performance with respect to the 
                                category described in clause 
                                (iv) of paragraph (2)(A).
                          (ii) Authority to adjust percentages 
                        in case of high ehr meaningful use 
                        adoption.--In any year in which the 
                        Secretary estimates that the proportion 
                        of eligible professionals (as defined 
                        in subsection (o)(5)) who are 
                        meaningful EHR users (as determined 
                        under subsection (o)(2)) is 75 percent 
                        or greater, the Secretary may reduce 
                        the percent applicable under clause 
                        (i)(IV), but not below 15 percent. If 
                        the Secretary makes such reduction for 
                        a year, subject to subclauses (I)(bb) 
                        and (II)(bb) of clause (i), the 
                        percentages applicable under one or 
                        more of subclauses (I), (II), and (III) 
                        of clause (i) for such year shall be 
                        increased in a manner such that the 
                        total percentage points of the increase 
                        under this clause for such year equals 
                        the total number of percentage points 
                        reduced under the preceding sentence 
                        for such year.
                  (F) Certain flexibility for weighting 
                performance categories, measures, and 
                activities.--Under the methodology under 
                subparagraph (A), if there are not sufficient 
                measures and activities (described in paragraph 
                (2)(B)) applicable and available to each type 
                of eligible professional involved, the 
                Secretary shall assign different scoring 
                weights (including a weight of 0)--
                          (i) which may vary from the scoring 
                        weights specified in subparagraph (E), 
                        for each performance category based on 
                        the extent to which the category is 
                        applicable to the type of eligible 
                        professional involved; and
                          (ii) for each measure and activity 
                        specified under paragraph (2)(B) with 
                        respect to each such category based on 
                        the extent to which the measure or 
                        activity is applicable and available to 
                        the type of eligible professional 
                  (G) Resource use.--Analysis of the 
                performance category described in paragraph 
                (2)(A)(ii) shall include results from the 
                methodology described in subsection (r)(5), as 
                  (H) Inclusion of quality measure data from 
                other payers.--In applying subsections (k), 
                (m), and (p) with respect to measures described 
                in paragraph (2)(B)(i), analysis of the 
                performance category described in paragraph 
                (2)(A)(i) may include data submitted by MIPS 
                eligible professionals with respect to items 
                and services furnished to individuals who are 
                not individuals entitled to benefits under part 
                A or enrolled under part B.
                  (I) Use of voluntary virtual groups for 
                certain assessment purposes.--
                          (i) In general.--In the case of MIPS 
                        eligible professionals electing to be a 
                        virtual group under clause (ii) with 
                        respect to a performance period for a 
                        year, for purposes of applying the 
                        methodology under subparagraph (A) with 
                        respect to the performance categories 
                        described in clauses (i) and (ii) of 
                        paragraph (2)(A)--
                                  (I) the assessment of 
                                performance provided under such 
                                methodology with respect to 
                                such performance categories 
                                that is to be applied to each 
                                such professional in such group 
                                for such performance period 
                                shall be with respect to the 
                                combined performance of all 
                                such professionals in such 
                                group for such period; and
                                  (II) with respect to the 
                                composite performance score 
                                provided under this paragraph 
                                for such performance period for 
                                each such MIPS eligible 
                                professional in such virtual 
                                group, the components of the 
                                composite performance score 
                                that assess performance with 
                                respect to such performance 
                                categories shall be based on 
                                the assessment of the combined 
                                performance under subclause (I) 
                                for such performance categories 
                                and performance period.
                          (ii) Election of practices to be a 
                        virtual group.--The Secretary shall, in 
                        accordance with the requirements under 
                        clause (iii), establish and have in 
                        place a process to allow an individual 
                        MIPS eligible professional or a group 
                        practice consisting of not more than 10 
                        MIPS eligible professionals to elect, 
                        with respect to a performance period 
                        for a year to be a virtual group under 
                        this subparagraph with at least one 
                        other such individual MIPS eligible 
                        professional or group practice. Such a 
                        virtual group may be based on 
                        appropriate classifications of 
                        providers, such as by geographic areas 
                        or by provider specialties defined by 
                        nationally recognized specialty boards 
                        of certification or equivalent 
                        certification boards.
                          (iii) Requirements.--The requirements 
                        for the process under clause (ii) 
                                  (I) provide that an election 
                                under such clause, with respect 
                                to a performance period, shall 
                                be made before the beginning of 
                                such performance period and may 
                                not be changed during such 
                                performance period;
                                  (II) provide that an 
                                individual MIPS eligible 
                                professional and a group 
                                practice described in clause 
                                (ii) may elect to be in no more 
                                than one virtual group for a 
                                performance period and that, in 
                                the case of such a group 
                                practice that elects to be in 
                                such virtual group for such 
                                performance period, such 
                                election applies to all MIPS 
                                eligible professionals in such 
                                group practice;
                                  (III) provide that a virtual 
                                group be a combination of tax 
                                identification numbers;
                                  (IV) provide for formal 
                                written agreements among MIPS 
                                eligible professionals electing 
                                to be a virtual group under 
                                this subparagraph; and
                                  (V) include such other 
                                requirements as the Secretary 
                                determines appropriate.
          (6) MIPS payments.--
                  (A) MIPS adjustment factor.--Taking into 
                account paragraph (1)(G), the Secretary shall 
                specify a MIPS adjustment factor for each MIPS 
                eligible professional for a year. Such MIPS 
                adjustment factor for a MIPS eligible 
                professional for a year shall be in the form of 
                a percent and shall be determined--
                          (i) by comparing the composite 
                        performance score of the eligible 
                        professional for such year to the 
                        performance threshold established under 
                        subparagraph (D)(i) for such year;
                          (ii) in a manner such that the 
                        adjustment factors specified under this 
                        subparagraph for a year result in 
                        differential payments under this 
                        paragraph reflecting that--
                                  (I) MIPS eligible 
                                professionals with composite 
                                performance scores for such 
                                year at or above such 
                                performance threshold for such 
                                year receive zero or positive 
                                payment adjustment factors for 
                                such year in accordance with 
                                clause (iii), with such 
                                professionals having higher 
                                composite performance scores 
                                receiving higher adjustment 
                                factors; and
                                  (II) MIPS eligible 
                                professionals with composite 
                                performance scores for such 
                                year below such performance 
                                threshold for such year receive 
                                negative payment adjustment 
                                factors for such year in 
                                accordance with clause (iv), 
                                with such professionals having 
                                lower composite performance 
                                scores receiving lower 
                                adjustment factors;
                          (iii) in a manner such that MIPS 
                        eligible professionals with composite 
                        scores described in clause (ii)(I) for 
                        such year, subject to clauses (i) and 
                        (ii) of subparagraph (F), receive a 
                        zero or positive adjustment factor on a 
                        linear sliding scale such that an 
                        adjustment factor of 0 percent is 
                        assigned for a score at the performance 
                        threshold and an adjustment factor of 
                        the applicable percent specified in 
                        subparagraph (B) is assigned for a 
                        score of 100; and
                          (iv) in a manner such that--
                                  (I) subject to subclause 
                                (II), MIPS eligible 
                                professionals with composite 
                                performance scores described in 
                                clause (ii)(II) for such year 
                                receive a negative payment 
                                adjustment factor on a linear 
                                sliding scale such that an 
                                adjustment factor of 0 percent 
                                is assigned for a score at the 
                                performance threshold and an 
                                adjustment factor of the 
                                negative of the applicable 
                                percent specified in 
                                subparagraph (B) is assigned 
                                for a score of 0; and
                                  (II) MIPS eligible 
                                professionals with composite 
                                performance scores that are 
                                equal to or greater than 0, but 
                                not greater than \1/4\ of the 
                                performance threshold specified 
                                under subparagraph (D)(i) for 
                                such year, receive a negative 
                                payment adjustment factor that 
                                is equal to the negative of the 
                                applicable percent specified in 
                                subparagraph (B) for such year.
                  (B) Applicable percent defined.--For purposes 
                of this paragraph, the term ``applicable 
                percent'' means--
                          (i) for 2019, 4 percent;
                          (ii) for 2020, 5 percent;
                          (iii) for 2021, 7 percent; and
                          (iv) for 2022 and subsequent years, 9 
                  (C) Additional mips adjustment factors for 
                exceptional performance.--For 2019 and each 
                subsequent year through 2024, in the case of a 
                MIPS eligible professional with a composite 
                performance score for a year at or above the 
                additional performance threshold under 
                subparagraph (D)(ii) for such year, in addition 
                to the MIPS adjustment factor under 
                subparagraph (A) for the eligible professional 
                for such year, subject to subparagraph (F)(iv), 
                the Secretary shall specify an additional 
                positive MIPS adjustment factor for such 
                professional and year. Such additional MIPS 
                adjustment factors shall be in the form of a 
                percent and determined by the Secretary in a 
                manner such that professionals having higher 
                composite performance scores above the 
                additional performance threshold receive higher 
                additional MIPS adjustment factors.
                  (D) Establishment of performance 
                          (i) Performance threshold.--For each 
                        year of the MIPS, the Secretary shall 
                        compute a performance threshold with 
                        respect to which the composite 
                        performance score of MIPS eligible 
                        professionals shall be compared for 
                        purposes of determining adjustment 
                        factors under subparagraph (A) that are 
                        positive, negative, and zero. Such 
                        performance threshold for a year shall 
                        be the mean or median (as selected by 
                        the Secretary) of the composite 
                        performance scores for all MIPS 
                        eligible professionals with respect to 
                        a prior period specified by the 
                        Secretary. The Secretary may reassess 
                        the selection of the mean or median 
                        under the previous sentence every 3 
                          (ii) Additional performance threshold 
                        for exceptional performance.--In 
                        addition to the performance threshold 
                        under clause (i), for each year of the 
                        MIPS, the Secretary shall compute an 
                        additional performance threshold for 
                        purposes of determining the additional 
                        MIPS adjustment factors under 
                        subparagraph (C). For each such year, 
                        the Secretary shall apply either of the 
                        following methods for computing such 
                        additional performance threshold for 
                        such a year:
                                  (I) The threshold shall be 
                                the score that is equal to the 
                                25th percentile of the range of 
                                possible composite performance 
                                scores above the performance 
                                threshold determined under 
                                clause (i).
                                  (II) The threshold shall be 
                                the score that is equal to the 
                                25th percentile of the actual 
                                composite performance scores 
                                for MIPS eligible professionals 
                                with composite performance 
                                scores at or above the 
                                performance threshold with 
                                respect to the prior period 
                                described in clause (i).
                          (iii) Special rule for initial 2 
                        years.--With respect to each of the 
                        first two years to which the MIPS 
                        applies, the Secretary shall, prior to 
                        the performance period for such years, 
                        establish a performance threshold for 
                        purposes of determining MIPS adjustment 
                        factors under subparagraph (A) and a 
                        threshold for purposes of determining 
                        additional MIPS adjustment factors 
                        under subparagraph (C). Each such 
                        performance threshold shall--
                                  (I) be based on a period 
                                prior to such performance 
                                periods; and
                                  (II) take into account--
                                          (aa) data available 
                                        with respect to 
                                        performance on measures 
                                        and activities that may 
                                        be used under the 
                                        performance categories 
                                        under subparagraph 
                                        (2)(B); and
                                          (bb) other factors 
                                        determined appropriate 
                                        by the Secretary.
                  (E) Application of mips adjustment factors.--
                In the case of items and services furnished by 
                a MIPS eligible professional during a year 
                (beginning with 2019), the amount otherwise 
                paid under this part with respect to such items 
                and services and MIPS eligible professional for 
                such year, shall be multiplied by--
                          (i) 1, plus
                          (ii) the sum of--
                                  (I) the MIPS adjustment 
                                factor determined under 
                                subparagraph (A) divided by 
                                100, and
                                  (II) as applicable, the 
                                additional MIPS adjustment 
                                factor determined under 
                                subparagraph (C) divided by 
                  (F) Aggregate application of mips adjustment 
                          (i) Application of scaling factor.--
                                  (I) In general.--With respect 
                                to positive MIPS adjustment 
                                factors under subparagraph 
                                (A)(ii)(I) for eligible 
                                professionals whose composite 
                                performance score is above the 
                                performance threshold under 
                                subparagraph (D)(i) for such 
                                year, subject to subclause 
                                (II), the Secretary shall 
                                increase or decrease such 
                                adjustment factors by a scaling 
                                factor in order to ensure that 
                                the budget neutrality 
                                requirement of clause (ii) is 
                                  (II) Scaling factor limit.--
                                In no case may the scaling 
                                factor applied under this 
                                clause exceed 3.0.
                          (ii) Budget neutrality requirement.--
                                  (I) In general.--Subject to 
                                clause (iii), the Secretary 
                                shall ensure that the estimated 
                                amount described in subclause 
                                (II) for a year is equal to the 
                                estimated amount described in 
                                subclause (III) for such year.
                                  (II) Aggregate increases.--
                                The amount described in this 
                                subclause is the estimated 
                                increase in the aggregate 
                                allowed charges resulting from 
                                the application of positive 
                                MIPS adjustment factors under 
                                subparagraph (A) (after 
                                application of the scaling 
                                factor described in clause (i)) 
                                to MIPS eligible professionals 
                                whose composite performance 
                                score for a year is above the 
                                performance threshold under 
                                subparagraph (D)(i) for such 
                                  (III) Aggregate decreases.--
                                The amount described in this 
                                subclause is the estimated 
                                decrease in the aggregate 
                                allowed charges resulting from 
                                the application of negative 
                                MIPS adjustment factors under 
                                subparagraph (A) to MIPS 
                                eligible professionals whose 
                                composite performance score for 
                                a year is below the performance 
                                threshold under subparagraph 
                                (D)(i) for such year.
                          (iii) Exceptions.--
                                  (I) In the case that all MIPS 
                                eligible professionals receive 
                                composite performance scores 
                                for a year that are below the 
                                performance threshold under 
                                subparagraph (D)(i) for such 
                                year, the negative MIPS 
                                adjustment factors under 
                                subparagraph (A) shall apply 
                                with respect to such MIPS 
                                eligible professionals and the 
                                budget neutrality requirement 
                                of clause (ii) and the 
                                additional adjustment factors 
                                under clause (iv) shall not 
                                apply for such year.
                                  (II) In the case that, with 
                                respect to a year, the 
                                application of clause (i) 
                                results in a scaling factor 
                                equal to the maximum scaling 
                                factor specified in clause 
                                (i)(II), such scaling factor 
                                shall apply and the budget 
                                neutrality requirement of 
                                clause (ii) shall not apply for 
                                such year.
                          (iv) Additional incentive payment 
                                  (I) In general.--Subject to 
                                subclause (II), in specifying 
                                the MIPS additional adjustment 
                                factors under subparagraph (C) 
                                for each applicable MIPS 
                                eligible professional for a 
                                year, the Secretary shall 
                                ensure that the estimated 
                                aggregate increase in payments 
                                under this part resulting from 
                                the application of such 
                                additional adjustment factors 
                                for MIPS eligible professionals 
                                in a year shall be equal (as 
                                estimated by the Secretary) to 
                                $500,000,000 for each year 
                                beginning with 2019 and ending 
                                with 2024.
                                  (II) Limitation on additional 
                                incentive payment 
                                adjustments.--The MIPS 
                                additional adjustment factor 
                                under subparagraph (C) for a 
                                year for an applicable MIPS 
                                eligible professional whose 
                                composite performance score is 
                                above the additional 
                                performance threshold under 
                                subparagraph (D)(ii) for such 
                                year shall not exceed 10 
                                percent. The application of the 
                                previous sentence may result in 
                                an aggregate amount of 
                                additional incentive payments 
                                that are less than the amount 
                                specified in subclause (I).
          (7) Announcement of result of adjustments.--Under the 
        MIPS, the Secretary shall, not later than 30 days prior 
        to January 1 of the year involved, make available to 
        MIPS eligible professionals the MIPS adjustment factor 
        (and, as applicable, the additional MIPS adjustment 
        factor) under paragraph (6) applicable to the eligible 
        professional for items and services furnished by the 
        professional for such year. The Secretary may include 
        such information in the confidential feedback under 
        paragraph (12).
          (8) No effect in subsequent years.--The MIPS 
        adjustment factors and additional MIPS adjustment 
        factors under paragraph (6) shall apply only with 
        respect to the year involved, and the Secretary shall 
        not take into account such adjustment factors in making 
        payments to a MIPS eligible professional under this 
        part in a subsequent year.
          (9) Public reporting.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall, in an 
                easily understandable format, make available on 
                the Physician Compare Internet website of the 
                Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services the 
                          (i) Information regarding the 
                        performance of MIPS eligible 
                        professionals under the MIPS, which--
                                  (I) shall include the 
                                composite score for each such 
                                MIPS eligible professional and 
                                the performance of each such 
                                MIPS eligible professional with 
                                respect to each performance 
                                category; and
                                  (II) may include the 
                                performance of each such MIPS 
                                eligible professional with 
                                respect to each measure or 
                                activity specified in paragraph 
                          (ii) The names of eligible 
                        professionals in eligible alternative 
                        payment models (as defined in section 
                        1833(z)(3)(D)) and, to the extent 
                        feasible, the names of such eligible 
                        alternative payment models and 
                        performance of such models.
                  (B) Disclosure.--The information made 
                available under this paragraph shall indicate, 
                where appropriate, that publicized information 
                may not be representative of the eligible 
                professional's entire patient population, the 
                variety of services furnished by the eligible 
                professional, or the health conditions of 
                individuals treated.
                  (C) Opportunity to review and submit 
                corrections.--The Secretary shall provide for 
                an opportunity for a professional described in 
                subparagraph (A) to review, and submit 
                corrections for, the information to be made 
                public with respect to the professional under 
                such subparagraph prior to such information 
                being made public.
                  (D) Aggregate information.--The Secretary 
                shall periodically post on the Physician 
                Compare Internet website aggregate information 
                on the MIPS, including the range of composite 
                scores for all MIPS eligible professionals and 
                the range of the performance of all MIPS 
                eligible professionals with respect to each 
                performance category.
          (10) Consultation.--The Secretary shall consult with 
        stakeholders in carrying out the MIPS, including for 
        the identification of measures and activities under 
        paragraph (2)(B) and the methodologies developed under 
        paragraphs (5)(A) and (6) and regarding the use of 
        qualified clinical data registries. Such consultation 
        shall include the use of a request for information or 
        other mechanisms determined appropriate.
          (11) Technical assistance to small practices and 
        practices in health professional shortage areas.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall enter 
                into contracts or agreements with appropriate 
                entities (such as quality improvement 
                organizations, regional extension centers (as 
                described in section 3012(c) of the Public 
                Health Service Act), or regional health 
                collaboratives) to offer guidance and 
                assistance to MIPS eligible professionals in 
                practices of 15 or fewer professionals (with 
                priority given to such practices located in 
                rural areas, health professional shortage areas 
                (as designated under in section 332(a)(1)(A) of 
                such Act), and medically underserved areas, and 
                practices with low composite scores) with 
                respect to--
                          (i) the performance categories 
                        described in clauses (i) through (iv) 
                        of paragraph (2)(A); or
                          (ii) how to transition to the 
                        implementation of and participation in 
                        an alternative payment model as 
                        described in section 1833(z)(3)(C).
                  (B) Funding for technical assistance.--For 
                purposes of implementing subparagraph (A), the 
                Secretary shall provide for the transfer from 
                the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance 
                Trust Fund established under section 1841 to 
                the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 
                Program Management Account of $20,000,000 for 
                each of fiscal years 2016 through 2020. Amounts 
                transferred under this subparagraph for a 
                fiscal year shall be available until expended.
          (12) Feedback and information to improve 
                  (A) Performance feedback.--
                          (i) In general.--Beginning July 1, 
                        2017, the Secretary--
                                  (I) shall make available 
                                timely (such as quarterly) 
                                confidential feedback to MIPS 
                                eligible professionals on the 
                                performance of such 
                                professionals with respect to 
                                the performance categories 
                                under clauses (i) and (ii) of 
                                paragraph (2)(A); and
                                  (II) may make available 
                                confidential feedback to such 
                                professionals on the 
                                performance of such 
                                professionals with respect to 
                                the performance categories 
                                under clauses (iii) and (iv) of 
                                such paragraph.
                          (ii) Mechanisms.--The Secretary may 
                        use one or more mechanisms to make 
                        feedback available under clause (i), 
                        which may include use of a web-based 
                        portal or other mechanisms determined 
                        appropriate by the Secretary. With 
                        respect to the performance category 
                        described in paragraph (2)(A)(i), 
                        feedback under this subparagraph shall, 
                        to the extent an eligible professional 
                        chooses to participate in a data 
                        registry for purposes of this 
                        subsection (including registries under 
                        subsections (k) and (m)), be provided 
                        based on performance on quality 
                        measures reported through the use of 
                        such registries. With respect to any 
                        other performance category described in 
                        paragraph (2)(A), the Secretary shall 
                        encourage provision of feedback through 
                        qualified clinical data registries as 
                        described in subsection (m)(3)(E)).
                          (iii) Use of data.--For purposes of 
                        clause (i), the Secretary may use data, 
                        with respect to a MIPS eligible 
                        professional, from periods prior to the 
                        current performance period and may use 
                        rolling periods in order to make 
                        illustrative calculations about the 
                        performance of such professional.
                          (iv) Disclosure exemption.--Feedback 
                        made available under this subparagraph 
                        shall be exempt from disclosure under 
                        section 552 of title 5, United States 
                          (v) Receipt of information.--The 
                        Secretary may use the mechanisms 
                        established under clause (ii) to 
                        receive information from professionals, 
                        such as information with respect to 
                        this subsection.
                  (B) Additional information.--
                          (i) In general.--Beginning July 1, 
                        2018, the Secretary shall make 
                        available to MIPS eligible 
                        professionals information, with respect 
                        to individuals who are patients of such 
                        MIPS eligible professionals, about 
                        items and services for which payment is 
                        made under this title that are 
                        furnished to such individuals by other 
                        suppliers and providers of services, 
                        which may include information described 
                        in clause (ii). Such information may be 
                        made available under the previous 
                        sentence to such MIPS eligible 
                        professionals by mechanisms determined 
                        appropriate by the Secretary, which may 
                        include use of a web-based portal. Such 
                        information may be made available in 
                        accordance with the same or similar 
                        terms as data are made available to 
                        accountable care organizations 
                        participating in the shared savings 
                        program under section 1899.
                          (ii) Type of information.--For 
                        purposes of clause (i), the information 
                        described in this clause, is the 
                                  (I) With respect to selected 
                                items and services (as 
                                determined appropriate by the 
                                Secretary) for which payment is 
                                made under this title and that 
                                are furnished to individuals, 
                                who are patients of a MIPS 
                                eligible professional, by 
                                another supplier or provider of 
                                services during the most recent 
                                period for which data are 
                                available (such as the most 
                                recent three-month period), 
                                such as the name of such 
                                providers furnishing such items 
                                and services to such patients 
                                during such period, the types 
                                of such items and services so 
                                furnished, and the dates such 
                                items and services were so 
                                  (II) Historical data, such as 
                                averages and other measures of 
                                the distribution if 
                                appropriate, of the total, and 
                                components of, allowed charges 
                                (and other figures as 
                                determined appropriate by the 
          (13) Review.--
                  (A) Targeted review.--The Secretary shall 
                establish a process under which a MIPS eligible 
                professional may seek an informal review of the 
                calculation of the MIPS adjustment factor (or 
                factors) applicable to such eligible 
                professional under this subsection for a year. 
                The results of a review conducted pursuant to 
                the previous sentence shall not be taken into 
                account for purposes of paragraph (6) with 
                respect to a year (other than with respect to 
                the calculation of such eligible professional's 
                MIPS adjustment factor for such year or 
                additional MIPS adjustment factor for such 
                year) after the factors determined in 
                subparagraph (A) and subparagraph (C) of such 
                paragraph have been determined for such year.
                  (B) Limitation.--Except as provided for in 
                subparagraph (A), there shall be no 
                administrative or judicial review under section 
                1869, section 1878, or otherwise of the 
                          (i) The methodology used to determine 
                        the amount of the MIPS adjustment 
                        factor under paragraph (6)(A) and the 
                        amount of the additional MIPS 
                        adjustment factor under paragraph 
                        (6)(C) and the determination of such 
                          (ii) The establishment of the 
                        performance standards under paragraph 
                        (3) and the performance period under 
                        paragraph (4).
                          (iii) The identification of measures 
                        and activities specified under 
                        paragraph (2)(B) and information made 
                        public or posted on the Physician 
                        Compare Internet website of the Centers 
                        for Medicare & Medicaid Services under 
                        paragraph (9).
                          (iv) The methodology developed under 
                        paragraph (5) that is used to calculate 
                        performance scores and the calculation 
                        of such scores, including the weighting 
                        of measures and activities under such 
  (r) Collaborating With the Physician, Practitioner, and Other 
Stakeholder Communities To Improve Resource Use Measurement.--
          (1) In general.--In order to involve the physician, 
        practitioner, and other stakeholder communities in 
        enhancing the infrastructure for resource use 
        measurement, including for purposes of the Merit-based 
        Incentive Payment System under subsection (q) and 
        alternative payment models under section 1833(z), the 
        Secretary shall undertake the steps described in the 
        succeeding provisions of this subsection.
          (2) Development of care episode and patient condition 
        groups and classification codes.--
                  (A) In general.--In order to classify similar 
                patients into care episode groups and patient 
                condition groups, the Secretary shall undertake 
                the steps described in the succeeding 
                provisions of this paragraph.
                  (B) Public availability of existing efforts 
                to design an episode grouper.--Not later than 
                180 days after the date of the enactment of 
                this subsection, the Secretary shall post on 
                the Internet website of the Centers for 
                Medicare & Medicaid Services a list of the 
                episode groups developed pursuant to subsection 
                (n)(9)(A) and related descriptive information.
                  (C) Stakeholder input.--The Secretary shall 
                accept, through the date that is 120 days after 
                the day the Secretary posts the list pursuant 
                to subparagraph (B), suggestions from physician 
                specialty societies, applicable practitioner 
                organizations, and other stakeholders for 
                episode groups in addition to those posted 
                pursuant to such subparagraph, and specific 
                clinical criteria and patient characteristics 
                to classify patients into--
                          (i) care episode groups; and
                          (ii) patient condition groups.
                  (D) Development of proposed classification 
                          (i) In general.--Taking into account 
                        the information described in 
                        subparagraph (B) and the information 
                        received under subparagraph (C), the 
                        Secretary shall--
                                  (I) establish care episode 
                                groups and patient condition 
                                groups, which account for a 
                                target of an estimated \1/2\ of 
                                expenditures under parts A and 
                                B (with such target increasing 
                                over time as appropriate); and
                                  (II) assign codes to such 
                          (ii) Care episode groups.--In 
                        establishing the care episode groups 
                        under clause (i), the Secretary shall 
                        take into account--
                                  (I) the patient's clinical 
                                problems at the time items and 
                                services are furnished during 
                                an episode of care, such as the 
                                clinical conditions or 
                                diagnoses, whether or not 
                                inpatient hospitalization 
                                occurs, and the principal 
                                procedures or services 
                                furnished; and
                                  (II) other factors determined 
                                appropriate by the Secretary.
                          (iii) Patient condition groups.--In 
                        establishing the patient condition 
                        groups under clause (i), the Secretary 
                        shall take into account--
                                  (I) the patient's clinical 
                                history at the time of a 
                                medical visit, such as the 
                                patient's combination of 
                                chronic conditions, current 
                                health status, and recent 
                                significant history (such as 
                                hospitalization and major 
                                surgery during a previous 
                                period, such as 3 months); and
                                  (II) other factors determined 
                                appropriate by the Secretary, 
                                such as eligibility status 
                                under this title (including 
                                eligibility under section 
                                226(a), 226(b), or 226A, and 
                                dual eligibility under this 
                                title and title XIX).
                  (E) Draft care episode and patient condition 
                groups and classification codes.--Not later 
                than 270 days after the end of the comment 
                period described in subparagraph (C), the 
                Secretary shall post on the Internet website of 
                the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services a 
                draft list of the care episode and patient 
                condition codes established under subparagraph 
                (D) (and the criteria and characteristics 
                assigned to such code).
                  (F) Solicitation of input.--The Secretary 
                shall seek, through the date that is 120 days 
                after the Secretary posts the list pursuant to 
                subparagraph (E), comments from physician 
                specialty societies, applicable practitioner 
                organizations, and other stakeholders, 
                including representatives of individuals 
                entitled to benefits under part A or enrolled 
                under this part, regarding the care episode and 
                patient condition groups (and codes) posted 
                under subparagraph (E). In seeking such 
                comments, the Secretary shall use one or more 
                mechanisms (other than notice and comment 
                rulemaking) that may include use of open door 
                forums, town hall meetings, or other 
                appropriate mechanisms.
                  (G) Operational list of care episode and 
                patient condition groups and codes.--Not later 
                than 270 days after the end of the comment 
                period described in subparagraph (F), taking 
                into account the comments received under such 
                subparagraph, the Secretary shall post on the 
                Internet website of the Centers for Medicare & 
                Medicaid Services an operational list of care 
                episode and patient condition codes (and the 
                criteria and characteristics assigned to such 
                  (H) Subsequent revisions.--Not later than 
                November 1 of each year (beginning with 2018), 
                the Secretary shall, through rulemaking, make 
                revisions to the operational lists of care 
                episode and patient condition codes as the 
                Secretary determines may be appropriate. Such 
                revisions may be based on experience, new 
                information developed pursuant to subsection 
                (n)(9)(A), and input from the physician 
                specialty societies, applicable practitioner 
                organizations, and other stakeholders, 
                including representatives of individuals 
                entitled to benefits under part A or enrolled 
                under this part.
          (3) Attribution of patients to physicians or 
                  (A) In general.--In order to facilitate the 
                attribution of patients and episodes (in whole 
                or in part) to one or more physicians or 
                applicable practitioners furnishing items and 
                services, the Secretary shall undertake the 
                steps described in the succeeding provisions of 
                this paragraph.
                  (B) Development of patient relationship 
                categories and codes.--The Secretary shall 
                develop patient relationship categories and 
                codes that define and distinguish the 
                relationship and responsibility of a physician 
                or applicable practitioner with a patient at 
                the time of furnishing an item or service. Such 
                patient relationship categories shall include 
                different relationships of the physician or 
                applicable practitioner to the patient (and the 
                codes may reflect combinations of such 
                categories), such as a physician or applicable 
                practitioner who--
                          (i) considers themself to have the 
                        primary responsibility for the general 
                        and ongoing care for the patient over 
                        extended periods of time;
                          (ii) considers themself to be the 
                        lead physician or practitioner and who 
                        furnishes items and services and 
                        coordinates care furnished by other 
                        physicians or practitioners for the 
                        patient during an acute episode;
                          (iii) furnishes items and services to 
                        the patient on a continuing basis 
                        during an acute episode of care, but in 
                        a supportive rather than a lead role;
                          (iv) furnishes items and services to 
                        the patient on an occasional basis, 
                        usually at the request of another 
                        physician or practitioner; or
                          (v) furnishes items and services only 
                        as ordered by another physician or 
                  (C) Draft list of patient relationship 
                categories and codes.--Not later than one year 
                after the date of the enactment of this 
                subsection, the Secretary shall post on the 
                Internet website of the Centers for Medicare & 
                Medicaid Services a draft list of the patient 
                relationship categories and codes developed 
                under subparagraph (B).
                  (D) Stakeholder input.--The Secretary shall 
                seek, through the date that is 120 days after 
                the Secretary posts the list pursuant to 
                subparagraph (C), comments from physician 
                specialty societies, applicable practitioner 
                organizations, and other stakeholders, 
                including representatives of individuals 
                entitled to benefits under part A or enrolled 
                under this part, regarding the patient 
                relationship categories and codes posted under 
                subparagraph (C). In seeking such comments, the 
                Secretary shall use one or more mechanisms 
                (other than notice and comment rulemaking) that 
                may include open door forums, town hall 
                meetings, web-based forums, or other 
                appropriate mechanisms.
                  (E) Operational list of patient relationship 
                categories and codes.--Not later than 240 days 
                after the end of the comment period described 
                in subparagraph (D), taking into account the 
                comments received under such subparagraph, the 
                Secretary shall post on the Internet website of 
                the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services an 
                operational list of patient relationship 
                categories and codes.
                  (F) Subsequent revisions.--Not later than 
                November 1 of each year (beginning with 2018), 
                the Secretary shall, through rulemaking, make 
                revisions to the operational list of patient 
                relationship categories and codes as the 
                Secretary determines appropriate. Such 
                revisions may be based on experience, new 
                information developed pursuant to subsection 
                (n)(9)(A), and input from the physician 
                specialty societies, applicable practitioner 
                organizations, and other stakeholders, 
                including representatives of individuals 
                entitled to benefits under part A or enrolled 
                under this part.
          (4) Reporting of information for resource use 
        measurement.--Claims submitted for items and services 
        furnished by a physician or applicable practitioner on 
        or after January 1, 2018, shall, as determined 
        appropriate by the Secretary, include--
                  (A) applicable codes established under 
                paragraphs (2) and (3); and
                  (B) the national provider identifier of the 
                ordering physician or applicable practitioner 
                (if different from the billing physician or 
                applicable practitioner).
          (5) Methodology for resource use analysis.--
                  (A) In general.--In order to evaluate the 
                resources used to treat patients (with respect 
                to care episode and patient condition groups), 
                the Secretary shall, as the Secretary 
                determines appropriate--
                          (i) use the patient relationship 
                        codes reported on claims pursuant to 
                        paragraph (4) to attribute patients (in 
                        whole or in part) to one or more 
                        physicians and applicable 
                          (ii) use the care episode and patient 
                        condition codes reported on claims 
                        pursuant to paragraph (4) as a basis to 
                        compare similar patients and care 
                        episodes and patient condition groups; 
                          (iii) conduct an analysis of resource 
                        use (with respect to care episodes and 
                        patient condition groups of such 
                  (B) Analysis of patients of physicians and 
                practitioners.--In conducting the analysis 
                described in subparagraph (A)(iii) with respect 
                to patients attributed to physicians and 
                applicable practitioners, the Secretary shall, 
                as feasible--
                          (i) use the claims data experience of 
                        such patients by patient condition 
                        codes during a common period, such as 
                        12 months; and
                          (ii) use the claims data experience 
                        of such patients by care episode 
                                  (I) in the case of episodes 
                                without a hospitalization, 
                                during periods of time (such as 
                                the number of days) determined 
                                appropriate by the Secretary; 
                                  (II) in the case of episodes 
                                with a hospitalization, during 
                                periods of time (such as the 
                                number of days) before, during, 
                                and after the hospitalization.
                  (C) Measurement of resource use.--In 
                measuring such resource use, the Secretary--
                          (i) shall use per patient total 
                        allowed charges for all services under 
                        part A and this part (and, if the 
                        Secretary determines appropriate, part 
                        D) for the analysis of patient resource 
                        use, by care episode codes and by 
                        patient condition codes; and
                          (ii) may, as determined appropriate, 
                        use other measures of allowed charges 
                        (such as subtotals for categories of 
                        items and services) and measures of 
                        utilization of items and services (such 
                        as frequency of specific items and 
                        services and the ratio of specific 
                        items and services among attributed 
                        patients or episodes).
                  (D) Stakeholder input.--The Secretary shall 
                seek comments from the physician specialty 
                societies, applicable practitioner 
                organizations, and other stakeholders, 
                including representatives of individuals 
                entitled to benefits under part A or enrolled 
                under this part, regarding the resource use 
                methodology established pursuant to this 
                paragraph. In seeking comments the Secretary 
                shall use one or more mechanisms (other than 
                notice and comment rulemaking) that may include 
                open door forums, town hall meetings, web-based 
                forums, or other appropriate mechanisms.
          (6) Implementation.--To the extent that the Secretary 
        contracts with an entity to carry out any part of the 
        provisions of this subsection, the Secretary may not 
        contract with an entity or an entity with a subcontract 
        if the entity or subcontracting entity currently makes 
        recommendations to the Secretary on relative values for 
        services under the fee schedule for physicians' 
        services under this section.
          (7) Limitation.--There shall be no administrative or 
        judicial review under section 1869, section 1878, or 
        otherwise of--
                  (A) care episode and patient condition groups 
                and codes established under paragraph (2);
                  (B) patient relationship categories and codes 
                established under paragraph (3); and
                  (C) measurement of, and analyses of resource 
                use with respect to, care episode and patient 
                condition codes and patient relationship codes 
                pursuant to paragraph (5).
          (8) Administration.--Chapter 35 of title 44, United 
        States Code, shall not apply to this section.
          (9) Definitions.--In this subsection:
                  (A) Physician.--The term ``physician'' has 
                the meaning given such term in section 
                  (B) Applicable practitioner.--The term 
                ``applicable practitioner'' means--
                          (i) a physician assistant, nurse 
                        practitioner, and clinical nurse 
                        specialist (as such terms are defined 
                        in section 1861(aa)(5)), and a 
                        certified registered nurse anesthetist 
                        (as defined in section 1861(bb)(2)); 
                          (ii) beginning January 1, 2019, such 
                        other eligible professionals (as 
                        defined in subsection (k)(3)(B)) as 
                        specified by the Secretary.
          (10) Clarification.--The provisions of sections 
        1890(b)(7) and 1890A shall not apply to this 
  (s) Priorities and Funding for Measure Development.--
          (1) Plan identifying measure development priorities 
        and timelines.--
                  (A) Draft measure development plan.--Not 
                later than January 1, 2016, the Secretary shall 
                develop, and post on the Internet website of 
                the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, a 
                draft plan for the development of quality 
                measures for application under the applicable 
                provisions (as defined in paragraph (5)). Under 
                such plan the Secretary shall--
                          (i) address how measures used by 
                        private payers and integrated delivery 
                        systems could be incorporated under 
                        title XVIII;
                          (ii) describe how coordination, to 
                        the extent possible, will occur across 
                        organizations developing such measures; 
                          (iii) take into account how clinical 
                        best practices and clinical practice 
                        guidelines should be used in the 
                        development of quality measures.
                  (B) Quality domains.--For purposes of this 
                subsection, the term ``quality domains'' means 
                at least the following domains:
                          (i) Clinical care.
                          (ii) Safety.
                          (iii) Care coordination.
                          (iv) Patient and caregiver 
                          (v) Population health and prevention.
                  (C) Consideration.--In developing the draft 
                plan under this paragraph, the Secretary shall 
                          (i) gap analyses conducted by the 
                        entity with a contract under section 
                        1890(a) or other contractors or 
                          (ii) whether measures are applicable 
                        across health care settings;
                          (iii) clinical practice improvement 
                        activities submitted under subsection 
                        (q)(2)(C)(iv) for identifying possible 
                        areas for future measure development 
                        and identifying existing gaps with 
                        respect to such measures; and
                          (iv) the quality domains applied 
                        under this subsection.
                  (D) Priorities.--In developing the draft plan 
                under this paragraph, the Secretary shall give 
                priority to the following types of measures:
                          (i) Outcome measures, including 
                        patient reported outcome and functional 
                        status measures.
                          (ii) Patient experience measures.
                          (iii) Care coordination measures.
                          (iv) Measures of appropriate use of 
                        services, including measures of over 
                  (E) Stakeholder input.--The Secretary shall 
                accept through March 1, 2016, comments on the 
                draft plan posted under paragraph (1)(A) from 
                the public, including health care providers, 
                payers, consumers, and other stakeholders.
                  (F) Final measure development plan.--Not 
                later than May 1, 2016, taking into account the 
                comments received under this subparagraph, the 
                Secretary shall finalize the plan and post on 
                the Internet website of the Centers for 
                Medicare & Medicaid Services an operational 
                plan for the development of quality measures 
                for use under the applicable provisions. Such 
                plan shall be updated as appropriate.
          (2) Contracts and other arrangements for quality 
        measure development.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall enter 
                into contracts or other arrangements with 
                entities for the purpose of developing, 
                improving, updating, or expanding in accordance 
                with the plan under paragraph (1) quality 
                measures for application under the applicable 
                provisions. Such entities shall include 
                organizations with quality measure development 
                  (B) Prioritization.--
                          (i) In general.--In entering into 
                        contracts or other arrangements under 
                        subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall 
                        give priority to the development of the 
                        types of measures described in 
                        paragraph (1)(D).
                          (ii) Consideration.--In selecting 
                        measures for development under this 
                        subsection, the Secretary shall 
                                  (I) whether such measures 
                                would be electronically 
                                specified; and
                                  (II) clinical practice 
                                guidelines to the extent that 
                                such guidelines exist.
          (3) Annual report by the secretary.--
                  (A) In general.--Not later than May 1, 2017, 
                and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall 
                post on the Internet website of the Centers for 
                Medicare & Medicaid Services a report on the 
                progress made in developing quality measures 
                for application under the applicable 
                  (B) Requirements.--Each report submitted 
                pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall include the 
                          (i) A description of the Secretary's 
                        efforts to implement this paragraph.
                          (ii) With respect to the measures 
                        developed during the previous year--
                                  (I) a description of the 
                                total number of quality 
                                measures developed and the 
                                types of such measures, such as 
                                an outcome or patient 
                                experience measure;
                                  (II) the name of each measure 
                                  (III) the name of the 
                                developer and steward of each 
                                  (IV) with respect to each 
                                type of measure, an estimate of 
                                the total amount expended under 
                                this title to develop all 
                                measures of such type; and
                                  (V) whether the measure would 
                                be electronically specified.
                          (iii) With respect to measures in 
                        development at the time of the report--
                                  (I) the information described 
                                in clause (ii), if available; 
                                  (II) a timeline for 
                                completion of the development 
                                of such measures.
                          (iv) A description of any updates to 
                        the plan under paragraph (1) (including 
                        newly identified gaps and the status of 
                        previously identified gaps) and the 
                        inventory of measures applicable under 
                        the applicable provisions.
                          (v) Other information the Secretary 
                        determines to be appropriate.
          (4) Stakeholder input.--With respect to paragraph 
        (1), the Secretary shall seek stakeholder input with 
        respect to--
                  (A) the identification of gaps where no 
                quality measures exist, particularly with 
                respect to the types of measures described in 
                paragraph (1)(D);
                  (B) prioritizing quality measure development 
                to address such gaps; and
                  (C) other areas related to quality measure 
                development determined appropriate by the 
          (5) Definition of applicable provisions.--In this 
        subsection, the term ``applicable provisions'' means 
        the following provisions:
                  (A) Subsection (q)(2)(B)(i).
                  (B) Section 1833(z)(2)(C).
          (6) Funding.--For purposes of carrying out this 
        subsection, the Secretary shall provide for the 
        transfer, from the Federal Supplementary Medical 
        Insurance Trust Fund under section 1841, of $15,000,000 
        to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Program 
        Management Account for each of fiscal years 2015 
        through 2019. Amounts transferred under this paragraph 
        shall remain available through the end of fiscal year 
          (7) Administration.--Chapter 35 of title 44, United 
        States Code, shall not apply to the collection of 
        information for the development of quality measures.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Part C--Medicare+Choice Program

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                  benefits and beneficiary protections

  Sec. 1852. (a) Basic Benefits.--
          (1) Requirement.--
                  (A) In general.--Except as provided in 
                section 1859(b)(3) for MSA plans and except as 
                provided in paragraph (6) for MA regional 
                plans, each Medicare+Choice plan shall provide 
                to members enrolled under this part, through 
                providers and other persons that meet the 
                applicable requirements of this title and part 
                A of title XI, benefits under the original 
                medicare fee-for-service program option (and, 
                for plan years before 2006, additional benefits 
                required under section 1854(f)(1)(A)).
                  (B) Benefits under the original medicare fee-
                for-service program option defined.--
                          (i) In general.--For purposes of this 
                        part, the term ``benefits under the 
                        original medicare fee-for-service 
                        program option'' means those items and 
                        services (other than hospice care or 
                        coverage for organ acquisitions for 
                        kidney transplants, including as 
                        covered under section 1881(d)) for 
                        which benefits are available under 
                        parts A and B to individuals entitled 
                        to benefits under part A and enrolled 
                        under part B, with cost-sharing for 
                        those services as required under parts 
                        A and B or, subject to clause (iii), an 
                        actuarially equivalent level of cost-
                        sharing as determined in this part. For 
                        plan year 2020 and each subsequent plan 
                        year, for purposes of subsection (m) 
                        and section 1854, in the case that an 
                        MA plan makes an election described in 
                        subsection (m)(1) with respect to such 
                        plan year, additional telehealth 
                        services shall be treated as a benefit 
                        under the original medicare fee-for-
                        service program option with respect to 
                        such plan and plan year.
                          (ii) Special rule for regional 
                        plans.--In the case of an MA regional 
                        plan in determining an actuarially 
                        equivalent level of cost-sharing with 
                        respect to benefits under the original 
                        medicare fee-for-service program 
                        option, there shall only be taken into 
                        account, with respect to the 
                        application of section 1858(b)(2), such 
                        expenses only with respect to 
                        subparagraph (A) of such section.
                          (iii) Limitation on variation of cost 
                        sharing for certain benefits.--Subject 
                        to clause (v), cost-sharing for 
                        services described in clause (iv) shall 
                        not exceed the cost-sharing required 
                        for those services under parts A and B.
                          (iv) Services described.--The 
                        following services are described in 
                        this clause:
                                  (I) Chemotherapy 
                                administration services.
                                  (II) Renal dialysis services 
                                (as defined in section 
                                  (III) Skilled nursing care.
                                  (IV) Such other services that 
                                the Secretary determines 
                                appropriate (including services 
                                that the Secretary determines 
                                require a high level of 
                                predictability and transparency 
                                for beneficiaries).
                          (v) Exception.--In the case of 
                        services described in clause (iv) for 
                        which there is no cost-sharing required 
                        under parts A and B, cost-sharing may 
                        be required for those services in 
                        accordance with clause (i).
          (2) Satisfaction of requirement.--
                  (A) In general.--A Medicare+Choice plan 
                (other than an MSA plan) offered by a 
                Medicare+Choice organization satisfies 
                paragraph (1)(A), with respect to benefits for 
                items and services furnished other than through 
                a provider or other person that has a contract 
                with the organization offering the plan, if the 
                plan provides payment in an amount so that--
                          (i) the sum of such payment amount 
                        and any cost sharing provided for under 
                        the plan, is equal to at least
                          (ii) the total dollar amount of 
                        payment for such items and services as 
                        would otherwise be authorized under 
                        parts A and B (including any balance 
                        billing permitted under such parts).
                  (B) Reference to related provisions.--For 
                provision relating to--
                          (i) limitations on balance billing 
                        against Medicare+Choice organizations 
                        for non-contract providers, see 
                        sections 1852(k) and 1866(a)(1)(O), and
                          (ii) limiting actuarial value of 
                        enrollee liability for covered 
                        benefits, see section 1854(e).
                  (C) Election of uniform coverage 
                determination.--In the case of a 
                Medicare+Choice organization that offers a 
                Medicare+Choice plan in an area in which more 
                than one local coverage determination is 
                applied with respect to different parts of the 
                area, the organization may elect to have the 
                local coverage determination for the part of 
                the area that is most beneficial to 
                Medicare+Choice enrollees (as identified by the 
                Secretary) apply with respect to all 
                Medicare+Choice enrollees enrolled in the plan.
          (3) Supplemental benefits.--
                  (A) Benefits included subject to secretary's 
                approval.--Each Medicare+Choice organization 
                may provide to individuals enrolled under this 
                part, other than under an MSA plan (without 
                affording those individuals an option to 
                decline the coverage), supplemental health care 
                benefits that the Secretary may approve. The 
                Secretary shall approve any such supplemental 
                benefits unless the Secretary determines that 
                including such supplemental benefits would 
                substantially discourage enrollment by 
                Medicare+Choice eligible individuals with the 
                  (B) At enrollees' option.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clause 
                        (ii), a Medicare+Choice organization 
                        may provide to individuals enrolled 
                        under this part supplemental health 
                        care benefits that the individuals may 
                        elect, at their option, to have 
                          (ii) Special rule for msa plans.--A 
                        Medicare+Choice organization may not 
                        provide, under an MSA plan, 
                        supplemental health care benefits that 
                        cover the deductible described in 
                        section 1859(b)(2)(B). In applying the 
                        previous sentence, health benefits 
                        described in section 1882(u)(2)(B) 
                        shall not be treated as covering such 
                  (C) Application to Medicare+Choice private 
                fee-for-service plans.--Nothing in this 
                paragraph shall be construed as preventing a 
                Medicare+Choice private fee-for-service plan 
                from offering supplemental benefits that 
                include payment for some or all of the balance 
                billing amounts permitted consistent with 
                section 1852(k) and coverage of additional 
                services that the plan finds to be medically 
                necessary. Such benefits may include reductions 
                in cost-sharing below the actuarial value 
                specified in section 1854(e)(4)(B).
          (4) Organization as secondary payer.--Notwithstanding 
        any other provision of law, a Medicare+Choice 
        organization may (in the case of the provision of items 
        and services to an individual under a Medicare+Choice 
        plan under circumstances in which payment under this 
        title is made secondary pursuant to section 1862(b)(2)) 
        charge or authorize the provider of such services to 
        charge, in accordance with the charges allowed under a 
        law, plan, or policy described in such section--
                  (A) the insurance carrier, employer, or other 
                entity which under such law, plan, or policy is 
                to pay for the provision of such services, or
                  (B) such individual to the extent that the 
                individual has been paid under such law, plan, 
                or policy for such services.
          (5) National coverage determinations and legislative 
        changes in benefits.--If there is a national coverage 
        determination or legislative change in benefits 
        required to be provided under this part made in the 
        period beginning on the date of an announcement under 
        section 1853(b) and ending on the date of the next 
        announcement under such section and the Secretary 
        projects that the determination will result in a 
        significant change in the costs to a Medicare+Choice 
        organization of providing the benefits that are the 
        subject of such national coverage determination and 
        that such change in costs was not incorporated in the 
        determination of the annual Medicare+Choice capitation 
        rate under section 1853 included in the announcement 
        made at the beginning of such period, then, unless 
        otherwise required by law--
                  (A) such determination or legislative change 
                in benefits shall not apply to contracts under 
                this part until the first contract year that 
                begins after the end of such period, and
                  (B) if such coverage determination or 
                legislative change provides for coverage of 
                additional benefits or coverage under 
                additional circumstances, section 1851(i)(1) 
                shall not apply to payment for such additional 
                benefits or benefits provided under such 
                additional circumstances until the first 
                contract year that begins after the end of such 
        The projection under the previous sentence shall be 
        based on an analysis by the Chief Actuary of the 
        Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services of the 
        actuarial costs associated with the coverage 
        determination or legislative change in benefits.
          (6) Special benefit rules for regional plans.--In the 
        case of an MA plan that is an MA regional plan, 
        benefits under the plan shall include the benefits 
        described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1858(b).
          (7) Limitation on cost-sharing for dual eligibles and 
        qualified medicare beneficiaries.--In the case of an 
        individual who is a full-benefit dual eligible 
        individual (as defined in section 1935(c)(6)) or a 
        qualified medicare beneficiary (as defined in section 
        1905(p)(1)) and who is enrolled in a specialized 
        Medicare Advantage plan for special needs individuals 
        described in section 1859(b)(6)(B)(ii), the plan may 
        not impose cost-sharing that exceeds the amount of 
        cost-sharing that would be permitted with respect to 
        the individual under title XIX if the individual were 
        not enrolled in such plan.
  (b) Antidiscrimination.--
          (1) Beneficiaries.--A Medicare Advantage organization 
        may not deny, limit, or condition the coverage or 
        provision of benefits under this part, for individuals 
        permitted to be enrolled with the organization under 
        this part, based on any health status-related factor 
        described in section 2702(a)(1) of the Public Health 
        Service Act. The Secretary shall not approve a plan of 
        an organization if the Secretary determines that the 
        design of the plan and its benefits are likely to 
        substantially discourage enrollment by certain MA 
        eligible individuals with the organization.
          (2) Providers.--A Medicare+Choice organization shall 
        not discriminate with respect to participation, 
        reimbursement, or indemnification as to any provider 
        who is acting within the scope of the provider's 
        license or certification under applicable State law, 
        solely on the basis of such license or certification. 
        This paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit a 
        plan from including providers only to the extent 
        necessary to meet the needs of the plan's enrollees or 
        from establishing any measure designed to maintain 
        quality and control costs consistent with the 
        responsibilities of the plan.
  (c) Disclosure Requirements.--
          (1) Detailed description of plan provisions.--A 
        Medicare+Choice organization shall disclose, in clear, 
        accurate, and standardized form to each enrollee with a 
        Medicare+Choice plan offered by the organization under 
        this part at the time of enrollment and at least 
        annually thereafter, the following information 
        regarding such plan:
                  (A) Service area.--The plan's service area.
                  (B) Benefits.--Benefits offered under the 
                plan, including information described in 
                section 1851(d)(3)(A) and exclusions from 
                coverage and, if it is an MSA plan, a 
                comparison of benefits under such a plan with 
                benefits under other Medicare+Choice plans.
                  (C) Access.--The number, mix, and 
                distribution of plan providers, out-of-network 
                coverage (if any) provided by the plan, and any 
                point-of-service option (including the 
                supplemental premium for such option).
                  (D) Out-of-area coverage.--Out-of-area 
                coverage provided by the plan.
                  (E) Emergency coverage.--Coverage of 
                emergency services, including--
                          (i) the appropriate use of emergency 
                        services, including use of the 911 
                        telephone system or its local 
                        equivalent in emergency situations and 
                        an explanation of what constitutes an 
                        emergency situation;
                          (ii) the process and procedures of 
                        the plan for obtaining emergency 
                        services; and
                          (iii) the locations of (I) emergency 
                        departments, and (II) other settings, 
                        in which plan physicians and hospitals 
                        provide emergency services and post-
                        stabilization care.
                  (F) Supplemental benefits.--Supplemental 
                benefits available from the organization 
                offering the plan, including--
                          (i) whether the supplemental benefits 
                        are optional,
                          (ii) the supplemental benefits 
                        covered, and
                          (iii) the Medicare+Choice monthly 
                        supplemental beneficiary premium for 
                        the supplemental benefits.
                  (G) Prior authorization rules.--Rules 
                regarding prior authorization or other review 
                requirements that could result in nonpayment.
                  (H) Plan grievance and appeals procedures.--
                All plan appeal or grievance rights and 
                  (I) Quality improvement program.--A 
                description of the organization's quality 
                improvement program under subsection (e).
          (2) Disclosure upon request.--Upon request of a 
        Medicare+Choice eligible individual, a Medicare+Choice 
        organization must provide the following information to 
        such individual:
                  (A) The general coverage information and 
                general comparative plan information made 
                available under clauses (i) and (ii) of section 
                  (B) Information on procedures used by the 
                organization to control utilization of services 
                and expenditures.
                  (C) Information on the number of grievances, 
                redeterminations, and appeals and on the 
                disposition in the aggregate of such matters.
                  (D) An overall summary description as to the 
                method of compensation of participating 
  (d) Access to Services.--
          (1) In general.--A Medicare+Choice organization 
        offering a Medicare+Choice plan may select the 
        providers from whom the benefits under the plan are 
        provided so long as--
                  (A) the organization makes such benefits 
                available and accessible to each individual 
                electing the plan within the plan service area 
                with reasonable promptness and in a manner 
                which assures continuity in the provision of 
                  (B) when medically necessary the organization 
                makes such benefits available and accessible 24 
                hours a day and 7 days a week;
                  (C) the plan provides for reimbursement with 
                respect to services which are covered under 
                subparagraphs (A) and (B) and which are 
                provided to such an individual other than 
                through the organization, if--
                          (i) the services were not emergency 
                        services (as defined in paragraph (3)), 
                        but (I) the services were medically 
                        necessary and immediately required 
                        because of an unforeseen illness, 
                        injury, or condition, and (II) it was 
                        not reasonable given the circumstances 
                        to obtain the services through the 
                          (ii) the services were renal dialysis 
                        services and were provided other than 
                        through the organization because the 
                        individual was temporarily out of the 
                        plan's service area, or
                          (iii) the services are maintenance 
                        care or post-stabilization care covered 
                        under the guidelines established under 
                        paragraph (2);
                  (D) the organization provides access to 
                appropriate providers, including credentialed 
                specialists, for medically necessary treatment 
                and services; and
                  (E) coverage is provided for emergency 
                services (as defined in paragraph (3)) without 
                regard to prior authorization or the emergency 
                care provider's contractual relationship with 
                the organization.
          (2) Guidelines respecting coordination of post-
        stabilization care.--A Medicare+Choice plan shall 
        comply with such guidelines as the Secretary may 
        prescribe relating to promoting efficient and timely 
        coordination of appropriate maintenance and post-
        stabilization care of an enrollee after the enrollee 
        has been determined to be stable under section 1867.
          (3) Definition of emergency services.--In this 
                  (A) In general.--The term ``emergency 
                services'' means, with respect to an individual 
                enrolled with an organization, covered 
                inpatient and outpatient services that--
                          (i) are furnished by a provider that 
                        is qualified to furnish such services 
                        under this title, and
                          (ii) are needed to evaluate or 
                        stabilize an emergency medical 
                        condition (as defined in subparagraph 
                  (B) Emergency medical condition based on 
                prudent layperson.--The term ``emergency 
                medical condition'' means a medical condition 
                manifesting itself by acute symptoms of 
                sufficient severity (including severe pain) 
                such that a prudent layperson, who possesses an 
                average knowledge of health and medicine, could 
                reasonably expect the absence of immediate 
                medical attention to result in--
                          (i) placing the health of the 
                        individual (or, with respect to a 
                        pregnant woman, the health of the woman 
                        or her unborn child) in serious 
                          (ii) serious impairment to bodily 
                        functions, or
                          (iii) serious dysfunction of any 
                        bodily organ or part.
                  (4) Assuring access to services in 
                medicare+choice private fee-for-service 
                plans.--In addition to any other requirements 
                under this part, in the case of a 
                Medicare+Choice private fee-for-service plan, 
                the organization offering the plan must 
                demonstrate to the Secretary that the 
                organization has sufficient number and range of 
                health care professionals and providers willing 
                to provide services under the terms of the 
                plan. Subject to paragraphs (5) and (6), the 
                Secretary shall find that an organization has 
                met such requirement with respect to any 
                category of health care professional or 
                provider if, with respect to that category of 
                          (A) the plan has established payment 
                        rates for covered services furnished by 
                        that category of provider that are not 
                        less than the payment rates provided 
                        for under part A, part B, or both, for 
                        such services, or
                          (B) the plan has contracts or 
                        agreements (other than deemed contracts 
                        or agreements under subsection (j)(6)) 
                        with a sufficient number and range of 
                        providers within such category to meet 
                        the access standards in subparagraphs 
                        (A) through (E) of paragraph (1),
                or a combination of both. The previous sentence 
                shall not be construed as restricting the 
                persons from whom enrollees under such a plan 
                may obtain covered benefits, except that, if a 
                plan entirely meets such requirement with 
                respect to a category of health care 
                professional or provider on the basis of 
                subparagraph (B), it may provide for a higher 
                beneficiary copayment in the case of health 
                care professionals and providers of that 
                category who do not have contracts or 
                agreements (other than deemed contracts or 
                agreements under subsection (j)(6)) to provide 
                covered services under the terms of the plan.
          (5) Requirement of certain nonemployer medicare 
        advantage private fee-for-service plans to use 
        contracts with providers.--
                  (A) In general.--For plan year 2011 and 
                subsequent plan years, in the case of a 
                Medicare Advantage private fee-for-service plan 
                not described in paragraph (1) or (2) of 
                section 1857(i) operating in a network area (as 
                defined in subparagraph (B)), the plan shall 
                meet the access standards under paragraph (4) 
                in that area only through entering into written 
                contracts as provided for under subparagraph 
                (B) of such paragraph and not, in whole or in 
                part, through the establishment of payment 
                rates meeting the requirements under 
                subparagraph (A) of such paragraph.
                  (B) Network area defined.--For purposes of 
                subparagraph (A), the term ``network area'' 
                means, for a plan year, an area which the 
                Secretary identifies (in the Secretary's 
                announcement of the proposed payment rates for 
                the previous plan year under section 
                1853(b)(1)(B)) as having at least 2 network-
                based plans (as defined in subparagraph (C)) 
                with enrollment under this part as of the first 
                day of the year in which such announcement is 
                  (C) Network-based plan defined.--
                          (i) In general.--For purposes of 
                        subparagraph (B), the term ``network-
                        based plan'' means--
                                  (I) except as provided in 
                                clause (ii), a Medicare 
                                Advantage plan that is a 
                                coordinated care plan described 
                                in section 1851(a)(2)(A)(i);
                                  (II) a network-based MSA 
                                plan; and
                                  (III) a reasonable cost 
                                reimbursement plan under 
                                section 1876.
                          (ii) Exclusion of non-network 
                        regional ppos.--The term ``network-
                        based plan'' shall not include an MA 
                        regional plan that, with respect to the 
                        area, meets access adequacy standards 
                        under this part substantially through 
                        the authority of section 
                        422.112(a)(1)(ii) of title 42, Code of 
                        Federal Regulations, rather than 
                        through written contracts.
          (6) Requirement of all employer medicare advantage 
        private fee-for-service plans to use contracts with 
        providers.--For plan year 2011 and subsequent plan 
        years, in the case of a Medicare Advantage private fee-
        for-service plan that is described in paragraph (1) or 
        (2) of section 1857(i), the plan shall meet the access 
        standards under paragraph (4) only through entering 
        into written contracts as provided for under 
        subparagraph (B) of such paragraph and not, in whole or 
        in part, through the establishment of payment rates 
        meeting the requirements under subparagraph (A) of such 
  (e) Quality Improvement Program.--
          (1) In general.--Each MA organization shall have an 
        ongoing quality improvement program for the purpose of 
        improving the quality of care provided to enrollees in 
        each MA plan offered by such organization.
          (2) Chronic care improvement programs.--As part of 
        the quality improvement program under paragraph (1), 
        each MA organization shall have a chronic care 
        improvement program. Each chronic care improvement 
        program shall have a method for monitoring and 
        identifying enrollees with multiple or sufficiently 
        severe chronic conditions that meet criteria 
        established by the organization for participation under 
        the program.
          (3) Data.--
                  (A) Collection, analysis, and reporting.--
                          (i) In general.--Except as provided 
                        in clauses (ii) and (iii) with respect 
                        to plans described in such clauses and 
                        subject to subparagraph (B), as part of 
                        the quality improvement program under 
                        paragraph (1), each MA organization 
                        shall provide for the collection, 
                        analysis, and reporting of data that 
                        permits the measurement of health 
                        outcomes and other indices of quality. 
                        With respect to MA private fee-for-
                        service plans and MSA plans, the 
                        requirements under the preceding 
                        sentence may not exceed the 
                        requirements under this subparagraph 
                        with respect to MA local plans that are 
                        preferred provider organization plans, 
                        except that, for plan year 2010, the 
                        limitation under clause (iii) shall not 
                        apply and such requirements shall apply 
                        only with respect to administrative 
                        claims data.
                          (ii) Special requirements for 
                        specialized ma plans for special needs 
                        individuals.--In addition to the data 
                        required to be collected, analyzed, and 
                        reported under clause (i) and 
                        notwithstanding the limitations under 
                        subparagraph (B), as part of the 
                        quality improvement program under 
                        paragraph (1), each MA organization 
                        offering a specialized Medicare 
                        Advantage plan for special needs 
                        individuals shall provide for the 
                        collection, analysis, and reporting of 
                        data that permits the measurement of 
                        health outcomes and other indices of 
                        quality with respect to the 
                        requirements described in paragraphs 
                        (2) through (5) of subsection (f). Such 
                        data may be based on claims data and 
                        shall be at the plan level.
                          (iii) Application to local preferred 
                        provider organizations and MA regional 
                        plans.--Clause (i) shall apply to MA 
                        organizations with respect to MA local 
                        plans that are preferred provider 
                        organization plans and to MA regional 
                        plans only insofar as services are 
                        furnished by providers or services, 
                        physicians, and other health care 
                        practitioners and suppliers that have 
                        contracts with such organization to 
                        furnish services under such plans.
                          (iv) Definition of preferred provider 
                        organization plan.--In this 
                        subparagraph, the term ``preferred 
                        provider organization plan'' means an 
                        MA plan that--
                                  (I) has a network of 
                                providers that have agreed to a 
                                contractually specified 
                                reimbursement for covered 
                                benefits with the organization 
                                offering the plan;
                                  (II) provides for 
                                reimbursement for all covered 
                                benefits regardless of whether 
                                such benefits are provided 
                                within such network of 
                                providers; and
                                  (III) is offered by an 
                                organization that is not 
                                licensed or organized under 
                                State law as a health 
                                maintenance organization.
                  (B) Limitations.--
                          (i) Types of data.--The Secretary 
                        shall not collect under subparagraph 
                        (A) data on quality, outcomes, and 
                        beneficiary satisfaction to facilitate 
                        consumer choice and program 
                        administration other than the types of 
                        data that were collected by the 
                        Secretary as of November 1, 2003.
                          (ii) Changes in types of data.--
                        Subject to subclause (iii), the 
                        Secretary may only change the types of 
                        data that are required to be submitted 
                        under subparagraph (A) after submitting 
                        to Congress a report on the reasons for 
                        such changes that was prepared in 
                        consultation with MA organizations and 
                        private accrediting bodies.
                          (iii) Construction.--Nothing in the 
                        subsection shall be construed as 
                        restricting the ability of the 
                        Secretary to carry out the duties under 
                        section 1851(d)(4)(D).
          (4) Treatment of accreditation.--
                  (A) In general.--The Secretary shall provide 
                that a Medicare+Choice organization is deemed 
                to meet all the requirements described in any 
                specific clause of subparagraph (B) if the 
                organization is accredited (and periodically 
                reaccredited) by a private accrediting 
                organization under a process that the Secretary 
                has determined assures that the accrediting 
                organization applies and enforces standards 
                that meet or exceed the standards established 
                under section 1856 to carry out the 
                requirements in such clause.
                  (B) Requirements described.--The provisions 
                described in this subparagraph are the 
                          (i) Paragraphs (1) through (3) of 
                        this subsection (relating to quality 
                        improvement programs).
                          (ii) Subsection (b) (relating to 
                          (iii) Subsection (d) (relating to 
                        access to services).
                          (iv) Subsection (h) (relating to 
                        confidentiality and accuracy of 
                        enrollee records).
                          (v) Subsection (i) (relating to 
                        information on advance directives).
                          (vi) Subsection (j) (relating to 
                        provider participation rules).
                          (vii) The requirements described in 
                        section 1860D-4(j), to the extent such 
                        requirements apply under section 1860D-
                  (C) Timely action on applications.--The 
                Secretary shall determine, within 210 days 
                after the date the Secretary receives an 
                application by a private accrediting 
                organization and using the criteria specified 
                in section 1865(a)(2), whether the process of 
                the private accrediting organization meets the 
                requirements with respect to any specific 
                clause in subparagraph (B) with respect to 
                which the application is made. The Secretary 
                may not deny such an application on the basis 
                that it seeks to meet the requirements with 
                respect to only one, or more than one, such 
                specific clause.
                  (D) Construction.--Nothing in this paragraph 
                shall be construed as limiting the authority of 
                the Secretary under section 1857, including the 
                authority to terminate contracts with 
                Medicare+Choice organizations under subsection 
                (c)(2) of such section.
  (f) Grievance Mechanism.--Each Medicare+Choice organization 
must provide meaningful procedures for hearing and resolving 
grievances between the organization (including any entity or 
individual through which the organization provides health care 
services) and enrollees with Medicare+Choice plans of the 
organization under this part.
  (g) Coverage Determinations, Reconsiderations, and Appeals.--
          (1) Determinations by organization.--
                  (A) In general.--A Medicare+Choice 
                organization shall have a procedure for making 
                determinations regarding whether an individual 
                enrolled with the plan of the organization 
                under this part is entitled to receive a health 
                service under this section and the amount (if 
                any) that the individual is required to pay 
                with respect to such service. Subject to 
                paragraph (3), such procedures shall provide 
                for such determination to be made on a timely 
                  (B) Explanation of determination.--Such a 
                determination that denies coverage, in whole or 
                in part, shall be in writing and shall include 
                a statement in understandable language of the 
                reasons for the denial and a description of the 
                reconsideration and appeals processes.
          (2) Reconsiderations.--
                  (A) In general.--The organization shall 
                provide for reconsideration of a determination 
                described in paragraph (1)(B) upon request by 
                the enrollee involved. The reconsideration 
                shall be within a time period specified by the 
                Secretary, but shall be made, subject to 
                paragraph (3), not later than 60 days after the 
                date of the receipt of the request for 
                  (B) Physician decision on certain 
                reconsiderations.--A reconsideration relating 
                to a determination to deny coverage based on a 
                lack of medical necessity shall be made only by 
                a physician with appropriate expertise in the 
                field of medicine which necessitates treatment 
                who is other than a physician involved in the 
                initial determination.
          (3) Expedited determinations and reconsiderations.--
                  (A) Receipt of requests.--
                          (i) Enrollee requests.--An enrollee 
                        in a Medicare+Choice plan may request, 
                        either in writing or orally, an 
                        expedited determination under paragraph 
                        (1) or an expedited reconsideration 
                        under paragraph (2) by the 
                        Medicare+Choice organization.
                          (ii) Physician requests.--A 
                        physician, regardless whether the 
                        physician is affiliated with the 
                        organization or not, may request, 
                        either in writing or orally, such an 
                        expedited determination or 
                  (B) Organization procedures.--
                          (i) In general.--The Medicare+Choice 
                        organization shall maintain procedures 
                        for expediting organization 
                        determinations and reconsiderations 
                        when, upon request of an enrollee, the 
                        organization determines that the 
                        application of the normal time frame 
                        for making a determination (or a 
                        reconsideration involving a 
                        determination) could seriously 
                        jeopardize the life or health of the 
                        enrollee or the enrollee's ability to 
                        regain maximum function.
                          (ii) Expedition required for 
                        physician requests.--In the case of a 
                        request for an expedited determination 
                        or reconsideration made under 
                        subparagraph (A)(ii), the organization 
                        shall expedite the determination or 
                        reconsideration if the request 
                        indicates that the application of the 
                        normal time frame for making a 
                        determination (or a reconsideration 
                        involving a determination) could 
                        seriously jeopardize the life or health 
                        of the enrollee or the enrollee's 
                        ability to regain maximum function.
                          (iii) Timely response.--In cases 
                        described in clauses (i) and (ii), the 
                        organization shall notify the enrollee 
                        (and the physician involved, as 
                        appropriate) of the determination or 
                        reconsideration under time limitations 
                        established by the Secretary, but not 
                        later than 72 hours of the time of 
                        receipt of the request for the 
                        determination or reconsideration (or 
                        receipt of the information necessary to 
                        make the determination or 
                        reconsideration), or such longer period 
                        as the Secretary may permit in 
                        specified cases.
          (4) Independent review of certain coverage denials.--
        The Secretary shall contract with an independent, 
        outside entity to review and resolve in a timely manner 
        reconsiderations that affirm denial of coverage, in 
        whole or in part. The provisions of section 1869(c)(5) 
        shall apply to independent outside entities under 
        contract with the Secretary under this paragraph.
          (5) Appeals.--An enrollee with a Medicare+Choice plan 
        of a Medicare+Choice organization under this part who 
        is dissatisfied by reason of the enrollee's failure to 
        receive any health service to which the enrollee 
        believes the enrollee is entitled and at no greater 
        charge than the enrollee believes the enrollee is 
        required to pay is entitled, if the amount in 
        controversy is $100 or more, to a hearing before the 
        Secretary to the same extent as is provided in section 
        205(b), and in any such hearing the Secretary shall 
        make the organization a party. If the amount in 
        controversy is $1,000 or more, the individual or 
        organization shall, upon notifying the other party, be 
        entitled to judicial review of the Secretary's final 
        decision as provided in section 205(g), and both the 
        individual and the organization shall be entitled to be 
        parties to that judicial review. In applying 
        subsections (b) and (g) of section 205 as provided in 
        this paragraph, and in applying section 205(l) thereto, 
        any reference therein to the Commissioner of Social 
        Security or the Social Security Administration shall be 
        considered a reference to the Secretary or the 
        Department of Health and Human Services, respectively. 
        The provisions of section 1869(b)(1)(E)(iii) shall 
        apply with respect to dollar amounts specified in the 
        first 2 sentences of this paragraph in the same manner 
        as they apply to the dollar amounts specified in 
        section 1869(b)(1)(E)(i).
  (h) Confidentiality and Accuracy of Enrollee Records.--
Insofar as a Medicare+Choice organization maintains medical 
records or other health information regarding enrollees under 
this part, the Medicare+Choice organization shall establish 
          (1) to safeguard the privacy of any individually 
        identifiable enrollee information;
          (2) to maintain such records and information in a 
        manner that is accurate and timely; and
          (3) to assure timely access of enrollees to such 
        records and information.
  (i) Information on Advance Directives.--Each Medicare+Choice 
organization shall meet the requirement of section 1866(f) 
(relating to maintaining written policies and procedures 
respecting advance directives).
  (j) Rules Regarding Provider Participation.--
          (1) Procedures.--Insofar as a Medicare+Choice 
        organization offers benefits under a Medicare+Choice 
        plan through agreements with physicians, the 
        organization shall establish reasonable procedures 
        relating to the participation (under an agreement 
        between a physician and the organization) of physicians 
        under such a plan. Such procedures shall include--
                  (A) providing notice of the rules regarding 
                  (B) providing written notice of participation 
                decisions that are adverse to physicians, and
                  (C) providing a process within the 
                organization for appealing such adverse 
                decisions, including the presentation of 
                information and views of the physician 
                regarding such decision.
          (2) Consultation in medical policies.--A 
        Medicare+Choice organization shall consult with 
        physicians who have entered into participation 
        agreements with the organization regarding the 
        organization's medical policy, quality, and medical 
        management procedures.
          (3) Prohibiting interference with provider advice to 
                  (A) In general.--Subject to subparagraphs (B) 
                and (C), a Medicare+Choice organization (in 
                relation to an individual enrolled under a 
                Medicare+Choice plan offered by the 
                organization under this part) shall not 
                prohibit or otherwise restrict a covered health 
                care professional (as defined in subparagraph 
                (D)) from advising such an individual who is a 
                patient of the professional about the health 
                status of the individual or medical care or 
                treatment for the individual's condition or 
                disease, regardless of whether benefits for 
                such care or treatment are provided under the 
                plan, if the professional is acting within the 
                lawful scope of practice.
                  (B) Conscience protection.--Subparagraph (A) 
                shall not be construed as requiring a 
                Medicare+Choice plan to provide, reimburse for, 
                or provide coverage of a counseling or referral 
                service if the Medicare+Choice organization 
                offering the plan--
                          (i) objects to the provision of such 
                        service on moral or religious grounds; 
                          (ii) in the manner and through the 
                        written instrumentalities such 
                        Medicare+Choice organization deems 
                        appropriate, makes available 
                        information on its policies regarding 
                        such service to prospective enrollees 
                        before or during enrollment and to 
                        enrollees within 90 days after the date 
                        that the organization or plan adopts a 
                        change in policy regarding such a 
                        counseling or referral service.
                  (C) Construction.--Nothing in subparagraph 
                (B) shall be construed to affect disclosure 
                requirements under State law or under the 
                Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 
                  (D) Health care professional defined.--For 
                purposes of this paragraph, the term ``health 
                care professional'' means a physician (as 
                defined in section 1861(r)) or other health 
                care professional if coverage for the 
                professional's services is provided under the 
                Medicare+Choice plan for the services of the 
                professional. Such term includes a podiatrist, 
                optometrist, chiropractor, psychologist, 
                dentist, physician assistant, physical or 
                occupational therapist and therapy assistant, 
                speech-language pathologist, audiologist, 
                registered or licensed practical nurse 
                (including nurse practitioner, clinical nurse 
                specialist, certified registered nurse 
                anesthetist, and certified nurse-midwife), 
                licensed certified social worker, registered 
                respiratory therapist, and certified 
                respiratory therapy technician.
          (4) Limitations on physician incentive plans.--
                  (A) In general.--No Medicare+Choice 
                organization may operate any physician 
                incentive plan (as defined in subparagraph (B)) 
                unless the organization provides assurances 
                satisfactory to the Secretary that the 
                following requirements are met:
                          (i) No specific payment is made 
                        directly or indirectly under the plan 
                        to a physician or physician group as an 
                        inducement to reduce or limit medically 
                        necessary services provided with 
                        respect to a specific individual 
                        enrolled with the organization.
                          (ii) If the plan places a physician 
                        or physician group at substantial 
                        financial risk (as determined by the 
                        Secretary) for services not provided by 
                        the physician or physician group, the 
                        organization provides stop-loss 
                        protection for the physician or group 
                        that is adequate and appropriate, based 
                        on standards developed by the Secretary 
                        that take into account the number of 
                        physicians placed at such substantial 
                        financial risk in the group or under 
                        the plan and the number of individuals 
                        enrolled with the organization who 
                        receive services from the physician or 
                  (B) Physician incentive plan defined.--In 
                this paragraph, the term ``physician incentive 
                plan'' means any compensation arrangement 
                between a Medicare+Choice organization and a 
                physician or physician group that may directly 
                or indirectly have the effect of reducing or 
                limiting services provided with respect to 
                individuals enrolled with the organization 
                under this part.
          (5) Limitation on provider indemnification.--A 
        Medicare+Choice organization may not provide (directly 
        or indirectly) for a health care professional, provider 
        of services, or other entity providing health care 
        services (or group of such professionals, providers, or 
        entities) to indemnify the organization against any 
        liability resulting from a civil action brought for any 
        damage caused to an enrollee with a Medicare+Choice 
        plan of the organization under this part by the 
        organization's denial of medically necessary care.
          (6) Special rules for medicare+choice private fee-
        for-service plans.--For purposes of applying this part 
        (including subsection (k)(1)) and section 
        1866(a)(1)(O), a hospital (or other provider of 
        services), a physician or other health care 
        professional, or other entity furnishing health care 
        services is treated as having an agreement or contract 
        in effect with a Medicare+Choice organization (with 
        respect to an individual enrolled in a Medicare+Choice 
        private fee-for-service plan it offers), if--
                  (A) the provider, professional, or other 
                entity furnishes services that are covered 
                under the plan to such an enrollee; and
                  (B) before providing such services, the 
                provider, professional, or other entity --
                          (i) has been informed of the 
                        individual's enrollment under the plan, 
                          (ii) either--
                                  (I) has been informed of the 
                                terms and conditions of payment 
                                for such services under the 
                                plan, or
                                  (II) is given a reasonable 
                                opportunity to obtain 
                                information concerning such 
                                terms and conditions,
                        in a manner reasonably designed to 
                        effect informed agreement by a 
        The previous sentence shall only apply in the absence 
        of an explicit agreement between such a provider, 
        professional, or other entity and the Medicare+Choice 
          (7) Promotion of E-Prescribing by MA Plans.--
                  (A) In general.--An MA-PD plan may provide 
                for a separate payment or otherwise provide for 
                a differential payment for a participating 
                physician that prescribes covered part D drugs 
                in accordance with an electronic prescription 
                drug program that meets standards established 
                under section 1860D-4(e).
                  (B) Considerations.--Such payment may take 
                into consideration the costs of the physician 
                in implementing such a program and may also be 
                increased for those participating physicians 
                who significantly increase--
                          (i) formulary compliance;
                          (ii) lower cost, therapeutically 
                        equivalent alternatives;
                          (iii) reductions in adverse drug 
                        interactions; and
                          (iv) efficiencies in filing 
                        prescriptions through reduced 
                        administrative costs.
                  (C) Structure.--Additional or increased 
                payments under this subsection may be 
                structured in the same manner as medication 
                therapy management fees are structured under 
                section 1860D-4(c)(2)(E).
  (k) Treatment of Services Furnished by Certain Providers.--
          (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), 
        a physician or other entity (other than a provider of 
        services) that does not have a contract establishing 
        payment amounts for services furnished to an individual 
        enrolled under this part with a Medicare+Choice 
        organization described in section 1851(a)(2)(A) or with 
        an organization offering an MSA plan shall accept as 
        payment in full for covered services under this title 
        that are furnished to such an individual the amounts 
        that the physician or other entity could collect if the 
        individual were not so enrolled. Any penalty or other 
        provision of law that applies to such a payment with 
        respect to an individual entitled to benefits under 
        this title (but not enrolled with a Medicare+Choice 
        organization under this part) also applies with respect 
        to an individual so enrolled.
          (2) Application to medicare+choice private fee-for-
        service plans.--
                  (A) Balance billing limits under 
                medicare+choice private fee-for-service plans 
                in case of contract providers.--
                          (i) In general.--In the case of an 
                        individual enrolled in a 
                        Medicare+Choice private fee-for-service 
                        plan under this part, a physician, 
                        provider of services, or other entity 
                        that has a contract (including through 
                        the operation of subsection (j)(6)) 
                        establishing a payment rate for 
                        services furnished to the enrollee 
                        shall accept as payment in full for 
                        covered services under this title that 
                        are furnished to such an individual an 
                        amount not to exceed (including any 
                        deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, 
                        or balance billing otherwise permitted 
                        under the plan) an amount equal to 115 
                        percent of such payment rate.
                          (ii) Procedures to enforce limits.--
                        The Medicare+Choice organization that 
                        offers such a plan shall establish 
                        procedures, similar to the procedures 
                        described in section 1848(g)(1)(A), in 
                        order to carry out the previous 
                          (iii) Assuring enforcement.--If the 
                        Medicare+Choice organization fails to 
                        establish and enforce procedures 
                        required under clause (ii), the 
                        organization is subject to intermediate 
                        sanctions under section 1857(g).
                  (B) Enrollee liability for noncontract 
                providers.--For provision--
                          (i) establishing minimum payment rate 
                        in the case of noncontract providers 
                        under a Medicare+Choice private fee-
                        for-service plan, see section 
                        1852(a)(2); or
                          (ii) limiting enrollee liability in 
                        the case of covered services furnished 
                        by such providers, see paragraph (1) 
                        and section 1866(a)(1)(O).
                  (C) Information on beneficiary liability.--
                          (i) In general.--Each Medicare+Choice 
                        organization that offers a 
                        Medicare+Choice private fee-for-service 
                        plan shall provide that enrollees under 
                        the plan who are furnished services for 
                        which payment is sought under the plan 
                        are provided an appropriate explanation 
                        of benefits (consistent with that 
                        provided under parts A and B and, if 
                        applicable, under medicare supplemental 
                        policies) that includes a clear 
                        statement of the amount of the 
                        enrollee's liability (including any 
                        liability for balance billing 
                        consistent with this subsection) with 
                        respect to payments for such services.
                          (ii) Advance notice before receipt of 
                        inpatient hospital services and certain 
                        other services.--In addition, such 
                        organization shall, in its terms and 
                        conditions of payments to hospitals for 
                        inpatient hospital services and for 
                        other services identified by the 
                        Secretary for which the amount of the 
                        balance billing under subparagraph (A) 
                        could be substantial, require the 
                        hospital to provide to the enrollee, 
                        before furnishing such services and if 
                        the hospital imposes balance billing 
                        under subparagraph (A)--
                                  (I) notice of the fact that 
                                balance billing is permitted 
                                under such subparagraph for 
                                such services, and
                                  (II) a good faith estimate of 
                                the likely amount of such 
                                balance billing (if any), with 
                                respect to such services, based 
                                upon the presenting condition 
                                of the enrollee.
  (l) Return to Home Skilled Nursing Facilities for Covered 
Post-Hospital Extended Care Services.--
          (1) Ensuring return to home snf.--
                  (A) In general.--In providing coverage of 
                post-hospital extended care services, a 
                Medicare+Choice plan shall provide for such 
                coverage through a home skilled nursing 
                facility if the following conditions are met:
                          (i) Enrollee election.--The enrollee 
                        elects to receive such coverage through 
                        such facility.
                          (ii) SNF agreement.--The facility has 
                        a contract with the Medicare+Choice 
                        organization for the provision of such 
                        services, or the facility agrees to 
                        accept substantially similar payment 
                        under the same terms and conditions 
                        that apply to similarly situated 
                        skilled nursing facilities that are 
                        under contract with the Medicare+Choice 
                        organization for the provision of such 
                        services and through which the enrollee 
                        would otherwise receive such services.
                  (B) Manner of payment to home snf.--The 
                organization shall provide payment to the home 
                skilled nursing facility consistent with the 
                contract or the agreement described in 
                subparagraph (A)(ii), as the case may be.
          (2) No less favorable coverage.--The coverage 
        provided under paragraph (1) (including scope of 
        services, cost-sharing, and other criteria of coverage) 
        shall be no less favorable to the enrollee than the 
        coverage that would be provided to the enrollee with 
        respect to a skilled nursing facility the post-hospital 
        extended care services of which are otherwise covered 
        under the Medicare+Choice plan.
          (3) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this subsection 
        shall be construed to do the following:
                  (A) To require coverage through a skilled 
                nursing facility that is not otherwise 
                qualified to provide benefits under part A for 
                medicare beneficiaries not enrolled in a 
                Medicare+Choice plan.
                  (B) To prevent a skilled nursing facility 
                from refusing to accept, or imposing conditions 
                upon the acceptance of, an enrollee for the 
                receipt of post-hospital extended care 
          (4) Definitions.--In this subsection:
                  (A) Home skilled nursing facility.--The term 
                ``home skilled nursing facility'' means, with 
                respect to an enrollee who is entitled to 
                receive post-hospital extended care services 
                under a Medicare+Choice plan, any of the 
                following skilled nursing facilities:
                          (i) SNF residence at time of 
                        admission.--The skilled nursing 
                        facility in which the enrollee resided 
                        at the time of admission to the 
                        hospital preceding the receipt of such 
                        post-hospital extended care services.
                          (ii) SNF in continuing care 
                        retirement community.--A skilled 
                        nursing facility that is providing such 
                        services through a continuing care 
                        retirement community (as defined in 
                        subparagraph (B)) which provided 
                        residence to the enrollee at the time 
                        of such admission.
                          (iii) SNF residence of spouse at time 
                        of discharge.--The skilled nursing 
                        facility in which the spouse of the 
                        enrollee is residing at the time of 
                        discharge from such hospital.
                  (B) Continuing care retirement community.--
                The term ``continuing care retirement 
                community'' means, with respect to an enrollee 
                in a Medicare+Choice plan, an arrangement under 
                which housing and health-related services are 
                provided (or arranged) through an organization 
                for the enrollee under an agreement that is 
                effective for the life of the enrollee or for a 
                specified period.
  (m) Provision of Additional Telehealth Services.--
          (1) MA plan option.--For purposes of subsection 
        (a)(1)(B)(i), an election described in this paragraph, 
        with respect to an MA plan and plan year, is an 
        election by the sponsor of such plan to provide under 
        the plan for such plan year, in accordance with the 
        subsequent provisions of this subsection, additional 
        telehealth services (as defined in paragraph (2)) as a 
        benefit under the original medicare fee-for-service 
        program option. Such additional telehealth services, 
        with respect to a plan year, shall be in addition to 
        benefits included under the original medicare fee-for-
        service program option for such year.
          (2) Additional telehealth services defined.--
                  (A) In general.--For purposes of this 
                subsection and section 1854, the term 
                ``additional telehealth services'' means, 
                subject to subparagraph (C), services, with 
                respect to a year--
                          (i) for which payment may be made 
                        under part B (without regard to 
                        application of section 1834(m));
                          (ii) that, if furnished via a 
                        telecommunications system, would not be 
                        payable under section 1834(m);
                          (iii) furnished using electronic 
                        information and telecommunications 
                          (iv) furnished in accordance with 
                        such requirements as the Secretary 
                        specifies pursuant to paragraph (3); 
                          (v) which are identified for such 
                        year by the Secretary as appropriate to 
                        furnish using electronic information 
                        and telecommunications technology where 
                        a physician (as defined in section 
                        1861(r)) or practitioner (described in 
                        section 1842(b)(18)(C)) furnishing the 
                        service is not at the same location as 
                        the plan enrollee.
                  (B) Flexibility for phasing in 
                identifications.--In making identifications 
                under subparagraph (A)(v), the Secretary shall 
                make such identifications annually and may make 
                such identifications in a manner that results 
                in additional telehealth services being phased 
                in, as determined appropriate by the Secretary.
                  (C) Exclusion of capital and infrastructure 
                costs and investments.--For purposes of this 
                subsection and section 1854, the term 
                ``additional telehealth services'' does not 
                include capital and infrastructure costs and 
                investments relating to such benefits provided 
                pursuant to this subsection.
          (3) Requirements for additional telehealth 
        services.--The Secretary shall specify requirements for 
        the provision of additional telehealth services with 
        respect to--
                  (A) qualifications (other than licensure) of 
                physicians and practitioners who furnish such 
                  (B) the technology used in furnishing such 
                  (C) factors necessary for coordination of 
                additional telehealth services with other 
                services; and
                  (D) such other criteria (such as clinical 
                criteria) as determined by the Secretary.
          (4) Enrollee choice.--An MA plan that provides a 
        service as an additional telehealth service may not, 
        when furnished without use of electronic information 
        and telecommunications technology, deny access to the 
        equivalent in-person service.
          (5) Construction.--
                  (A) In general.--In determining if an MA 
                organization or MA plan, as applicable, is in 
                compliance with each requirement specified in 
                subparagraph (B), such determination shall be 
                made without regard to any additional 
                telehealth services covered by the plan offered 
                by such organization or plan pursuant to this 
                  (B) Requirements specified.--The requirements 
                specified in this subparagraph are the 
                          (i) The requirements under subsection 
                          (ii) The requirement under subsection 
                        (a)(1) with respect to covering 
                        benefits under the original medicare 
                        fee-for-service program option, as 
                        defined in the first sentence of 
                        paragraph (B)(i) of such subsection.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                        premiums and bid amounts

  Sec. 1854. (a) Submission of Proposed Premiums, Bid Amounts, 
and Related Information.--
          (1) In general.--
                  (A) Initial submission.--Not later than the 
                second Monday in September of 2002, 2003, and 
                2004 (or the first Monday in June of each 
                subsequent year), each MA organization shall 
                submit to the Secretary, in a form and manner 
                specified by the Secretary and for each MA plan 
                for the service area (or segment of such an 
                area if permitted under subsection (h)) in 
                which it intends to be offered in the following 
                year the following:
                          (i) The information described in 
                        paragraph (2), (3), (4), or (6)(A) for 
                        the type of plan and year involved.
                          (ii) The plan type for each plan.
                          (iii) The enrollment capacity (if 
                        any) in relation to the plan and area.
                  (B) Beneficiary rebate information.--In the 
                case of a plan required to provide a monthly 
                rebate under subsection (b)(1)(C) for a year, 
                the MA organization offering the plan shall 
                submit to the Secretary, in such form and 
                manner and at such time as the Secretary 
                specifies, information on--
                          (i) the manner in which such rebate 
                        will be provided under clause (ii) of 
                        such subsection; and
                          (ii) the MA monthly prescription drug 
                        beneficiary premium (if any) and the MA 
                        monthly supplemental beneficiary 
                        premium (if any).
                  (C) Paperwork reduction for offering of ma 
                regional plans nationally or in multi-region 
                areas.--The Secretary shall establish 
                requirements for information submission under 
                this subsection in a manner that promotes the 
                offering of MA regional plans in more than one 
                region (including all regions) through the 
                filing of consolidated information.
          (2) Information required for coordinated care plans 
        before 2006.--For a Medicare+Choice plan described in 
        section 1851(a)(2)(A), the information described in 
        this paragraph is as follows:
                  (A) Basic (and additional) benefits.--For 
                benefits described in section 1852(a)(1)(A) for 
                a year before 2006--
                          (i) the adjusted community rate (as 
                        defined in subsection (f)(3));
                          (ii) the Medicare+Choice monthly 
                        basic beneficiary premium (as defined 
                        in subsection (b)(2)(A));
                          (iii) a description of deductibles, 
                        coinsurance, and copayments applicable 
                        under the plan and the actuarial value 
                        of such deductibles, coinsurance, and 
                        copayments, described in subsection 
                        (e)(1)(A); and
                          (iv) if required under subsection 
                        (f)(1), a description of the additional 
                        benefits to be provided pursuant to 
                        such subsection and the value 
                        determined for such proposed benefits 
                        under such subsection.
                  (B) Supplemental benefits.--For benefits 
                described in section 1852(a)(3)--
                          (i) the adjusted community rate (as 
                        defined in subsection (f)(3));
                          (ii) the Medicare+Choice monthly 
                        supplemental beneficiary premium (as 
                        defined in subsection (b)(2)(B)); and
                          (iii) a description of deductibles, 
                        coinsurance, and copayments applicable 
                        under the plan and the actuarial value 
                        of such deductibles, coinsurance, and 
                        copayments, described in subsection 
          (3) Requirements for msa plans.--For an MSA plan 
        described, the information for any year in this 
        paragraph is as follows:
                  (A) Basic (and additional) benefits.--For 
                benefits described in section 1852(a)(1)(A), 
                the amount of the Medicare+Choice monthly MSA 
                  (B) Supplemental benefits.--For benefits 
                described in section 1852(a)(3), the amount of 
                the Medicare+Choice monthly supplementary 
                beneficiary premium.
          (4) Requirements for private fee-for-service plans 
        before 2006.--For a Medicare+Choice plan described in 
        section 1851(a)(2)(C) for benefits described in section 
        1852(a)(1)(A) for a year before 2006, the information 
        described in this paragraph is as follows:
                  (A) Basic (and additional) benefits.--For 
                benefits described in section 1852(a)(1)(A)--
                          (i) the adjusted community rate (as 
                        defined in subsection (f)(3));
                          (ii) the amount of the 
                        Medicare+Choice monthly basic 
                        beneficiary premium;
                          (iii) a description of the 
                        deductibles, coinsurance, and 
                        copayments applicable under the plan, 
                        and the actuarial value of such 
                        deductibles, coinsurance, and 
                        copayments, as described in subsection 
                        (e)(4)(A); and
                          (iv) if required under subsection 
                        (f)(1), a description of the additional 
                        benefits to be provided pursuant to 
                        such subsection and the value 
                        determined for such proposed benefits 
                        under such subsection.
                  (B) Supplemental benefits.--For benefits 
                described in section 1852(a)(3), the amount of 
                the Medicare+Choice monthly supplemental 
                beneficiary premium (as defined in subsection 
          (5) Review.--
                  (A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), 
                the Secretary shall review the adjusted 
                community rates, the amounts of the basic and 
                supplemental premiums, and values filed under 
                paragraphs (2) and (4) of this subsection and 
                shall approve or disapprove such rates, 
                amounts, and values so submitted. The Chief 
                Actuary of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid 
                Services shall review the actuarial assumptions 
                and data used by the Medicare+Choice 
                organization with respect to such rates, 
                amounts, and values so submitted to determine 
                the appropriateness of such assumptions and 
                  (B) Exception.--The Secretary shall not 
                review, approve, or disapprove the amounts 
                submitted under paragraph (3) or, in the case 
                of an MA private fee-for-service plan, 
                subparagraphs (A)(ii) and (B) of paragraph (4).
                  (C) Rejection of bids.--
                          (i) In general.--Nothing in this 
                        section shall be construed as requiring 
                        the Secretary to accept any or every 
                        bid submitted by an MA organization 
                        under this subsection.
                          (ii) Authority to deny bids that 
                        propose significant increases in cost 
                        sharing or decreases in benefits.--The 
                        Secretary may deny a bid submitted by 
                        an MA organization for an MA plan if it 
                        proposes significant increases in cost 
                        sharing or decreases in benefits 
                        offered under the plan.
          (6) Submission of bid amounts by ma organizations 
        beginning in 2006.--
                  (A) Information to be submitted.--For an MA 
                plan (other than an MSA plan) for a plan year 
                beginning on or after January 1, 2006, the 
                information described in this subparagraph is 
                as follows:
                          (i) The monthly aggregate bid amount 
                        for the provision of all items and 
                        services under the plan, which amount 
                        shall be based on average revenue 
                        requirements (as used for purposes of 
                        section 1302(8) of the Public Health 
                        Service Act) in the payment area for an 
                        enrollee with a national average risk 
                        profile for the factors described in 
                        section 1853(a)(1)(C) (as specified by 
                        the Secretary).
                          (ii) The proportions of such bid 
                        amount that are attributable to--
                                  (I) the provision of benefits 
                                under the original medicare 
                                fee-for-service program option 
                                (as defined in section 
                                1852(a)(1)(B)), including, for 
                                plan year 2020 and subsequent 
                                plan years, the provision of 
                                such benefits through the use 
                                of additional telehealth 
                                services under section 1852(m);
                                  (II) the provision of basic 
                                prescription drug coverage; and
                                  (III) the provision of 
                                supplemental health care 
                          (iii) The actuarial basis for 
                        determining the amount under clause (i) 
                        and the proportions described in clause 
                        (ii) and such additional information as 
                        the Secretary may require to verify 
                        such actuarial bases and the projected 
                        number of enrollees in each MA local 
                          (iv) A description of deductibles, 
                        coinsurance, and copayments applicable 
                        under the plan and the actuarial value 
                        of such deductibles, coinsurance, and 
                        copayments, described in subsection 
                          (v) With respect to qualified 
                        prescription drug coverage, the 
                        information required under section 
                        1860D-4, as incorporated under section 
                        1860D-11(b)(2), with respect to such 
                In the case of a specialized MA plan for 
                special needs individuals, the information 
                described in this subparagraph is such 
                information as the Secretary shall specify.
                  (B) Acceptance and negotiation of bid 
                          (i) Authority.--Subject to clauses 
                        (iii) and (iv), the Secretary has the 
                        authority to negotiate regarding 
                        monthly bid amounts submitted under 
                        subparagraph (A) (and the proportions 
                        described in subparagraph (A)(ii)), 
                        including supplemental benefits 
                        provided under subsection 
                        (b)(1)(C)(ii)(I) and in exercising such 
                        authority the Secretary shall have 
                        authority similar to the authority of 
                        the Director of the Office of Personnel 
                        Management with respect to health 
                        benefits plans under chapter 89 of 
                        title 5, United States Code.
                          (ii) Application of fehbp standard.--
                        Subject to clause (iv), the Secretary 
                        may only accept such a bid amount or 
                        proportion if the Secretary determines 
                        that such amount and proportions are 
                        supported by the actuarial bases 
                        provided under subparagraph (A) and 
                        reasonably and equitably reflects the 
                        revenue requirements (as used for 
                        purposes of section 1302(8) of the 
                        Public Health Service Act) of benefits 
                        provided under that plan.
                          (iii) Noninterference.--In order to 
                        promote competition under this part and 
                        part D and in carrying out such parts, 
                        the Secretary may not require any MA 
                        organization to contract with a 
                        particular hospital, physician, or 
                        other entity or individual to furnish 
                        items and services under this title or 
                        require a particular price structure 
                        for payment under such a contract to 
                        the extent consistent with the 
                        Secretary's authority under this part.
                          (iv) Exception.--In the case of a 
                        plan described in section 
                        1851(a)(2)(C), the provisions of 
                        clauses (i) and (ii) shall not apply 
                        and the provisions of paragraph (5)(B), 
                        prohibiting the review, approval, or 
                        disapproval of amounts described in 
                        such paragraph, shall apply to the 
                        negotiation and rejection of the 
                        monthly bid amounts and the proportions 
                        referred to in subparagraph (A).
  (b) Monthly Premium Charged.--
          (1) In general.--
                  (A) Rule for other than msa plans.--Subject 
                to the rebate under subparagraph (C), the 
                monthly amount (if any) of the premium charged 
                to an individual enrolled in a Medicare+Choice 
                plan (other than an MSA plan) offered by a 
                Medicare+Choice organization shall be equal to 
                the sum of the Medicare+Choice monthly basic 
                beneficiary premium, the Medicare+Choice 
                monthly supplementary beneficiary premium (if 
                any), and, if the plan provides qualified 
                prescription drug coverage, the MA monthly 
                prescription drug beneficiary premium.
                  (B) MSA plans.--The monthly amount of the 
                premium charged to an individual enrolled in an 
                MSA plan offered by a Medicare+Choice 
                organization shall be equal to the 
                Medicare+Choice monthly supplemental 
                beneficiary premium (if any).
                  (C) Beneficiary rebate rule.--
                          (i) Requirement.--The MA plan shall 
                        provide to the enrollee a monthly 
                        rebate equal to 75 percent (or the 
                        applicable rebate percentage specified 
                        in clause (iii) in the case of plan 
                        years beginning on or after January 1, 
                        2012) of the average per capita savings 
                        (if any) described in paragraph (3)(C) 
                        or (4)(C), as applicable to the plan 
                        and year involved.
                          (ii) Form of rebate for plan years 
                        before 2012.--For plan years before 
                        2012, a rebate required under this 
                        subparagraph shall be provided through 
                        the application of the amount of the 
                        rebate toward one or more of the 
                                  (I) Provision of supplemental 
                                health care benefits and 
                                payment for premium for 
                                supplemental benefits.--The 
                                provision of supplemental 
                                health care benefits described 
                                in section 1852(a)(3) in a 
                                manner specified under the 
                                plan, which may include the 
                                reduction of cost-sharing 
                                otherwise applicable as well as 
                                additional health care benefits 
                                which are not benefits under 
                                the original medicare fee-for-
                                service program option, or 
                                crediting toward an MA monthly 
                                supplemental beneficiary 
                                premium (if any).
                                  (II) Payment for premium for 
                                prescription drug coverage.--
                                Crediting toward the MA monthly 
                                prescription drug beneficiary 
                                  (III) Payment toward part b 
                                premium.--Crediting toward the 
                                premium imposed under part B 
                                (determined without regard to 
                                the application of subsections 
                                (b), (h), and (i) of section 
                          (iii) Applicable rebate percentage.--
                        The applicable rebate percentage 
                        specified in this clause for a plan for 
                        a year, based on the system under 
                        section 1853(o)(4)(A), is the sum of--
                                  (I) the product of the old 
                                phase-in proportion for the 
                                year under clause (iv) and 75 
                                percent; and
                                  (II) the product of the new 
                                phase-in proportion for the 
                                year under clause (iv) and the 
                                final applicable rebate 
                                percentage under clause (v).
                          (iv) Old and new phase-in 
                        proportions.--For purposes of clause 
                                  (I) for 2012, the old phase-
                                in proportion is \2/3\ and the 
                                new phase-in proportion is \1/
                                  (II) for 2013, the old phase-
                                in proportion is \1/3\ and the 
                                new phase-in proportion is \2/
                                3\; and
                                  (III) for 2014 and any 
                                subsequent year, the old phase-
                                in proportion is 0 and the new 
                                phase-in proportion is 1.
                          (v) Final applicable rebate 
                        percentage.--Subject to clause (vi), 
                        the final applicable rebate percentage 
                        under this clause is--
                                  (I) in the case of a plan 
                                with a quality rating under 
                                such system of at least 4.5 
                                stars, 70 percent;
                                  (II) in the case of a plan 
                                with a quality rating under 
                                such system of at least 3.5 
                                stars and less than 4.5 stars, 
                                65 percent; and
                                  (III) in the case of a plan 
                                with a quality rating under 
                                such system of less than 3.5 
                                stars, 50 percent.
                          (vi) Treatment of low enrollment and 
                        new plans.--For purposes of clause 
                                  (I) for 2012, in the case of 
                                a plan described in subclause 
                                (I) of subsection 
                                (o)(3)(A)(ii), the plan shall 
                                be treated as having a rating 
                                of 4.5 stars; and
                                  (II) for 2012 or a subsequent 
                                year, in the case of a new MA 
                                plan (as defined under 
                                subclause (III) of subsection 
                                (o)(3)(A)(iii)) that is treated 
                                as a qualifying plan pursuant 
                                to subclause (I) of such 
                                subsection, the plan shall be 
                                treated as having a rating of 
                                3.5 stars.
                          (vii) Disclosure relating to 
                        rebates.--The plan shall disclose to 
                        the Secretary information on the form 
                        and amount of the rebate provided under 
                        this subparagraph or the actuarial 
                        value in the case of supplemental 
                        health care benefits.
                          (viii) Application of part b premium 
                        reduction.--Insofar as an MA 
                        organization elects to provide a rebate 
                        under this subparagraph under a plan as 
                        a credit toward the part B premium 
                        under clause (ii)(III), the Secretary 
                        shall apply such credit to reduce the 
                        premium under section 1839 of each 
                        enrollee in such plan as provided in 
                        section 1840(i).
          (2) Premium and bid terminology defined.--For 
        purposes of this part:
                  (A) MA monthly basic beneficiary premium.--
                The term ``MA monthly basic beneficiary 
                premium'' means, with respect to an MA plan--
                          (i) described in section 
                        1853(a)(1)(B)(i) (relating to plans 
                        providing rebates), zero; or
                          (ii) described in section 
                        1853(a)(1)(B)(ii), the amount (if any) 
                        by which the unadjusted MA statutory 
                        non-drug monthly bid amount (as defined 
                        in subparagraph (E)) exceeds the 
                        applicable unadjusted MA area-specific 
                        non-drug monthly benchmark amount (as 
                        defined in section 1853(j)).
                  (B) MA monthly prescription drug beneficiary 
                premium.--The term ``MA monthly prescription 
                drug beneficiary premium'' means, with respect 
                to an MA plan, the base beneficiary premium (as 
                determined under section 1860D-13(a)(2) and as 
                adjusted under section 1860D-13(a)(1)(B)), less 
                the amount of rebate credited toward such 
                amount under section 1854(b)(1)(C)(ii)(II).
                  (C) MA monthly supplemental beneficiary 
                          (i) In general.--The term ``MA 
                        monthly supplemental beneficiary 
                        premium'' means, with respect to an MA 
                        plan, the portion of the aggregate 
                        monthly bid amount submitted under 
                        clause (i) of subsection (a)(6)(A) for 
                        the year that is attributable under 
                        clause (ii)(III) of such subsection to 
                        the provision of supplemental health 
                        care benefits, less the amount of 
                        rebate credited toward such portion 
                        under section 1854(b)(1)(C)(ii)(I).
                          (ii) Application of ma monthly 
                        supplementary beneficiary premium.--For 
                        plan years beginning on or after 
                        January 1, 2012, any MA monthly 
                        supplementary beneficiary premium 
                        charged to an individual enrolled in an 
                        MA plan shall be used for the purposes, 
                        and in the priority order, described in 
                        subclauses (I) through (III) of 
                        paragraph (1)(C)(iii).
                  (D) Medicare+Choice monthly MSA premium.--The 
                term ``Medicare+Choice monthly MSA premium'' 
                means, with respect to a Medicare+Choice plan, 
                the amount of such premium filed under 
                subsection (a)(3)(A) for the plan.
                  (E) Unadjusted ma statutory non-drug monthly 
                bid amount.--The term ``unadjusted MA statutory 
                non-drug monthly bid amount'' means the portion 
                of the bid amount submitted under clause (i) of 
                subsection (a)(6)(A) for the year that is 
                attributable under clause (ii)(I) of such 
                subsection to the provision of benefits under 
                the original medicare fee-for-service program 
                option (as defined in section 1852(a)(1)(B)).
          (3) Computation of average per capita monthly savings 
        for local plans.--For purposes of paragraph (1)(C)(i), 
        the average per capita monthly savings referred to in 
        such paragraph for an MA local plan and year is 
        computed as follows:
                  (A) Determination of statewide average risk 
                adjustment for local plans.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clause 
                        (iii), the Secretary shall determine, 
                        at the same time rates are promulgated 
                        under section 1853(b)(1) (beginning 
                        with 2006) for each State, the average 
                        of the risk adjustment factors to be 
                        applied under section 1853(a)(1)(C) to 
                        payment for enrollees in that State for 
                        MA local plans.
                          (ii) Treatment of states for first 
                        year in which local plan offered.--In 
                        the case of a State in which no MA 
                        local plan was offered in the previous 
                        year, the Secretary shall estimate such 
                        average. In making such estimate, the 
                        Secretary may use average risk 
                        adjustment factors applied to 
                        comparable States or applied on a 
                        national basis.
                          (iii) Authority to determine risk 
                        adjustment for areas other than 
                        states.--The Secretary may provide for 
                        the determination and application of 
                        risk adjustment factors under this 
                        subparagraph on the basis of areas 
                        other than States or on a plan-specific 
                  (B) Determination of risk adjusted benchmark 
                and risk-adjusted bid for local plans.--For 
                each MA plan offered in a local area in a 
                State, the Secretary shall--
                          (i) adjust the applicable MA area-
                        specific non-drug monthly benchmark 
                        amount (as defined in section 
                        1853(j)(1)) for the area by the average 
                        risk adjustment factor computed under 
                        subparagraph (A); and
                          (ii) adjust the unadjusted MA 
                        statutory non-drug monthly bid amount 
                        by such applicable average risk 
                        adjustment factor.
                  (C) Determination of average per capita 
                monthly savings.--The average per capita 
                monthly savings described in this subparagraph 
                for an MA local plan is equal to the amount (if 
                any) by which--
                          (i) the risk-adjusted benchmark 
                        amount computed under subparagraph 
                        (B)(i); exceeds
                          (ii) the risk-adjusted bid computed 
                        under subparagraph (B)(ii).
          (4) Computation of average per capita monthly savings 
        for regional plans.--For purposes of paragraph 
        (1)(C)(i), the average per capita monthly savings 
        referred to in such paragraph for an MA regional plan 
        and year is computed as follows:
                  (A) Determination of regionwide average risk 
                adjustment for regional plans.--
                          (i) In general.--The Secretary shall 
                        determine, at the same time rates are 
                        promulgated under section 1853(b)(1) 
                        (beginning with 2006) for each MA 
                        region the average of the risk 
                        adjustment factors to be applied under 
                        section 1853(a)(1)(C) to payment for 
                        enrollees in that region for MA 
                        regional plans.
                          (ii) Treatment of regions for first 
                        year in which regional plan offered.--
                        In the case of an MA region in which no 
                        MA regional plan was offered in the 
                        previous year, the Secretary shall 
                        estimate such average. In making such 
                        estimate, the Secretary may use average 
                        risk adjustment factors applied to 
                        comparable regions or applied on a 
                        national basis.
                          (iii) Authority to determine risk 
                        adjustment for areas other than 
                        regions.--The Secretary may provide for 
                        the determination and application of 
                        risk adjustment factors under this 
                        subparagraph on the basis of areas 
                        other than MA regions or on a plan-
                        specific basis.
                  (B) Determination of risk-adjusted benchmark 
                and risk-adjusted bid for regional plans.--For 
                each MA regional plan offered in a region, the 
                Secretary shall--
                          (i) adjust the applicable MA area-
                        specific non-drug monthly benchmark 
                        amount (as defined in section 
                        1853(j)(2)) for the region by the 
                        average risk adjustment factor computed 
                        under subparagraph (A); and
                          (ii) adjust the unadjusted MA 
                        statutory non-drug monthly bid amount 
                        by such applicable average risk 
                        adjustment factor.
                  (C) Determination of average per capita 
                monthly savings.--The average per capita 
                monthly savings described in this subparagraph 
                for an MA regional plan is equal to the amount 
                (if any) by which--
                          (i) the risk-adjusted benchmark 
                        amount computed under subparagraph 
                        (B)(i); exceeds
                          (ii) the risk-adjusted bid computed 
                        under subparagraph (B)(ii).
  (c) Uniform Premium and Bid Amounts.--Except as permitted 
under section 1857(i), the MA monthly bid amount submitted 
under subsection (a)(6), the amounts of the MA monthly basic, 
prescription drug, and supplemental beneficiary premiums, and 
the MA monthly MSA premium charged under subsection (b) of an 
MA organization under this part may not vary among individuals 
enrolled in the plan.
  (d) Terms and Conditions of Imposing Premiums.--
          (1) In general.--Each Medicare+Choice organization 
        shall permit the payment of Medicare+Choice monthly 
        basic, prescription drug, and supplemental beneficiary 
        premiums on a monthly basis, may terminate election of 
        individuals for a Medicare+Choice plan for failure to 
        make premium payments only in accordance with section 
        1851(g)(3)(B)(i), and may not provide for cash or other 
        monetary rebates as an inducement for enrollment or 
          (2) Beneficiary's option of payment through 
        withholding from social security payment or use of 
        electronic funds transfer mechanism.--In accordance 
        with regulations, an MA organization shall permit each 
        enrollee, at the enrollee's option, to make payment of 
        premiums (if any) under this part to the organization 
                  (A) withholding from benefit payments in the 
                manner provided under section 1840 with respect 
                to monthly premiums under section 1839;
                  (B) an electronic funds transfer mechanism 
                (such as automatic charges of an account at a 
                financial institution or a credit or debit card 
                account); or
                  (C) such other means as the Secretary may 
                specify, including payment by an employer or 
                under employment-based retiree health coverage 
                (as defined in section 1860D-22(c)(1)) on 
                behalf of an employee or former employee (or 
        All premium payments that are withheld under 
        subparagraph (A) shall be credited to the appropriate 
        Trust Fund (or Account thereof), as specified by the 
        Secretary, under this title and shall be paid to the MA 
        organization involved. No charge may be imposed under 
        an MA plan with respect to the election of the payment 
        option described in subparagraph (A). The Secretary 
        shall consult with the Commissioner of Social Security 
        and the Secretary of the Treasury regarding methods for 
        allocating premiums withheld under subparagraph (A) 
        among the appropriate Trust Funds and Account.
          (3) Information necessary for collection.--In order 
        to carry out paragraph (2)(A) with respect to an 
        enrollee who has elected such paragraph to apply, the 
        Secretary shall transmit to the Commissioner of Social 
                  (A) by the beginning of each year, the name, 
                social security account number, consolidated 
                monthly beneficiary premium described in 
                paragraph (4) owed by such enrollee for each 
                month during the year, and other information 
                determined appropriate by the Secretary, in 
                consultation with the Commissioner of Social 
                Security; and
                  (B) periodically throughout the year, 
                information to update the information 
                previously transmitted under this paragraph for 
                the year.
          (4) Consolidated monthly beneficiary premium.--In the 
        case of an enrollee in an MA plan, the Secretary shall 
        provide a mechanism for the consolidation of--
                  (A) the MA monthly basic beneficiary premium 
                (if any);
                  (B) the MA monthly supplemental beneficiary 
                premium (if any); and
                  (C) the MA monthly prescription drug 
                beneficiary premium (if any).
  (e) Limitation on Enrollee Liability.--
          (1) For basic and additional benefits before 2006.--
        For periods before 2006, in no event may--
                  (A) the Medicare+Choice monthly basic 
                beneficiary premium (multiplied by 12) and the 
                actuarial value of the deductibles, 
                coinsurance, and copayments applicable on 
                average to individuals enrolled under this part 
                with a Medicare+Choice plan described in 
                section 1851(a)(2)(A) of an organization with 
                respect to required benefits described in 
                section 1852(a)(1)(A) and additional benefits 
                (if any) required under subsection (f)(1)(A) 
                for a year, exceed
                  (B) the actuarial value of the deductibles, 
                coinsurance, and copayments that would be 
                applicable on average to individuals entitled 
                to benefits under part A and enrolled under 
                part B if they were not members of a 
                Medicare+Choice organization for the year.
          (2) For supplemental benefits before 2006.--For 
        periods before 2006, if the Medicare+Choice 
        organization provides to its members enrolled under 
        this part in a Medicare+Choice plan described in 
        section 1851(a)(2)(A) with respect to supplemental 
        benefits described in section 1852(a)(3), the sum of 
        the Medicare+Choice monthly supplemental beneficiary 
        premium (multiplied by 12) charged and the actuarial 
        value of its deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments 
        charged with respect to such benefits may not exceed 
        the adjusted community rate for such benefits (as 
        defined in subsection (f)(3)).
          (3) Determination on other basis.--If the Secretary 
        determines that adequate data are not available to 
        determine the actuarial value under paragraph (1)(A), 
        (2), or (4) the Secretary may determine such amount 
        with respect to all individuals in same geographic 
        area, the State, or in the United States, eligible to 
        enroll in the Medicare+Choice plan involved under this 
        part or on the basis of other appropriate data.
          (4) Special rule for private fee-for-service plans 
        and for basic benefits beginning in 2006.--With respect 
        to a Medicare+Choice private fee-for-service plan 
        (other than a plan that is an MSA plan) and for periods 
        beginning with 2006, with respect to an MA plan 
        described in section 1851(a)(2)(A), in no event may--
                  (A) the actuarial value of the deductibles, 
                coinsurance, and copayments applicable on 
                average to individuals enrolled under this part 
                with such a plan of an organization with 
                respect to benefits under the original medicare 
                fee-for-service program option, exceed
                  (B) the actuarial value of the deductibles, 
                coinsurance, and copayments that would be 
                applicable with respect to such benefits on 
                average to individuals entitled to benefits 
                under part A and enrolled under part B if they 
                were not members of a Medicare+Choice 
                organization for the year.
  (f) Requirement for Additional Benefits Before 2006.--
          (1) Requirement.--
                  (A) In general.--For years before 2006, each 
                Medicare+Choice organization (in relation to a 
                Medicare+Choice plan, other than an MSA plan, 
                it offers) shall provide that if there is an 
                excess amount (as defined in subparagraph (B)) 
                for the plan for a contract year, subject to 
                the succeeding provisions of this subsection, 
                the organization shall provide to individuals 
                such additional benefits (as the organization 
                may specify) in a value which the Secretary 
                determines is at least equal to the adjusted 
                excess amount (as defined in subparagraph (C)).
                  (B) Excess amount.--For purposes of this 
                paragraph, the ``excess amount'', for an 
                organization for a plan, is the amount (if any) 
                by which--
                          (i) the average of the capitation 
                        payments made to the organization under 
                        section 1853 for the plan at the 
                        beginning of contract year, exceeds
                          (ii) the actuarial value of the 
                        required benefits described in section 
                        1852(a)(1)(A) under the plan for 
                        individuals under this part, as 
                        determined based upon an adjusted 
                        community rate described in paragraph 
                        (3) (as reduced for the actuarial value 
                        of the coinsurance, copayments, and 
                        deductibles under parts A and B).
                  (C) Adjusted excess amount.--For purposes of 
                this paragraph, the ``adjusted excess amount'', 
                for an organization for a plan, is the excess 
                amount reduced to reflect any amount withheld 
                and reserved for the organization for the year 
                under paragraph (2).
                  (D) Uniform application.--This paragraph 
                shall be applied uniformly for all enrollees 
                for a plan.
                  (E) Premium reductions.--
                          (i) In general.--Subject to clause 
                        (ii), as part of providing any 
                        additional benefits required under 
                        subparagraph (A), a Medicare+Choice 
                        organization may elect a reduction in 
                        its payments under section 
                        1853(a)(1)(A) with respect to a 
                        Medicare+Choice plan and the Secretary 
                        shall apply such reduction to reduce 
                        the premium under section 1839 of each 
                        enrollee in such plan as provided in 
                        section 1840(i).
                          (ii) Amount of reduction.--The amount 
                        of the reduction under clause (i) with 
                        respect to any enrollee in a 
                        Medicare+Choice plan--
                                  (I) may not exceed 125 
                                percent of the premium 
                                described under section 
                                1839(a)(3); and
                                  (II) shall apply uniformly to 
                                each enrollee of the 
                                Medicare+Choice plan to which 
                                such reduction applies.
                  (F) Construction.--Nothing in this subsection 
                shall be construed as preventing a 
                Medicare+Choice organization from providing 
                supplemental benefits (described in section 
                1852(a)(3)) that are in addition to the health 
                care benefits otherwise required to be provided 
                under this paragraph and from imposing a 
                premium for such supplemental benefits.
          (2) Stabilization fund.--A Medicare+Choice 
        organization may provide that a part of the value of an 
        excess amount described in paragraph (1) be withheld 
        and reserved in the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust 
        Fund and in the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance 
        Trust Fund (in such proportions as the Secretary 
        determines to be appropriate) by the Secretary for 
        subsequent annual contract periods, to the extent 
        required to stabilize and prevent undue fluctuations in 
        the additional benefits offered in those subsequent 
        periods by the organization in accordance with such 
        paragraph. Any of such value of the amount reserved 
        which is not provided as additional benefits described 
        in paragraph (1)(A) to individuals electing the 
        Medicare+Choice plan of the organization in accordance 
        with such paragraph prior to the end of such periods, 
        shall revert for the use of such trust funds.
          (3) Adjusted community rate.--For purposes of this 
        subsection, subject to paragraph (4), the term 
        ``adjusted community rate'' for a service or services 
        means, at the election of a Medicare+Choice 
        organization, either--
                  (A) the rate of payment for that service or 
                services which the Secretary annually 
                determines would apply to an individual 
                electing a Medicare+Choice plan under this part 
                if the rate of payment were determined under a 
                ``community rating system'' (as defined in 
                section 1302(8) of the Public Health Service 
                Act, other than subparagraph (C)), or
                  (B) such portion of the weighted aggregate 
                premium, which the Secretary annually estimates 
                would apply to such an individual, as the 
                Secretary annually estimates is attributable to 
                that service or services,
        but adjusted for differences between the utilization 
        characteristics of the individuals electing coverage 
        under this part and the utilization characteristics of 
        the other enrollees with the plan (or, if the Secretary 
        finds that adequate data are not available to adjust 
        for those differences, the differences between the 
        utilization characteristics of individuals selecting 
        other Medicare+Choice coverage, or Medicare+Choice 
        eligible individuals in the area, in the State, or in 
        the United States, eligible to elect Medicare+Choice 
        coverage under this part and the utilization 
        characteristics of the rest of the population in the 
        area, in the State, or in the United States, 
          (4) Determination based on insufficient data.--For 
        purposes of this subsection, if the Secretary finds 
        that there is insufficient enrollment experience to 
        determine an average of the capitation payments to be 
        made under this part at the beginning of a contract 
        period or to determine (in the case of a newly operated 
        provider-sponsored organization or other new 
        organization) the adjusted community rate for the 
        organization, the Secretary may determine such an 
        average based on the enrollment experience of other 
        contracts entered into under this part and may 
        determine such a rate using data in the general 
        commercial marketplace.
  (g) Prohibition of State Imposition of Premium Taxes.--No 
State may impose a premium tax or similar tax with respect to 
payments to Medicare+Choice organizations under section 1853 or 
premiums paid to such organizations under this part.
  (h) Permitting Use of Segments of Service Areas.--The 
Secretary shall permit a Medicare+Choice organization to elect 
to apply the provisions of this section uniformly to separate 
segments of a service area (rather than uniformly to an entire 
service area) as long as such segments are composed of one or 
more Medicare+Choice payment areas.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Part E--Miscellaneous Provisions

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                       medicare improvement fund

  Sec. 1898.
  (a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish under this 
title a Medicare Improvement Fund (in this section referred to 
as the `Fund') which shall be available to the Secretary to 
make improvements under the original Medicare fee-for-service 
program under parts A and B for individuals entitled to, or 
enrolled for, benefits under part or enrolled under part B 
including adjustments to payments for items and services 
furnished by providers of services and suppliers under such 
original Medicare fee-for-service program.
  (b) Funding.--
          (1) In general.--There shall be available to the 
        Fund, for expenditures from the Fund for services 
        furnished [during and after fiscal year 2021, 
        $270,000,000] during and after fiscal year 2021, 
          (2) Payment from trust funds.--The amount specified 
        under paragraph (1) shall be available to the Fund, as 
        expenditures are made from the Fund, from the Federal 
        Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal 
        Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund in such 
        proportion as the Secretary determines appropriate.
          (3) Funding limitation.--Amounts in the Fund shall be 
        available in advance of appropriations but only if the 
        total amount obligated from the Fund does not exceed 
        the amount available to the Fund under paragraph (1). 
        The Secretary may obligate funds from the Fund only if 
        the Secretary determines (and the Chief Actuary of the 
        Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the 
        appropriate budget officer certify) that there are 
        available in the Fund sufficient amounts to cover all 
        such obligations incurred consistent with the previous 
          (4) No effect on payments in subsequent years.--In 
        the case that expenditures from the Fund are applied 
        to, or otherwise affect, a payment rate for an item or 
        service under this title for a year, the payment rate 
        for such item or service shall be computed for a 
        subsequent year as if such application or effect had 
        never occurred.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *