Domestic Delivery Services

Domestic Delivery Services (DDS), under Transportation, Delivery and Relocation Solutions (TDRS) Schedule 48, provides Domestic Expedited and heavy weight delivery services. These services offer a variety of options for an agency to receive express shipments between any two points within the 50 States and Puerto Rico. With more delivery services and contractors available, from which agencies may choose, coupled with the ease of ordering from a Multiple Award Schedule, this program will help an agency meet all its Domestic Expedited and heavy weight shipping needs.

Domestic Delivery Services include:

  • Choice and flexibility with multiple contractors;
  • Same day Express Small Package and Same Day, Next Day, Two Day, or Three Day Express Heavyweight delivery Express delivery throughout the Continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico;
  • Money-back guarantees and service failure adjustments;
  • Liability coverage and increased insurance availability;
  • Package tracking and proof of delivery;
  • Dangerous/hazardous goods service;
  • Saturday and Sunday (limited contractors) pickup and delivery; and
  • Prices substantially lower than commercial rates.

SIN 451-1: Express Small Package and Express Heavyweight Delivery Services. Commercial delivery services include Express Same Day delivery of extremely urgent letters, small packages, and Same Day, Next Day, Two Day and Three Day Heavyweight shipments, including any accessorial services offered to the general public. Contractors may offer any combination of days or weight ranges for either the Express Small Package or the Express Heavyweight Delivery Services.

Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) Express and Ground Domestic Delivery Services (DDS). The third generation Domestic Delivery Services Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) expired 30 September 2017. The Government-wide Small Package Delivery solution Next Generation Delivery Service (NGDS) managed by USTRANSCOM was executed 01 October 2017. For more information, contact the NGDS PMO at

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