Programs for State and Local Governments

Purchasing Programs

Cooperative Purchasing Program

security officer at video terminal Purchase security and law enforcement equipment from GSA Schedule 84, and technology products and professional services from GSA IT Schedule 70 and the IT Special Item Numbers on the Consolidated Schedule.

Disaster Purchasing Program

flag-draped cargo being loaded onto airplane Purchase directly from approved GSA Federal Supply Schedule vendors to prepare and respond to disasters or to recover from Presidentially declared disasters or acts of terrorism, to aid in recovery.

1122 Program

a policeman

Purchase approved law enforcement equipment and vehicles from selected GSA Schedules and AutoChoice for use in counter-drug, homeland security and emergency response activities.

National Wildland Fire Program

fire sweeps through pine forest

The National Wildland Fire Program was transferred to the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) on May 1, 2014. State and local customers can find additional information at Fire Program.

Schedules Access for Federal Grantees During Public Health Emergencies

Purchase directly from GSA Federal Supply Schedule contractors, when expending Federal grant funds in response to Public Health Emergencies (PHE), declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, under section 319 of the Public Health Services Act, codified at 42 U.S.C. § 247d.

Download the Federal Grantee Access to Schedules in Response to Public Health Emergencies Program [PDF - 486 KB] Brochure.

Donation Programs

Computers for Learning Program

kids on computers Schools and educational nonprofit organizations can acquire excess computer equipment from government agencies.

Federal Supply Personal Property Donation Program

SUVs in a parking lot

Eligible state and local governments and nonprofits can acquire federal surplus personal property through State Agencies for Surplus Property (SASPs).

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