Grants Management

Refer to the information below to manage your grant from post-award through closeout. If you are applying for a grant, visit NIDDK’s Apply and Grant Review pages.

Your first point of contact for all questions should be the business official at your institution. If you need further assistance, contact NIDDK. For questions on fiscal policy, reporting, or grant administration, contact your NIDDK grants management specialist, as identified in your Notice of Award or in the eRA Commons Status Module. For questions on the science and conduct of your research, contact your NIDDK program director, also listed in your Notice of Award.

Prior approval requests and other official correspondence must be sent from the business official to the NIDDK grants management specialist on your behalf. Only grants management specialists can communicate NIDDK’s official response to prior approval requests.

Once You Receive Your Award

  • Read the Welcome Wagon Letter for information about award administration and fiscal management.
  • Read your Notice of Award for start and end dates, terms and conditions, restrictions, and how much money the award will receive for current and future years. The Notice of Award is in the eRA Commons Status Module.
  • Stay current with any NIH policy changes. The NIH Guide LISTSERV provides notification of funding opportunities, NIH policy changes, and other special announcements that may affect your award.

Grants Management Frequently Asked Questions

The Grants Management Frequently Asked Questions page answers questions on the following topics, among others.

Award Monitoring and Reporting

NIH’s Post-Award Monitoring and Reporting page describes some reports NIH requires. These reports are used by NIH to monitor progress, identify problems, and provide technical assistance. Complete details of all NIH reporting requirements can be found in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.


  • NIH’s Closeout page includes information about the final reports that must be submitted by your business office. Due dates are in eRA Commons under Grants Pending Closeout.
  • Failure to submit timely and accurate closeout documents may affect future funding to the organization.

NIH Resources