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NSMV – National Security Multi-Mission Vessels

Image of NSMV

Road to the NSMV

Image of hull

Our state maritime academy vessels are aging and nearing the end of their designed services lives, MARAD is working to recapitalize these vessels. In the 2018 federal budget, funds were allocated for the construction of a brand-new vessel to replace TS Empire State, primarily utilized by SUNY Maritime College. Destined to be the first of many to service our academies, this NSMV is a purpose-built vessel that will provide the necessary support to America’s future mariners.

Why the NSMV?

The NSMV is designed to provide a state-of-the-art training platform that ensures the U.S. continues to set the world standard in maritime training. The ship is outfitted with numerous training spaces to include eight classrooms, a full training bridge, lab spaces and an auditorium. The NSMV has space to train up to 600 cadets at sea, maximizing the capability of the ship and its mission to provide our cadets with a world-class education.

 Emergency Preparedness

In addition to being an educational platform, this vessel is a highly functional national asset. Designed to fulfill numerous roles, the NSMV can effectively support the federal response to national disasters such as Hurricanes Maria and Harvey. The vessel will have state-of-the-art hospital facilities, a helicopter landing pad and the ability to berth up to 1,000 people in times of humanitarian need. Alongside its humanitarian capacities, the NSMV has a roll-on/roll-  off ramp and container storage allowing it to provide aid to damaged ports.

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Economic Benefits

Investment in the NSMV will foster the growth of the Nation’s maritime transportation workforce, men and women working in the shipbuilding and repair industry, while addressing a critical shortage of U.S. merchant mariners needed to crew commercial and government-owned sealift ships during a military crisis.

Updated: Wednesday, November 28, 2018