Offices and Centers

SAMHSA Offices and Centers provide national leadership and assistance for quality behavioral health services while supporting states, territories, tribes, communities, and local organizations through grants and contract awards.

SAMHSA Headquarters Offices

SAMHSA Headquarters Centers

  • The Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality is the government’s lead agency for behavioral health statistics, as designated by the Office of Management and Budget.

  • The Center for Mental Health Services leads federal efforts to promote the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. Congress created CMHS to bring new hope to adults who have serious mental illness and children with emotional disorders.

  • The mission of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention is to improve behavioral health through evidence-based prevention approaches.

  • The mission of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment is to promote community-based substance abuse treatment and recovery services for individuals and families in every community. CSAT provides national leadership to improve access, reduce barriers, and promote high quality, effective treatment and recovery services.

Last Updated: 09/15/2017