Wendy Lewis, Director of Legislative Affairs.

Wendy Lewis

Director of Legislative Affairs

Lieutenant Commander Wendy Lewis was commissioned into the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps (NOAA Corps) March 2005 upon earning her Bachelor of Science from California State University of Monterey Bay.  LCDR Lewis is the Director of NOAA's Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs having recently completed a 3.5 year detail with the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation under Chairman John Thune (R-SD).  Throughout her career LCDR Lewis has served in a variety of positions within NOAA to include her assignment sailing on the NOAA Ship Fairweather, working with the National Marine Mammal Laboratory, and conducting support services and human resources for the NOAA Corps.  LCDR Lewis is a NOAA Corps master diver, the recipient of the NOAA Administrator's Award, NOAA Commendation Medal, NOAA Achievement Medal, and several sea service ribbons.