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RePORTER allows principal investigators and project leaders to enter links to profile web pages? Learn More

The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to information on NIH-supported investigators, trainees, and fellows? Click here

The NIH Data Book provides information on NIH funding by gender? Click here

The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to trends in funding for Research Career Development programs? Click here

The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to information on NIH training grants and fellowships? Click here

The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to information on NIH-supported Ph.D. recipients? Click here

The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to national statistics on graduate students? Click here

The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to national statistics on postdocs? Click here

Special reports on the biomedical and behavioral research workforce can be found on the Investigators and Trainees page? Click here

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RePORT Video Tutorials PubMed - 20 million citations Data.Gov - Empowering People

Investigators and Trainees

Investigators and Trainees

Research Career Awardees, Fellows, and Trainees

The National Biomedical Workforce

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