Economic News Releases



Consumer Price Index

In October, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers increased 0.3 percent seasonally adjusted; rising 2.5 percent over the last 12 months, not seasonally adjusted. The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.2 percent in October (SA); up 2.1 percent over the year (NSA).

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Employment Cost Index

Compensation costs increased 0.8 percent for civilian workers, seasonally adjusted, from June 2018 to September 2018. Over the year, compensation rose 2.8 percent, wages and salaries rose 2.9 percent, and benefit costs rose 2.6 percent.

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Employment Situation

Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 250,000 in October, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.7 percent. Job gains occurred in health care, in manufacturing, in construction, and in transportation and warehousing.

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Producer Price Index

The Producer Price Index for final demand rose 0.6 percent in October, as prices for final demand services advanced 0.7 percent, and the index for final demand goods moved up 0.6 percent. Prices for final demand increased 2.9 percent for the 12 months ended in October.

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Productivity and Costs

Productivity increased 2.2 percent in the nonfarm business sector in the third quarter of 2018; unit labor costs increased 1.2 percent (seasonally adjusted annual rates). In manufacturing, productivity increased 0.5 percent and unit labor costs increased 0.9 percent.

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Real Earnings

Real average hourly earnings decreased 0.1 percent over the month in October, seasonally adjusted. Average hourly earnings increased 0.2 percent and CPI-U increased 0.3 percent. Real average weekly earnings increased 0.1 percent over the month.

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U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes

The U.S. import price index rose 0.5 percent in October following a 0.2-percent advance in September. Prices for U.S. imports increased 3.5 percent over the past 12 months. U.S. export prices increased 0.4 percent in October and advanced 3.1 percent over the past year.

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Data in archived news releases may have been revised in subsequent releases. The latest data, including any revisions, may be obtained from the databases accessible on the program homepages.



Quarterly, annual, and other

  • American Time Use Survey (HTML) (PDF) (Charts)
  • Business Employment Dynamics (HTML) (PDF)
  • College Enrollment and Work Activity of High School Graduates (HTML) (PDF)
  • Computer and Internet Use at Work (HTML) (PDF)
  • Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements (HTML) (PDF)
  • County Employment and Wages (HTML) (PDF)
  • Employee Tenure (HTML) (PDF)
  • Employment Characteristics of Families (HTML) (PDF)
  • Employment Experience of Youths: Results from a Longitudinal Survey (HTML) (PDF)
  • Employment Situation of Veterans (HTML) (PDF)
  • Extended Mass Layoffs (HTML) (PDF)
  • Extended Mass Layoffs Associated with Domestic and Overseas Relocations (HTML) (PDF)
  • Firm Size Class Quarterly Data (HTML) (PDF)
  • Foreign-born Workers: Labor Force Characteristics (HTML) (PDF)
  • Married Parents' Use of Time, 2003-06 (HTML) (PDF)
  • Number of Jobs, Labor Market Experience, and Earnings Growth: Results From A Longitudinal Survey (HTML) (PDF)
  • Occupational Employment and Wages (HTML) (PDF)
  • Persons with a Disability: Labor Force Characteristics (HTML) (PDF)
  • Regional and State Unemployment (Annual) (HTML) (PDF)
  • Summer Employment and Unemployment Among Youth (HTML) (PDF)
  • Union Members (HTML) (PDF)
  • Unpaid Eldercare in the United States — 2013–14 (HTML) (PDF)
  • Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage And Salary Workers (HTML) (PDF)
  • Volunteering in the United States (HTML) (PDF)
  • Work At Home (HTML) (PDF)
  • Work Experience of the Population (HTML) (PDF)
  • Worker Displacement (HTML) (PDF)
  • Workers on Flexible and Shift Schedules (HTML) (PDF)



  • Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (HTML) (PDF) (Charts)
  • Employee Benefits in the United States (HTML) (PDF)
  • Employee Benefits in State and Local Government (HTML) (PDF)
  • Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (HTML) (PDF)
  • Employment Cost Index (HTML) (PDF) (Charts)
  • Major Work Stoppages (HTML ) (PDF)
  • Nonfatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Requiring Days Away From Work (HTML) (PDF)
  • Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (HTML) (PDF)
  • Occupational Pay Relatives (HTML) (PDF)


  • Multifactor Productivity Trends (HTML) (PDF)
  • Multifactor Productivity Trends for Detailed Industries (HTML) (PDF)
  • Multifactor Productivity Trends in Manufacturing (HTML) (PDF)
  • Productivity and Costs (HTML) (PDF) (Charts)
  • Productivity and Costs by Industry: Manufacturing and Mining Industries (HTML) (PDF)
  • Productivity and Costs by Industry: Selected Service-Providing Industries (HTML) (PDF)
  • Productivity and Costs by Industry: Wholesale and Retail Trade, Food Services and Drinking Places (HTML) (PDF) (Charts)


  • Occupational Outlook Handbook (HTML) (PDF)
  • Economic and Employment Projections (HTML) (PDF)


  • International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs in Manufacturing (HTML) (PDF)
  • International Comparisons of Manufacturing Productivity and Unit Labor Cost Trends (HTML) (PDF)



Last Modified Date: January 4, 2018