Vision Solution Marketing LLC, et al.

Last Updated:
Federal Trade Commission, Plaintiff, v. Vision Solution Marketing, LLC, also doing business as VSM Business Services, LLC, VSM Group, and VSMHUB.COM, a Utah limited liability company; VSM Group, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company; Ryze Services, LLC, also doing business as Business Finance Pro, a Utah limited liability company; Specialized Consulting Solutions LLC, a Utah limited liability company; Jared Rodabaugh, individually and as a principal and owner of Vision Solution Marketing LLC, VSM Group LLC, and Ryze Services, LLC; and Justin Larsen, individually and as a principal and owner of Vision Solution Marketing LLC, VSM Group LLC, Ryze Services, LLC, and Specialized Consulting Solutions LLC, Defendants.
FTC Matter/File Number:

172 3015


Civil Action Number:


Enforcement Type:

Federal Injunctions

Federal Court:
District of Utah