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Pompeo Testifies on Top Global Threats Facing US

Today, CIA Director Mike Pompeo testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding the US Intelligence Community’s Annual Worldwide Threat Assessment. Director Pompeo, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and other intelligence leaders outlined the community’s assessment of the threats facing our nation.

Pompeo fielded questions about cyber capabilities, the government’s role in combating the opioid crisis, and wide-ranging threats from adversaries like Russia, China, and North Korea.

When asked about North Korea’s delegation at the Olympics, Pompeo stated, “We should all remember that Kim Yo Jong [Kim Jong Un’s sister] is the head of the propaganda and agitation department. There is no indication that there is any strategic change in the outlook of Kim Jong Un and his desire to retain his nuclear capacity to threaten the United States of America…Our analysts remain concerned that Kim Jong Un is not hearing the full story; that those around him are not providing nuance, are not suggesting to him the tenuous nature of his position both internationally and domestically.”

Watch the full testimony here:

Read DNI Coat’s prepared remarks here:  

Posted: Feb 13, 2018 03:49 PM
Last Updated: Mar 14, 2018 06:09 PM