Thomas Hertz

Thomas Hertz



Tom Hertz has served as an Economist in the Rural Economy Branch of the Resource and Rural Economics Division since 2009. Prior to coming to ERS he taught at American University and the International University College in Turin, and was a visiting scholar at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome.


Tom received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He also holds a master's degree in Urban and Environmental Policy from Tufts University, and a bachelor's degree from Harvard College.

Selected Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Weber, J., C. Wall, J. Brown, and T. Hertz. 2015. "Crop Prices, Agricultural Revenues, and the Rural Economy," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 37(3):459-476.

Zahniser, S., T. Hertz, and M. Argoti. 2015. "Quantifying the Effects of Mexico's Retaliatory Tariffs on Selected US Agricultural Exports," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 38(1):93-112.

Sneeringer, S., and T. Hertz. 2013. "The Effects of Large-Scale Hog Production on Local Labor Markets," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 45(1):139-158.

Hertz, T., and S. Zahniser. 2013. "Is There a Farm Labor Shortage?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(2):476-481.

Zahniser, S., T. Hertz, P. Dixon, and M. Rimmer. 2012. "Immigration Policy and its Possible Effects on US Agriculture and the Market for Hired Farm Labor: A Simulation Analysis," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 94(2):477-482.

Zahniser, S., T. Hertz, P. Dixon, and M. Rimmer. 2012. "Analyzing the Effects of Immigration Reforms on Agriculture." Choices, 2nd Quarter.

Hertz, T., and P. Martin. 2012. "Theme Overview: Immigration and Agriculture." Choices, 2nd Quarter.

Meurs, M., J. Miluka, and T. Hertz. 2009. "Declining Secondary Enrollment in Albania: What Drives Household Decisions?" in The Carl Beck Papers in Russian & East European Studies 2003:1-42, November.

Hertz, T. 2010. "Heteroskedasticity-robust Elasticities in Logarithmic and Two-part Models," Applied Economics Letters 17(3):225-228, February.

Smith, E., K. Hill, F. Marlowe, D. Nolin, P. Wiessner, M. Gurven, S. Bowles, M. Mulder, T. Hertz, and A. Bell. 2010. "Wealth Transmission and Inequality among Hunter-gatherers," Current Anthropology 51(1):19-34, February.

Mulder, M., I. Fazzio, W. Irons, R. McElreath, S. Bowles, A. Bell, T. Hertz, and L. Hazzah. 2010. "Pastoralism and Wealth Inequality: Revisiting an Old Question," Current Anthropology 51(1):35-48, February. 

Gurven, M., M. Mulder, P. Hooper, H. Kaplan, R. Quinlan, R. Sear, E. Schniter, C. von Rueden, S. Bowles, T. Hertz, and A. Bell. 2010. "Domestication Alone Does Not Lead to Inequality Intergenerational Wealth Transmission among Horticulturalists," Current Anthropology 51(1):49-64, February. 

Shenk, M., M. Mulder, J. Beise, G. Clark, W. Irons, D. Leonetti, B. Low, S. Bowles, T. Hertz, A. Bell, and P. Piraino. 2010. "Intergenerational Wealth Transmission Among Agriculturalists: Foundations of Agrarian Inequality," Current Anthropology 51(1):65-83, February.

Smith, E., M. Mulder, S. Bowles, M. Gurven, T. Hertz, and M. Shenk. 2010. "Production Systems, Inheritance, and Inequality in Premodern Societies: Conclusions," Current Anthropology 51(1):85-94, February.

Todd, J., P. Winters, and T. Hertz. 2009. "Conditional Cash Transfers and Agricultural Production: Lessons from the Oportunidades Experience in Mexico," Journal of Development Studies 46(1):39-67, December.

Mulder, M., S. Bowles, T. Hertz, A. Bell, J. Beise, G. Clark, I. Fazzio, M. Gurven, K. Hill, P. Hooper, W. Irons, H. Kaplan, D. Leonetti, B. Low, F. Marlowe, R. McElreath, S. Naidu, D. Nolin, P. Piraino, R. Quinlan, E. Schniter, R. Sear, M. Shenk, E. Smith, C. von Rueden, and P. Wiessner. 2009. "Intergenerational Wealth Transmission and the Dynamics of Inequality in Small-Scale Societies," Science 326(5953):682-688, October.

Hertz, T. 2009. "The Effect of Non-Farm Income on Investment in Bulgarian Family Farming," Agricultural Economics 40(2):161-176, March.

Hertz, T., M. Meurs, and S. Selcuk. 2009. "The Decline in Intergenerational Mobility in Post-Socialism: Evidence from the Bulgarian Case," World Development 37(3):739-752, March.

Ranasinghe, R., and T. Hertz. 2008. "Measurement Error Bias in Returns to Education: Evidence From a Developing Country - Sri Lanka," Journal of Economic Development 33(2):107-124, December.

Hertz, T. 2008. "A Group-specific Measure of Intergenerational Persistence," Economics Letters 100(3):415-417, September. 

Sawers, L., E. Stillwaggon, and T. Hertz. 2008. "Cofactor Infections and HIV Epidemics in Developing Countries: Implications for Treatment," AIDS Care 20(4):488-494, April.

Hertz, T. 2007. "Trends in the Intergenerational Elasticity of Family Income in the United States," Industrial Relations 46(1):22-50, January.

Hertz, T., T. Jayasundera, P. Piraino, S. Selcuk, N. Smith, and A. Verashchagina. 2007. "The Inheritance of Educational Inequality: International Comparisons and Fifty-Year Trends," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 7(2):1-48, Article 10, October.

Hertz, T. 2003. "Upward Bias in the Estimated Returns to Education: Evidence from South Africa," American Economic Review 93(4):1354-1368, September.

Payne, S., G. Seage, S. Oddleifson, K. Gallagher, M. vanBeuzekom, H. Losina, and T. Hertz. 1995. "Using Administratively Collected Hospital Discharge Data for Aids Surveillance," Annals of Epidemiology 5(5):337-346, September.

Seage, G., T. Hertz, V. Stone, and A. Epstein. 1993. "The Effects of Intravenous Drug Use and Gender on the Cost of Hospitalization for Patients with AIDS," Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 6(7):831-839, July. 

Stone, V., G. Seage, T. Hertz, and A. Epstein. 1992. "The Relation Between Hospital Experience and Mortality for Patients With AIDS," Journal of the American Medical Association 268(19):2655-2661, November.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

Hertz, T., A. de la O-Campos, A. Zezza, P. Winters, E. Quiñones, C. Azzarri, and B. Davis. 2009. "Gender Wage Gaps in Rural versus Urban Areas," in forthcoming volume of papers from conference entitled Gaps, trends and current research in gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employment: differentiated pathways out of poverty. Rome: FAO-ILO-IFAD, March/April.

Hertz, T. 2005. "Rags, Riches and Race: The Intergenerational Economic Mobility of Black and White Families in the United States," in Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success, S. Bowles, H. Gintis, and M. Osborne, eds., pp. 165-191. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation and Princeton University Press.

Hertz, T., C. Tilly, and M. Massagli. 2001. "Linking the Multi-City Study's Household and Employer Surveys to Test for Race and Gender Effects in Hiring and Wage-Setting," in Urban Inequality: Evidence from Four Cities, A. O'Connor, C. Tilly, and L. Bobo, eds., pp. 407-443. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.