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Create Managing Someone Else’s Money guides for your state

Resources to help legal and aging experts adapt the Managing Someone Else's Money guides for their states.

Because people’s powers and duties as a fiduciary vary from state to state, we created six sets of state-specific Managing Someone Else’s Money guides. We selected six states (Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Oregon, and Virginia) with high populations of older adults and created guides for each. These state guides provide information about the state’s unique laws and practices, as well as state-specific resources.

To make it easy for legal and aging experts to adapt the guides for their states, our tips will lead you step-by-step through adapting the existing templates into a state-specific version.  

Experts in Alabama, Michigan, and Texas used our tips and templates to create their own state-specific guides.

Download tips on adapting the guide for your state

The tips summarize what we learned by collaborating with lawyers and other professionals to produce several state-specific versions.

Download our tips

Download our guide templates

Use the Microsoft Word templates below to create state-specific versions of each of our four guides.



Power of attorney template

Court-appointed guardians template

Trustees template

Government fiduciaries template