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CCDF Annual Report for Tribal Lead Agencies PI


Published: November 16, 2018
Program Administration
ACF-700, Tribes
Program Instructions
Administration for Children and Families
  1. Log No: CCDF-ACF-PI-2018-03
  2. Issuance Date: November 15, 2018
  3. Originating Office: Office of Child Care
  4. Key Words: Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Data Reporting Requirements and Instructions for Indian Tribes; Tribal Annual Report Form ACF-700


Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Tribal Lead Agencies and Other Interested Parties


Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Tribal Annual Report Form ACF-700 for Tribal Lead Agencies


The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 1990, as amended (42 USC 9857, et seq.); regulations at 45 CFR 98.70(c).


This Program Instruction is a reminder to Tribal Lead Agencies of the CCDF annual reporting requirements (i.e., ACF-700), consistent with the terms and conditions of the CCDF program.


Tribal aggregate information on services provided under the CCDF must be submitted annually, as required by the CCDF regulations at 45 CFR 98.70(c).

The CCDF ACF-700 Annual Report consists of two required Parts:

  1. Administrative Data, and
  2. Tribal Narrative.

The Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) form ACF-700 Tribal Annual Report collects information on all children and families receiving direct CCDF-funded child care services during the period October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018 (i.e., Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2018). Part 1 of the ACF-700 collects administrative data on any services funded by CCDF Tribal Mandatory or Discretionary funds. The data reflect services provided during FFY 2018 regardless of whether the services were paid for with FFY 2018 funds or prior years’ CCDF funds. For example, all services provided during FFY 2018 that are paid for with FFYs 2016, 2017 or 2018 CCDF funds (i.e., Tribal Mandatory and Discretionary, including funds for resource and referral and school-age care) are to be reported.

In addition, if a program uses other non-CCDF funds to further support direct child care services for the children being reported on the ACF-700, Tribes should indicate the use of those funds and identify the funding source in the “Comments” field of the ACF-700 report.

The Tribal Narrative (Part 2) requests descriptions of the results of specific CCDF-funded activities available at the Tribal Lead Agency’s service area during FFY 2018.


All Tribal Lead Agencies (i.e., Tribes, Tribal organizations, and Tribal consortia) that received FFY 2018 (or prior year) CCDF funds—and expended any of these funds during FFY 2018—must submit a complete Tribal Annual Report Form ACF-700 (i.e., Parts 1 & 2) by December 31, 2018. It is each Tribal Lead Agency’s responsibility to ensure that child care program data are collected and reported to the Office of Child Care in a timely manner each year. NOTE: CCDF-funded grantees that receive funding under Pub.L. 102-477 are not required to submit the ACF-700 to the Office of Child Care.


The statute provides that the Secretary of Health and Human Services may impose sanctions on a Lead Agency for non-compliance with any requirement of the CCDF program [CCDBG Act, Section 658I(b)(2)(B); 42 USC 9858g(b)(2)(B)]. For example, the regulations provide that the Secretary may impose a penalty of not more than 4 percent of the discretionary funds for a fiscal year, if it is determined that a Lead Agency has failed to implement a provision of the Act, the regulations, or the Lead Agency’s Plan (45 CFR 98.92(b)(2)). Tribal Lead Agencies failing to provide reports may be subject to this penalty or other sanctions.


The data received through this collection provides the Office of Child Care with the means to analyze and evaluate the CCDF program and the extent to which Tribal Lead Agencies are assisting families in addressing child care needs. This information will provide ACF with data for its biennial report to Congress, and will help to inform technical assistance efforts to assist grantees.


The Tribal Annual Report: Guide for CCDF Tribal Lead Agencies (ACF-700 Help Guide) contains detailed guidance for completing and submitting the CCDF ACF-700 Tribal Annual Report. The Guide is available on the Office of Child Care’s website at: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/occ/resource/acf-700-tribal-annual-report under the heading “Additional Information and Help Available.”


The CCDF ACF-700 Tribal Annual Report for FFY 2018 is due by December 31, 2018.


CCDF Tribal Lead Agencies are required to submit both parts of the ACF-700 Tribal Annual Report: 1) Administrative Data, and 2) Tribal Narrative. Tribal Lead Agencies should enter their ACF-700 reports at the Office of Child Care Internet submission site at https://extranet.acf.hhs.gov/acf700/login/login700.jsp. This page contains a password-protected web-based form that checks the data for compliance with data standards at the time of submission. These built-in edit-checking features make it easier for Tribal Lead Agencies to identify and correct errors. Use of the paperless Internet data entry site streamlines submission processing and improves data quality. With electronic submission of the ACF-700 report, it is not necessary to also send a paper copy of the report via mail or fax. Tribal Lead Agencies should however, notify their ACF Regional Office of Child Care staff when they have completed their electronic submissions.

The submission web page requires a login and password. Some Tribal Lead Agencies have already designated individuals to access the ACF-700 Data Submission Site. The login and password carry over to each new reporting period making it unnecessary to register each year to use the submission site.

To register new staff or otherwise modify registration information, submit the ACF-700 Internet Submission Registration Form (found in Appendix C of the attached CCDF Tribal Annual Report (ACF-700) Manual ) by email, mail, or fax to:

National Center on Child Care Data and Reporting (NCDR)
2600 Tower Oaks Boulevard, Suite 600
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Fax: 301-816-8640

NCDR will contact the staff identified on the form to provide further instructions and guidance. The Tribal Lead Agency may contact NCDR at their toll-free number: 877-249-9117, weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Eastern Time) or by email to NCDR@ecetta.info.


NCDR was established by the Office of Child Care to provide technical assistance related to the grantee reporting requirements. Assistance related to the submission of the ACF-700 is also available via links from the submission site. NCDR Technical Assistance Specialists can answer questions and provide guidance in preparation of the program information and submission of the ACF-700 report. NCDR can be reached toll-free at 877-249-9117 weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Eastern Time) or via email at NCDR@ecetta.info.

Information and on-line technical assistance support related to the ACF-700 Internet submission is also available at https://www.acf.hhs.gov/occ/resource/acf-700-tribal-annual-report.


Tribal Lead Agencies anticipating problems in complying with the reporting requirements should contact their respective ACF Regional Office of Child Care. Tribal Lead Agencies should also contact their ACF Regional Office of Child Care for policy questions. Contact information for ACF Regional Child Care Offices is included in the CCDF Tribal Annual Report (ACF-700) Manual. A list of ACF Regional Child Care Program Managers is also available on the Office of Child Care’s website at https://www.acf.hhs.gov/occ/resource/regional-child-care-program-mana....


An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The information collection required under this Program Instruction is approved under OMB Number 0970-0430, which expires on November 30, 2019.

Your help in providing timely and accurate data about the valuable child care services you provide children and families in your Tribe or Tribal organization through the CCDF is very much appreciated. These data help to document the important work that you do and are essential for demonstrating the accomplishments of Tribal child care programs.

Shannon Christian
Office of Child Care


Form ACF-700

Last Reviewed: November 27, 2018