Imagery Products

The Aerial Photography Field Office (APFO) has a vast amount of imagery of the United States and its territories from 1955 to the present. However, APFO does not maintain any shelf stock--all orders are produced upon request.

APFO offers 10"x10" scans of any image in our film library using state of the art photogrammetric scanners from Black and White, Color Infrared, and Natural Color film (see example below). Film scans are furnished in standard tagged image file (.tif) format. Standard scan resolution is 12.5 microns or 2136 dpi.

    1980 Black & White    1998 Color Infrared    2013 Natural Color

 Disney World & Epcot Center




Photographs can include custom line work such as roads or boundaries and are available in different types and scales ranging from 1" = 5,000' to 1" = 200'. Paper sizes range from 10"x10" to 30"x40". Metallic prints are also available which provide a silver luster to enhance colors and can be used to write on with dry erase marker only.


Available as photo, line or spot indexes--most indexes are available in both print and digital format.


All digital aerial photographs are made from true digitally captured images or scanned from Color Positive (CP) or Color Infrared Positive (CIRP) film that include NAIP, NAPP, NHAP, and some Forest Service projects.

Compressed County Mosaics (CCM)

Countywide imagery coverage in various compressed ratios depending on the year. CCMs are used by the USDA Service Center Agencies for crop compliance farm programs and widely used by the public for base layer imagery. NAIP Compressed County Mosaics (CCM) may be obtained as free downloads from the USDA Geospatial Data Gateway.  NAIP CCMs can also be purchased from the Aerial Photography Field Office if unable to download from the USDA Geospatial Data Gateway.

Quarter Quads (QQ)

Individual images (tile) covering one quarter of a standard 7.5' topographical quad map which are used to create the CCMs.  These images are used for those who prefer working with an uncompressed format.  Majority of NAIP imagery is available in 1m pixel resolution with some states and years prior to 2008 having 2m pixel resolution.  As of 2013, 0.5m pixel resolution is available in limited states.