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Exploration Themes

What fascinates you about Yellowstone National Park? Is it geysers? ... animals? ... rocks? or maybe a little of everything?

Personalize your Yellowstone adventure! Investigate the themes that interest you the most. As you explore, keep your eye out for the theme symbols and colors for similar topics.

Icons of the five major kids topics: geology, hydrothermal, wildlife, history, and preservation
Select a topic to explore available resources and activities.
Green circle icon with black ranger hat silhouetteOrange circle icon with black arrowhead silhouetteYellow circle icon with black bison silhouetteBlue circle icon with white geyser eruption silhouettePurple circle icon with black mountain silhouette

Ask a Ranger

Yellowstone National Park is home to Old Faithful Geyser, bison, the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River, Yellowstone Lake, and a massive supervolcano. Yet, there is so much more to the park. Check out our Ask a Ranger section of commonly asked questions to learn more about this amazing place.


Plan Your Adventure

Do you want to learn about hot springs, mudpots, and geysers? Looking to learn more about Yellowstone wildlife? Explore this interactive map to learn more about just what can be found within the park.

Map of Yellowstone with various animal silhouettes and location illustrations decorating the map
Select an illustration or word on the map to learn more.
Sign with a brown silhouette of an entrance signSign with a brown silhouette of an entrance stationSign with a brown silhouette of an entrance stationSign with a brown silhouette of an entrance stationSign with a brown silhouette of a stone archSilhouette of a rangerSilhouette of a beaverSilhouette of a mooseSilhouette of a Yellowstone cutthroat troutSilhouette of a bisonSilhouette of a swanSilhouette of an eagleSilhouette of a bearSilhouette of a river otterSilhouette of a sandhill craneSilhouette of a wolfSilhouette of a bighorn sheepSilhouette of a pronghornSilhouette of an ospreySilhouette of an elkWords Word Words Words Words Words Words Words Illustration of a geyser cone, the shore of a lake, and the words Illustration of a river running through a deep canyon and the words Illustration of terraces with a mountain in the backgroundIllustration of steam erupting from the ground, a rainbow pool, and the words Illustration of a rainbow-colored pool and forested hillside.Illustration of steam erupting from the ground and the words Green badge with a silhouette ranger hat and the word Orange badge with a silhouette arrowhead and the word Blue badge with a white silhouette of an erupting geyser and the word Yellow badge with a silhouette bison and the word Purple badge with a silhouette mountain and the word

Park Highlights

Investigate Yellowstone's ecology, history, and preservation efforts.

A deep, blue and green hot spring.

Hydrothermal Features

Learn about hot springs, geysers, mudpots, and fumaroles.

A red fox and kits stand on a rock and lap up some water.


Animals of every stripe, or spot, inhabit Yellowstone. Wildlife is all around us and sometimes in unexpected places!

Prismatic colors in a hot spring.

Extreme Environments

Learn all about the organisms who like to live in extreme conditions.

Volcanic cliff face rising out of a conifer forest.

Explosive Past

Explore why Yellowstone has a supervolcano with an explosive past.

A park ranger stands on a boardwalk along a lakeshore and talks with visitors.

Park Rangers

Meet the people charged with preserving this special place.

Black and white photograph of the log cabin structure of the Old Faithful Inn.

Stepping Back in Time

Discover Yellowstone's historic places.



Looking for a hands-on activity to enhance your Yellowstone knowledge, some pictures for a class project, or posters to decorate your room? This is the place!

Silhouette of the western US with different caldera ash flows.

Make Your Own Caldera

Create your own caldera (safely).

Silhouette of a geyser erupting and the underlying plumbing system.

Predict Old Faithful

Calculate your own prediction for Old Faithful's next eruption.

Silhouette of petrified trees on a hillside.

Create a Cool Petrification Station

Create your own petrified log and learn how trees can be turned into stone.

Silhouette of two kids standing and watching Riverside Geyser erupt water and steam up over a river.

Picture Yourself in Yellowstone

Enjoy some classic scenes and resources of Yellowstone National Park.


Exploring in the Park

There is so much to do in Yellowstone. Two popular ways to enhance your understanding of the park's resources while exploring the park is to participate in the Junior Ranger and Young Scientist programs.

Become a junior ranger of Yellowstone National Park.

Junior Ranger

Becoming a junior ranger is a great way to experience Yellowstone National Park for you and your family.

A young visitor learns about hot springs from a ranger.

Young Scientist

Solve science mysteries by combining investigation in both visitor center and field settings.



It is never too early to start thinking about what you want to be when you grow up. Explore some of the different duties National Park Service employees get to perform to protect the park and ensure an enjoyable visit for all.

For those in the fourth grade, there is the Every Kid in a Park program that provides free access to every student and their guests visiting national parks and other federal areas.

Interpretive ranger talks with a visitor while pointing out a hydrothermal feature.

Interpretive Ranger

Interpretive rangers provide visitors with opportunities to connect with their parks.

A fish biologist holds a large lake trout in her hands.

Resource Management Ranger

Biologists, geologists, historians, and archeologists are all resource management rangers.

A ranger uses a tool to safely remove trash from a hot spring.

Facilities Management Ranger

Rangers are also handy at building boardwalks, fixing damage, and keeping the park clean.

A female ranger sits on a horse and salutes.

Resource and Visitor Protection Ranger

Rangers uphold the law and give a helping hand when an emergency occurs.

Last updated: August 22, 2018

Contact the Park

Mailing Address:

PO Box 168
Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190-0168



Contact Us