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What We Do


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What We Do Overview
What We Do Overview
What We Do Overview

ICE’S mission is to protect America from the cross-border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety.

This mission is executed through the enforcement of more than 400 federal statutes and focuses on smart immigration enforcement, preventing terrorism and combating the illegal movement of people and goods.

Immigration Enforcement

Immigration enforcement is the largest single area of responsibility for ICE. While certain responsibilities and close cooperation with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and others require significant ICE assets near the border, the majority of immigration enforcement work for ICE takes place in the country’s interior.

ICE special agents strive to help businesses secure a lawful workforce and enforce immigration laws against those who encourage and rely on unauthorized workers, sometimes taking advantage of their situation to offer low pay and inadequate conditions.

Multiple programs help ICE focus and improve on stated priorities to find and remove illegal aliens who are criminals, fugitives or recent arrivals. Immigration enforcement entails cracking down on those who produce fraudulent documents to enable unlawful activity. Additionally, several robust efforts seek to continue improving the safe and humane detention and removal of persons subject to those actions.

Browse through the “Immigration Enforcement” category of the What We Do drop-down menu to learn more.

Investigating Illegal Movement of People and Goods

ICE special agents, officers and attorneys enforce provisions of approximately 400 federal statutes. This large and diverse body of laws is reflected in the wide array of offices, programs and projects that make up ICE. People are smuggled and trafficked, while children are sexually exploited at home and abroad.

Illegal trade, in a very general sense, predominately involve guns, money and drugs, but ICE’s responsibilities extend much further into all kinds of illegal and counterfeit merchandise coming into the country. For instance, ICE’s responsibilities include the repatriation of cultural treasures out of the country to original owners abroad, and combatting the trade of child pornography and much more.

Browse through the “Investigating Illegal Movement of People and Goods” category of the What We Do drop-down menu to learn more.

Preventing Terrorism

Most ICE offices and programs have a role in preventing terrorism. Several are on the front lines of this effort, either identifying dangerous persons before they enter the U.S. or finding them as they violate immigration or customs laws. ICE also works to prevent the illegal export of U.S. technology that could be used or repurposed to do harm.

Browse through the “Preventing Terrorism” category of the What We Do drop-down menu to learn more.

Last Reviewed/Updated: 01/03/2018