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FSAfarm+ can be accessed by clicking the following link:

What is the FSAfarm+?

With FSAfarm+, producers will have web access to view their FSA data such as the common land unit data, related farm data, and other producer information.  This data will be available in real time and at no cost to the producer. This functionality allows operators and owners to view, export and print farm records data, including maps, from their own home through a public facing web portal. Direct access will permit the operators and owners to electronically share their data, which could include maps, with a crop insurance agent, from their own personal computer.

The initial launch of FSAfarm+ will allow farm operators and owners to access their farm and contact information. Operators and owners that are business entities can be accessed by entity members. A future release will allow access to agents or representatives of farm operators and owners, in addition to allowing other farm tenants access to information related to the land they lease.

To learn more about FSAfarm+, you may review the FSAfarm+ Fact Sheet

To learn more about how to access FSAfarm+, you may review the FSAfarm+ "How to" Brochure

To learn more about what FSAfarm+ can do for you, you may review the FSAfarm+ "What can it it do for you" Poster

About the FSAfarm+
  • Electronic Reporting and Sharing was authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill and mandated that USDA, upon request of the producer, electronically share with the producer (or agent) in real time and without cost to the producer (or agent) the common land unit data, related farm level data, and other information of the producer as listed below.
  • The FSAfarm+ Customer Self-Service Portal allows farmers access:
    • farmland and cropland information
    • ARC/PLC bases and yield information
    • CRP and other conservation program acreage
    • HELC and WC status information
    • field boundaries (common land unit)
    • farm imagery
    • name and address details
    • membership interest and share information
    • contact information.
  • FSAfarm+ allows producers to search for and print their farm and tract maps that can be used for reporting acreage to FSA and crop insurance agents.
  • FSAfarm+ allows producers to print farm details, similar to the FSA-156EZ, such as cropland, base acres, yields, FAV status, land ownership details, CRP acres, legal description, other related farms, plus more.
  • FSAfarm+ allows producers to view maps of their Common Land Unit (field boundaries) and imagery for all of their farms for the current year.
  • FSAfarm+ allows producers to export their farm and/or tract Common Land Unit shapefiles for sharing with crop insurance agents and other interested companies.
  • To ensure Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is protected, producers must obtain Level 2 eAuthentication before accessing the FSAfarm+ Customer Self-Service Portal.
  • FSAfarm+ allows producers to export their farm and/or tract details in a spreadsheet format for easily summarizing and sharing.
  • A link to FSAfarm+ can be found on the FSA Online Services Page.