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Office of Intelligence


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Office of Intelligence
Office of Intelligence
Office of Intelligence

HSI's Office of Intelligence develops intelligence on illegal trade, travel and financial activity. It shares this information with field offices and law enforcement partners worldwide.

The office maintains its global awareness through operations that coordinate information throughout HSI and through intelligence exchanges with Department of Homeland Security components. The office also maintains secure data communications throughout ICE. Additionally, the office provides the agency with emergency response plans.


The Intelligence Analysis Division leads HSI-Intel’s works in collaboration ICE programs, field offices and attachés as well as other intelligence community and law enforcement members to add value by establishing, maintaining and advancing a persistent, credible subject matter expertise on asymmetric threats affecting the ICE mission and homeland security. This subject matter expertise is communicated via

  • The preparation and dissemination of finished intelligence products and briefings of varying complexity that fuse law enforcement data with information from the intelligence community and other sources.
  • Direct support to ICE Attaché Cadre.

Trade and Financial Crimes Unit (TFCU)

The TFCU is responsible for providing operational and strategic intelligence support to the following program areas:

  • Money Laundering and Financial Crimes,
  • Counter-Proliferation Investigations,
  • Border Enforcement Security Team (BEST),
  • Intellectual Property / commercial fraud, and
  • Cultural Property, Arts and Antiquities.

National Security and Public Safety Unit

The National Security and Public Safety Unit is responsible for providing operational and strategic intelligence support to the following program areas:

  • Identity and Benefit Fraud (IDBF)
  • National Security (Foreign Fighters)
  • Transnational Gangs
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection
  • Cyber Crime

International Intelligence Unit

The International Operations Unit is the focal point of HSI headquarters’ intelligence support to HSI attaché offices. The unit satisfies any requests for information related to illicit trade, illicit travel, illicit finance and national security issues. Support is available at the tactical, operational, and strategic level. The unit completes case analysis and other in-depth research as well as provides forward-deployed analytical support.


The Collections Division identifies information gaps and shares time-sensitive information with various partners. The division seeks to reduce strategic surprise while strengthening information sharing capabilities, and enhancing support to the agency’s operational posture.

Intelligence Enterprise Service Division

Intelligence Enterprise Service Division is responsible for coordinating HSI-Intel programmatic planning efforts and engagement with ICE field offices and the DHS Intelligence Enterprise. The division is comprised of two units that proactively coordinate with ICE offices and external partners to provide a full spectrum of support: budget, hiring, project management, training and professional development, classified data connectivity, and subject matter experts who assist the SAC Intelligence Program (SIP) offices with navigating and enforcing intelligence and administrative policies, directives and intelligence business processes.

Mission Development Unit

Mission Development Unit serves as the primary service point for SAC Intelligence Program offices. Delivers intelligence training, coordinates ICE participation in the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis courses, and facilitates access to career and professional development opportunities. External Liaison Coordination Section manages HSI-Intel personnel liaison positions.

Mission Management Unit

Mission Management Unit oversees intelligence and administrative policies, directives and intelligence business processes. Works with HSI and ICE stakeholders with respect to administrative related functions and duties. Facilitates the ICE-wide deployment of classified data capability, and is the central point of coordination for HSI-Intel IT requirements.​

Intelligence Integration and Emergency Management Division (IIEMO)

IIEMO comprises three units, the Joint Intelligence Operations Center, the HSI Tip Line Unit (TLU) and the ICE Emergency Management Unit.

Joint Intelligence Operations Center

The Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC) synchronizes operations and intelligence capabilities across all components at ICE, streamlines situational awareness and facilitates rapid and responsible information sharing at all echelons and locations – across all classification levels - in support of ICE and Department missions. The JIOC meets fluctuating information sharing challenges more rapidly by providing a single point of service for senior leadership and operational components on a 24/7 basis. 

The JIOC also has secure voice and secure video teleconference capabilities and processes classified information enabling seamless communication in real-time with the White House Situation Room, DHS National Operations Center, CIA, NSA, FBI and other intelligence community, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies who regularly partner with ICE to vigilantly enforce the nation’s immigration and customs laws.

Emergency Management Unit

The Emergency Management Unit (EMU) is responsible for the overall policy, planning, training and agency-wide coordination of continuity, emergency preparedness and critical incident management and reporting programs for ICE. The EMU collects daily information on emerging man-made and natural threats to ICE personnel and facilities and reports this information to senior leadership. The EMU is responsible for administering the ICE Continuity of Operations and Devolution plan and maintains the ICE Alternate Operating Facility and Devolution site.

The EMU provides training and development for all ICE emergency preparedness assets during “steady state” and coordinates the deployment of all ICE emergency assets during “crisis” events. The EMU is also responsible for the training, maintenance and auditing of the ICE Medical Countermeasures Program (MCM) and the HSI Tactical Medical Program (Tac-Med). Lastly, the EMU provides training and equipment for all HSI Rapid Response Teams (RRT) capable of deploying anywhere in the United States within 24 hours to provide secure ICE assets and provide humanitarian assistance before, during, and after a crisis event as well as providing law enforcement support to state and local authorities during ESF-13 activations.

HSI Tip Line Unit

The HSI Tip Line Unit (TLU) serves as a conduit for the public to report suspected criminal activity on more than 400 crimes enforced by ICE as well as related activity under the jurisdiction of other agencies, and other information that could have a negative impact on the national security of the United States. The TLU operates 24/7 and receives more than 100,000 leads annually that are analyzed and disseminated to HSI special agents and intelligence officers in more than 200 cities nationally, and 47 countries around the world.

The TLU started in 2003 as a means to report foreign national sex offenders present in the U.S. It has become the primary means for reporting all crimes enforced by ICE, as well as other crimes such as terrorism, kidnapping and threats against the President of the United States. In addition to other initiatives, the TLU is a primary partner to the DHS Blue Campaign against human trafficking, the Customs and Border Protection Blue Lightning campaign against human trafficking, ICE’s Operation Predator fighting crimes against children, and ICE’s Project Shield America outreach initiative to industry. Additionally, the TLU provides coverage for the HSI Bulk Cash Smuggling Center after hours every day of the week, and on holidays and weekends.

Last Reviewed/Updated: 08/17/2018