Summary: H.R.6657 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information (Except Text)

There is one summary for H.R.6657. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in House (08/07/2018)

Fund and Complete the Border Wall Act

This bill directs the Department of the Treasury to establish the Secure the Southern Border Fund to provide funds to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to: (1) construct a barrier along the U.S.-Mexico international border, and (2) purchase U.S. Border Patrol vehicles and equipment.

DHS shall annually provide the Department of State and Congress with the number of apprehensions and nationality of aliens who illegally entered the United States through the U.S- Mexico land border. The bill reduces by $2,000 per alien the foreign assistance provided to the countries of nationality of such aliens and transfers such revenue to the fund. The State Department may opt to not reduce appropriations to Mexico for military, narcotics control, and anti-terrorism activities.

The Electronic Fund Transfer Act is amended to establish a 5% foreign remittance fee to be transferred to the fund. A foreign country that aids an individual to avoid such fee shall be ineligible for foreign assistance and the visa waiver program.

The bill increases the fee for the alien admission/departure I-94 form and transfers such revenue to the fund, the Land Border Inspection Fee account, and the Border Patrol.

The bill directs DHS by December 31, 2019, to: (1) design and install physical barriers, roads, and technology along the the U.S.-Mexico international border to prevent illegal crossings; and (2) achieve operational control of the U.S. international land and maritime borders.

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 is amended to permit Border Patrol agents to receive overtime pay.