Complaints / Discrimination

Filing a Workplace Rights Complaint

Find out what to do if you feel your rights have been denied at work.


Can a business fire a worker at will? What recourse does a worker have if their former employer is giving them bad references?

Safety Complaints

Workers are entitled to a safe and healthy workplace and protection from discrimination if they report unsafe conditions.

L&I; Claims: Workers’ & Employers’ Rights

Injured workers are entitled to medical and financial help and protection from discrimination if they file a workers' compensation claim. Employers have the right to protest or appeal a claim and are protected from being sued.

Discrimination in the Workplace

Find out what to do if you feel a worker is being unfairly treated or discriminated against in the workplace because of a disability or any other Equal Opportunity issue.

Look Up Employers Who Have Violated Wage Laws

These are listings of employers where the Department of Labor & Industries completed investigations of wage complaints filed by employees.

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