
Frozen Red Tart Pitted Cherries Grades and Standards

Grades of Frozen Red Tart Pitted Cherries

  1. U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy is the quality of frozen red tart pitted cherries of which not more than five (5) cherries per sample unit may be less than 9/16 inch (14 mm) in diameter, and that:

a.    possess a good red color;
b.    are practically free from pits;
c.    are practically free from defects;
d.    have a good character;
e.    possess a normal flavor; and

Canned Sweet Cherries Grades and Standards

Grades of Canned Sweet Cherries
  1. U.S. Grades A or U. S. Fancy is the quality of canned sweet cherries that are practically free from defects; that possess a good character; that possess a normal flavor and odor; and that are of such quality with respect to color and uniformity of size as to score not less that 90 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart. 
  2. U.S. Grade B or U. S.

Sweet Cherries for Canning or Freezing Grades and Standards

Grades of Sweet Cherries for Canning or Freezing

  1. U.S. No.1 consists of sweet cherries of one variety which are well formed, mature, free from decay, worms, pulled pits, doubles, and free from damage caused by softness, shriveling, bruises, skin breaks, scars, hail marks, windwhips, limbrubs, russeting, sunscald, dirt or other foreign matter, birds, disease, insects, mechanical or other means. Unless otherwise specified, stems shall be removed. (See §51.4363.)