Questions & Answers


  1. I have passed all tests. Why is the license not appearing on my FOL profile?

    If you believe that a license should be awarded and it does not appear on your license profile in the FOL program, the most likely cause is that all tests have not been either passed or waived. Usually it is one of the “Initial License Type Exams” which are missing.  These exams need to be either passed or waived under each License Type before a license for the specific License Type will be awarded.

Vietnam DDG Fumigation

  1. What goes in Box 23, “Concentration Level,” of the 921-2?

    Number of grams per cubic (cu) feet (ft).For example, 45g/cu.ft., or 36g/cu.ft. Do not record numbers like “canisters” or “pellets;” the concentration of grams/cubic feet is the critical number.
  2. Is 45g/cu. ft required if the fumigator can attain the 750 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at a lower dosage?

FGIS Certification

  1. In what instances should the special grade (High Moisture, Ergoty, Infested, Thin, etc) be on the grade and kind/commodity line of the certificate? What if it was a factor only sample and no numerical grade is given, would we just have the factor and result (moisture, ergot, thin, etc) for the special grade on the cert in the results section with nothing regarding the special grade on the kind/commodity line? Are the rules the same for USGSA vs AMA?

Bar Decisions - Edible Beans

1. How would beans that contain feed pellets be graded?

ANSWER. Consider identifiable feed pellets as foreign material. If the pellets can not be identified, consider them to be FSUB.

2. How would cowpeas function in a sample of Blackeye beans?

ANSWER. Cowpeas which differ in color, size, or shape from Blackeye beans would function as beans of a contrasting class. Cowpeas which are similar in color, size, and shape to the Blackeye beans would function as classes that blend.

FGIS Billing

Q: Customer requested service but now wants another party billed.  How do we handle?

A: FGIS should request the customer update their application prior to service being performed per the following regulations:

