Radiation-Emitting Products

Navigate the Radiation-Emitting Products Section

Radiation-Emitting Products and Procedures

Introduction to all radiation-emitting products and procedures.

Radiation Safety

This page contains information about the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) radiation safety programs.

Mammography Quality Standards Act and Program

Welcome to the FDA's Mammography Program within the Center for Devices and Radiological Health. This website informs mammography facility personnel, inspectors, and other interested individuals about the implementation of the Mammography Quality...

Electronic Product Radiation Control Program

This page contains information about CDRH's Electronic Product Radiation Control Program

News and Events (Radiation-Emitting Products)

This page contains links to News and Events related to radiation-emitting Products.

Resources for You (Radiation-Emitting Products)

Resources relating to the FDA Radiological Health Program.

FDA Radiological Health Program

The mission of the FDA’s radiological health program is to protect the public from hazardous or unnecessary radiation exposure from radiation-emitting electronic products.

Page Last Updated: 11/20/2018
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