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One of ICE’s leading priorities in its law enforcement mission is combating financial crime, including financial fraud and mass-marketing fraud.
Mass Marketing Fraud

Mass-marketing fraud has become more widespread in recent years, thanks in part to the spread of low-cost communication technology that makes it easier to defraud victims on a global scale. For example, telemarketing or identity theft scams are frequently coordinated from overseas locations.

As part of its commitment to combat mass-marketing fraud, ICE is a participant in the multi-agency International Mass-Marketing Fraud Working Group, which was established in 2007.

The working group brings together law enforcement, regulatory and consumer protection agencies from seven countries to:

  • Exchange information and intelligence on mass-marketing fraud;
  • Coordinate cross-border operations to detect and disrupt mass-marketing fraud operations and apprehend their perpetrators; and
  • Drive public awareness and public education measures concerning international mass-marketing fraud schemes.

The ICE Homeland Security Investigations works closely with the Department of Justice, Federal Trade Commission and other law enforcement and regulatory agencies in combating cross-border mass marketing and online fraud.

You may be a victim or be aware of suspicious offers or scams via telephone, mail or email that is "too good to be true."

Be aware of warning signs:

  1. Unsolicited sweepstakes prize or lottery winnings where "winners" are required to pay a customs fee or tax in Costa Rica, Jamaica, Canada, etc.
  2. Work from home job offers for positions such as shipping agents, drivers, bookkeepers, accountants and mystery shoppers, involving sending money via Western Union or Money Gram.
  3. Receiving high quality fraudulent bank checks and sending funds via Western Union and Money Gram
  4. Solicitation of funds in an online dating relationship via Western Union or Money Gram

Who to Contact

Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) if you are a victim, or aware of any telemarketing or mail fraud, scam, and identity theft.

Contact the Internet Complaint Center (IC3) if you are a victim of phishing, cybercrime, online fraud, and identity theft.


Last Reviewed/Updated: 01/03/2018