FSA Quality Assurance & Control Process

IT quality assurance at the FSA is a by-product of the management process. Planning, organizing, controlling, staffing, and directing are functions that combine to ensure a specific outcome. Proper management provides organizations with the ability to anticipate risks, as well to mitigate risks before they become issues (or errors) later in the life of the managed effort (Preventing the Problem - Proactive). 

The Architecture Office (AO) supports IT QA through the use of project engagements. Each engagement will have its unique set of deliverables, levels of effort, and technical needs. As a result, the AO has devised 3 tiers of service levels based upon the RACI model. 

  • Tier 1: "RA" - Responsible/Accountable
  • Tier 2: "C" - Consulted
  • Tier 3: "I" - Informed

Refer to the QA Process Document for additional details.

Quality Control Process 

IT quality control at the FSA represents one of the managerial functions mentioned above. Control is an important function because it checks for errors and prescribes corrective action. This ensures that deviation from standards is minimized and the stated goals of the organization are achieved in a desired manner. The concept of Control is typically employed when errors are detected (Finding the Problem - Reactive). 

The Architecture Office (AO) is currently working on process improvements in this area. The AO will also support IT QC reviews on an as-needed basis.