TEDSTreatment Episode Data Set

The Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) compiles client-level data for substance abuse treatment admissions from State Agency data systems. State data systems collect data from facilities about their admissions to treatment and discharges from treatment. TEDS is an admission-based system, but it does not include all admissions.

Many of these facilities that report TEDS data receive State funds or Federal block grant funds to provide alcohol and/or drug treatment services. State laws require substance abuse treatment programs to report publicly funded admissions. Some States only collect publicly funded admissions. Other States are able to collect privately funded admissions from facilities that receive public funding. States then report these data from their State administrative systems to SAMHSA.

Admissions and Discharges

The TEDS system has two major components:

  • Treatment Episode Data Set—Admissions (TEDS-A)
  • Treatment Episode Data Set—Discharges (TEDS-D)

The key differences between the two sets are:

  • TEDS-A includes data on admissions, and TEDS-D includes data on discharges that are linked to their corresponding admission records.
  • TEDS-A data collection began in 1992, and TEDS-D began in 2000.

The two data sets are similar in the following ways:

  • Both collect records for admissions who are 12 years old and older.
  • Each record represents an admission or discharge, not an individual person. Therefore, if an individual were admitted twice in one year, it would count as two admissions.
  • Both include demographic information such as age, sex, race/ethnicity, and employment status.
  • Both include substance abuse characteristics such as substances used, age at first use, route of use, frequency of use, and number of previous admissions.

Latest in TEDS

Annual Report | Treatment Episode Data Set, Mental Health Client-Level Data - October 3, 2018