

Market Facilitation Program Enrollment Ongoing

Nebraska Farm Service Agency offices across the state are working with producers on implementation of the Market Facilitation Program, the details of which were announced by Secretary Perdue on Aug. 27. Program sign-up is open and an application must be made by Jan. 15, 2019, even though total 2018 production numbers can be provided to FSA through May 1, 2019. Impacted crops include corn, soybeans, sorghum and wheat in Nebraska. Pork and dairy producers also are eligible for assistance, within program parameters. To read the news announcement, click here. A fact sheet outlining the program can be accessed by clicking here.

Farm Service Agency County Committee Elections Under Way: Vote Now!

                                                     COC Election

Elections are taking place now for USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committees. Eligible voters started receiving ballots the week of Nov. 5. Producers must participate or cooperate in an FSA program to be eligible to vote in the county committee election. Farmers and ranchers who supervise and conduct the farming operations of an entire farm, but are not of legal voting age, may also be eligible to vote.

County committees are unique to FSA and serve as a direct link between agricultural communities across the country and USDA. Stop by your local FSA office to learn about the candidates running in your area or look for information in your local FSA GovDelivery monthly electronic bulletin. Not receiving our email? Sign up today!

Make your vote count. All ballots must be returned to your local FSA office or postmarked no later than Dec. 3, 2018.

For more information on the election in your area, call your County Executive Director (CED). To find your CED, click hereFor general information on FSA county committees, visit

Nebraska FSA Producer Newsletter
  • Click here for November 2018 Producer Newsletter
  • Click here for June 2018 Nebraska FSA News Hard Copy Edition
  • Click here for FSA Annual Policy Reminders
FSA Electronic News Service

GovDelivery, FSA’s digital news service, distributes timely information on Farm Bill programs. This service delivers important updates on program deadlines and requirements direct to your email address. You also can sign up to receive information through our GovDelivery text messaging service.

Click here for more information.
Click here to subscribe.

FSA Loan Servicing Options

There are options for Farm Service Agency loan customers experiencing financial stress. If you are a borrower who is unable to make payments on a loan, contact your local FSA Farm Loan Manager to learn about the options available to you.

Primary and Preservation Loan Servicing for Delinquent FSA Borrowers Fact Sheet

Drought and Disaster Assistance Information

Implementation of disaster programs, authorized in the 2014 Farm Bill, is a top priority for USDA.

FSA Disaster Assistance Programs at a Glance – Fact Sheet

Nebraska Counties With Disaster Declarations, Eligibility for Emergency Loans
Additional Drought Information and Links

From the Nebraska FSA State Executive Director:

Our primary mission is to help Nebraska farmers and ranchers secure financial assistance from USDA programs through accurate, timely and efficient program delivery.

Nebraska FSA is proud to continue its strong tradition of providing customer-based service to Nebraska producers. The hard-working men and women of our FSA county offices are at the forefront of our efforts and remain the primary contact for program participation. We encourage you to speak with the staff at your local office about how we can be of service. Our website can help you learn more about FSA programs and services and help you locate your local FSA Service Center.

In the event you need additional assistance that you can't get from the local level, please don't hesitate to contact me the State FSA Office at the address or phone number listed below.

With regards,

Nancy Johner, Nebraska FSA State Executive Director

Contact us at:

7131 A Street
Lincoln, NE 68510
Phone: 402-437-5581
Fax: 844-930-0237