Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook Tables

ERS analysts track U.S. and international sugar and sweetener production, consumption, and trade. They also monitor and analyze U.S. sweetener policy and events that affect the domestic, Mexican, and other international sweetener markets.

Data Set Last Updated Next Update
World Production, Supply, and Distribution
Table 1-World sugar production, supply, and distribution 7/19/2018
World and U.S. Sugar and Corn Sweetener Prices
Table 2—World refined sugar price, monthly, quarterly, and by calendar and fiscal year 12/18/2018
Table 3a-World raw sugar price, spot, monthly, quarterly, and by calendar and fiscal year 8/18/2011
Table 3b-World raw sugar price, ICE Contract 11 nearby futures price, monthly quarterly, and by calendar and fiscal year 12/18/2018
Table 4—U.S. raw sugar price, duty-fee paid, New York, monthly, quarterly, and by calendar and fiscal year 12/18/2018
Table 5—U.S. wholesale refined beet sugar price, Midwest markets, monthly, quarterly, and by calendar and fiscal year 12/18/2018
Table 6—U.S. retail refined sugar price, monthly, quarterly, and by calendar and fiscal year 12/18/2018
Table 7—U.S. wholesale list price for glucose syrup, Midwest markets, monthly, quarterly, and by calendar and fiscal year 12/18/2018
Table 8—U.S. wholesale list price for dextrose, Midwest markets, monthly, quarterly, and by calendar and fiscal year 12/18/2018
Table 9—U.S. price for high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), Midwest markets, monthly, quarterly, and by calendar and fiscal year 12/18/2018
Table 10—U.S. producer price index for corn sweeteners and sugar, monthly 12/18/2018
Table 11—U.S. consumer price index for sugar and selected sweetener-containing products 11/2/2018
Table 12-Sugarbeet: price per ton, by State and United States 10/18/2018
Table 13-Sugarcane: price per ton, by State 10/18/2018
U.S. Sugar Supply and Use
Table 14-U.S. sugarbeet crops: area planted, acres harvested, yield per acre, and production, by State and region 12/18/2018
Table 15-U.S. sugarcane: area, yield, production, sugar output, recovery rate, and sugar yield per acre, crop years 12/18/2018
Table 16--U.S. beet and cane sugar production (including Puerto Rico), by fiscal year and share of total 12/18/2018
Table 17-U.S. sugarbeet area, yield, and production 12/18/2018
Table 18-U.S. production of beet sugar and cane sugar by State, monthly, quarterly, fiscal, and calendar year 12/18/2018
Table 19-U.S. cane and beet sugar deliveries, monthly, quarterly, and by fiscal and calendar year 12/18/2018
Table 20a-U.S. sugar deliveries for human consumption by type of user, calendar year 2/15/2018
Table 20b-U.S. sugar deliveries for human consumption by type of user, quarterly since 2000 12/18/2018
Table 21-U.S. sugar deliveries: industrial and nonindustrial uses by region 12/18/2018
Table 22-U.S. sugar stocks held by primary distributors, by quarters 12/18/2018
Table 23a-U.S. sugar imports under tariff-rate quota (TRQ), by country, fiscal years 2/7/2011
Table 23b-U.S. sugar imports under tariff-rate quota (TRQ), by country, fiscal years 2/7/2011
Table 23c-U.S. sugar imports under tariff-rate quota (TRQ), by country, fiscal years 2/7/2011
Table23d-U.S. sugar imports under tariff-rate quota (TRQ), by country, fiscal years 2/7/2011
Table23e-U.S. raw sugar tariff-rate quota, allocations,quantities entered, and shortfall, fiscal years 2/7/2011
Table23f-U.S. sugar tariff-rate quotas, allocations,quantities entered, fiscal year 2/7/2011
Table23g-U.S. raw sugar tariff-rate quota, allocations, quantities entered, fiscal year 2007 2/7/2011
Table 23h-U.S. raw sugar tariff-rate quota, allocations, quantities entered, fiscal year 2008 2/7/2011
Table 23i-U.S. raw sugar tariff-rate quota, (TRQ) World Trade Organization (WTO) allocations and entries by month, fiscal year 2009 2/7/2011
Table 24a-U.S. sugar: supply and use (including Puerto Rico), fiscal years 12/18/2018
Table 24b-U.S. sugar: supply and use (including Puerto Rico), fiscal years, metric tons 12/18/2018
Table 25-Monthly estimates of fiscal 2018 U.S. sugar supply and use 12/18/2018
Table 26-Monthly estimates of fiscal 2019 U.S. sugar supply and use 12/18/2018
Corn Sweetener Supply, Use, and Trade
Table 27-U.S. use of field corn, by crop year 12/18/2018
Table 28-U.S. high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) deliveries, quarterly, and by fiscal, and calendar year 9/17/2018
Table 29-U.S. high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) production, quarterly, and by fiscal, and calendar year 9/17/2018
Table 30-U.S. high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) supply and use, by calendar year 4/17/2018
Table 31a-Net cost of corn starch to U.S. wet-millers, Midwest markets, quarterly 12/18/2018
Table 31b-Net cost of corn starch to U.S. wet-millers, Midwest markets, by calendar and fiscal year 11/20/2018
Table 32-U.S. high fructose corn syrup exports, by destinations, 2000-2015 11/20/2018
Table 33-U.S. high fructose corn syrup imports, by source, 2000-2015 11/20/2018
Table 34a-U.S. exports of high fructose corn syrup to Mexico 12/18/2018
Table 34b-U.S. exports of high fructose corn syrup to all countries 12/18/2018
Table 35a--Mexican imports of high fructose corn syrup from the United States 12/18/2018
Table 35b-Mexican imports of high fructose corn syrup from all countries 12/18/2018
Table 36-U.S. corn refinery exports 5/3/2018
Table 37-U.S. dextrose supply and use, by calendar year 9/17/2018
Table 38-U.S. glucose supply and use, by calendar year 9/17/2018
U.S. Exports of Beetpulp
Table 39-U.S. beetpulp exports, by major destination, calendar year 3/16/2016
U.S. Imports of Sugar Syrups
Table 40-U.S. total imports of sugar syrup, by harmonized tariff code 1702.90.4000, monthly 1/15/2015
U.S. Sugar Byproducts, Imports and Prices
Table 41-Monthly imports of molasses, by tariff code 3/24/2015
Table 42a-U.S. blackstrap molasses prices 6/4/2014
Table 42b-U.S beet pulp prices 6/4/2014
U.S. Maple Syrup Production, Prices, and Trade
Table 43-U.S. maple syrup production, imports, exports, and prices, by calendar year 6/29/2016
Table 44-U.S. maple syrup production and value, by state, calendar years 1/23/2017
Table 45-Canadian maple syrup and sugar production, exports, and imports 7/15/2015
U.S. Honey Production and Trade
Table 46-U.S. honey production, imports, exports, stocks, and average price, by calendar year 5/3/2018
Table 47-Honey: number of colonies, yield, production, stocks, price, and value by top producing States and United States 5/3/2018
Table 48-U.S. honey imports, by importing country, calendar year 5/3/2018
U.S. Consumption of Caloric Sweeteners
Table 49-U.S. total estimated deliveries of caloric sweeteners for domestic food and beverage use, by calendar year 9/6/2018
Table 50-U.S. per capita caloric sweeteners estimated deliveries for domestic food and beverage use, by calendar year 9/6/2018
Table 51-Refined cane and beet sugar: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year 9/6/2018
Table 52-High fructose corn syrup: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year 9/6/2018
Table 53-Other sweeteners: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year 9/6/2018
Sugar and Sweeteners in Mexico
Table 54-Bulk sugar prices in Mexico, estandar (standard) sugar 12/18/2018
Table 55-Bulk sugar prices in Mexico, refinado (refined) sugar 12/18/2018
Table 56-Mexico: Sugar production and supply, and sugar and HFCS utilization 12/18/2018
U.S. Sugar and Sweetener Trade Tables from USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service
Table 57-U.S. raw sugar tariff-rate quota (TRQ) World Trade Organization (WTO) allocations and entries by month 11/20/2018
Table 58-U.S. refined sugar tariff-rate quota (TRQ) WTO allocations and entries by month, fiscal years (FYs) 2008-18 11/20/2018
Table 59-U.S. sugar and sugar-containing product tariff-rate quota (TRQ) allocations and entries by month under Free Trade Agreements-fiscal years (FYs) 2008-18 11/20/2018
Table 60a-U.S. imports of sugar and certain sugar-containing products from Mexico, fiscal years (FYs) 2008-10 2/7/2011
Table 60b-U.S. imports of sugar and certain sugar-containing products from Mexico, fiscal years (FYs) 2011-18 11/20/2018
Table 61-U.S. monthly sugar imports, fiscal years (FYs) 2008-18 11/20/2018