Agency Biographies

SAMHSA’s leadership team, made up of the Assistant Secretary, Deputies, Directors, and Regional Administrators, brings SAMHSA a variety of experience and expertise in the behavioral health fields, including law, policy and research, mental health and substance use services, state and federal government, and more.

  • Click to view full-size image of Elinore F. McCance-Katz, M.D., Assistant Secretary
    Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use
    As the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, Dr. McCance-Katz advises the HHS Secretary on improving behavioral healthcare in America and leads the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in HHS.
  • Arne Owens picture
    Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
    As the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, Mr. Owens advises the Assistant Secretary on improving behavioral healthcare in America.
  • Click to view full-size image of Anita Everett, M.D.DFAPA, Director of the Center for Mental Health Services
    Director, Center for Mental Health Services
    Dr. Everett is the Director of the Center for Mental Health Services. In this role, she provides executive leadership for federal efforts to improve the nation’s mental health service systems.
  • Click to view full-size image of Deepa Avula, Acting Director, Office of Financial Resources (OFR)
    Director, Office of Financial Resources (OFR)
    Deepa Avula is the Director of the Office of Financial Resources and is responsible for formulating SAMHSA's more than $3 billion dollar budget. Ms. Avula also serves as SAMHSA Chief of Staff.
  • Click to view full-size image of Christopher D. Carroll, M.Sc. Director of Health Care Financing and Systems Integration
    Director of Health Care Financing and Systems Integration
    Christopher D. Carroll is Director of Health Care Financing and Systems Integration.
  • Anne Herron Bio Pic
    Acting Director, CSAT Office of the Director
    Anne M. Herron is the Acting Director of the CSAT Office of the Director.
  • Click to view full-size image of Larke N. Huang, Director of the Office of Behavioral Health Equity.
    Director, Office of Behavioral Health Equity
    Larke N. Huang is the Director of the Office of Behavioral Health Equity. She provides leadership on national policy for mental health and substance use issues for children, adolescents and families.
  • Click to view full-size image of Mirtha Beadle, M.P.A, is the Director, Office of Tribal Affairs and Policy (OTAP)
    Director, Office of Tribal Affairs and Policy
    Mirtha Beadle is Director of the Office of Tribal Affairs and Policy, which serves as SAMHSA’s primary point of contact for tribal nations, tribal organizations, federal agencies, and other governmental agencies on behavioral health issues facing American Indians and Alaska Natives.
  • Click to view full-size image of Paolo del Vecchio, Director, Office of Management, Technology, and Operations
    Director, Office of Management, Technology, and Operations
    Mr. del Vecchio is Director of the Office of Management, Technology, and Operations. In this role, works in partnership with SAMHSA and the Department of Health and Human Services to manage, provide leadership, and ensure SAMHSA's needs are met.
  • Click to view full-size image of Luis Vasquez, Acting Director, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
    Acting Director, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
    Luis “Lucho” Vasquez is the Acting Director of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.
  • Click to view full-size image of Captain Chideha Ohuoha, M.D., M.P.H., Director, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
    Senior Medical Officer, Office of the Chief Medical Officer
    Captain Chideha Ohuoha, M.D., M.P.H., is the Senior Medical Officer of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer
  • Click to view full-size image of Daryl W. Kade, Director, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality
    Director, Office of Communications
    As the Director, Office of Communications (OC), Ms. Kade provides leadership in the development of SAMHSA’s priorities, strategies, and practices for effective communications to targeted public audiences, including relations with the media.

Regional Administrators

  • SAMHSA Region 1 Administrator - Vacant
    SAMHSA Regional Administrator Region 1 includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
  • Click to view full-size image of Dennis O. Romero, M.A.
    As a SAMHSA Regional Administrator, Mr. Romero oversees Region 2, which includes New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands.
  • Click to view full-size image of Jean Bennett, Ph.D.
    As a SAMHSA Regional Administrator, Jean Bennett oversees Region 3, which includes Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
  • Click to view full-size image of Stephanie McCladdie, M.P.A.
    As a SAMHSA Regional Administrator, Ms. McCladdie oversees Region 4, which includes Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
  • Click to view full-size image of Captain Jeffrey A. Coady, Psy.D.
    As SAMHSA Regional Administrator, Captain Coady oversees Region 5, which includes Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
  • Click to view full-size image of Commander Karen Hearod, LSCW
    As a SAMHSA Regional Administrator, Karen Hearod oversees Region 6, which includes Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma & Texas.
  • Kimberly Nelson headshot
    As SAMHSA Regional Administrator, Kimberly Nelson oversees Region 7, which includes Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska.
  • Click to view full-size image of Charles Smith, Ph.D.
    As a SAMHSA Regional Administrator, Charles Smith oversees Region 8, which includes Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
  • Click to view full-size image of Captain Jon Perez, Ph.D.
    As a SAMHSA Regional Administrator, Jon Perez oversees Region 9, which includes Arizona, California, Hawaii, Guam, Nevada, American Samoa, CNMI, FSM, Marshall Islands, and Palau.
  • Click to view full-size image of David Dickinson, M.A.
    As a SAMHSA Regional Administrator, Mr. Dickinson oversees Region 10, which includes Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Last Updated: 01/04/2018