Daryl W. Kade, M.A.

Click to view full-size image of Daryl W. Kade, Director, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality
Director, Office of Communications
As the Director, Office of Communications (OC), Ms. Kade provides leadership in the development of SAMHSA’s priorities, strategies, and practices for effective communications to targeted public audiences, including relations with the media.

In this role, Ms. Kade is responsible for public affairs and public relations, disseminating products and supporting campaigns, managing the web presence and social media messages, and providing communications support to the rest of the agency. 

Previously, Daryl served as Director of the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ) and provided oversight for CBHSQ’s role as the lead government agency for behavioral health statistics, as designated by the Office of Management and Budget. The CBHSQ provides national leadership in behavioral health statistics and epidemiology, promotes basic and applied research in behavioral health data systems and statistical methodology, designs and carries out special data collection and analytic projects to examine issues for SAMHSA and other federal agencies, participates with other federal agencies in developing national health statistics policy, and consults and advises SAMHSA’s Assistant Secretary and the Department of Health and Human Services' Secretary on statistical matters.

Prior to CBHSQ, Ms. Kade served for a year as Director of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), whose mission is to bring effective alcohol and drug treatment to every individual, family, and community. To accomplish this, CSAT provides national leadership to expand the availability of effective treatment and recovery services for alcohol and drug problems and to improve access, reduce barriers, and promote high quality effective treatment and recovery services for people with alcohol and drug problems, abuse, or addiction as well as for their families and communities.

Prior to CSAT, Ms. Kade was the Director of the Office of Financial Resources and was responsible for formulating SAMHSA's more than $3 billion budget, including funding for block and discretionary grant programs and program management. These activities included reaching consensus on agency-wide program priorities and cross cutting issues as well as the development and monitoring of budget submissions to the Department, OMB, ONDCP, and Congress. She was responsible for managing SAMHSA's budget execution process, including approving apportionments, allotments, and allowances for each organizational unit, generating and monitoring monthly payroll reports and quarterly and year end status of funds reports, and performing financial control assessments and developing and monitoring corrective action plans. Ms. Kade was responsible for improving the efficiency with which grants and contracts were awarded and ensured that funding was placed with the applicants most likely to achieve the greatest benefit. Ms. Kade also facilitated financial management by all staff to maximize program outcomes and reduce the possibility of fraud, waste, and abuse. She received both an SES Meritorious Presidential Rank Award and an SES Distinguished Executive Rank Award for her service in this position.

Prior to coming to SAMHSA, Ms. Kade worked for the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) where she served as the budget and legislative analyst responsible for drug treatment and prevention programs. Before working at ONDCP, she was employed as a program analyst for the Office of Planning, Budget and Evaluation and the Department of Education.

After receiving a Masters Degree in Public Affairs from the University of Minnesota in 1975 and a Masters Degree in Criminal Justice from the State University at Albany in 1976, she spent the next 10 years working for the New York State Assembly Ways and Means Committee. From 1984 to 1987, she served as the Deputy Budget Director for the Committee.

Last Updated: 12/10/2018