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Secretarial Initiatives
Envision Centers

The EnVision Center demonstration focuses on empowering people to leave HUD-assisted housing through self-sufficiency to become responsible homeowners and renters in the private market. By doing so, HUD will be able to make those resources available to others and help more Americans.

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Health and Housing
Secretary Ben Carson

Secretary Carson has announced the Protect Our Kids! initiative — a Department-wide review & effort to ensure compliance with regulations that are intended to reduce the potential of lead poisoning in children.

"I approach this endeavor, lead and other home hazard prevention, with a tremendous sense of purpose, with an enormous degree of humility, and with an insatiable desire to fix these problems quickly and correctly."

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Secretary of HUD
Secretary Ben Carson


Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D., was sworn in as the 17th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on March 2, 2017. Appointed by the President, and a member of his Cabinet, the Secretary advises the President on housing issues, creates and implements policy, and oversees all programs in the Department.