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HSI Forensic Laboratory


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HSI-FL: Lab Coats with HSI-FL patch
HSI-FL: Analyst looking at tape
HSI-FL: Analyst looking at computer monitor
ICE's HSI Forensic Laboratory provides a broad range of forensic, intelligence and investigative support to ICE, DHS and many other U.S. and foreign law enforcement agencies.

Forensic Services

Latent Print Section

The HSI Forensic Laboratory Latent Print (LP) Section provides finger and palm print services and support across all investigative disciplines. These services include, but are not limited to, processing evidence for latent prints (e.g., drug packaging and paraphernalia, firearms, computers, currency, compact discs), latent print comparison, inked print comparison, searching automated fingerprint identification system databases, and providing crime scene assistance.

Questioned Document Section

The HSI Forensic Laboratory Questioned Document (QD) Section specializes in determining the authenticity of documents and identifying the presence of alterations within those documents. Specialized equipment may be used during the examination process that will not affect or damage the original document.

While the QD Section specializes in a full range of travel and identity documents, including but not limited to, passports, visas, driver’s licenses, identification cards and vital records (e.g., birth, death, marriage), any questioned document may be submitted to the HSI Forensic Laboratory for forensic examination.

The QD Section conducts the following forensic examinations:

  • Alteration
  • Authentication
  • Common or Same Source Association
  • Handwriting
  • Indented Impressions
  • Thermal Ribbon Analysis
  • Typewriting and Typewriter Ribbon Analysis
  • Charred and Water-Soaked Documents
  • Physical Match

Operations Services

The Operations Section uses information developed in the course of the Laboratory's forensic examinations to enhance the abilities of field agents to recognize identity document fraud when they encounter it in the course of their duties. Initiatives include the following:

  • Training – Section personnel develop and deliver training programs on current trends in document security and document fraud that incorporate the results of forensic examinations to HSI special agents and law enforcement partners. This training develops the abilities of law enforcement officers to identify fraudulent documents.
  • Document intelligence products – Section personnel create intelligence bulletins to help law enforcement officers examine new identity and travel documents and to identify trends in document fraud.

Polygraph Program

The HSI Forensic Laboratory Polygraph Program consists of HSI special agents trained in the detection of deception as well as various interview techniques. The section conducts polygraph examinations in support of a wide variety of HSI investigations including counter-proliferation, human smuggling and trafficking, internal and narcotics. Polygraph examinations can establish a subject's credibility and identify additional leads, suspects and assets. Polygraph examinations are also given to foreign law enforcement officers seeking to join HSI vetted law enforcement units.

Other Laboratory Services

The HSI Forensic Laboratory oversees the Evidence Recovery Team (ERT) Program. The ERTs were created to provide uniformity and consistency within the agency by recognizing that the collection, documentation, and preservation of forensic evidence during an investigation is of utmost importance. This initiative aims to deploy extensively-trained HSI agents to crime scenes in all programmatic areas to assist in large-scale investigations. While the focus of processing items of evidence still remains with the HSI Forensic Laboratory and other scientific laboratories, the ERT provides field investigators an opportunity to utilize individuals with specialized skills immediately during an investigation.

The HSI Forensic Laboratory is accredited by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board.

Last Reviewed/Updated: 01/03/2018