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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has a zero tolerance policy for all forms of sexual abuse or assault. 

ICE maintains a Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention (SAAPI) Program that ensures effective procedures for preventing, reporting, responding to, investigating, and tracking incidents or allegations of sexual abuse or assault against individuals in ICE detention. 

ICE is committed to safety and security in all of its detention and holding facilities.

Implementation of Protections

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) PREA Regulation

On March 7, 2014, DHS issued the regulation entitled “Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Sexual Abuse and Assault in Confinement Facilities” (DHS Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)). This regulation built upon existing ICE sexual assault and abuse related policies and practices, and outlined robust requirements for screening, training, detainee education, reporting, response, medical care, investigative protocols, discipline, and monitoring and oversight.

DHS PREA is divided into three subparts:

  • Subpart A: Covers long-term immigration detention facilities, which house individuals in immigration proceedings or awaiting removal from the United States.
  • Subpart B: Covers holding facilities used by ICE for the temporary administrative detention of individuals pending release from custody or transfer to a court, jail, prison, other agency or other unit of the facility or agency.
  • Subpart C: Covers DHS PREA audits and compliance.

Related ICE Policy and Protocols

On May 22, 2014, ICE issued ICE Policy No. 11062.2: Sexual Assault and Abuse Prevention and Intervention (SAAPI Directive).  The SAAPI Directive incorporates DHS PREA requirements applicable to ICE at the agency level and extends SAAPI protections to all individuals in ICE custody, regardless of whether they are in a confinement facility at the time.

On September 22, 2014, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) issued ICE Policy No. 11087.1: Operations of ERO Holding Facilities (“ICE Hold Room Directive”). This directive incorporates DHS PREA requirements and protections for all individuals at ERO holding facilities.

Facility Implementation

Prior to the issuance of DHS PREA standards, ICE developed strong safeguards against sexual abuse and assault of its detainees in both agency policies and the ICE detention standards.  The ICE Family Residential Standards (FRS) and ICE Performance Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS) 2008 outline responsibilities for facility detention staff and included a standard to protect detainees from sexual abuse and assault in facilities. The PBNDS 2011 Standard 2.11, Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention (SAAPI), reinforced existing protections by strengthening requirements for screening, staff training, and detainee education, protection and appropriate housing of victims, protocols for conducting prompt and thorough investigations, and tracking and monitoring those investigations.  Not all facilities are obligated to comply with PBNDS 2011; however, in 2013, ICE requested any detention facilities with an average daily population (ADP) of greater than 10 detainees implement PBNDS 2011 Standard 2.11.  Fifty-seven detention facilities not otherwise covered by PBNDS 2011 have adopted Standard 2.11. 

DHS PREA mandates adoption of its requirements in any new, renewed, or substantively modified detention contracts. As of the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, ICE implemented DHS PREA at all 23 dedicated ICE detention facilities (i.e., facilities that exclusively hold ICE detainees) and at seven non-dedicated ICE detention facilities. In FY 2016, PREA standards were adopted at detention facilities housing 64% of the ICE ADP, and 79% of the ICE ADP when excluding U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) facilities (which are covered by the U.S. Department of Justice PREA regulation).

When combining the sexual abuse and assault safeguards contained in DHS PREA, PBNDS 2008, the FRS, and PBNDS 2011, approximately 90% of the ICE ADP is covered by these extensive protections and prevention requirements.  

Prevention of Sexual Assault (PSA) Coordinators

The ICE SAAPI Directive and DHS PREA require the designation of an upper-level, agency-wide ICE Prevention of Sexual Assault (PSA) Coordinator. Claire Trickler-McNulty is the current ICE PSA Coordinator.   

The ICE SAAPI Directive also requires both Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) and ICE Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) to designate PSA Coordinators to assist in ensuring compliance in their respective program offices.  The ICE, ERO, and OPR PSA Coordinators work together  to develop and implement agency policies and standards related to sexual abuse and assault prevention and intervention. The current ICE ERO PSA Coordinator is Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer (SDDO) Alan Greenbaum, and the current ICE OPR PSA Coordinator is Sara Lilly.

How to Make a Report

ICE provides detainees and their attorneys, family, friends, and associates multiple ways to report sexual abuse, retaliation for reporting sexual abuse, or staff neglect or violations of responsibilities that may have contributed to such incidents. Third parties not connected to a detainee can also report these allegations. Reports are confidential and may be made anonymously, both verbally and in writing.

The following offices accept reports of sexual abuse or assault: 

The DHS Office of the Inspector General (DHS OIG)

The DHS OIG may be reached at 1-800-323-8603 or:

Office of Inspector General/MAIL STOP 0305
Department of Homeland Security
245 Murray Lane SW
Washington, DC 20528-0305

The ICE ERO Detention Reporting and Information Line (DRIL):

The DRIL may be reached at (888) 351-4024 or by completing the form

The ICE Office of Professional Responsibility (ICE OPR):

ICE OPR can be reached via the Joint Intake Center (JIC) at 877-246-8253, or by email at Joint.Intake@dhs.gov or:

PO Box 14475
Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20044

Victim Resources

ICE provides access to victim services and victim advocates for detainees who have been subjected to sexual abuse and assault. Victim services may be provided either within the facility or in the local community. Victim advocates can assist and support the victim as he or she negotiates reporting, interviews, and related medical and mental health examinations and evaluations. Victim and advocacy services are provided at no charge to the detainee.  

Protections:  U visas provide temporary immigration status to victims of certain qualifying crimes, including sexual abuse and assault. Additional information about U visas can be found here.

Other PREA Related Questions or Concerns

Individuals may also contact the ICE ERO Detention Reporting and Information Line (DRIL) for any other issues and questions related to PREA or the sexual abuse and assault of individuals in ICE custody: 

The ICE ERO Detention Reporting and Information Line ( DRIL ):

The DRIL may be reached at (888) 351-4024 or by completing the contact form

  • DHS PREA Regulation: Sets Department of Homeland Security (DHS) standards to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse in ICE and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confinement facilities.
  • ICE SAAPI Directive: Establishes policy and procedures for the prevention of sexual abuse or assault of individuals in ICE custody, and provides ICE-wide policy and procedures for timely notification of sexual abuse and assault allegations, prompt and coordinated response and intervention, and effective monitoring of sexual abuse and assault investigations.
  • ICE Hold Room Directive:  Establishes ERO policy and procedures for holding facilities and incorporates the relevant DHS PREA requirements. The ICE Hold Room Directive is Law Enforcement Sensitive and not currently publicly available.

ICE Detention Standards

  • Performance Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS) 2008
    Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention (SAAPI) Standard
    The PBNDS 2008 SAAPI Standard establishes the responsibilities of ICE detention facility staff to prevent sexual abuse and assaults of detainees, provide prompt and effective intervention and treatment for victims of sexual abuse and assault, and control, discipline, and prosecute the perpetrators of sexual abuse and assault.
  • Performance Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS) 2011
    PBNDS 2011 includes protections related to the prevention of sexual abuse and assault in a number of standards.  These protections are included in a variety of areas, including medical and mental health care, admission and release, detainee supervision and monitoring, and grievances. However, the majority of specific requirements related to sexual abuse and assault prevention are in Standard 2.11 Sexual Assault and Abuse Prevention and Intervention (SAAPI).  This revised standard reinforces protections against sexual abuse and assault in facilities by strengthening requirements for screening, staff training, and detainee education; establishing procedures to ensure the protection and appropriate housing of victims; establishing protocols for conducting prompt and thorough investigations in coordination with criminal law enforcement entities; and setting requirements for tracking and monitoring data relating to sexual abuse and assault incidents.
  • ICE Family Residential Standards (FRS) 
  • Sexual Assault and Abuse Prevention and Intervention (SAAPI) Standard
    This standard establishes the responsibilities of Family Residential Center staff and ICE personnel with respect to prevention, response and intervention, reporting, investigation, and tracking of incidents of sexual abuse or assault.

DHS PREA requires routine audits of ICE detention and holding facilities’ compliance with the regulation’s mandates. ICE began audits in Fiscal Year 2017. ICE PREA Audit Reports will be posted on this page (in alphabetical order) as they become available.

Last Reviewed/Updated: 09/07/2018