United States Office of Government Ethics, Preventing Conflicts of Interest in the Executive Branch

About OGE

The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE), established by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, provides overall leadership and oversight of the executive branch ethics program, which is designed to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest. OGE’s mission is part of the very foundation of public service. The first principle in the Fourteen General Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and Employees is, “Public service is a public trust, requiring employees to place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws and ethical principles above private gain.”

Each day, some part of the ethics program is at work in every agency in the executive branch. The program ensures that Presidential appointees are aware of their ethical obligations and role in creating an ethical culture in their organizations. It ensures that public servants at all levels remain free from conflicts of interest as they carry out the responsibilities the American people have entrusted to them and after they leave government that they do not exercise undue influence on behalf of others. Above all, it is working to protect the public’s trust in government.

Navigate the links below to learn more about the U.S. Office of Government Ethics.

Mission & Responsibilities
The mission of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is to provide overall leadership and oversight of the executive branch ethics program designed to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest. This section provides information about how OGE fulfills its important mission. It also describes the roles and responsibilities that agency heads, ethics officials, federal employees, and the public have in implementing the executive branch ethics program. Click here for more information about the agencies and entities responsible for investigating and prosecuting misconduct across the three branches of government as well as state and local government employees.
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OGE is headed by a Director who is appointed to a five-year term by the President. In addition to the Office of the Director, OGE is divided into four divisions that work in concert to carry out OGE's mission. This section describes the responsibilities and activities of the Director and the four divisions.
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Director's Notes
The Director’s Notes provide an inside perspective of OGE and the executive branch ethics program from the OGE’s Senior Leadership. This section also contains an archive of all Director’s Notes..
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Legislative Affairs & Budget
OGE monitors congressional activity for ethics-related legislation that affects the executive branch ethics program and shares its expertise with Congress. This section provides links to ethics legislation and legislative proposals, correspondence to Congress, budget and appropriations information, reports and testimony to Congress.
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Management Reports & Policies
This section provides information about and links to OGE’s performance and strategic documents, compliance reports, administrative policies, procedures, plans, website policies, and social media privacy statement.
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International Activities
At the request of foreign policy agencies and entities of the U.S. Government, OGE discusses its role as a corruption prevention organization and shares its experiences with foreign governments directly and within multilateral processes. This section describes OGE’s international activities and provides links to key reference documents, translated documents, papers and speeches, and related international links.
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Learn more about careers at OGE.
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This page serves as a central source for information about OGE’s privacy program. The page includes links to the agency’s Privacy Impact Assessments, System of Records Notices, and other resources.

Contact Us
This page contains key points of contact.
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