Running BLAST search against custom BLAST databases


This tutorial will demonstrate how to run protein BLAST search against the local protein database.

You need to download and unzip the test data files for this tutorial. Please note the path to the location of saved files for later use.

For your custom database, first run makeblastdb on your FASTA file. Makeblastdb is part of standalone BLAST. See the links at the end of this tutorial.

Step 1: Load the test file

In Genome Workbench in File drop down menu select Open item. 'Open' dialog will display.

Select the File Import tab on the left. Leave File Format as 'Autodetect format'. Leave the 'Veify that the data match the selected file format' check-box checked.

Click on the folder icon next to the Filenames box, browse to the test files location and select the query_prot_dnaA_Sta.fa file.

open file

Click Next, Next, and Finish.

Genome Workbench will add the new project.

new project

Step 2: Run BLAST tool

Select the new project in Project View.

select project

In the Tools drop down menu select the Run Tool item. 'Run Tool' dialog will be displayed.

run tool

Select the BLAST command and click Next.

In the 'Run Tool - BLAST' screen select:

  • Query Sequences: Proteins
  • Program: Protein-Protein (BLASTp)
  • Subject: Local Database
  • Database: \full path to database location that you have created during introduction\proteins_10_Sta_local_ids
  • Add Local BLAST DB data loader to the project check box: checked

run tool blast

Click Next, observe default parameters and click Next again, observe default parameters and click Finish. 'Mixed sequence alignments' file is created.

mixed sequence alignments

Right-click the 'Mixed sequence alignments' file and select the Open New View command. Open View dialog will be displayed.

open new view

Select 'Multiple Alignment View' and click Next. Multiple alignment view will be displayed.

multiple alignment view

Other Information Sources

Genome Workbench also allows to run nucleotide BLAST search against local nucleotide database (MEGAblast and blastn), protein against translated nucleotide database (tblastn), translated nucleotide against translated nucleotide database (tblastx), and several other.

For more information please refer to:

Current Version is 2.12.10 (released August 20, 2018)

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Last updated: 2017-11-04T03:25:26Z