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Market Research (Includes: Sources Sought Notices, Request for Information, Special Notices, etc.)

Request for Proposal (RFP):

N01CN87006-18 entitled " PREVENT Cancer Preclinical Drug Development Program: cGMP Production of Vaccines and Biologicals for Cancer Prevention", Due: 1/18/2019 (unless extended by subsequent amendments), Issued: 11/13/2018.

Amendment 1 for RFP No. N02CO87001-94,entitled " NCI Genomic Characterization Centers ", Proposals Due: 3/18/2019 at 4:00 PM Wash. DC local prevailing time, Issued: 12/20/2018.

Request for Quotations (RFQ):

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Contract Solicitation:

Broad Agency Agreements:

There are no Broad Agency Agreements at this time.

Requests for Proposals

Download PDF viewer  N02CO87001-94 NCI Genomic Characterization Centers , Due: 03/18/2019 , Issued: 11/20/2018

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