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Our research themes:

  • Observing Techniques-Involves designing, testing, and automating optimal data collection, as well as quality control, analysis, and transmission of data to improve initialization and validation of operational and research tropical-cyclone models, and to further basic understanding.
  • Modeling and Prediction-This research is aimed at developing and improving both multi-layer numerical and statistical-dynamical models for use in real-time tropical cyclone (TC) track and intensity forecasting.
  • Data Assimilation-Focuses on the utilization of a wide range of observations for the state analysis of tropical systems and their near environments for the purpose of studying physical/dynamical processes and improving numerical forecasts by employing advanced ensemble-based and variational techniques.
  • Dynamics and Physics-This research is aimed at improving our understanding of tropical cyclones through the application of fundamental physical principles of air motion, moist thermodynamics, and radiation.
  • Impacts-The multi-faceted nature of hurricane hazards (winds, storm surge, waves, heavy rainfall, flooding, mudslides, etc) continues to result in natural disasters with loss of life and property. HRD scientists are involved in research to advance the understanding of these impacts
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