Grant and Contract Awards

The following displays the number and dollar amount of grant and contract awards by state and country with details for institutions receiving more than $15 million in support from NCI.

Grants are used when no substantial programmatic involvement is anticipated between the NCI and the grant recipient during performance of the financially assisted activities and when there is no expectation on the part of the NCI of a specified service or product for NCI.

Contracts are used to procure cancer research services and other resources that the Federal government needs to advance the NCI cancer research mission. 

Grant and contract data includes FY 2018 Cancer Moonshot funds and excludes FY 2017 Cancer Moonshot obligations, Breast Cancer Stamp, NRSA tap, the Loan Repayment Program, Program Evaluation, and other assessments. Per the National Institutes of Health's Office of Extramural Research (OER) "Count Rules" & guidelines policy are updated each fiscal year with limits based on the cost center and division. A "0" indicates an award funded by other NIH Institutes that NCI also co-funded.

Grant and Contract Awards by State and Institution

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In the map graphic below, grant and contract awards are presented by state. The table below the graphic provides information for U.S. territories. Within each state, hover to view the total amount awarded and click to view detailed data on institutions that received more than $15 million in support from NCI during FY 2018. For purposes of the Fact Book, institutions include universities, cancer centers, and hospitals.

Other category represents total grant and contract funding in that state for all remaining organizations including universities, cancer centers, and hospitals who receive less than $15 million in NCI support.

Grant Awards by Territory, FY 2018
(Whole Dollars)
Country No. of Grants Amount for Grants No. of Contracts Amount for Contracts Total Number Total Amount
Guam 1 $977,538 0 0 1 $977,538
Puerto Rico 7 3,738,863 0 0 7 3,738,863

Grant and Contract Awards by Country

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NCI funds and co-funds cancer research all over the world. The table below lists number and dollar amount of grant and contract awards by country.

Grant and Contract Awards by Country, FY 2018
(Whole Dollars)
Country No. of Grants Amount for Grants No. of Contracts Amount for Contracts Total Number Total Amount
Argentina 2 $686,921 0 0 2 $686,921
Australia 3 2,797,382 0 0 3 2,797,382
Canada 11 5,560,228 1 810,970 12 6,371,198
Costa Rica 0 0 1 6,208,277 1 6,208,277
France 3 2,003,306 0 0 3 2,003,306
Germany 1 413,604 0 0 1 413,604
India 0 224,969 0 0 0 224, 969
Italy 0 0 1 25,000 1 25,000
Netherlands 1 224,924 0 0 1 224,924
Nigeria 0 159,124 0 0 0 159,124
Peru 0 224,955 0 0 0 224,955
Poland 0 0 1 157,967 1 257,967
South Africa 1 81,956 0 0 1 81,956
Sweden 2 634,524 0 0 2 634,524
Switzerland 1 517,615 0 0 1 517,615
United Kingdom 1 324,000 0 0 1 324,000
Zambia 0 80,028 0 0 0 80,028
Total 26 $13,933,536 4 $7,202,214 30 $21,135,750

  • Posted: December 20, 2018