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With a population of over 100 million people, Ethiopia is one of the fastest-growing population and economies in Africa. Ethiopia’s economy is dependent on agriculture. Agriculture-led economic growth, accompanied by improvements in people’s livelihoods and nutrition, can provide a long-lasting solution to Ethiopia’s chronic poverty and food insecurity and build their resilience to recurring shocks.

  • 563 THOUSAND
    Producers using new technology and practices with Feed the Future’s help in FY16;
  • $35 MILLION
    Income earned by Feed the Future farmers in FY16 from agricultural sales;
    Children under 5 reached with nutrition help in FY16;
  • $19 MILLION
    New private investment leveraged by Feed the Future in FY16;


  • 12 PERCENT
    Reduction in the prevalence of poverty in the areas where Feed the Future has worked since 2013;
  • 30 PERCENT
    Reduction in the prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years old in the areas where Feed the Future has worked since 2013;

Key Achievements

Significant amendments to the Land Administration policy (promoted by the USAID supported LAND activity) have been accepted by the Ministry of Agriculture and will be forwarded to the Council of Ministers and House of Representatives for adoption.

Over 100,000 maize farmers are now using hybrid maize varieties, promoted by a Feed the Future partnership with DuPont Pioneer, more than doubling their yields compared to the traditional varieties they were using previously. Ethiopia, supported by Feed the Future and private sector partners, introduced the first locally-fortified wheat flour in the country.

USAID’s Food for Peace environmental rehabilitation activities restored more than 2,700 hectares of land, which will improve households’ resilience to shocks and stresses. Evidence from Feed the Future’s resilience programming area in the Ethiopian lowlands shows that most households were able to maintain their food security status during oderate droughts in 2015. Households in lowland communities that were reached by comprehensive resilience programs were also better able to maintain their food security status in the face of the severe drought in 2016, whereas households in other communities experienced a 30 percent decline.


The results shown reflect data from the USAID, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Peace Corps, U.S. African Development Foundation and the Department of Treasury (through the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program) reported into Feed the Future’s central monitoring system for fiscal year 2016 (FY16). Impact data for poverty and stunting statistics are derived from the 2016 Feed the Future Ethiopia Interim Population-Based Survey Report. For more information on the indicators above, please view our Feed the Future Indicator Handbook. All dollar amounts are listed in U.S. dollars.


  • Improve productivity and commercialization;
  • Improve resilience to and protection from shocks and disasters with increased livelihood opportunities;
  • Improve nutrition status of women and young children;
  • Strengthen the enabling environment to support increased investment and broad-based agricultural growth;

Zones of Influence in Ethiopia

Map of Ethiopia
  • Amhara
  • Oromia
  • Somali
  • Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s
  • Tigray

Background Stats

  • 102 MILLION
    Number of people living in Ethiopia (World Bank, 2016;)
  • 7.6 PERCENT
    Annual GDP growth. (IMF World Economic Database, 2016;)
  • 80 PERCENT
    Percentage of population living in rural Ethiopia (World Bank, 2016 estimate;)
  • 35 PERCENT
    Percentage of people living in poverty in Feed the Future target regions in 2015;

Value Chains

  • Chickpeas
  • Coffee
  • Dairy
  • Honey
  • Livestock
  • Maize/Corn
  • Poultry
  • Sweet Potato
  • Wheat
Ehite Yilma, an employee of an Ethiopian poultry farm, admires improved production as a result of recent veterinary inputs and advice from staff at the new Bishoftu Farm Service Center.


With a population of over 100 million people, Ethiopia is one of the fastest-growing population and economies in Africa.

Ethiopia’s economy is dependent on agriculture, which accounts for 41 percent of gross domestic product and more than 80 percent of exports. However, challenges persist, including plot sizes too small to maximize economies of scale, low crop yields, lack of access to credit and land tenure constraints, limited use of improved seeds and fertilizers, and weak connections between farms and markets. In Ethiopia, only six percent of cultivated land is currently under irrigation, which is exacerbated by drought conditions.

Undernutrition hampers both human and economic development. Though in decline, child undernutrition rates in Ethiopia are among the highest in the world and undernutrition contributes to over 50 percent of infant and child deaths.

Despite these challenges, agriculture-led economic growth, accompanied by improvements in people’s livelihoods and nutrition, can provide a long-lasting solution to Ethiopia’s chronic poverty and food insecurity by building their resilience to recurring shocks. To achieve this, Feed the Future is helping vulnerable households in Ethiopia increase their agricultural productivity, participate in economic activities, and generate demand for products.


Feed the Future supports the following programs, partnerships and organizations in Ethiopia.

  • African Alliance for Improved Food Processing (AAIFP)
  • Agricultural Growth Project – Livestock Market Development (LMD)
  • Agriculture Knowledge, Learning, Documentation and Policy (AKLDP)
  • Algae/Duckweed Innovation
  • Asian Vegetable Research Development Center
  • Borlaug Higher Education Agricultural Research and Development Program
  • Camel Milk Value Chain Development in Somali Region
  • Capacity to Improve Agriculture and Food Security (CIAFS)
  • Development Credit Authority (DCA)
  • Growth Through Nutrition
  • Environmental Entrepreneurship Program
  • Ethiopia Sustainable Agribusiness Incubator (ESAI)
  • Ethiopia Strategy Support Program (ESSP)
  • Ethiopia’s Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA)
  • Feed the Future Ethiopia Commercial Farm Services Project
  • Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Climate-Resilient Chickpea
  • Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Climate-Resilient Sorghum
  • Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems
  • Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Horticulture
  • Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Integrated Pest Management
  • Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Sorghum and Millet
  • Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss
  • Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Small-Scale Irrigation
  • Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Soybean Value Chain Research
  • Global Agriculture and Food Security Program
  • Feed the Future Systems Change Initiative
  • Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Programs
  • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
  • Graduation with Resilience to Achieve Sustainable Development (GRAD)
  • International Fertilizer Development Center
  • Land Administration to Nurture Development (LAND)
  • Linking Agriculture with Nutrition in Telalak
  • Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services
  • Pastoralist Resilience Improvement and Market Expansion (PRIME)
  • Peace Corps Global Food Security
  • Private Sector Enabling Environment Program
  • Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) partnership
  • Smallholder Horticulture Project (SHH)
  • Small-Scale Irrigation Project
  • Strengthening Institutions for Peace and Development II (SIPED II)
  • The John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer Program
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Food for Progress and McGovern-Dole Food for Education programs
  • U.S. Forest Service
  • U.S. Geological Survey: Groundwater Exploration and Assessment Project
  • University Linkages Program

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