Building a Diverse Workforce

multi-ethnic group of scientists in lab
Credit: iStock

The Center for Cancer Training (CCT) Intramural Diversity Workforce Branch (IDWB) was created to:

  • Attract, recruit, and foster a community of scientists from diverse backgrounds at NCI
  • Support trainees and new recruits through onboarding and mentoring
  • Develop and implement activities and programs to create a lasting culture of inclusion

The IDWB is working to create new opportunities that will enhance recruiting and retention, increase partnerships, and generate diversity awareness. The new Diversity Career Development Program seeks to provide NCI postdoctoral trainees with the tools necessary to develop as leaders in academic independent research careers. The NCI Graduate Student Recruiting Program, recruits outstanding senior graduate students to postdoctoral positions at NCI laboratories, in Bethesda, MD and Frederick, MD.

To stay up-to-date on opportunities and activities, subscribe to our listserv.

Other NCI Programs Promoting a Diverse Scientific Workforce

CRCHD Diversity Training

The Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD) Diversity Training Branch leads NCI's efforts to fund training at institutions nationwide for students and investigators from diverse populations to become the next generation of competitive researchers in cancer and cancer health disparities research.

CCR Diversity Programs

The Center for Cancer Research (CCR) is a distinctive community of scientists who integrate basic research discovery with the development of novel interventions against cancer and HIV/AIDS. The Center is committed to training the next generation of researchers and participates in several programs that help students from diverse backgrounds learn more about biomedical research and scientific careers.

Career Opportunities at NIH


  • NCI Future Fellows application (post your resume)
  • Scientists Committed to Science - “Tenure-Track Positions at the NIH”, Presented by: Dr. Roland Owens and Dr. Charles Dearolf, Assistant Directors, NIH Office of Intramural Research
  • NIH Intramural Research Program
  • Network of African-American Fellows at the NIH (NAAF): The mission of this group is to create an environment of support for African American scientists during their tenure at NIH. To become a member of the network, please Join the NIH-NAAF listserv. To learn more about NAAF, please visit NIH OITE at
  • NIH - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered - Fellows and Friends (LGBT-FF) helps its members thrive in their professional and personal lives by addressing issues unique to the LGBT community. Join the LGBT-FF listserv to learn about up-coming LGBT-FF meetings. If you would like more information about LGBT-Fellows and Friends, please visit NIH OITE at
  • NIH SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native American in Science) Chapter: The SACNAS mission is to foster the success of Hispanic/Chicano and Native American scientists - from college students to professionals - to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in science. If you want to be a member of this chapter, please sign up for the list-serv (NIH-SACNAS). You may also want to join our LinkedIn group (The NIH SACNAS Chapter). Read more about the national organization or please visit NIH OITE at
  • NIH Black Scientists and Friends Network, an informal group dedicated to the mentoring and career enhancement of Black scientists at NIH. Activities, which are open to all who share the group's goals, regardless of race, include a monthly networking dinner in Bethesda and the dissemination of information of potential interest to Black scientists. For more information, contact Dr. Roland Owens.

For information on cancer research training grants for individuals from backgrounds underrepresented in cancer biomedical and behavioral sciences, see the Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD) Diversity Training Branch (DTB).

Spotlight on Scientists

Chanelle Case Borden, Ph.D.

Chanelle Case Borden, Ph.D., a National Institutes of Health postdoctoral fellow, discusses overcoming challenges and the rewarding field of molecular oncology.

Andrea Apolo, M.D.

Dr. Andrea Apolo, physician and cancer researcher, discusses her path to medical school and advice for aspiring doctors. Dr. Apolo is a principal investigator and the head of the Bladder Cancer Section in the Genitourinary Malignancies Branch at the National Cancer Institute’s Center for Cancer Research.

  • Updated: May 19, 2016