
Governor Bruce Rauner

Governor Rauner

Strong Schools

Education is the most important thing we do as a community and our goal as a state should be to have the strongest schools in every neighborhood of every community. In the last two years, we have delivered unprecedented funding for our schools and increased support for early childhood education. At the same time, we established the School Funding Reform commission, which has made recommendations to ensure that every child in Illinois gets a shot at the American dream, no matter where they live.

Honest Government

State government must show it is making real changes to win back the trust of residents. To that end, the Governor’s Office has closed the revolving door of state employees leaving the Executive Branch for lobbying, closed loopholes in the gift ban and required employees to disclose more about their economic interests. But more can be, and must, be done. Term limits on elected officials and implementing Fair Maps to give voters more of a say in their representation, would send a clear signal that Illinois is serious about changing the culture of Springfield.

Tax Relief

Illinois has the highest property taxes in the nation, placing an undue burden on families and deterring employers from locating here. A property tax freeze would bring long overdue relief to our residents and make the state more competitive when it comes to attracting new businesses, and the jobs they bring with them, to our state.

Good Jobs

Creating good jobs in Illinois is essential to economic growth and providing a better future for our families and state. We need to get rid of burdensome regulations that scare businesses away and become a state where employers want to invest and grow. By creating a system that is more conducive to job creation, we can grow the economy and ensure the state has the resources it needs to fund critical services.

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