Downloadable Guides and Resources

Download these guides and accommodation cards for people with disabilities or access and functional needs. These resources can help you prepare for and respond to disasters.

Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities (PDF, 1 MB)
This guide can be downloaded and used by anyone, with or without a disability, to help you prepare for disasters. The guide includes information that can help you create a personal disaster plan as well as plans for service animals and pets. (American Red Cross)

Readiness Guide for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals (PDF, 576 KB)
Do you need help to prepare a disaster plan? You can download and use this form to guide you in making a personalized plan. You can record things like concerns you have, contacts, needed supplies, how to evacuate, and shelter locations. (Kentucky’s Governor’s Office)

Disaster Preparedness and the Deaf Community (PDF, 704 KB)
This guide offers three sections: The Four Steps for Preparedness, When Disaster Strikes, and Emergency Contact Cards. Learn how to make a plan and build a kit and what to do during and after a disaster. You can also print communication and emergency contact cards to carry with you. (American Red Cross)

Communication Cards
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind, these cards can help you in an emergency. Create your own and carry them to use any time you or a family member must make your communication needs known.

(State of Illinois)

Last Updated: 10/17/2018