Online Resources

Below are helpful resources just for seniors. Find information and tools to help you learn how to prepare for emergencies.

Operation Emergency Prepare
Help your community prepare for an emergency with this how-to guide. It includes tips and checklists, and there’s also a short video that offers some basic information about the project. (AARP)

Emergency Preparedness
Find best practices and resources to help seniors better prepare for all types of emergencies. You can get information for individuals as well as for service providers and communities. (Department of Health and Human Services)

Resources for Seniors
Do you have anyone who will check in on you in an emergency? Every senior needs to create a personal support network for just this purpose. Learn seven important points you need to discuss and work out with your network. (American Red Cross)

Personal Preparedness for Older Adults
Find tips and resources to help you or your caregivers prepare for emergencies. You can get tips on things like personal preparedness, medication, and pets. You can even learn about fraud and scams. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Ready.Gov Resources for Seniors
Learn some important things to consider before there’s an emergency. Like how to create a support network; how to plan for medications and medical supplies; how to prepare emergency documents. You can also learn a safer way to get your federal benefits. (

Last Updated: 10/17/2018