CDC Learning Connection | CDC

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The CDC Learning Connection features quality public health learning opportunities from CDC, other federal agencies, and federally funded partners. Through monthly website features, social media, and an e-newsletter, the CDC Learning Connection keeps you informed about public health trainings, including many that offer free continuing education (CE).

December’s Featured Learning Opportunities

Opioid Dosing

Learn how to safely prescribe, titrate, taper, and discontinue opioid therapy. Free CE.

Health Disparities

Learn how to calculate and interpret key measures of health disparity. CE available.

Blood smear with trypomastigote form of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent for Chagas disease.
Chagas Disease

Learn about the epidemiology, phases, diagnosis, and treatment of Chagas disease. Free CE.

CDC TRAIN, CDC’s online learning system
Find More Courses

Looking for training on other topics? Access thousands of public health courses via CDC TRAIN.