NonProfit Information Portal at the Department of State
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All DCA Grants and Resources

The Department of Community Affairs provides various grants and resources to nonprofits and other eligible agencies. The Grants and Resources Book identifies these programs by the Divisions within DCA. Further it provides descriptions of the grants/resources; it identifies eligible agencies, and provides contact information. The Grants and Resources Book provides information for all types of agencies, but the programs that nonprofits are eligible for are listed in green text to assist nonprofits quickly identify grants and resources. This publication lists ALL of the grants and resources administered by DCA; to view a list of currently available resources (i.e. grant programs that are currently accepting applications) see the paragraph (View all Currently Available DCA Grants) below.

DCA Grants and Resources Book [pdf 396kB]

Applying for DCA Grants

The Department of Community Affairs accepts reviews, approves, and manages most of their grants electronically using the System for Administering Grants Electronically (SAGE).

Registered users can identify the grants DCA has available, submit grant applications, monitor applications under consideration, communicate with DCA Grant Program Staff, and request changes and manage grants via the SAGE system.

Agencies interested in applying for DCA grants must first register and obtain a user ID and password. If you are not currently registered to use SAGE, please click on the link below and follow the instructions on the bottom of the page to obtain a user ID and password.

NJDCA SAGE home page

View all Currently Available DCA Grants

Not all of the grants listed in the Grants and Resources are available at all times. Programs have different life cycles; to view the grants that are currently available clink on the link below.

View available grant opportunities

SAGE Training

If you are interested in applying for DCA grants and are not familiar with SAGE. Click on the links below for self-paced training.

View Training Videos
Download the DCA Sage User Manual [pdf]