Photo of a family of four sitting around a coffee table discussing emergency plans.
Main Content

Plan Ahead for Disasters

Talk with your family.

Workers search for earthquake survivors in rubble.


Earthquakes can happen at any time. Learn what to do before, during and after.

Prepare now
Two rows of cars on a snow covered road in traffic.

Winter Weather

Know what to do before, during and after snowstorms and extreme cold.

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Photo of a flooded street.


If you approach a flooded road or walkway, follow this rule: turn around, don't drown!

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picture of two cards on a cracked hilly road after a landslide

Landslides & Debris Flow

Landslides can occur quickly, often with little notice. Find out what to do before, during and after a landslide.

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Photo of a forest at night with the red-orange glow from a wildfire.


If there is a wildfire in the area, be ready to evacuate on short notice.

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Photo of a turned off light post at night.

Power Outages

Have alternative charging methods for your phone in case of power outages.

Get more power outage tips
Photo of a beach causing partial flooding into a street along with heavy rain and the wind.


Prepare for hurricanes now. Know where to go if asked to evacuate quickly and how you and your family will get there.

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Photo of the top of a parked police car with its sirens on.

Active Shooter

Be informed about what to do during an active shooting. Remember to RUN. HIDE. FIGHT.

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a photo of a woman wearing a yellow sweater looking at weather alerts on her computer and smart phone.

Be Informed

Know the risks about different disasters and hazards that could affect you & your family where you live, work, and go to school.

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Close up image of a man holding his smart phone, showing push alerts.

Emergency Alerts

Wireless emergency alerts allow officials to provide the public with life-saving information quickly.

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close up picture of a hand turning off a water valve.

Video: Six Things to Know Before a Disaster

Every minute counts during a disaster – plan now so you’re prepared. Here are six important things to know before a disaster strikes.

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a family practices their disaster plan

Make and Practice Your Plan

Disasters don’t plan ahead. You can. Make an emergency plan today & practice it.

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Photo of a man lying on the ground having a heart attack, while a woman on her cell phone tries to help him.

Get Involved

Get involved in your community by taking action with FEMA’s citizen responder programming to help your community become prepared.

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Financial Preparedness

Protect your family by financially preparing before an emergency strikes.

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children sit on the floor, learning about preparedness. A child sitting in the middle raises her hand.

Youth Preparedness

Learn more about youth preparedness and how you can get involved in your community.

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