We know what it takes to end homelessness. The solutions are highlighted below.


Housing provides a foundation from which a person or family can access the services and supports they need to achieve stability, begin the recovery process, and pursue personal goals.

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Integrate Health Care

To treat and manage chronic health and behavioral health conditions that often affect their ability to stay housed and achieve their personal goals, people experiencing homelessness must have access to comprehensive health care.

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Build Career Pathways

One of the most effective ways to support individuals as they move out of homelessness and into permanent housing is increasing access to meaningful and sustainable job training and employment.

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Foster Education Connections

For children and youth experiencing homelessness, schools can be a lifeline. They provide safety, stability, and a connection to community that can help mitigate the impact of homelessness.

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Strengthen Crisis Response Systems

An effective crisis response involves coordinating and reorienting programs and services to a Housing First approach, and emphasizes rapidly connecting individuals and families to permanent housing, while mitigating the traumatic effects of homelessness.

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Reduce Criminal Justice Involvement

Our national data shows that the number of Americans caught in a revolving door between the streets, shelters, and jails may reach the tens of thousands.

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Build Partnerships

Recognizing that the solutions to homelessness cut across federal, state, and local jurisdictions, we need to build a robust interagency, cross-sector approach to preventing and ending homelessness.

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Prevent Homelessness

To end homelessness in America, we must strengthen our ability to prevent it in the first place. To do that, we must take a multi-sector approach that focuses on housing needs, housing stability, and risks of homelessness across many different public systems.

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